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The Colophon, published from 1925 through 1935 for an audience of book collectors and connoisseurs, illuminates the debate over the basis of a book's value: genuine quality or artificial scarcity. It also illustrates the distinction between genuine news about the book industry and “publicity hypnosis”—today’s “hype.” The magazine’s authors, designers, typographers, printers, and illustrators were among the finest of their day. Claire Badaracco is an assistant professor at Marquette University, and is currently writing a series of articles about Anglo-American book publishing, journalism, and publicity trades between 1920 and 1940 with the support of The British Academy, the National Endowment, and the Bibliographical Society of America. Her work has been published inAmerican Literary Realism, Journalism Quarterly, Essays in Business and Economic History, and other journals. The Library of Congress, The Center for The Book, is publishing her monograph “The Lakeside Press Four American Books Campaign 1926–1930.”  相似文献   

From work to text to document   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The defining trope for the humanities in the last 30 years has been typified by the move from “work” to “text.” The signature text defining this move has been Roland Barthes seminal essay, “From Work to Text.” But the current move in library, archival and information studies toward the “document” as the key term offers challenges for contemporary humanities research. In making our own movement from work to text to document, we can explicate fully the complexity of conducting archival humanistic research within disciplinary and institutional contexts in the twenty-first century. This essay calls for a complex perspective, one that demands that we understand the raw materials of scholarship are processed by disciplines, by institutions, and by the work of the scholar. When we understand our materials as constrained by disciplines, we understand them as “works.” When we understand them as constrained by the institutions of memory that preserve and grant access to them, we understand them as “documents.” And when we understand them as the ground for our own interpretive activity, we understand them as “texts.” When we understand that humanistic scholarship requires an awareness of all three perspectives simultaneously (an understanding demonstrated by case studies in historical studies of the discipline of rhetoric), we will be ready for a richer historical scholarship as well as a richer collaboration between humanists and archivists.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a fresh and fair way to determine a ranking of science journals according to the “number of citations-to and articles published,” data used by SCI Journal Citation Reports of ISI to determine journal ranking by “impact factor.” Impact is considered a latent variable defined by a set of items (citations and articles published). The theoretical background is Item Response Theory, which suggests that, if we can understand how each item in a set of items operates with an object, then we can estimate a measure for the object. The Rasch model is the most common formulation of that theory. This technique is here applied to the citations and articles published of 62 medical journals (objects) to provide a Rasch measure for these journals which is compared with the current “impact factor” computation.  相似文献   

The history of the creation and development of the VINITI RAS “Geography” reference journal from 1954 to 2008 is considered. The changes in retrofunds and dynamics of the distribution of the overall quantity of documents in the reference journal/database have been followed in relation to the changes in the content contained in the issues during the period of time under consideration. The document information flow of the “ Geography ” database during 1991–2008 was analyzed statistically.  相似文献   

The archival sliver: Power, memory, and archives in South Africa   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Far from being a simple reflection of reality, archives are constructed windows into personal and collective processes. They at once express and are instruments of prevailing relations of power. Verne Harris makes these arguments through an account of archives and archivists in the context of South Africa's transition from apartheid to democracy. The account is deliberately shaped around three themes — race, power, and public records. While he concedes that the constructedness of memory and the dimension of power are most obvious in the extreme circumstances of oppression and rapid transition to democracy, he argues that these are realities informing archives in all circumstances. He makes an appeal to archivists to enchant their work by engaging these realities and by turning always towards the call of and for justice. This essay draws heavily on four articles published previously by me: “Towards a Culture of Transparency: Public Rights of Access to Official Records in South Africa”,American Archivist 57.4 (1994); “Redefining Archives in South Africa: Public Archives and Society in Transition, 1990–1996”,Archivaria 42 (1996); “Transforming Discourse and Legislation: A Perspective on South Africa's New National Archives Act”,ACARM Newsletter 18 (1996); and “Claiming Less, Delivering More: A Critique of Positivist Formulations on Archives in South Africa”,Archivaria 44 (1997). I am grateful to Ethel Kriger (National Archives of South Africa) and Tim Nuttall (University of Natal) for offering sometimes tough comment on an early draft of the essay. I remain, of course, fully responsible for the final text. I presented a version of it in the “Refiguring the Archive” seminar series, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, October 1998. That version was published in revised form in Carolyn Hamilton et al.,Refiguring the Archive (Cape Town: David Philip, 2002).  相似文献   

A notable entry in the 1984 ISI Press book, the Copywriter’s Handbook (for promotion of specialized and scholarly journals) was a 250-word entry “How to Write with Short Words,” written entirely with one syllable words. For an updated and expanded edition in the 1990s, which failed to materialize, author Nat Bodian drew on thirty-plus years of copywriting experience to expand the one-syllable word article on book promotion and book review writing to more than 850 words. An effort to have the lengthy one-syllable article in the Guinness Book of Records also failed; Guinness had no category for such an entry. The article appears in print here for the first time.  相似文献   

Martin Amis’ novel The Information was published in paperback in May 1995. For a number of convergent reasons, the publication became, in itself, a major media event. In examining this occasion., the economic and cultural imperatives that shaped the marketing of The Information and the wider context of contemporary book publishing and its relation to other media, this paper problematises the relationship between cultural and economic value. It considers the discourse around what an author is “worth” in a late capitalist society of fiercely competitive consumer choice, and how the representation of an avowedly “literary” author is mobilised in the marketplace in ways that aim not to threaten to compromise the investment in the difference between literary and popular fiction.  相似文献   

This article discusses the ability of publishers to “pass through” a depreciation of the U.S. dollar by increasing the prices of foreign academic journals. A dollar depreciation is analyzed as a decrease in the supply of foreign academic journals. The price elasticities of demand and supply are defined and illustrated. The relative strengths of the price elasticities are shown to determine the amount of “pass through” and the distribution of the burden of a dollar depreciation between the buyers and the publishers. W. William Woolsey received his Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University in 1987. A Bruce Strauch is associate professor of law and economics at The Citadel. He received his J.D. from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  相似文献   

Aspekt-orientierte Programmierung kann die Komplexit“at von Softwaresystemen reduzieren und damit deren Wartbarkeit und Erweiterbarkeit verbessern. Dies wird durch die Kapselung von kompo“-nenten-“uber“-greifenden Elementen der Implementierung (sogenannten systemweiten Belangen oder „‘crosscutting concerns”) in spezielle Module oder Aspekte erreicht. Aspekt-Mining versucht diese Elemente in existierenden Softwaresystemen zu identifizieren und so die Anpassung an ein aspekt-orientiertes Design zu unterst“utzen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt Methoden und Ergebnisse mehrerer Fallstudien, in denen das dynamische Analyse-Verfahren von [?, ?] untersucht wurde; sie umfa“st ausserdem auch die Beschreibung der Algorithmen. Das Verfahren basiert auf der Analyse von Programmtraces, die in verschiedenen Programml“aufen erzeugt und dann in Ausf“uhrungsrelationen abstrahiert werden. Diese so erhaltene Datenbasis wird auf wiederkehrende Muster untersucht. Die genaue Bedeutung von „‘wiederkehrenden Mustern” wird dabei durch eine Reihe von Bedingungen an die Struktur der Ausf“uhrungsrelationen festgelegt. Dieses Verfahren wurde in dem vollautomatischen Analysewerkzeug DynAMiT implementiert und auf Softwaresystemen von mehr als 80 kLoC evaluiert. DynAMiT fand dabei sowohl systemweite Belange, die schon im System enthalten waren, als auch solche, die durch die Anwendung von AspectJ systematisch hinzugef“ugt wurden.  相似文献   

In this introductory article, we discuss the nature of Program Evaluation, describing the concepts that underlie our formal and informal evaluative efforts. Program Evaluation, like any deliberate inquiry process, is about learning. The process explicates program purposes, activities, and outcomes and generates knowledge about their merit and worth. This knowledge can inform planning and lead to program improvement. We present and discuss various definitions of Program Evaluation, focussing on its purposes and uses. We also provide an overview of the inquiry process, grounding the search for merit and worth in the American Evaluation Association's Guiding Principles for Evaluators. Because program evaluations are typically conducted to inform decision makers, we discuss aspects of professional practise that contribute to the use of an evaluation. This chapter draws heavily on previous work by Sharon Rallis and Gretchen Rossman; see the following references. Rallis, S.F. and Rossman, G.B., “Mixed Methods in Evaluation Contexts: A Pragmatic framework”, in A. Tashakkori and C. Teddlie (eds.),Handbook of Mixed Methods in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2002). Rallis, S.F. and Rossman, G.B., “Communicating Quality and Qualities: The Role of the Evaluator as Critical Friend”, in A.P. Benson, D.M. Hinn and C. Lloyd (eds.),Visions of Quality: How Evaluators Define, Understand, and Represent Program Quality (Oxford: JAI Press, 2001), pp. 107–120. Rallis, S.F. and Rossman, G.B. “Dialogue for Learning: Evaluator as Critical Friend”, in R. Hopson and M.Q. Patton (eds.),How and Why Language Matters in Evaluation, New Directions for Evaluation, 86 (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000). Rossman, G.B. and Rallis, S.F.,Learning in the Field: An Introduction to Qualitive Research, 2nd edition (Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2003). Rossman, G.B. and Rallis, S.F., “Evaluation as Learning: Critical Inquiry and Use as Action”, in V.J. Caracelli and H. Preskill (eds.),The Expanding Scope of Evaluation Use, New Directions in Evaluation 88 (San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2000).  相似文献   

Photocopying of reading materials, especially from holdings in libraries is common practice among Malaysian university students. It is unusual to find a student not making photocopies from books or journals. Photocopying machines are easily found in the campus, especially in the libraries with full cooperation from the machine operators. This article will discuss the copyright law in Malaysia with regard to photocopying practices, especially on the controversial term of “fair use” or “fair dealing” as stated in the act. The second part relates to the main findings from a survey conducted in 2009 about photocopying among university students, and the last part provide alternatives available to publishers on ways to control and to overcome this problem.  相似文献   

Hierarchical Text Categorization (HTC) is the task of generating (usually by means of supervised learning algorithms) text classifiers that operate on hierarchically structured classification schemes. Notwithstanding the fact that most large-sized classification schemes for text have a hierarchical structure, so far the attention of text classification researchers has mostly focused on algorithms for “flat” classification, i.e. algorithms that operate on non-hierarchical classification schemes. These algorithms, once applied to a hierarchical classification problem, are not capable of taking advantage of the information inherent in the class hierarchy, and may thus be suboptimal, in terms of efficiency and/or effectiveness. In this paper we propose TreeBoost.MH, a multi-label HTC algorithm consisting of a hierarchical variant of AdaBoost.MH, a very well-known member of the family of “boosting” learning algorithms. TreeBoost.MH embodies several intuitions that had arisen before within HTC: e.g. the intuitions that both feature selection and the selection of negative training examples should be performed “locally”, i.e. by paying attention to the topology of the classification scheme. It also embodies the novel intuition that the weight distribution that boosting algorithms update at every boosting round should likewise be updated “locally”. All these intuitions are embodied within TreeBoost.MH in an elegant and simple way, i.e. by defining TreeBoost.MH as a recursive algorithm that uses AdaBoost.MH as its base step, and that recurs over the tree structure. We present the results of experimenting TreeBoost.MH on three HTC benchmarks, and discuss analytically its computational cost.
Fabrizio SebastianiEmail:

Upon reviewing thePreliminary Draft of the Report of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights, given the titleIntellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure, one immediately confronts the grand ambiguity that resides in the two words: “intellectual property.” That the task force on the information infrastructure, enshrined with the acronym NII, had to locate precedent for its missioning Supreme Court Justice Story's 1841 observations on copyright issues as an area involving the “metaphysics of the law” indicates what a long reach the very notion of intellectual property entails in a democratic society. He is the author ofCommunicating Ideas: The Politics of Publishing and has published widely in the journal literature, includingScholarly Publishing; Logos; Publishing Research Quarterly; Journal of the American Society of Information Science, among others.  相似文献   

Young adult literature can be used to enhance students' understanding of literary techniques and concepts, providing a “transition” between children's and adult fiction. Two young adult novels—The Pigman andI am the Cheese—are used to illustrate the use of young adult novels to teach about literary elements such as tome, point of view, characterization, motif, symbolism, style, and structure. Maia Pank Mertz areas of specialization include the teaching of young adult literature, literature study, and the impact of media on adolescents.  相似文献   

The experience from web 2.0 usage in libraries is analyzed. The potential uses of web 2.0 technology (the second-generation web) at enterprises are considered. Web 2.0 technology can be used in order to improve information support for employees via “the encyclopedia of knowledge,” based on Wiki technology, to promptly inform employees about news or new arrivals based on RSS technology, to discuss problems and cooperative work on projects using an internal blog, to navigate information resources using collective bookmarks and collective catalogs, and in other ways.  相似文献   

A new appraisal method for national government records introduced in the 1990s aimed at reducing backlogs in the transfer of pre-1976 records to the National Archives of the Netherlands. Since then, appraisal and disposition decisions are based on macro analysis. Preventing new backlogs from occurring was a second goal. The socalled project PIVOT (1991–2001 and after) coordinated the introduction, development, and implementation of the new appraisal method. This article describes the objectives, method, and appraisal criteria, as well as the criticism and laborious progress of this ongoing story. This article is a revised and enlarged version of an earlier publication, “Makrohindamine Hollandis. Eskimesed kümme aanstat: 1991–2001”, TUNA Ajalookultuuri ajakiri 4 (2003): 150–154.  相似文献   

The algorithms for forming and analyzing concept definitions are suggested and considered by concrete examples. Such key concepts of management as “an organization” and “management of an organization” are formulated using the suggested algorithm. This paper gives the detailed technology of thinking when formulating the definition of the concept of a “system for management of an organization” from the standpoint of the resource approach. The analysis of the interconnection between concepts of the system and process results in the conclusion that it is possible and necessary to consider the category of “space-time.”  相似文献   

Cluster-based and passage-based document retrieval paradigms were shown to be effective. While the former are based on utilizing query-related corpus context manifested in clusters of similar documents, the latter address the fact that a document can be relevant even if only a very small part of it contains query-pertaining information. Hence, cluster-based approaches could be viewed as based on “expanding” the document representation, while passage-based approaches can be thought of as utilizing a “contracted” document representation. We present a study of the relative benefits of using each of these two approaches, and of the potential merits of their integration. To that end, we devise two methods that integrate whole-document-based, cluster-based and passage-based information. The methods are applied for the re-ranking task, that is, re-ordering documents in an initially retrieved list so as to improve precision at the very top ranks. Extensive empirical evaluation attests to the potential merits of integrating these information types. Specifically, the resultant performance substantially transcends that of the initial ranking; and, is often better than that of a state-of-the-art pseudo-feedback-based query expansion approach.  相似文献   

Dieser Artikel erarbeitet eine formale Bestimmung der Begriffe “elektronischer Vertrag”, seine “Ziele”, “Verpflichtungen” und seine “verbindliche Aushandlungsphase”. Die hier erarbeiteten Begriffe dienen erstens der Spezifikation elektronischer Vertr?ge und zweitens der Verifikation lokaler Implementationen von elektronischen Vertragskooperationen. Besonders behandelt werden die lokale Darstellungen von Vertr?gen und ihre vermittelnde Kommunikation, mehrfache sowie sich überlappende Durchl?ufe durch eine verbindliche Phase und die Rolle von Beweismitteln. Die Begriffe beruhen auf der Theorie der formalen Sprachen bzw. der Automaten. Sie werden an einem einfachen Beispiel einer bilateralen Auftragskooperation demonstriert.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung.   Dieser Artikel erarbeitet eine formale Bestimmung der Begriffe “elektronischer Vertrag”, seine “Ziele”, “Verpflichtungen” und seine “verbindliche Aushandlungsphase”. Die hier erarbeiteten Begriffe dienen erstens der Spezifikation elektronischer Vertr?ge und zweitens der Verifikation lokaler Implementationen von elektronischen Vertragskooperationen. Besonders behandelt werden die lokale Darstellungen von Vertr?gen und ihre vermittelnde Kommunikation, mehrfache sowie sich überlappende Durchl?ufe durch eine verbindliche Phase und die Rolle von Beweismitteln. Die Begriffe beruhen auf der Theorie der formalen Sprachen bzw. der Automaten. Sie werden an einem einfachen Beispiel einer bilateralen Auftragskooperation demonstriert. Eingegangen am 16. Dezember 1999 / Angenommen am 10. M?rz 2000  相似文献   

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