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Owen Barden 《Literacy》2019,53(1):22-29
This paper contributes a definition of mobile literacy. This is worthwhile because although mobile, internet‐enabled devices are increasingly prevalent in many people's lives, mobile literacy appears to be under‐theorised and lacking definition. After giving an overview of the scale and nature of mobile device use, the paper develops the definition through building on an existing body of work which seeks to define literacies, digital literacies and mobile learning. The definition takes account of the mobility of technology, of learners, and of learning. A systematic multimodal analysis of a complex undergraduate text, in the form of a conference‐style poster, is then undertaken in order to exemplify the definition offered. The analysis attends to both the semiotic resources exploited by the text's author and the wider context the text is created within. Interview data complements that constructed through analysis of the text itself. Combining these two data sources reveals the ideational, interpersonal and textual/organisational meanings communicated by the text, and how mobility is a contextual factor which is fundamental to the literacy practices employed by the author to convey these meanings.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse interactions between secondary students and pre‐service teachers in an online environment in order to understand how their meaning‐making processes embody distributed cognition. We begin by providing a theoretical review of the ways in which literacy learning is distributed across learners, objects, tools, symbols, technologies and the environment in modern English language arts classrooms. This is followed by a case study where we identify how programme values, textual resources and cultural schema function as distributed tools. In traditional schools, with an emphasis on taking standardised tests, the learning environment is designed on the view that learning is a transaction that happens solely ‘inside the head’. Unfortunately, this pushes many students to the margins of classroom engagement and participation. By analysing students' and pre‐service teachers' online discourse, we argue that virtual spaces can facilitate critical dialogue and can act as catalysts for a distributed theory of mind.  相似文献   

Lisa H. Schwartz 《Literacy》2014,48(3):124-135
This article addresses several challenges faced by educators and students in English classrooms in the US–Mexico borderlands region that will resonate with educators more broadly. I present how Ms Smith, the predominately Latino students in her high school writing class and I moved beyond what Ms Smith called the “tyranny of the five‐paragraph essay” used for standardised tests so that students were able to make personally and academically meaningful arguments in their writing. I examine how we collaboratively mobilised interests, motivations and diverse semiotic resources across out‐of‐school and in‐school contexts in the process of developing multimodal and hybrid genres and texts. First, I describe how Ms Smith and I crafted hybrid, digitally mediated classroom spaces and essay assignments informed by students' identity and literacy practices within digital networks. Next, I examine how three Latina students used semiotic resources and issues circulating in the different spaces of their lives to confidently argue their perspectives within the hybrid genres we created. From this collaborative work, I suggest that thinking of students and teachers as “semiotic boundary workers” provides a useful framework for practitioners who want to enable young people to draw on their practices and digital tools and engage their expansive, networked and creative affordances in academic contexts.  相似文献   

In recent years, literacy educators have increasingly recognised the importance of addressing a broader range of texts in the classroom. This article raises some critical concerns about a particular approach to this issue that has been widely promoted in recent years – the concept of ‘multimodality’. Multimodality theory offers a broadly semiotic approach to analysing a range of communicative forms. It has been widely taken up by literacy educators, initially at an academic level, and has begun to find its way into policy documents, teacher education and professional development and classroom practice. This article presents some criticisms, both of the theory itself and of the ways in which it has been taken up within the wider context of curriculum change. It argues that, in its popular usage, multimodality theory is being appropriated in a way that merely reinforces a long‐standing distinction between print and ‘non‐print’ texts. This contributes in particular to a continuing neglect of the specificity of moving image media – media that are central to the learning and everyday life experiences of young children. Drawing on recent classroom‐based research, the article concludes by offering some brief indications of an alternative approach to these issues.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study that examines the integration of tablet technologies such as iPads into literacy lessons to investigate how reading and meaning‐making occur within this digital medium. Specifically in this paper, we discuss the concept of reading paths as applied to physical and cognitive planes of meaning‐making. The paper reports on data collected as part of a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) funded project involving researchers from Canada, the United States and Australia. The study is currently under way in schools in the three different countries where the researchers are observing students in classrooms in primary and secondary schools. The research is designed with a mixed methods approach coding video footage of dyads to enable close study of their interaction during literacy tasks incorporating iPads. Our findings show that the affordances of touch technology allow for multimodal, multidirectional reading paths. By tracking students' interactions with the digital platform through touch, it is possible to see navigation as evidence of the relationship between material and cognitive processes, which fosters metatextual awareness. These aspects of modes and new literacies construct a dynamic materiality for students' reading and writing. As a result, we propose that current awareness of the mode of gesture needs to be expanded to take into account haptic ways of learning.  相似文献   

Building communicative competence in textual and multimodal literacies has become a linchpin of learning, of engagement with the world, and of participation in online and blended spaces. Young creators now compose online and with digital tools, often in what we call “user‐generated content affinity spaces” – interest‐based spaces that focus on creating and sharing self‐made content. Such spaces focus on processes of developing users' creations and sharing the products with an audience. These spaces have been inspirations for teachers to reinvigorate classroom practices and expose students to learning opportunities for creation and critique. But questions remain about models of participation in such spaces, especially those that idealise youth who are the most highly engaged while ignoring those whose participation is less visible. Here, we share three experiences of bringing user‐generated content affinity spaces into more formal learning environments and reflect on the tensions emerging from these efforts. We end by outlining steps to develop theory and interventions to navigate tensions and propel the field forward.  相似文献   

We present a new and innovative interface that allows the learner’s body to move freely in a multimodal learning environment. The Situated Multimedia Arts Learning Laboratory (SMALLab) uses 3D object tracking, real time graphics, and surround‐sound to enhance embodied learning. Our hypothesis is that optimal learning and retention occur when learning is embodied, multiple modalities are recruited, and learners are allowed to be highly collaborative. We present two geology studies in a high school setting. In the layer cake scenario, students learned more after three days of building and discussing depositional layers in SMALLab than would be expected from a simple retest effect. In the contour mapping scenario, students learned significantly more after creating and discussing maps in the SMALLab environment for three days, compared with a group that received three days of regular instruction with hands‐on projects. We contend that embodied, collaborative, virtual environments have much to offer STEM learners, and the learning gains transcend those that can be expected from more traditional classroom procedures.

SMALLab: Virtuelle Geologiestudien mit Hilfe der Ausdrack verliehenen Gelehrsamkeit mit Bewegong, Geräusch und graphischer Darstellung

Wir zeigen eine neue und innovative Schnittstelle, die dem Körper des Anfängers erlaubt, sich frei in einer multimodalen Lernumgebung zu bewegen. Das situierte Multimedia Kunst‐Lern‐Labor (SMALLab) benutzt 3D‐Objektverfolgungen, reale zeitgraphische Darstellungen und Rundum‐Klangkulissen, um das erzielte Lernergebnis zu verbessern. Unsere Hypothese ist, dass optimale Lern‐ und Merkergebnisse erzielt werden, wenn “zu lernen” Ausdruck verliehen wird, mehrfache Verfahrensweisen ausgewählt sind, und Lernenden erlaubt wird, hoch kooperativ zu sein. Wir legen zwei Geologiestudien in einer High‐School Einstellung vor. Im “Schichtkuchen”‐Szenario lernten Studenten in drei Tagen mehr depositionale Schichten in SMALLab zu bauen und zu erörtern, als von einer einfachen Nachtestwirkung erwartet werden würde. Im Konturangleichungsszenario, lernten Studenten bedeutend mehr nach dem Entwerfen und Erörtern an drei Tagen von Landkarten in der SMALLab Umgebung, verglich mit einer Gruppe, die drei Tage regelmäßig Anweisungen bei der praktischen Projektarbeit erhielt. Wir behaupten, dass kooperative, virtuelle Umgebungen viel dazu beitragen, STEM‐Lernern Lerngewinne anzubieten, und dass sie jene übersteigen, die von mehr traditionellen Klassenzimmerverfahren erwartet werden können.

SMALLab: étudier virtuellement la qéologie en passant par un apprentissage incorpe comportant le mouvement, le son et le graphisme

Nous présentons un nouvel interface innovant qui permet au corps de l’apprenant de se déplacer librement dans un environnement d’apprentissage multimodal. Le Laboratoire d’Apprentissage des Arts Multimedia en Situation (SMALL) utilise le repérage des objets en 3D, du graphisme en temps réel, et une sonorisation enveloppante, ceci pour renforcer l’apprentissage « incorporé ». Notre hypothèse, c’est que l’apprentissage et la rétention sont les meilleurs lorsque l’apprentissage est « incorporé », lorsqu’on fait appel à des modalités multiples et lorsqu’on permet aux apprenants d’être des collaborateurs actifs. Nous présentons deux études de géologie dans un contexte de lycée.Dans le scénario du gâteau fourré, les élèves ont appris davantage après trois jours de construction et de débats sur les couches de sédimentation au SMALLab que ce qu’on pourrait attendre d’un simple effet de contre essai. Dans le scénario de cartographie des courbes de niveau les élèves ont appris nettement plus après avoir crée et débattu pendant trois jours sur les cartes dans l’environnement du SMALLab si on les compare à un groupe qui a reçu trois jours de formation traditionnelle avec des réalisations concrètes. Nous soutenons que les environnements virtuels, collaboratifs, « incorporés » offrent beaucoup de possibilités aux apprenants de Science et de Technologie et que les gains cognitifs dépassent ceux que l’on peut attendre des protocoles de classe plus traditionnels.

SMALLab: como estudiar geología virtualmente a través de un apprendizaje “encarnado” incluyendo movimientos, sonido y grafismo

Aquí presentamos un nuevo interface innovador que permite al cuerpo del alumno moverse libremente dentro de un entorno de aprendizaje multi‐modal. El Laboratorio de Aprendizaje de Artes Multimedia en Situación (SMALLab) utiliza la localización de objetos 3D, el grafismo en tiempo real y un sonido envolvente para realzar el aprendizaje «encarnado». Nuestra hipótesis es que los mejores niveles de aprendizaje y retención aparecen cuando el aprendizaje está «encarnado», cuando muchas modalidades están involucradas y cuando los discentes tienen une fuerte capacidad de colaboración. Aquí presentamos dos estudios de geología dentro de un contexto de enseñanza media. En el escenario del «pastel relleno» los alumnos han aprendido más al final de tres días de construcción y debate sobre las capas sedimentarias que lo que se puede esperar de un efecto de segunda prueba. En el escenario de cartografía de curvas de nivel, los alumnos aprendieron mucho más después de tres días de creación y de debate sobre mapas en el entorno del SMALLab en comparación con un grupo que había recibido tres días de aulas regulares con proyectos prácticos. Sostenemos que los entornos virtuales «encarnados» y colaborativos pueden ofrecer mucho a los alumnos de Ciencias y Tecnologías y que los beneficios cognitivos superan lo que se puede esperar de prácticas más tradiconales en el aula.  相似文献   

This article looks at the way in which the changing visual environment affects education at two levels: in communication patterns and research methodologies. The research considers differences in the variance and quantity of types of visual media and their relationship to the written mode in the urban landscapes of Tokyo and London, using Google Street View to make comparisons. It reflects on the parallels this might have in the ways in which children encounter text in the environment. The data were analysed using Visual Content Analysis and colour coding. It found the Tokyo sample to have a higher density and diversity of visual media types at a wider range of heights. Visual and written communication also appear to be confined to more separately definable spaces with more equal weighting in the use of written and visual modes. Particularly, within the context of early childhood education it is hoped these findings will increase knowledge concerning young children's exposure to the visual mode, initiate wider discourse around this less researched mode's role within new multimodal communication practices and that the methodology furthers understanding of the potential of new media in image‐based research.  相似文献   

School efforts to engage parents are posited to influence whether and how they are involved in their children's schooling. The authors examined educators' engagement efforts in beginning reading, their subjective evaluations of engagement practices, and beliefs about parent involvement, in two stratified samples of New Zealand elementary school educators. They explored whether educators' ratings supported multidimensional and multitiered theoretical models of engagement. The authors invited responses from elementary principals and teachers, given their different roles in the nested ecology of schools and relationships with parents, and examined associations between pairs of principals and teachers working in the same school. Finally, the authors examined relations among educators' engagement efforts, evaluations of engagement practices, and beliefs about involvement, and school characteristics including community socioeconomic status, size of school population, ethnic composition of school population, community size, and geographic region.  相似文献   


This article reports on a longitudinal study spanning over 5 years, involving the design and implementation of an early childhood teacher education program model that engages a critical-ecological theoretical approach, a funds of knowledge perspective, and design-based methodology. This project aimed to promote equitable education for all children, and especially for young immigrant children encountering situations of oppression within the national and local educational contexts in Arizona. In this teacher education program, families, community members, researchers, pre-service teachers and teachers worked together to develop new modes of curricular activity, new spaces, new relationships, and new forms of movement among participants, as well as new circulations of literacy artefacts.  相似文献   

Kate Pahl 《Literacy》2007,41(2):86-92
This article argues that it is possible to look at children's texts in relation to the lens of literacy events and practices from the New Literacy Studies, and apply this perspective to an understanding of creativity. Teachers can then use the possibilities within a text to ask children different kinds of questions. Drawing on a 2‐year ethnographic study of a partnership between a group of artists and teachers in an Infants School in England, and their impact on children's text‐making, the paper seeks to understand the ways in which such a text can be identified as creative. A detailed analysis of one child's text is offered as evidence of this argument. This account is set within a project to map children's play in a Foundation classroom.  相似文献   

Rachel Cumming 《Literacy》2007,41(2):93-101
This article begins by identifying that children have a spontaneous predilection for playing with language, engaging in poetic discourse even before their first poetry lesson. Although children's language play is relatively unresearched in the classroom, in a case study of two groups of pupils aged between 10 and 11, it was observed that children engaged in creative word play, and that this was generated in response to interaction with poetry and each other. This article suggests that children's poetical experiences may best be nurtured by building bridges between children's existing knowledge of language play and the specialised knowledge of poetry taught in the classroom through a teaching methodology based on socio‐constructivist principles.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nature of the out‐of‐school writing practices of three primary‐aged children aged 9–10. In particular, it explores the writing these children chose to undertake at home including ‘for school’ writing, completed at home. The study's findings reveal the ways in which these three, developing young writers engage and interact with writing and how this differs to writing for school, completed at home. To better understand the implications of national surveys that reveal a causal relationship between writing for enjoyment and positive writing attainment this research sought to expose the range and versatility of the children's home and volitional writing practices. The children in this case study were not selected because they were writers but merely that they engaged with writing away from school. The study employs an ecological paradigm (Bronfenbrenner, 1979 ) to explore the participation and interaction of the children with their writing practices within the complex environment of home. The paper makes the case for teachers to be more curious about the private worlds of out‐of‐school text creation to better appreciate the provenance of home writing events and artefacts.  相似文献   

This paper draws on a Canadian qualitative case study grounded in multiliteracies theory to describe the meaning‐making processes of four students aged 13‐14 years as they created history projects. Students were invited to explore curriculum content in self‐chosen ways and to produce presentations in a range of formats. The data we present and discuss were collected through participant observation and in‐situ interviews with four students who selected digital formats. We examine these data using multiliteracies concepts: specifically multimodality and identity texts. We argue that multimodal literacy practices have potential to bridge gaps between students' in‐school and out‐of‐school lives and underscore the importance of allowing students to draw on their out‐of‐school identities and interests to guide explorations of curriculum content.  相似文献   

This study examined elementary school teachers’ experiences working with homeless students. Specifically, we focused on the psychosocial impacts of homelessness on students and their teachers. Qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 28 teachers who worked at designated public schools for family homeless shelters. A prominent theme that emerged from teachers’ accounts was how the instability tied to homelessness affected students’ behavioral, social, and emotional adjustment in the classroom (e.g. externalizing problems, difficulty developing peer relationships, and withdrawn behavior). Teachers’ own social and emotional competencies (e.g. fostering positive teacher–student relationships, and perspective taking) influenced the manner in which they responded to their students’ needs. Findings suggest that critical components may be lacking articulation in the McKinney-Vento Act’s Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program such as guidelines for teacher responsibilities, supports for teachers, and an emphasis not only on children’s academic but also social and emotional needs.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,美国推行了注重学科知识结构的课程改革运动;80年代以后,美国通过推行STS教育而努力对传统科学课程进行重建;2000年以来,美国为保持在全球范围内的领先地位,开始推行STEM教育。半个世纪以来,美国当代科学教育的发展实现了政策、理念和行动的有机整合,通过持续改革而提升了对科学的本质及科学教育内涵的认识,这一切对于我国的科学教育改革无疑具有借鉴和启发意义。  相似文献   

We prospectively examined the role of physical activity involvement, weight status, and motor functioning capability in 1st grade for social status among other pupils in class in the 4th grade. Our sample included 80 Norwegian 1st grade pupils (Girls N = 44; Boys N = 36). 1st grade motor proficiency and objectively measured physical activity, but not weight status was predictive of 4th grade social standing among pupils in class as measured by socio‐metric status. Interaction findings also revealed that 1st grade healthy weight children being proficient in the motor domain benefit more in terms of their social standing among peers in 4th grade than do 1st grade overweight but equally motor proficient children. Being physically active in the 1st grade seems more important for social standing among peers in 4th grade for 1st grade girls than for boys. Results may inform early intervention efforts in school to enhance pupils' psychosocial development.  相似文献   

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