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追根溯源,中世纪的宽容和不宽容,在终极意义上都与基督教有关。在那个“黑暗”时代,基督教信仰是人们寻求宽容和爱的唯一源泉,教会信仰专制,也是一切专制和暴虐的思想来源和现实基础。  相似文献   

Respect and tolerance are key values in education. They are also among the aims of education and are brought to the foreground in educational policy. We argue that these values are neither philosophically nor politically given aims for which education is a means. Instead, respect and tolerance are enacted and negotiated through educational practices. We emphasize that respect and tolerance should be empirically and critically studied in educational practices. The discussion is based in two previous research projects and the material includes interviews with teachers and students and classroom observations. Moral philosophy is positioned as a conversation partner with the data material. We conclude that respect and tolerance are performed in different modes in practice. These two values cannot be understood as individual cognitive aspects but as multimodal processes and as aspects of collective, bodily and material practices. This article provides a contribution to the theorizing about educating for respect and tolerance.  相似文献   

汉代尊老养老教育与社会和谐   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汉代尊老养老教育在继承先秦的基础上有了很大的发展。汉代皇帝扮演了重要角色,将“以孝治天下”定为基本国策,朝廷将《孝经》列为儒家经典,命天下诵读,因而《孝经》起到了指导尊老养老的重要作用。除了学校教育,政府还重视社会教育,通过多种途径向社会全体成员灌输尊老养老思想。举孝廉从选官的角度为全社会制定了敬老尊贤的行为准则,成为鼓励人们尊老养老的强大精神武器。把尊老教育与法律尊老相结合,运用礼法对不养老、侮老、弃老者予以严惩。尊老养老教育对于家庭和睦与家庭保障、培养“尊老”风尚、保障社会和谐安定等等,都有着巨大的积极作用,但将道德教育置于绝对支配地位的弊端也不应忽视。  相似文献   

教育平等是社会平等的一个子系统,它包括教育机会平等、教育过程平等、教育结果平等.在我国,社会转型时期的城乡二元社会结构使得我国的"教育平等"有了自己的困难和问题.现实社会中社会不平等的存在,使得教育平等只能成为一个悖命题,教育的不平等才是永恒的主题.人们对教育平等的渴求,更多地反映的是对社会正义与公平的渴求,其实是在追求"教育公平"而不是"教育平等".  相似文献   

The content and boundaries of moral education the state may require schools to offer is a matter of contention. This article investigates whether the state may obligate schools to promote the pursuit of moral ideals. Moral ideals refer to (a cluster of) characteristics of a person as well as to situations or states that are believed to be morally excellent or perfect and that are not yet realised. Having an ideal typically means that the person is dedicated to realising the type of situation or person to which the ideal refers. Therefore generating student enthusiasm for moral ideals may be an effective way to realise a morally excellent society. This article defends the position that schools may be required to promote the recognition of ideals that all reasonable citizens endorse. Reasonable citizens will not, however, accept that the state obligates schools to promote the pursuit of moral ideals.  相似文献   

In the post-apartheid era, South African universities are striving to attract and retain diverse faculty, as mandated by the 1998 Employment Equity Act (EEA). While the focus on faculty is critical to the transformation agenda, it is informative to step back and consider the factors that influence graduate students’ decisions regarding joining the academy. This qualitative study explores the educational experiences and vocational decisions of 50 masters and doctoral students from the EEA's “designated groups,” who are poised to become academics. Factors influencing graduate students’ vocational choices should be taken into consideration as universities strive to attract more diverse faculty.  相似文献   

Researching the intersection of class, race, gender, sexuality and disability raises many issues for educational research. Indeed, Maynard (2002 Maynard, M. 2002. Studying age, ‘race’ and gender: Translating a research proposal into a project. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 5: 3140. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar], 33) has recently argued that ‘difference is one of the most significant, yet unresolved, issues for feminist and social thinking at the beginning of the twentieth century’. This paper reviews some of the key imperatives of working with ‘intersectional theory’ and explores the extent to these debates are informing research around difference in education and Physical Education (PE). The first part of the paper highlights some key issues in theorising and researching intersectionality before moving on to consider how difference has been addressed within PE. The paper then considers three ongoing challenges of intersectionality – bodies and embodiment, politics and practice and empirical research. The paper argues for a continued focus on the specific context of PE within education for its contribution to these questions.  相似文献   

教育的最终目的是培养人的才干,养育人的品德,提高人的认识能力,人类所追求的除物质的充分满足外,应是才能的最大发挥和精神的最大满足。人的思想意识和素质修养,对其自身和社会的发展起着决定和制约作用,作为直接为社会培养人才的高等院校,理应担负起养育人才素质的责任。  相似文献   

Many parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have reported general discontent with the services offered by the education system and have advocated for increased ASD‐specific services to better meet their children’s educational needs. The elements of best practice offer an ideal model for educational support. There are, however, limitations to advocating ASD‐specific services. This paper describes how best practice for ASD as an educational model fits within what is described as authentic inclusion. Further, it is suggested that the ASD community align with the greater inclusive education reform movement. With the use of this unified model of education, all children will receive the educational support they require.  相似文献   


After criticising the solutionist drift, this article argues for the need for three gestures, in order to build a more problematised Comparative Education: estrangement, that is, the ability to see the unknown and therefore to distance ourselves from what is already known; intercession, that is, the ability to perceive the importance of mediators; communication, that is, the ability to work in common with others, from different positions and perspectives. Based on these three gestures, the article argues for a Comparative Education that seeks to develop three lines of work: to build a science of difference, rather than a ‘solution’ that tends to homogenise educational directions throughout the world; to strengthen the public space, instead of contributing to the authority of experts; to revitalise the common, instead of yielding to the current fragmentation, in which we interact only with what is similar to us. The arguments are not limited to Southern Europe, as they intend to open up a set of general questions about the meaning of comparative work in education.  相似文献   

西双版纳傣族普遍信仰南传上座部佛教,傣族男子接受佛寺教育成为傣族的一项重要传统。通过分析傣族佛寺教育为何能成为傣族社会的“传统”,认为主要有以下原因:佛教自身的改变、统治阶层的需要、个人选择的必要性以及相对稳定的社会结构等。  相似文献   

Helen Hanna 《Compare》2017,47(1):17-31
It has long been established that an effective citizenship education in a multicultural society must incorporate some exposure to a variety of views on different topics. However, the ability and willingness to deal with difference relating to controversial matters of national identity, narrative and conflict vary. This is not least the case in the ethno-nationally divided and conflict-affected jurisdictions of Northern Ireland and Israel. This article relates qualitative research conducted among students, teachers and policy-makers in these two jurisdictions that explores the area of dealing with difference within citizenship education. Using the starting point of a framework based on international law on education, the article goes on to consider how freedom of expression and non-discrimination are variously interpreted and balanced when exploring controversial issues in the classroom of a divided society.  相似文献   

有关教育和个体教育的论述,多离不开人的潜能问题。对人的潜能,人本主义进行了比较多的论述,但其论述仅停留于对潜能同一性的认识,事实上,潜能的差异性不仅构成了个体最初不同的内部状态,而且在人的一生中都持续地发挥着作用,个体就是在这种差异潜能和环境的交互作用中发展起来的。这种交互作用使个体发展和社会发展构成了交互影响的统一体,这一点应引起我们教育和管理工作的高度重视。  相似文献   

教育作为一种造福于人类的事业,人道精神是十分重要的一个问题。教育的人道精神主要是靠教师来实现的。在教育的过程中如果没有教师对学生尊重关爱的态度、情感和行为,无论怎样提倡教育的人道精神也都无济于事。因此,如何在教育过程中爱护学生的生命、关怀学生的幸福、重视学生的价值、尊重学生的人格和权利,同时把学生培养成富有人道精神的人是每一位教育都应该面对的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

一直以来,学生"跪着读书"是被教育者普遍忽视的教育隐患,它易造就"主奴人格",远离教育本质。教育在本质意义上是启迪灵性的艺术,教育的启迪应从"尊重"开始。尊重的力量就是教育的生命力,建立一种基于"尊重"的学校哲学,就意味着找到了学校生命的基石。实践证明,只要用平等和仁爱撒播"尊重"的良种,教育就一定会开出最美的花朵。  相似文献   

培养祖国下一代正确的个人价值观和高尚的情操是学校教育的主要目的。音乐教育过程中音乐倾向性功能不可忽视,在培养学生"音乐的耳朵"时,也需要培养形成隐藏在学生"音乐耳朵"背后正确的价值观、奋发向上的精神和远大的理想。  相似文献   

政治宽容:国家与公民社会良性演进的理性诉求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家与社会的关系在政治生活中最具根本性意义。中国传统国家与社会合二为一的关系表现出政治的本质特征是政治不宽容。国家与社会的适度分离,遵循政治宽容的原则分别建构自己的内在规则和价值,是现代性成长的必然。由中国进入现代生活的历史前提和现实境遇所决定,中国公民社会的成长需要依靠国家生活的主动“范导”,在宽容的基础上锻造中国特色的公民社会,国家与社会互相承认对方的合法性,互相支持与互相授权,国家与公民社会的关系不再是此消彼长而是和谐共进。  相似文献   

人的全面发展是全面建设小康社会的重要内容。继续教育的目的就是促进人的全面发展。继续教育重在提高人的科学文化素质和思想道德素质,提高人们的创新意识和创新能力,培养创新人才。同时,全面建设小康社会的伟大实践为继续教育的发展提供了重要课题。构建终身教育体系是时代的要求。继续教育是构建终身教育体系的重要力量。  相似文献   

教育要为学生营造一个独立思考、大胆质疑、驰骋想象、宽松的成长环境,培养勇于创新、勇于批判、勇于创新的一代新人。  相似文献   

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