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This introduction to the special issue summarizes and contextualizes six novel research contributions at the intersection of information retrieval (IR) and crowdsourcing (also overlapping crowdsourcing’s closely-related sibling, human computation). Several of the papers included in this special issue represent deeper investigations into research topics for which earlier stages of the authors’ research were disseminated at crowdsourcing workshops at SIGIR and WSDM conferences, as well as at the NIST TREC conference. Since the first proposed use of crowdsourcing for IR in 2008, interest in this area has quickly accelerated and led to three workshops, an ongoing NIST TREC track, and a great variety of published papers, talks, and tutorials. We briefly summarize the area in order to help situate the contributions appearing in this special issue. We also discuss some broader current trends and issues in crowdsourcing which bear upon its use in IR and other fields.  相似文献   

A probability ranking principle for interactive information retrieval   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The classical Probability Ranking Principle (PRP) forms the theoretical basis for probabilistic Information Retrieval (IR) models, which are dominating IR theory since about 20 years. However, the assumptions underlying the PRP often do not hold, and its view is too narrow for interactive information retrieval (IIR). In this article, a new theoretical framework for interactive retrieval is proposed: The basic idea is that during IIR, a user moves between situations. In each situation, the system presents to the user a list of choices, about which s/he has to decide, and the first positive decision moves the user to a new situation. Each choice is associated with a number of cost and probability parameters. Based on these parameters, an optimum ordering of the choices can the derived—the PRP for IIR. The relationship of this rule to the classical PRP is described, and issues of further research are pointed out.
Norbert FuhrEmail:

OBJECTIVE: To develop and evaluate a web-based interactive information skills tutorial integrated into the curriculum. To determine whether the tutorial was acceptable to students and explore the use of a skills assessment tool in identifying whether the tutorial improved skills. METHODS: The development of a tutorial on OVID medline to teach transferable information skills. A small cohort study to evaluate students' views on the tutorial and its effects on information skills. RESULTS: Thirteen objective assessments were usable. There was a statistically significant improvement in mean final assessment scores, compared with mean pre-training scores, F(2,14) = 11.493, P = 0.001. Eleven (85%) students had improved their overall information skills. The improvement in overall searching skills was enhanced by referral to the tutorial. CONCLUSIONS: The tutorial was successfully developed and integrated into a Masters programme curriculum. In this setting, it appears to reinforce active learning, and was well received by students, who developed core generic searching skills and demonstrated improved information skills in the short and longer term. Students could use the tutorial for revision and study at a time and place of their choosing. Further evaluation is required to assess the impact of using the tutorial with large groups of students, and as a stand-alone teaching medium.  相似文献   

For a system-based information retrieval evaluation, test collection model still remains as a costly task. Producing relevance judgments is an expensive, time consuming task which has to be performed by human assessors. It is not viable to assess the relevancy of every single document in a corpus against each topic for a large collection. In an experimental-based environment, partial judgment on the basis of a pooling method is created to substitute a complete assessment of documents for relevancy. Due to the increasing number of documents, topics, and retrieval systems, the need to perform low-cost evaluations while obtaining reliable results is essential. Researchers are seeking techniques to reduce the costs of experimental IR evaluation process by the means of reducing the number of relevance judgments to be performed or even eliminating them while still obtaining reliable results. In this paper, various state-of-the-art approaches in performing low-cost retrieval evaluation are discussed under each of the following categories; selecting the best sets of documents to be judged; calculating evaluation measures, both, robust to incomplete judgments; statistical inference of evaluation metrics; inference of judgments on relevance, query selection; techniques to test the reliability of the evaluation and reusability of the constructed collections; and other alternative methods to pooling. This paper is intended to link the reader to the corpus of ‘must read’ papers in the area of low-cost evaluation of IR systems.  相似文献   

To evaluate Information Retrieval Systems on their effectiveness, evaluation programs such as TREC offer a rigorous methodology as well as benchmark collections. Whatever the evaluation collection used, effectiveness is generally considered globally, averaging the results over a set of information needs. As a result, the variability of system performance is hidden as the similarities and differences from one system to another are averaged. Moreover, the topics on which a given system succeeds or fails are left unknown. In this paper we propose an approach based on data analysis methods (correspondence analysis and clustering) to discover correlations between systems and to find trends in topic/system correlations. We show that it is possible to cluster topics and systems according to system performance on these topics, some system clusters being better on some topics. Finally, we propose a new method to consider complementary systems as based on their performances which can be applied for example in the case of repeated queries. We consider the system profile based on the similarity of the set of TREC topics on which systems achieve similar levels of performance. We show that this method is effective when using the TREC ad hoc collection.  相似文献   

With the help of a team of expert biologist judges, the TREC Genomics track has generated four large sets of “gold standard” test collections, comprised of over a hundred unique topics, two kinds of ad hoc retrieval tasks, and their corresponding relevance judgments. Over the years of the track, increasingly complex tasks necessitated the creation of judging tools and training guidelines to accommodate teams of part-time short-term workers from a variety of specialized biological scientific backgrounds, and to address consistency and reproducibility of the assessment process. Important lessons were learned about factors that influenced the utility of the test collections including topic design, annotations provided by judges, methods used for identifying and training judges, and providing a central moderator “meta-judge”.  相似文献   

Information literacy involves the location and access of information through retrieval systems, and many information retrieval systems are designed with specific capabilities to support these very skills. In some cases, system enhancements go beyond simple support and alleviate some of the searcher's responsibilities by performing certain tasks for them. By comparing information retrieval functions to the Association of College and Research Libraries' information literacy standards, this article investigates the extent of support that these enhanced systems can offer, and gives librarians greater insight into how these design enhancements could have an impact on information literacy instruction.  相似文献   

Distributed memory information retrieval systems have been used as a means of managing the vast volume of documents in an information retrieval system, and to improve query response time. However, proper allocation of documents plays an important role in improving the performance of such systems. Maximising the amount of parallelism can be achieved by distributing the documents, while the inter-node communication cost is minimised by avoiding documents distribution. Unfortunately, these two factors contradict each other. Finding an optimal allocation satisfying the above objectives is referred to as distributed memory document allocation problem (DDAP), and it is an NP-Complete problem. Heuristic algorithms are usually employed to find an optimal solution to this problem. Genetic algorithm is one such algorithms. In this paper, a genetic algorithm is developed to find an optimal document allocation for DDAP. Several well-known network topologies are investigated to evaluate the performance of the algorithm. The approach relies on the fact that documents of an information retrieval system are clustered by some arbitrary method. The advantages of a clustered document approach specially in a distributed memory information retrieval system are well-known.Since genetic algorithms work with a set of candidate solutions, parallelisation based on a Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) paradigm seems to be the natural way to obtain a speedup. Using this approach, the population of strings is distributed among the processing elements. Each string is processed independently. The performance gain comes from the parallel execution of the strings, and hence, it is heavily dependent on the population size. The approach is favoured for genetic algorithms' applications where the parameter set for a particular run is well-known in advance, and where such applications require a big population size to solve the problem. DDAP fits nicely into the above requirements. The aim of the parallelisation is two-fold: the first one is to speedup the allocation process in DDAP which usually consists of thousands of documents and has to use a big population size, and second, it can be seen as an attempt to port the genetic algorithm's processes into SIMD machines.  相似文献   

多媒体信息检索是根据相似性度量而不是精确匹配技术进行检索的。有效性是测量多媒体检索系统性能的一个主要参数,本文着重介绍了几种常见的有效性度量方法,讨论了各自的优点、缺点和适用性,并给出了一个新的有效性度量方法。  相似文献   

A standard approach to Information Retrieval (IR) is to model text as a bag of words. Alternatively, text can be modelled as a graph, whose vertices represent words, and whose edges represent relations between the words, defined on the basis of any meaningful statistical or linguistic relation. Given such a text graph, graph theoretic computations can be applied to measure various properties of the graph, and hence of the text. This work explores the usefulness of such graph-based text representations for IR. Specifically, we propose a principled graph-theoretic approach of (1) computing term weights and (2) integrating discourse aspects into retrieval. Given a text graph, whose vertices denote terms linked by co-occurrence and grammatical modification, we use graph ranking computations (e.g. PageRank Page et al. in The pagerank citation ranking: Bringing order to the Web. Technical report, Stanford Digital Library Technologies Project, 1998) to derive weights for each vertex, i.e. term weights, which we use to rank documents against queries. We reason that our graph-based term weights do not necessarily need to be normalised by document length (unlike existing term weights) because they are already scaled by their graph-ranking computation. This is a departure from existing IR ranking functions, and we experimentally show that it performs comparably to a tuned ranking baseline, such as BM25 (Robertson et al. in NIST Special Publication 500-236: TREC-4, 1995). In addition, we integrate into ranking graph properties, such as the average path length, or clustering coefficient, which represent different aspects of the topology of the graph, and by extension of the document represented as a graph. Integrating such properties into ranking allows us to consider issues such as discourse coherence, flow and density during retrieval. We experimentally show that this type of ranking performs comparably to BM25, and can even outperform it, across different TREC (Voorhees and Harman in TREC: Experiment and evaluation in information retrieval, MIT Press, 2005) datasets and evaluation measures.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, research in Information Retrieval (IR) shows performance improvement when many sources of evidence are combined to produce a ranking of documents. Most current approaches assess document relevance by computing a single score which aggregates values of some attributes or criteria. They use analytic aggregation operators which either lead to a loss of valuable information, e.g., the min or lexicographic operators, or allow very bad scores on some criteria to be compensated with good ones, e.g., the weighted sum operator. Moreover, all these approaches do not handle imprecision of criterion scores. In this paper, we propose a multiple criteria framework using a new aggregation mechanism based on decision rules identifying positive and negative reasons for judging whether a document should get a better ranking than another. The resulting procedure also handles imprecision in criteria design. Experimental results are reported showing that the suggested method performs better than standard aggregation operators.  相似文献   

We present a new ranking algorithm that combines the strengths of two previous methods: boosted tree classification, and LambdaRank, which has been shown to be empirically optimal for a widely used information retrieval measure. Our algorithm is based on boosted regression trees, although the ideas apply to any weak learners, and it is significantly faster in both train and test phases than the state of the art, for comparable accuracy. We also show how to find the optimal linear combination for any two rankers, and we use this method to solve the line search problem exactly during boosting. In addition, we show that starting with a previously trained model, and boosting using its residuals, furnishes an effective technique for model adaptation, and we give significantly improved results for a particularly pressing problem in web search—training rankers for markets for which only small amounts of labeled data are available, given a ranker trained on much more data from a larger market.  相似文献   

There have been a number of linear, feature-based models proposed by the information retrieval community recently. Although each model is presented differently, they all share a common underlying framework. In this paper, we explore and discuss the theoretical issues of this framework, including a novel look at the parameter space. We then detail supervised training algorithms that directly maximize the evaluation metric under consideration, such as mean average precision. We present results that show training models in this way can lead to significantly better test set performance compared to other training methods that do not directly maximize the metric. Finally, we show that linear feature-based models can consistently and significantly outperform current state of the art retrieval models with the correct choice of features.

A structured document retrieval (SDR) system aims to minimize the effort users spend to locate relevant information by retrieving parts of documents. To evaluate the range of SDR tasks, from element to passage to tree retrieval, numerous task-specific measures have been proposed. This has resulted in SDR evaluation measures that cannot easily be compared with respect to each other and across tasks. In previous work, we defined the SDR task of tree retrieval where passage and element are special cases. In this paper, we look in greater detail into tree retrieval to identify the main components of SDR evaluation: relevance, navigation, and redundancy. Our goal is to evaluate SDR within a single probabilistic framework based on these components. This framework, called Extended Structural Relevance (ESR), calculates user expected gain in relevant information depending on whether it is seen via hits (relevant results retrieved), unseen via misses (relevant results not retrieved), or possibly seen via near-misses (relevant results accessed via navigation). We use these expectations as parameters to formulate evaluation measures for tree retrieval. We then demonstrate how existing task-specific measures, if viewed as tree retrieval, can be formulated, computed and compared using our framework. Finally, we experimentally validate ESR across a range of SDR tasks.  相似文献   

信息检索扩展技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对信息检索在查询扩展方面的不足,提出了一种结合本体理论和用户相关反馈技术的查询扩展方法。以FirteX作为检索平台, 选取WordNet作为本体扩展资源来验证本文所提出的查询扩展算法,实现结果表明该方法比基于余弦相似性的查询扩展方法在平均查全率、平均查准率方面有更大的优点。  相似文献   

The application of word sense disambiguation (WSD) techniques to information retrieval (IR) has yet to provide convincing retrieval results. Major obstacles to effective WSD in IR include coverage and granularity problems of word sense inventories, sparsity of document context, and limited information provided by short queries. In this paper, to alleviate these issues, we propose the construction of latent context models for terms using latent Dirichlet allocation. We propose building one latent context per word, using a well principled representation of local context based on word features. In particular, context words are weighted using a decaying function according to their distance to the target word, which is learnt from data in an unsupervised manner. The resulting latent features are used to discriminate word contexts, so as to constrict query’s semantic scope. Consistent and substantial improvements, including on difficult queries, are observed on TREC test collections, and the techniques combines well with blind relevance feedback. Compared to traditional topic modeling, WSD and positional indexing techniques, the proposed retrieval model is more effective and scales well on large-scale collections.  相似文献   

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