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这幅漫画又名“元首在替你们思考”。在画面中,德国纳粹政府的宣传部长戈培尔拉动着阀门,把希特勒的法西斯思想源源不断地灌输给德国的民众。通过灌输,德国民众的脑子中已经充满了法西斯思想的毒液。这幅漫画反应的是20世纪30年代德国纳粹党上台后所实行的思想控制政策。  相似文献   

在《世界近代现代史基础训练》下册的第34页和128页分别有这样的一道题:7.德国法西斯独裁统治建立的标志是A.1932年纳粹党成为国会第一大党B.1933年希特勒出任总理C.纳粹党取缔了本党以外的所有的党D.1934年希特勒成为国家元首(基训34页)13.德国法西斯独裁统治建立的标志是A.希特勒出任总理B.纳粹党成为国会第一大党C.希特勒成为国家元首D.纳粹党取缔本党以外的所有的党(基训128页)这两道题基本上是一样的,所给答案也差不多,7题选B,13题选A,可见命题者认为德国法西斯独裁统治建立的标志…  相似文献   

20世纪20、30年代,德国国内各派势力在远东政策上出现了分歧。来华德国军事顾问问题是其中一个焦点问题。围绕这一问题,国防军和外交部间发生了许多争执,但它们的分歧并非实质性的,因而当纳粹党为拉拢日本而要求撤回顾问团的时候,他们很快联合起来反对纳粹党的这一决定。  相似文献   

1933年1月30日,德国首都柏林正是滴水成冰的季节,这天夜里,几万名德国纳粹党的党徒,却不顾零度以下的寒冷天气,举着火把在大街上游行。他们手里拿着各种各样的旗帜、标语,沿途狂呼乱叫,一副兴高采烈的样子。原来,这些纳粹党徒是在"庆贺"他们的党魁刚刚被任命为德国总理,这意味着,纳粹党要上台执政了!  相似文献   

纳粹党一上台就疯狂迫害犹太人。这种惊人的倒退到原始时代的野蛮行为,在30年代的德国能畅行无阻,是有其深层原因的。那么,是什么原因促成德国发生这样一场社会性的迫害犹太人的野蛮运动呢?大致而言,以下几点是重要的。  相似文献   

1929年至1933年,流亡于土耳其的苏联政治家托洛茨基对正在兴起的德国纳粹主义展开了广泛的分析,严厉批判共产国际和德共的极左政策,认为德共只有同社会民主党工人结成联合阵线进行斗争,才能避免希特勒登上德国政权。他预言,如果纳粹分子取得胜利,就会全面取缔一切工人组织,重新武装德国,发动对外战争,给人类文明带来巨大的灾祸。托洛茨基的批评和建议没有被共产国际和德共接受,导致工人阶级一直处于涣散状态,纳粹党通过合法手段取得了政权。  相似文献   

二十世纪三十年代,在具有封建专制和军国主义传统的德国,纳粹党的崛起和掌权并不是偶然的现象,而是第一次世界大战后特定历史条件下的产物。它并不象某些资产阶级学者所宣扬的那样是什么超阶级的现象,而是德国资本主义制度发展的必然结果。本文拟对希特勒执政前后,垄断资本家与纳粹党之间的关系试做一些说明。  相似文献   

希特勒上台后,经过几年的苦心经营,在德国建立起以"领袖原则"为基石,以纳粹党独裁为核心,通过警察、特务统治和强制舆论,镇压德国人民这样一种法西斯一体化的政治体制,为其对外发动侵略战争,夺取欧洲以至世界霸权,准备了主要的政治条件.  相似文献   

二战时期的三大元凶之一——希特勒和以他为首的德国法西斯纳粹党,在二战期间,大力推崇日耳曼民族主义.残酷屠杀非日耳曼人.尤其是犹太人,他们将永远被钉在历史的耻辱柱上。  相似文献   

伍家沟民间故事反映的民众的宗教文化心理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉水流域伍家沟村是著名的中国汉民族南方民歌村。伍家沟村的民间故事多数与宗教相关,反映了下层民众的原始宗教、佛教道教文化心理.反映了下层民众的万物有曼、鬼魂崇拜、巫术崇拜、神仙崇拜、法术信仰、因果报应、轮回转世等观念,以及下层民众拜神佛的实用心态,求回报的实用主义心理。  相似文献   

德国独特的国情使德国民族主义的形成具有典型的文化民族主义、与民主主义相背离、并带有普鲁士的“铁血”色彩等特点;德国民族主义的形成特点对其国民性产生重大影响,导致德意志民族至上论和种族优越论的出笼,崇尚权威的传统使德意志民族比较容易接受独裁和专制统治,军国主义的传统扩大至整个德国;而其国民性又是导致纳粹党上台的重要因素。所以纳粹法西斯的灾难是历史的错误而非个人的错误。  相似文献   

The topic of this study is how Swedish students aged 15–16 use causal reasoning in history when given a high-stakes task about explaining a historically significant event, the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany. The study is based on student texts from the Swedish national test in history. The student texts are mainly analysed with regards to how many, and what kinds of, causal factors are used by the students. The study finds that while most students are able to combine agents and situational factors in their explanations, the explanations show a recurring theme of combining a generic sense of economic crisis with Hitler and the German people as the important agents, to the detriment of other causes that could open up for different interpretations of why the Nazi regime came to power. To counteract this, the study suggests increased emphasis on some contextual factors in teaching practices.  相似文献   

张新宇 《成都师专学报》2005,24(6):64-66,92
导致英国对德绥靖政策的因素是多方面的,其中历史因素的影响也极为重要。从历史渊源来看,绥靖政策很大程度上是英国与中欧国家合作以维持欧洲均势的传统政策的回归和继续。  相似文献   

近年来,一些德国影片开始以新思维来透视二战时期的纳粹德国,如取得重大突破及在德国本土及海外都极具影响力的《帝国陷落》和《伪钞制造者》。前者因打破以往禁忌而涉及敏感话题,对纳粹头目希特勒的人性化的处理方式招致诸多非议。后者则聚焦战争期间的普通德国人,让我们看到在二战反思中得以稍卸道德包袱的德国人如何剖析普通民众的战争体验,其对非常时期人性的解读也更为复杂。通过对这两部影片的深入分析,探讨德国文化在二战电影新思维下的具体表现形式。  相似文献   

17世纪末至 1 8世纪在德国兴起的文化民族主义是德国资产阶级民族意识、民族主义思想在文化领域的反映 ,是资产阶级的意识形态。德国文化民族主义具有注重文化淡化政治、强烈的文化自卫、自我矛盾、浪漫主义和抽象模糊等特征。这些特征是由德国资产阶级力量薄弱、政治幼稚和封建主义强大等因素所决定的  相似文献   

20世纪30年代以蒋介石为首的南京国民政府对德国在一战后地位的认识,产生了心理上的亲近感;出于对德国的钦佩和法西斯的好感,使南京政府聘请了大量的德国顾问来训练中国军队,中德关系进入蜜月阶段;但是由于中德交往的矛盾性,德国最终选择日本作为它的政治盟友,中德关系最终走向破裂。  相似文献   

众所周知,在第二次世界大战结束时,德国纳粹杀害了600万犹太人,从而使西方基督教世界反对犹太人的行动达到高峰。不过,此种行动也并非偶然,在历史的长河中它经历了从古代、中世纪、近代、直到现代的漫长过程,只是到了德国纳粹对德国实行统治、发动第二次世界大战时才达到空前规模。  相似文献   


The peoples of Germany and their culture were a major preoccupation of Michael Sadler from his first visits to eastern Germany in the 1890s to his ultimate analysis of the Nazi‐zeit in 1940. Whilst holding the post of first Director of the Office of Special Inquiries and Reports (1895‐1903) he organised the publication of 11 massive volumes of reports and it is significant that papers dealing with German themes are numerous. Volume IX in 1902 is devoted to Education in Germany. In 1907 he published the results of his study of continuation schools and the pioneering of his friend Georg Kerschensteiner and in 1908 he edited the report of an international enquiry into Moral Education with a keynote essay by another of his German friends Professor Rudolf Eucken. The quintessence of all this pre‐war study is contained in an address on England's Debt to German Education which Sadler gave in Frankfurt‐am‐Main in 1912 when he suggested eight lessons that could be learnt from the German experience. Throughout the first world war Sadler wrote and spoke much about parallel movements in German and English education. Between the first and second world wars he watched apprehensively the emergence of Nazism. In his diary of November 1940 he attempted to identify seven tendencies of the 1930s which, had the Nazi leadership not been so powerful in curbing public opinion and ensuring totalitarian control, would have proved constructive and made a contribution towards unifying Europe economically andpolitically.  相似文献   

The development of pedagogical science in eighteenth‐century Germany unfolded in close connection with the emergence of the modern bourgeoisie and its emancipation from a still absolutist society. While social and political structures in Britain and France were changed by revolutions, the relative weakness of the German bourgeoisie led to the adoption of a reformist strategy to effect social modernization. In this context, pedagogics, education, schools and schooling became a vital means of political and economic transformation towards a modern, bourgeois‐capitalist society. Therein the emergence of modern pedagogical thought and the development of the bourgeoisie were mutual preconditions: several initially quite disparate strands of thought coalesced to form a new pedagogical thinking in Germany during the later Enlightenment. The essay reconstructs how new thinking emerged by charting the integration of two bodies of knowledge into this renewal and refounding of pedagogics: the transformation of elements of rhetoric into building blocks of modern pedagogical thought, on the one hand, and of gender anthropology as its foundation, on the other.  相似文献   

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