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物理实验课可以帮助学生巩固物理知识,增强学生观察物理现象和分析物理问题的能力,使学生掌握物理实验的基本知识,基本方法和基本技能。同样重要的是培养学生严肃认真、实事求是的科学态度和工作作风。《互成角度的两个力的合成》分组学生实验、教材所述操作性较差,两个弹簧秤的另一端,木板均要靠手固定,整个实验装置处于一种不稳定状态,在这样的状态下,学生读数时很难做到现线与弹簧秤垂直并按有效数字规则读数,更谈不上弹簧轴线与细绳共线,细绳与橡皮条共面且平行于木板的调节,很多同学是马马虎虎了事,其实解决这一问题的方法…  相似文献   

畅兴平 《襄樊学院学报》2009,30(11):22-25,51
对确定性复杂网络模型的稳定性进行量化分析,利用逐层打击,计算出打击后的平均路径长度L′,度分布及打击后群系数C′,结果显示确定性复杂网络在逐层打击下,其平均路径长度和群系数都能保持很好的稳定性,不会因恶意打击而受到干扰.  相似文献   

语言是与人类社会、人的思维同时产生的一种特殊的现象,是人类特有的宝贵财富。人类社会不能没有交际,在交际中起决定作用的是能够表示意义的词语信息。  相似文献   

浅论教育的确定性和不确定性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育的存在以确定性为依据,但教育活动又具有不确定性,教育活动中不存在必然的因果联系。教育的确定性和不确定性是相对的,它们之间存在一定的边界,如果一方越过边界,那么它们之间的张力将失去平衡,教育将偏离正常的轨道  相似文献   

主要研究C∞函数芽关于右等价群RS={Φ∈R|Φ|S=idS}的子群的有限确定性,其中S是(n,0)中的代数集芽。我们得到了一个C∞函数芽的有限的RS-确定性条件,一定意义上推广了Kushner等人的结果,并且能被用来做更好的强预算。  相似文献   

<正>最近很多看医药朋一致承认的现实就是现在行情比较低迷,市场对医药行业各条细分领域的发展预期都比较悲观。在当前比较低迷的时候,却有机构喊出了三季度基本面与市场情绪持续向好,看好医药配置底部反转。此外,也有投资者表示,医药行情低迷的时候,更需要对医药产业乐观。  相似文献   

在数学概念教学中,如何处理好数学概念的确定性和灵活性呢? 在一定的条件下,概念的内涵和外延应当是固定不变的,这就是概念的确定性。概念的确定性大致表现以下几个方面: 1、概念的表述应是准确、清晰的,不能模棱两可,含糊不清。例如,在讲到“商不变性质”时,有的教师说成“被除数和除数同时扩大或缩小相同的倍数,得数不变”。这种说法不对,说明对“商”及“得数”这两个概念混淆不清。可通过计算以下各式看出:  相似文献   

逻辑变项是逻辑形式中可以变化的部分 ,但是 ,逻辑变项的变化不是绝对的、无条件的 ,而是相对的和有条件的。逻辑变项进行的任何变化都不得超越逻辑常项规定的特定范围 ,这就是逻辑变项的确定性 ;逻辑变项在逻辑常项规定的特定范围内可以进行变化 ,这就是逻辑变项的非确定性。逻辑变项就是这种确定性和非确定性的统一。正确地理解和认识逻辑变项的确定性和非确定性 ,对于正确地理解和运用逻辑形式是必不可少的  相似文献   

职业学校教育的确定性和不确定性是学校教育的固有属性,各自都有其缺陷,两者并存不悖.这两种属性的产生是职业学校教育的学校组织与内外部因素矛盾决定的.了解学校职业教育的确定性和不确定性的表现有助于解决职业教育实践活动中的一些问题.  相似文献   

不确定性是人类认知和生存的基本状态,追寻确定性则是面对这一境况的必要选择。有三种对于确定性的现代寻求值得我们考察,这些寻求不同于传统哲学在认识论或宗教在信仰方面的追求,都直接指向未来和人类行动。它们的思考共同给我们展示了在面对未来时所应采取的积极态度。  相似文献   

The concept of teacher certainty and one means of measuring this is presented and critically assessed in the following article. In this study teacher certainty has been operationalized as a second order latent variable with three first order latent variables consisting of four observed items each. The first order latent variables measure a teacher's perceived didactic certainty, practical certainty and relational certainty. A clustered, yet random representative sample of 1153 Norwegian teachers in elementary and junior high schools took part in this study in spring 1998. The theoretical and empirical framework for analyses and discussion are confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and generalizability theory (GT). This combination is not usual, but is found to be fruitful. GT focuses on both the theoretical and empirical domain, making it necessary for the researcher to contemplate questions of substance in addition to statistical calculations. The measurement model described above is therefore arrived at through a theoretical and empirical review and reasoning and is then tested in LISREL. Results indicate a good model fit. GT provides additional information by estimating how well the scores can be generalized to the defined universe. In this article a major question is whether the design specified for the generalizability study should be mixed or random. The two possibilities are explored and, in this case, both g coefficients computed are regarded as good.  相似文献   

浅论教育的确定性与不确定性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于人们理性认识上思维方式的偏差,教育的确定性和不确定性在现实中被人为地割裂。然而教育活动以个体生命的生成转化为指向,其确定性与不确定性都是教育生活中的客观存在,并不遵从非此则彼的原则。为此,我们要探寻的“教育规律”应是确定性和不确定性的“中间”描述。  相似文献   

在充满危险的现代社会里,个人的命运在一种偶然的状态中,虽然这种偶然性是对自然必然性的胜利.但这还不是自由王国.个人不仅没有获得自由,反而被偶然性和外在的关系所统治,所以确定性成了现代人最迫切的追求.现代人借助工具理性,借助货币,但都没有获得安全感即确定性.而马克思对现代性的双重批判为现代人解决困境提供了一种原则性高度.  相似文献   

During a 10-week period prior to the 1997 Kyoto conference on climate change, two parallel studies were conducted: Study 1 examined media portrayals of global warming and the certainty with which information was reported (percentage of 'hedging'); Study 2 was a telephone survey to assess public knowledge about key topics in global climate change, people's certainty about their information, trust in the media, and willingness to take action on global warming. Media reports were found to be scarce, and about half of the references to global warming were found to be hedged. More hedging was evident in the New York Times than in other print media and national television reports, and economic impacts of climate change were reported with the greatest certainty. The audience (N = 139 adults, average age 36–45, with at least a high school education) reported trusting their media sources more than 50% of the time. They were collectively fairly knowledgeable and certain about global warming information (9.1 on a scale of - 20 to + 20), and they appeared to be willing to adopt a range of responsible behaviors seen to be useful in countering global warming (average response 3.0 out of 4). The knowledge/certainty factor was described as 'attitude under uncertainty', and was significantly related to media trust (r = 0.325, p < 0.01) and willingness to act responsibly (r = 0.400, p < 0.01). Comparing Study 1 with Study 2, the research does not support a hypothesis that media hedging is related to uncertainty. Implications for environmental communicators are discussed.  相似文献   

文本是一个符号体系 ,由多重意义构成 ,而又和谐统一。它的意义可以从外部 (社会、文学实践主体 )关系上来释义 ,也可以从文本的内部 (语言、话语 )结构上去释码  相似文献   

由于人们理性认识上思维方式的偏差,知识的确定性与不确定性在现实中被人为地割裂。然而知识的确定性与不确定性都是生活中的客观存在,并不遵从非此即彼的原则。为此,我们要探求的知识观应是确定性和不确定性的“中间”描述。  相似文献   

Pre-existing beliefs bias mental representations of socio-scientific controversies in favour of the perspective(s) that endorse(s) them. Several conditions have been proposed to moderate such belief-biased mental representations of controversial information. The present study examined the effects of readers’ prior beliefs on their mental models of textual information on the level of situation-model and text-base representations. The study further investigated the extent that author status, readers’ certainty and justification beliefs moderate the effect of prior beliefs on the readers’ representations. Sixty-two undergraduate students of English as a foreign language read two texts that provided arguments for and against an established controversy in language education. A recognition task was used to assess their situation-model and text-base strengths. The results revealed that readers’ representations were biased towards the information that supported their beliefs at the level of the situation model but not at the level of the text-base. The results further revealed no main or moderating effects for author status on the interaction of beliefs and readers’ mental models of the information. However, readers’ certainty beliefs and beliefs about justification for knowing were shown to moderate the belief-biased representation of the controversial information.  相似文献   

个体知识不确定性和群体知识确定性需求的矛盾,要求高校教授学生确定性知识的同时还要引导学生具有思辨和认知的能力。为实现这一教学目标,从知识不确定性内容和表象的分析入手,总结出知识确定性转化过程的4个步骤,即认知方式转化、知识元件转化、逻辑推理转化和知识网络转化,并提出了高校教学的5种策略,即启发和概括、梳理和强化、讨论和辨析、验证和去伪以及协同和统一。并运用5个策略讨论缓解高校教学中需要克服的知识确定性转化中知识确定性与知识进步、知识确定性与存在差异性、学术自由与组织趋同3个方面矛盾的方法。  相似文献   

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