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1977至1982年在广东四会大沙区大田试验获得的27个生命表资料,按各年同一世代进行统计,平均得出:第2—6代由卵至成虫的存活率分别为9.07,1.39,0.02,0.48,0.17(%):死亡主要出现在卵和1,2龄幼虫阶段,死亡率达72~98%;种群增长指数(I)值2—6代分别为5.1705,0.8859,0.0129,0.2804和0.0845,第2代最高. 关键因素分析表明:1—2龄幼虫期,3—5龄幼虫期和蛹期的失踪对总K值的波动影响较大.相关回归分析回归系数1—2龄失踪为0.3450.3—5龄为0.3331,蛹为0.2602.因此,1—2龄和3—5龄失踪为关键因素,其次为蛹期失踪.  相似文献   

小圆皮蠹Anthrenus verbasci Linnaeus在安徽1~2年发生一代,以不同龄期的幼虫越冬,4月下旬部分越冬幼虫化蛹、另一部分继续以幼虫形态存在直至再次越冬.5月上中旬成虫羽化,5月中下旬产卵,每雌产卵4~45粒,6月上中旬卵孵化,以幼虫为害昆虫标本和各种仓储物.常温下各虫态历期分别为;卵期19.7天,幼虫期5~7个月(越冬期除外),蛹期13.8天,雌虫寿命为21.4天,雄虫寿命为16.3天.食料和温度严重影响其生长发育速度.用1.5%甲敌粉放入标本盒内进行防治.  相似文献   

云南松毛虫生物学特性初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云南松毛虫在云南腾冲一年发生一代,9月中旬至翌年4月中旬为卵期,以卵越科,卵历期202天;3月下旬至9月下旬为幼虫期,历期179天;7月中旬至10中旬为蛹期,历期43天;9月上旬至10月下旬为成虫期,成虫平均寿命8.7天;幼虫平均取食松针9619.7cm。通过24个月实际观察研究,基本弄清了云南松毛虫的形态特征、年生活史、生活历期、幼虫取食量、生活习性及各处生长发育阶段与物候的关系,获取了大量的基础资料,为深入开展云南松毛的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

以净收益最大作为最优的管理目标,提出了稻纵卷叶螟的临界管理决策模型和多阶段综合管理的决策模型.讨论了不同虫口密度,不同的市场价格,不同的约束条件以及水稻不同生长时期对决策的影响.结果表明:当卷叶螟幼虫密度为10000—15000条/亩,采取‘杀虫单’根施是最优的;当田间成虫密度为500—1000头/亩,欲控制下代种群密度低于当代水平,则最优的控制方案是在成虫期采取诱杀,卵期释放赤眼蜂,幼虫期自然防治,蛹期田间浸蛹等农业措施.  相似文献   

以生物事件为参照点的稻纵卷叶螟发生期预测模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据田间调查结果,初步确定了灯下蛾量消长趋势与田间发生基本一致;确定了成虫与高龄幼虫(4—5龄)的滞后时间大约是15—19天.在此基础上,又根据有效积温法则,建立了以蛹期生物事件为参照点预测成虫发生期,以成虫期生物事件为参照点预测幼虫发生期的预测模型.初步验证结果表明:所建的预测模型基本适合田间实际情况.  相似文献   

以泉州湾洛阳江红树林的毛颚小卷蛾为研究对象,探讨了不同生长期的桐花树毛颚小卷蛾抗氧化酶SOD和CAT活性的变化情况.结果显示:桐花树毛颚小卷蛾在幼虫期、蛹期、成虫期三个不同生长时期CAT含量间的差异达到极显著水平;总一SOD和CuZn-SOD在幼虫期和蛹期这两个生长期与成虫期之间存在极显著差异.桐花树毛颚小卷蛾CuZn—SOD占总-SOD比例较高,Mn-SOD所占比例较低.桐花树毛颚小卷蛾总-SOD、Cu,Zn—SOD和CAT活性随着幼虫期、蛹期、成虫期的生命发展过程而逐渐增强,但Mn-SOD活性表现出相反的发展趋势,在成虫期最低.综合地看,在幼虫期喷洒生物农药,可能达到最佳防治效果.  相似文献   

研究了自然条件下温度因子对柑桔潜叶蛾发育历期的影响,建立了发育历期与温度相互关系的数学模型,并分别求出了柑桔潜叶蛾卵期、幼虫期、预蛹期和蛹期的田间最适发育平均温度分别为26.42℃,26.84℃,26.45℃,27.69℃,相应最短发育历期分别为1.94±0.394d,4.99±0.44d,0.98±0.012d,5.20±0.28d;柑桔潜叶蛾的最适发育温区为(26.4℃,27.7℃)。  相似文献   

烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadias)属微型刺吸式害虫,其形态和发育历期难以准确鉴别。本文利用NK-300体视解剖镜和扫描电镜观察烟粉虱成虫、各龄期若虫和卵的形态及各虫态的发育历期。结果表明,若虫随龄期的增加,虫体浑浊变化显著但红色复眼逐渐清晰。1龄若虫周缘有30-40根刚毛;2龄时刚毛消失,周缘可见少量缘齿;3龄时,缘齿最多,在取食点固定的最稳定;至4龄时,缘齿退化消失。在温度25±1℃,相对湿度60%-80%,光周期14L:10D下,用盆栽烟草饲养,各虫态历期为卵期7.08d,若虫期共14.92d,成虫期38.25d;各虫态存活率顺序为成虫>若虫>卵。  相似文献   

金纹细蛾的生物学特性及防治研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金纹细蛾在河北翼东地区一年发生5代,以蛹越冬,主要以幼虫潜食植物叶肉为害。各代成虫发生盛期分别为:越冬代4月15-18日;第一代5月23-28日;第二代6月22-7月2日;第三代7月20日-8月5日;第四代8月16日-9月4日。利用性诱剂防治金纹细蛾效果显著,5个诱扑器共诱雄虫25849头。利用树干注射器注射40倍速灭杀丁防治效果达53%。  相似文献   

幼虫和若虫是指昆虫的卵孵出来的幼体。一般把有蛹期的昆虫(如蛾蝶、蜂、蚊、蝇类等)的幼体称为幼虫,也即完全变态类昆虫的动体,而把无蛹期的昆虫(如蝗虫、蚜虫等)的幼体称为若虫(水生者称为稚虫,如蜻蜓),也即不完全变态类昆虫的幼体。若虫除躯体小、翅短小(称翅芽)和外生殖器未充分发育外,在形态与习性上与成虫基本相似,而幼虫  相似文献   

报道了日本锦鲤亲鱼培育方法和胚胎发育各期形态特征及发育特点,总结出日本锦鲤亲鱼池塘培育和人工繁育的技术方法.锦鲤卵属沉性卵,具粘性,于水温20~23℃时,多数受精卵经82小时后孵化出苗,初孵化仔鱼全长7~8 mm,三天后卵黄囊基本被吸收,可平游并开口摄食.  相似文献   

用不同频率的脉冲磁场处理各个虫态的黄粉虫,发现成虫受脉冲磁场的影响较大.在50-120mT强度的稳定磁场和50Hz频率的脉冲磁场共同作用下,成虫的存活率显著下降,雌虫的产卵期缩短了10天,雌虫的产卵量显著下降.  相似文献   

本实验通过对山海关牙鲆育苗场的漠斑牙鲆胚胎发育过程的观察,对漠斑牙鲆的胚胎发育时间及过程进行了记录。实验表明,在18℃-19℃条件下孵化时间为48小时~55小时,在经历了2细胞期、4细胞期、囊胚期、原肠期等阶段后,四至五天后开口,开始投喂卤虫,再经历变态、伏地以后发育完全。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONInsectpostembryonicdevelopmentconsistsofgrowthpunctuatedbyaseriesofmoltsfollowedbymetamorphosis.Thesemoltsandmetamor phosisareinitiatedandcoordinatedbyhormones(Riddiford ,1 994 ) .Itisgenerallyacceptedthattheinterplayofecdysteriods,agroupofstero…  相似文献   

试验选用56周龄迪卡产蛋母鸡800只,随机分为4组,每组200只,基础日粮中分别添加杆菌肽锌0、20ppm,40ppm,60ppm,探讨其对生产性能的影响,与对照组相比较,产蛋率分别为77.5%,78.7%,76.9%,73.4%,成活率分别为96.9%,98.0%,98.1%,94.7%,料蛋比分别为2.87:1,2.82:1,2.93:1,3.05:1。 试验结果表明:杆菌肽锌对母鸡产蛋性能有促进作用,蛋鸡日粮中添加杆菌肽锌40ppm效果最好,可提高母鸡的产蛋率5.3%,提高饲料利用率3.7%,降低死淘率3.3%,鸡蛋破损率降低0.79%。  相似文献   

按照开产日龄将120只缙云麻鸭(母鸭)分为10个组(组距3d),比较各组鸭的300d总蛋数、300d总蛋重及平均蛋重。结果表明,第3组(94~96d)的300d总产蛋重显著高于第1组(88-90d)(P〈0.05),但其他组别之间均无显著差异(P≥0.05);10个组别的300d总产蛋数和平均蛋重也均无显著差异(P≥0.05)。  相似文献   

A series of studies was conducted to examine the development of self-evaluation in children aged 1-5 years. Developmental changes in children's reactions to achievement-related outcomes were assessed in a variety of contexts, using different tasks and different criteria for success. The first study of 1-3-year-olds revealed an increased social orientation after the age of 21 months. Only children over this age were more likely to look up at the experimenter after they had produced an outcome themselves than after the same outcome had been produced by the experimenter. These older children were also more likely than younger children to call their mothers' attention to their achievements in a free-play situation. In a second study, on a task with visibly salient success versus failure outcomes, children aged 2-5 years responded to success with positive affect (e.g., smiling) and to failure with avoidance reactions (e.g., looking away from the experimenter). Praise enhanced children's positive affective reactions to success, but its effect was modest. In the final study, winning or losing on a competitive task was not understood by children below age 33 months and had no effect on their affective reactions to the task. In contrast, winning enhanced older children's pleasure in completing the task. Three stages are proposed in the development of self-evaluation. In the first stage, children experience joy in causality, but they lack the cognitive representational skills required for self-evaluation in a self-reflective sense, and they do not anticipate others' reactions to their performance. In the second stage, beginning before the age of 2 years, children anticipate adult reactions, seeking positive reactions to their successes and endeavoring to avoid negative reactions to failure. The proposed third stage involves a gradual internalization of external reactions, with children beginning to evaluate their performance and react emotionally to success and failure independently of their expectations of adult reactions. Although all studies focused on achievement outcomes, the development of self-evaluation in the moral domain may parallel this developmental sequence proposed for the achievement domain. It is also proposed that caretakers' reactions to rule violations might engender concerns about meeting adult expectations in achievement contexts.  相似文献   

The 4th instar larvae of the silkworm,Bombyx mori L, when treated with anti-juvenile hormone (Jinlu) had its larval period extended by 2 days and the total larval period shortened by about 4 days. The conversion ratio of tetramolters into trimolters was 100%. But anti-juvenile hormone administration to the 5th instar larvae lengthened the silkworm age by one day. When anti-juvenile hormone was administered, we could find many neurosecretory granules of the brain transferred to the cells of the corpora allata, but there was little endoplasmic reticulum. In the prothoracic gland, the micropile edge was clear and there were large nucleoli, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. This study was carried out to show that anti-JH compound inhibits the secretion of Juvenile hormone in silkwormBombyx mori L. The investigation revealed that the antijuvenile hormone inhibited the secretion of corpora allata and initiated the activity of the prothoracic gland. Project supported by the Government of China and Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India for Bilateral exchange program. Post-Doctoral Scholar in College of Animal Sciences of Zhejiang University now, from Sri Padmavathi Women’s University, India.  相似文献   

3 experiments are reported, all of which show the crucial importance of the "half" boundary in children's proportional judgments. In the first experiment 4-, 5-, 6-, and 7-year-old children had to judge which of 2 boxes of blue and white bricks was represented in a small picture. The proportion of blue to white bricks was different in the 2 boxes, and the question was whether the children could use these proportions to make their choices. The 6- and 7-year-old children solved the problem much more successfully when the proportions crossed the "half" boundary (e.g., 3/8 blue vs. 5/8 blue). The second experiment showed that discriminations involving half (e.g., 1/2 blue vs. 1/4 blue) are also easier than those that do not cross the "half" boundary for the 6- and 7-year-olds. The third experiment confirmed the results of the first 2 with pictures of different absolute sizes from each other. We conclude that "half" plays a crucial role in children's early proportional reasoning, and that the "half" boundary is to some extent similar to, though not as powerful as, the category boundaries discovered in speech perception.  相似文献   

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