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隆德大学图书馆整理了一份Open Access期刊目录(the Directory of Open Access Journals,DOAJ),网址为www.doaj.org.新版本的DOAJ包括了文章级别的记录和搜索功能,用户可以在所有可能的Open Access期刊中搜索文章.这个目录现在包括超过1100种open access高质量科学和学术电子期刊信息,可以在网上免费获取.这1100种期刊中的270种已经可以在文章级别搜索,而且这两个数字都在增长.研究者现在可以通过DOAJ搜索将近46000篇文章,并可以获取全文.……  相似文献   

Analysis of Open Access Landscape   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper is created by bounding 5 editorials of Public Library of Science (PLoS) which have written on various aspects of open access. It covers wide range topics of important open access issues, such as from paying for open access to copyright to open access as a public issue, which may be more or less of interest of our audience.  相似文献   

政府资助研究结果数据的open access对科学进步和公共利益都是至关重要的.但是根据2004年3月19日《科学》杂志的一份报告(促进数据open access的国际框架,Peter Arzberger等),政府政策和科研团体之间缺乏一致性,阻碍了open access这一理想的实现.这份报告称,open access将带来更大的长期经济利益,政府决策人将更加信息灵通,还可以加速科学本身的进步.这份报告的国际作者团代表经济合作与发展组织(OECD,有30个成员国)研究了数据获取问题.……  相似文献   

Authors and Open Access: Effective Ways to Achieve OA in China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Although there are effective methods available to authors for providing open access to their work, more than half are still not doing so and provision in China is poorer than in many other countries. There are a number of issues and concerns that dissuade authors from making their work open access : some are still unaware of the concept and of the increased visibility and impact that open access brings; many are unfamiliar with open access journals and how they work; many are uninformed about self-archiving and for some of those who are aware of the possibility of providing open access by this means, concerns about copyright and technical issues remain. Yet all these worries can be addressed with simple facts that reassure and encourage authors to adopt open access to benefit themselves, their research and their teaching. There is also a wealth of resources now available to authors that provide information and advice on open access and its effects. As institutions and research funders, both with a strong interest in maximising the visibility and impact of research they support, begin to develop formal policies on open access, models for its provision are emerging. The optimal model is a network of institution-based open access repositories from which content can be harvested by open access search engines ( the basic' no frills' variant) or by service providers who add functionality or selectivity to provide users with value-enhanced products.  相似文献   

New opportunities presented by technological developments are being realised but more can be achieved in opening access to scientific reports and data. Funding agencies and universities are beginning to realise the benefits from an open access model for the dissemination of research results. European funding agencies and universities are following two strategies towards open access, the deposit of research reports in repositories and the conversion of journals to an open access business model. Various public statements have been made in support of open access, and several organizations-such as JISC in the UK-are undertaking work to assist all stakeholders in scholarly communication in introducing beneficial changes.  相似文献   

National and Institutional Policies on Open Access in the United States   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
National and institutional policies on open access are not yet fully established in the United States because of the manner in which the open access movement has evolved. In this report, the authors illustrate how the open access movement has evolved within each community libraries, universities, publishing companies, government agencies, the professoriate, public interest groups, and the U.S. Congress and note what trends now are beginning to emerge.  相似文献   

[Abstract) This paper introduces the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) program and its three main objectives. Then the paper presents the methodology of open access to scientific information by the SciELO. At last, it shows the perspectives of open access in developing countries.  相似文献   

The Way to Open Access - French Strategies to Move Forward   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In France, the movement in favour of open access to scientific research output is getting increasingly coordinated and supported at the political level. The CNRS, a leading research organization in Europe and signatory of the Berlin Declaration, has an evident strategic role to play in this development. Various initiatives that have emerged in the French academic world in recent years have led, for example, in early 2005 to the joint announcement, by four major research institutions, of a common policy to promote open access to published material and other types of digital resources, and to set up institutional archives. The article highlights some key issues of this policy, gives an overview of the current and past CNRS involvement in open access and describes the principal functions, as well as the related challenges, of the future institutional repositories.  相似文献   

e印本文库(e-print archive)研究--介绍一种非正式科学交流系统   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
“e—print archive”是开放存1R(Open Access)运动推荐的一种非正式科学交流系统,本文系统研究了“e—print archive”的中文翻译、学术交流理念、基本功能、学术交流过程、主要特点和基本类型等问题。  相似文献   

学术出版是出版同行近年来比较关注的一个话题,随着信息技术的发展,公开取用(open access)的不断普及,学术出版必将面临更多的关注。  相似文献   

Open Access是期刊出版界的一个十分年轻的概念,它对学术交流的传统模式提出了颠覆性的挑战,成为当前出版界特别是数字图书馆界讨论的热门话题.但讨论的焦点几乎都集中在其传播的有效性上,关于这种出版模式对期刊和文献影响方面涉及甚少.本文就Open Access能否提升期刊和文献的影响度这个问题进行了探讨,借鉴国外的最新研究结果,并对此进行评述分析,希起到抛砖引玉的作用.  相似文献   

Open Access and the Transformation of Science——the Time is Ripe   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We are experiencing a ' climate change' in science publishing and we will witness major changes in the way it is being done, resulting in more and more open access to the scientific research literature. The internet makes it all possible, and the impact on science will be phenomenal.  相似文献   

唐秀群 《图书馆》2012,(5):94-95,116
通过对六门学科领域open access(下文简称OA)期刊特点的分析,并与订阅期刊进行比较,表明OA应纳入图书馆资源服务体系。  相似文献   

开放存取环境下的高校档案信息资源共享   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以"自由、开放、共享"思想为理念基础的"开放存取"(open access,OA),自在西方国家一出现,就受到广泛的认同和支持,并迅速蔓延和发展.随着网络技术的飞速发展,网络信息的"开放存取"正逐渐兴起,并呈加速发展趋势.开放存取在实践上给高校档案信息资源共享拓展了思路,为实现高校信息资源共享奠定了基础.  相似文献   

"211"高校图书馆对OA资源利用的调查与分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
开放存取资源(open access resources,简称OA资源)主要指通过公共网络可以免费获取的在线全文信息,它有助于提高图书馆的信息资源保障能力及用户服务水平,其利用已在国内许多高校图书馆引起了重视.本文拟对我国107所"211"高校图书馆揭示OA资源的情况进行调查并分析,以期对国内图书馆利用开放存取资源有所启发,从而促进国内各高校图书馆对OA资源的利用.  相似文献   

开放使用——一种新的学术交流模式   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
文章分析了目前学术交流面临的问题,介绍了国际学术界(包括图书馆界)应对学术交流危机所持的态度和采取的行动,特别介绍了国外已经开始实施的几项有代表性的开放使用学术信息资源(Open Access)的计划。  相似文献   

编者按: 目前,OA期刊如雨后春笋般纷纷创办起来.面对数量不断剧增加的OA期刊,支持OA的作者如何了解本领域中哪些期刊采用了open access模式?用户能免费使用哪些期刊的内容?其它的出版商可以免费获取哪些期刊的元数据?DOAJ为这些问题提供了答案,本文将对DOAJ进行一个较详细地介绍,以期对作者和用户等有所帮助.  相似文献   

简论OA(open access)期刊与资源共享   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OA(open access)即开放存取,是近年来学术信息共享的自由理念和出版机制。这一新的模式,使科学知识的传播更加趋于人性化、便利化,缩小了贫富之间人为的差距,实现了人类信息资源共享的美梦。OA期刊的问世。为图书馆的未来展现了一幅美好的图画。  相似文献   

Outsell公司--信息内容行业唯一一家专注于研究与咨询的公司--详述了采用open access的图书馆和学术机构对为他们提供价值为110亿美元的科学、技术与医学信息(STM信息)的出版商造成的连续性威胁.Outsell的最新简报--竞争者评估:大型公司中的STM革命--为STM市场的销售与购买者提供了详细的建议性数据和预报.……  相似文献   

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