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中国教育社会学的发端——一种知识社会学的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国教育社会学学科产生于上个世纪20年代,但是未得到应有的重视。学科发展有自身学术逻辑,学科的反省是必要的。从知识社会学视角来回顾这段学科发展历史,就会发现除却社会、学术的独特背景之外,参与主体的特质以及其产生的历史作用也得以突显。从教育社会学产生的运命、译介与中国化并行的研究特点、研究者群体所具有的多元知识视野与丰富教育实践的特质、教育社会学发端的开拓与奠基之功分析新生伊始的中国教育社会学,以期对当今教育学学科的发展提供反思的参照。  相似文献   

This article draws on social realist approaches in the sociology of knowledge and in light of them constructs three scenarios for the future of education in the next decades. The primary focus of the article is on one of the most crucial questions facing educational policy makers — the relationship between school and everyday or common sense knowledge. The different possibilities for how the school/non-school knowledge boundaries might be approached are expressed in three scenarios —'boundaries treated as given', 'a boundary-less world' and the idea of 'boundary maintenance as a condition for boundary crossing'. The curriculum implications of each are explored and the article makes the case for the third scenario. The factors likely to make one or other scenario dominate educational policy in the next 20–30 years are also considered.  相似文献   

在当今学术界,学术失范与学术不端行为是一种不容忽视的现象,对高校人才培养十分不利.遵守学术规范,维护学术道德,纯化学术环境,方能培养出栋梁之才.为了遵守学术规范,必须采取得力措施.  相似文献   

The continued gender imbalance in senior positions in higher education is a problem that persists despite decades of feminist research and publications in the area, as well as interventions in many countries to promote the advancement of women. In this article we view the issue of gender inequality through the lens of the prestige economy, which suggests that academics are motivated by prestige factors accrued through advancement in their careers. Prestige, authority and status, we suggest, may be more easily acquired by male academics. We draw on a case study of one institution in the Republic of Ireland, including data from a survey on academic careers (n = 269), to explore how the concept of prestige is gendered. We explore the cumulative effect of four themes: homosociability; non-transparency of criteria; academic workload balance; and self-promotion.  相似文献   


In 2007, we argued that, when it comes to sociology of education, the lives and education of refugee children were invisible. Sociology of education was ‘a wasteland’ as far as studies of the social effects of migration were concerned. Here, we revisit this argument exploring whether education and migration has been developed into a viable specialism in the discipline, and whether one of the great societal challenges of our age is being addressed. Examining the work published on migration and education since 2005 in BJSE, we see that the majority of studies focus on the global mobility of students and on school experiences of migrant children. While these are valuable foci, what is missing is a more extensive consideration of how ‘the age of migration’ and the characteristics of global migration in the 21st century challenge the values, the policies and practices associated with state education institutions and social order.  相似文献   

This article is a contribution to the sociology of an expanded and newly diversified UK higher education system. How differentiated is the student experience? How sharply is the system polarised? Drawing on interviews and questionnaires conducted in five sociology departments in a variety of pre‐1992 and post‐1992 universities, it examines students' views on ‘what they learn’ and their orientations to study. It explores differences in curriculum content and organisation and the extent to which student narratives and identities vary with differences in institutional context. A typology of student experiences and subject engagement is advanced that as well as capturing institutional differences also locates a range of student orientations – and worthwhile student experiences – in all five departments that suggests a somewhat greater commonality of experience and outcome across institutions than the extreme polarisation of institutional experiences and outcomes sometimes suggest.  相似文献   

树立高校教师威信,要以渊博的知识吸引学生,树立智力威信;以积极的关爱感动学生,树立情感威信;以高尚的品格感染学生,树立人格威信。如此,才能实现对学生的有效教育教学和管理。  相似文献   

We old warriors of ideology critique and wissensoziologie should not be too hard on ourselves for having forgotten reflexivity and the labors of putting paradigms, including our own, back into the context of history and social movement. Normal science is our necessary bread and butter. We achieved a lot by shaking the liberal foundations of sociology of education, although in America, despite a mandatory ‘inclusiveness’ in educational studies, in the higher science of sociology of education, liberalism still holds sway, underneath the triumphant pyrotechnics of advanced multivariate analyses. You may have some qualitative research, however, even focused on studies of race and gender. Still, class analysis did, and again now, does, make a dent, accumulating careful empirical research, both in ethnographies and models of statistical causality. Likewise, when postmodernism took the stage, curriculum studies added new light and meaning to understanding the school text. More recently and less prominently, ‘spirituality’ now revitalizes interest in ‘holistic’ education, even ‘transcendental learning’, as Miller calls his revival of the nineteenth-century American Transcendentalist movement, in education.  相似文献   

积极创建适应社会主义市场经济的高职人才流动机制,对于高职院校的发展具有非常重要的意义。通过理性分析高职人才流动的现状及其背后的成因,就其合理有序的人才流动机制的创建提出思考,认为只有通过人才立法,建立人才诚信制度,进一步深化高职人事制度改革、规范高职院校内部管理,才能实现新时期高职院校人才的合理流动。  相似文献   


The author reflects on continuities and changes in the subdiscipline, using Mary Douglas and Basil Bernstein. In 2000 the millennial issue of Sociology, the generic journal of the British Sociological Association, included a paper about the sociology of education called ‘The anomalous beasts: Hooligans and the sociology of education’. It focused on hooligans as anomalous beasts in the sociology of education, and the sub-discipline as an anomalous beast within the discipline of sociology itself. It concluded with, very poor, predictions about the likely state of sociology of education and UK sociology in 2025. The fortieth anniversary of BJSE is a good time to revisit that millennial evaluation in order to offer a new sociologically informed re-evaluation of the field in 2020, set an agenda to highlight some of the current weaknesses in the sub-discipline and update the analysis of the uneasy relationship with the wider discipline of Sociology itself.  相似文献   


This paper presents an account of the development of the sociology of education in the UK, by means of an analysis of papers published in the field’s flagship journal, the British Journal of Sociology of Education and its US equivalent, Sociology of Education. In particular, we examine the representation of two contrasting traditions in addressing social inequalities: ‘political arithmetic’; and the more recent ‘cultural turn’. We find that in the UK, the cultural turn dominates; whilst in the US, it is political arithmetic which does so. In accounting for these contrasting national profiles, we argue that they are underpinned by divergent social infrastructure and organisation. We also discuss some of the implications of the dominance of the cultural turn in the UK, specifically in terms of the relationship between the fields of academic research and policy and the development of a cumulative evidence base to address social inequalities in education.  相似文献   

谈职业教育社会学学科体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本通过对我国职业教育理论与实际问题的分析与透视,梳理了近20年来我国职业教育发展的历程和基础,提出建立职业教育社会学,用社会的观点和方法解决职业教育问题的路径。并对职业教育社会学学科体系构建的理论基础、现实条件、研究对象、理论体系等进行了分析。这不仅是对社会学理论的丰富和发展,而且是职业教育理论研究与实践探索的创新和拓展。  相似文献   


This article explores how temporality and temporal regimes might be engaged in qualitative research in the sociology of education, proposing that such questions matter in relation to how research is done, not only to the topics and themes researched. The article shows how temporality enters into research designs, practices and imaginaries, arguing that research methodologies mobilise intersecting temporalities. Debates in the philosophy of history regarding the collision of temporalities are canvassed, and approaches are outlined for conceptualising temporality in reference to qualitative studies. To illustrate these arguments, an account is offered of theoretical and methodological approaches framing a new qualitative longitudinal study of young people and secondary schooling in Australia; to highlight the historicity of methodologies, comparisons are also drawn between this study and an earlier related longitudinal study undertaken in the 1990s. The article concludes by inviting a re-consideration of the possibilities for a renewal of historical sociology of education.  相似文献   


The article takes as its starting point my recent ethnography of the Welsh National Opera Company, and the forthcoming monograph Everyday Arias: making opera work. In the course of that work I revisited the theme of performance: the ethnography of performance and the performance of ethnography. I discuss briefly the everyday work of the opera producer and director in the rehearsal studio and in the theatre. I suggest that despite the pervasive nature of 'performance' in contemporary sociology and anthropology, we have remarkably few studies of performances themselves. Performances by directors and performers are complex interactions, in which cultural forms, vocabularies of motive, emotional and cognitive frames of interpretation are explored by the participants. The director displays many parallels with the pedagogue. Both are preoccupied with eliciting and evaluating the performances of others. More generally, we ought to expand the sociology of education to take greater account of a wide range of cultural settings. Sociologists of education could learn much about instruction and learning by paying more attention to masterclasses in music and the visual arts, the work of cultural entrepreneurs such as impresarios, artistic education such as choir schools and conservatoires, and similar environments. Furthermore, the sociology of education could and should benefit from a more thorough engagement with contemporary sociologies of art and culture. While the sociology of culture has become central to many aspects of current sociological research and theorising, the sociology of education seems oddly peripheral to mainstream cultural analysis. It is surely not necessary to identify the sociology of education in narrowly institutional terms and to restrict the research gaze primarily to institutions and settings that are narrowly and commonsensically 'educational' in nature.  相似文献   

As an emerging field within higher education, academic development remains fragmented, both as a field of theory and practice. In the vibrant, on-going debate about the theoretical foundations and directions of academic development as a nascent field, some relatively wide-ranging claims which have been made seem to be lacking in supporting empirical evidence. With regards to this limitation, this paper contends that more systematic empirical explorations of the knowledge-base of academic development are vital to gain a better understanding of the field. Informed by Bernstein’s social realist frameworks on the structure of academic knowledge, the paper presents an analysis of knowledge recontextualisation processes in two English and two Flemish academic development units, based on semi-structured interviews with 30 academic developers. From the analysis, contrasting patterns of knowledge recontextualisation emerged between the four sites and between the national contexts in particular, pointing towards an increasing epistemological fragmentation.  相似文献   

Based on the conceptualframework of Pierre Bourdieu, this studycompares the impact of pressure to develop tieswith non-academic organisations on two fieldsof research, namely: sociology and economics.The study highlights the dynamics particular toeach discipline and shows that a soundunderstanding of transformations affectinguniversity research cannot exclude analysis ofthe specificity of each one. Two cohorts ofprofessors were studied in two Quebecuniversities: the first cohort was made up ofprofessors who received tenure between 1974 and1983, and the second between 1989 and 1998. Theresults suggest that pressures in favor ofpartnership with non-academic organisationshave not had the same impact in sociology andeconomics. While research practices haveundergone transformations in each discipline,the nature of these transformations differs inan important way. The results also contradicttwo popular models in knowledge productionstudies, which are the Entrepreneurial Science,and Mode 1/Mode 2 models. Although these modelsclaim that academic research orientation hasbecome geared towards problem-solving, ourresults indicate, however, that the oppositetrend has been taking place in sociology andeconomics.  相似文献   

影响教师职业声望的主要因素是化传统、社会需求、职业的不可替代性、职业群体的道德素质等,而不是教师的经济收入。提高教师职业声望策略应重在教师职业队伍内部建设而非外部的政策性调节,应从实现教师职能现代化,形成教师行业性自律和提高教师自身职业满意度等方面着手提高教师的职业声望。  相似文献   

Within the sphere of contemporary social sciences, the terms “modernity,” “post-modernity” and “globalization” have penetrated, as the core concepts, into various fields of social sciences in a logical way. In constituting the concept of “modernity,” sociology of education develops the educational theory, as sociological theory does, into a “grand narrative” and “foundationalist” theory; the contribution of post-modernity is pluralism and self-examination in an attempt to transcend modernity. Globalization, a kind of expanded modernity, makes education sociologists broaden their perspective from single and traditional “nationality,” “society” and “nation” to an international society and even to the global society, which has broken through the research paradigm of modernity with ethnocentrism, anthropocentrism and Euro-centrism. These changes have required urgent constitution of the conceptions and theoretical frameworks of sociology of education to be applied on a global level. __________ Translated from Peking University Education Review, 2006 (1)  相似文献   

Collaborative learning and critical pedagogy are widely recognized as ‘empowering’ pedagogies for higher education. Yet, the practical implementation of both has a mixed record. The question, then, is: How could collaborative and critical pedagogies be empowered themselves? This paper makes a primarily theoretical case for discourse analysis (DA) as a form of classroom practice that provides a structured framework for collaborative and critical pedagogies in higher education, with a special reference to sociology classroom practice. I develop a tripartite scheme for building a framework for sociological imagination that is, first, sensitive to the discursive aspects of social reality (learning about DA). Second, I illustrate the use of DA as pedagogical tool and classroom practice (learning with DA). Third, I discuss how discourse analytical ideas can be used in evaluating classroom interaction and how these reflexive insights can be used to enhance student empowerment (learning through DA).  相似文献   

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