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2009潘玮柏上海演唱会日期2009年9月18日场馆虹口足球场票价100、200、300、480、580、680(元)订票400-810-3721021-51509000潘玮柏以嘻哈贵公子的形象横扫华语乐坛,他能唱、会跳和善写歌,人又长得帅,成为最耀眼的小天王实属情理之中。在乐坛努力打拼多年的潘玮柏,已经积攒了超高的  相似文献   

2009陶喆上太空说演唱会日期2010年1月2日场馆北京展览馆剧场票价380、580、680、780、980、1180(元)订票400-810-3721010-641700581997年,陶喆发行首张专辑《陶喆》,在华语歌坛掀起R&B飓风。之后,除了偶尔帮歌手录制专辑,他消失了近两年。  相似文献   

刚刚应邀演出完湖南卫视跨年演唱会的信,前日(1月2日)马不停蹄赶回北京,参加由Kappa在北京798艺术区主办的“NOW运动”新春歌会,为歌迷第一时间带来新春祝愿。现场,信一共演唱了多达10首的歌曲。  相似文献   

世界首部“3D”杂技音乐剧《再见,飞碟》;爱尔兰踢踏舞《大河之舞》;歌姬已回归潘越云2010北京演唱会。  相似文献   

山水实景演出:一种新的艺术形式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山水实景演出作为一项文化创新产业项目在中国内地形成一股热潮。它缘起于景观歌剧,伴随着2003年张艺谋《印象.刘三姐》的首演成功而诞生。它不仅带来了巨大的经济效益,而且创造了一种新的艺术形式。同时,这种开发热潮也可能引发一系列潜在的问题。  相似文献   

演出PERFORMANCE原创减压爆笑喜剧《欢天喜地娶新房》日期 2009年11月10日~12月6日场馆北京八一剧场票价 60、100、120、150、280、480 (元)订票 400-810-3721 010-64169990俗语说,三个女人一台戏。那如果是七个女人呢?而且,这七个女孩,个个都是美艳绝伦、清新脱俗。笑工厂历时三个月,集中全工厂最优秀的编剧、导演为她们量身打造了第一部原创减压爆笑喜剧。这部戏讲述了一个最荒诞、最搞笑、最发人深省的都市  相似文献   

白致瑶演唱会在京举行 李双江杨洪基等坦任嘉宾 11月,白致瑶《中国歌剧金曲选段演唱会》在解放军歌剧院成功落幕,期间白致瑶演唱了多部歌剧的精彩选段,选场,并以六个风格迥异的角色进行演出,  相似文献   

为了更好的迎接08北京奥运的到来,我编拟了以下这道数学竞赛试题.08年北京奥运会,126支来自世界各国的表演队伍赴京表演.为了文化交流,每天安排其中一些队伍演出,其余队伍跻身于观众之列.在汇演结束时,每支队伍除了自己演出日外,至少观看每个其他队伍的一次表演.又为了增进友谊,每两支队伍至少有一天在一起表演.问:表演至少需持续几天?如果是2008支队呢?  相似文献   

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顾喆  裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(8):102-103

今年迎来成军11周年的五月天抵沪,以代言人身份出席了"迎接五月天回到地球表面一一天喔茶庄广告MV 首映式"。4月30日,他们将重返上海八万人体育场,带来一场激动人心的演出,他们透露,这次的演唱会一定会让到场的人惊讶到说不出话。  相似文献   

Many claims have been made for the effectiveness of microteaching programmes but, although there is evidence that they can be successful in ‘teaching laboratories’, the use of criteria relating to classroom performance gives results which cast doubts on some of the assertions which have been made. Behavioural approaches are being called into question to an increasing extent, and there seems to be a growing belief that a ‘cognitive perspective’ might make an important contribution to an underlying rationale. But, whatever theoretical base is chosen, the validity of the microteaching programme and its transfer‐value to the classroom remain important, but relatively unstudied, areas of research  相似文献   

目标:提高英语阅读和听力水平。想一想:你喜欢什么类型的艺术?你不喜欢哪种艺术,为什么?你见过行为艺术表演吗,内容是什么?考试:本文有助于你备考FCE、IELTS和TOEFL等考试。行为艺术以艺术家自己的身体为基材,通过自身的身体体验来传达一定的内涵信息。不过,如今的行为艺术。大都与裸体、血腥和暴力相关,这引起很多人的反感。那么,行为艺术究竟算不算真正的艺术呢?这个就见仁见智了。  相似文献   

杜夫海纳不仅澄清了“艺术作品”和“审美对象”的混淆,而且从美学角度阐释了“表演”的本体论地位,即表演是艺术作品呈现于知觉的必要途径。杜夫海纳的表演理论包含三个方面:表演者的表演、创作者的表演和欣赏者的表演。  相似文献   

The Introduction of sociology and social work as main subjects in teacher education has raised a controversy as to whether they are as sound a preparation for teaching as the traditional classroom‐based main subjects.

A survey of teaching practice results at Edge Hill College of Education in the years 1966‐70 displays that sociology students perform as well as other students whilst social work students gain significantly more high grades. Since entry qualifications, age, sex, intelligence and personality factors do not differentiate these students an explanation is suggested in terms of the course. This may affect recruitment, the student's classroom performance and his ability “to utilize the social situations of teaching practice.  相似文献   

An important reaction to individuals involved in problem solving is that of knowing the accuracy of their responses. Prior research has established that young adults are accurate in estimating correctness to responses on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). The present study extended these findings to the elderly and also considered whether ability‐extraneous variables (e.g., fatigue) influence either accuracy in judging correctness or IQ score. The WAIS was administered to 44 community‐dwelling elderly citizens in a counterbalanced manner to control for motivational influences. The examinee's IQs and estimations of correctness were measured. Materials included standard WAIS protocols and forms on which the examinees wrote a plus (+) or minus (—) after each response, indicating feelings of correctness as +, or of an incorrect answer as —. Results show that older examinees are highly accurate in their feelings of correctness. Analyses of variance and covariance indicated order of presentation significantly influences accuracy in reporting correctness. While IQ score was not affected by order of presentation, mean performance IQ score was significantly lower than mean verbal IQ score. Findings suggest that older persons seem uncomfortable with ambiguity and seem to possess an unrealistic fear of failure. Persons involved in educating the elderly should strive to assist in the reevaluation of unattainable goals. By having more realistic goals and early successes in a program, the older learner can reduce unpleasant emotional states and is more likely to remain in a program.  相似文献   


This research analyzed administrative response to unsatisfactory faculty performance at 158 Western public community colleges. Participating administrators completed a questionnaire which described nine hypothetical personnel situations involving unsatisfactory faculty performance. The situations differed as to the length of employment, tenure status, racial background, and political influence of the faculty member. Participants also answered questions concerning actual faculty dismissals at their colleges. Results indicated that a very narrow range of strategies was used by adminstrators when confronted with unsatisfactory faculty. Dismissal and counseling were the most frequently employed methods. Dismissal was the strategy of choice in situations describing clearly documented incompetence. Respondents were somewhat less likely to choose this strategy if a minority faculty member or a politically influential faculty member were involved. Counseling was preferred for recently tenured faculty who had become unresponsive, or for unsatisfactory faculty who had been with the institution for many years and had a history of satisfactory performance. Nearly 72 % of the surveyed colleges reported faculty dismissals within the last five years. Only two respondents reported unsuccessful dismissal attempts ¦within the last five years.  相似文献   

A national survey of teachers’ needs with respect to children with learning difficulties being taught in Welsh is reported. Using a cluster sample of one in three primary schools and all appropriate secondary schools in Wales, 80 per cent of schools responded to the postal questionnaire. Both secondary and primary teachers gave first priority to the development of a reading scheme, with graded reading books the most desired hardware. Analysis of themes desired in language materials revealed a preference for the values of reality and stability rather than escapism and change. A Welsh comprehension test was given highest priority amongst choice of tests. The relationship between tests and materials and the role of a survey in policy making is discussed.  相似文献   

The following article reflects on a recent study concerned with university funding, a problem which has now come to the forefront, because of an obvious tendency to increasingly link funding with performance.

The article, written for CEPES, gives a well balanced account of the study which proposes to establish a number of university performance indicators.  相似文献   

杜夫海纳在美学史上的重要贡献在于他用现象学的方法来研究人类的审美经验.审美对象是杜夫海纳论述、研究的一个重点,"表演"和"复制"是理解审美对象的两个基本而重要的概念.弄清表演和复制这两个基本概念的独特含义以及彼此间的密切关系.也就从一个角度把握了杜夫海纳美学理论中审美对象的重要特征,同时正确理解这一理论也对美学史的整体建设有着重要的启示意义.  相似文献   

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