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儿童文学在儿童成长过程中起重要作用。儿童文学的读者是儿童,译者要考虑儿童的心理、认知、审美情趣等方面的特点。接受美学重视读者,把读者的接受放在首要地位。文章根据儿童文学的特点和要求,从接受美学的角度探讨儿童文学翻译的方法和技巧,以期引起广大翻译者的关注,从而促进儿童文学翻译的发展。  相似文献   

儿童文学翻译研究在国内外都属于边缘领域,但鉴于儿童文学的翻译对中国儿童文学的生成和发展有重要意义,儿童文学翻译则应该引起更多的关注和研究.接受美学的理论可以用来研究儿童文学翻译,由于儿童文学的读者与儿童文学有别于其他文学类型,译者应充分考虑目标读者的特殊性,创造出适合儿童读者的语体形式并用目标语言表现其中的童趣.  相似文献   

儿童文学的首位接受者和阅读者是儿童。接受美学是以读者为中心,以读者接受为目标,它为儿童文学翻译提供了一个新的理论基础和依据。通过这个新视角对儿童文学翻译作尝试性研究,阐释接受美学可以用于研究儿童文学翻译。  相似文献   

文章讨论了接受美学理论对翻译儿童文学作品的指导意义,认为归化和异化作为翻译的两种方法,在儿童文学语言、文化意象等方面可以比较有效地贯彻接受美学理论的要义。  相似文献   

儿童文学对于儿童的成长和教育至关重要。本文以挪威籍儿童文学大家罗尔德·达尔的《了不起的狐狸爸爸》为文本,在接受美学的指导下,从译本的词汇和修辞等层面分析其译本,以期为国内儿童文学翻译研究献出微薄之力。  相似文献   

《贝贝熊系列丛书》的汉译本很受中国儿童读者欢迎,该套丛书的汉译本在词汇层面、句子层面等各方面都体现了儿童文学的文体特征,值得广大翻译人士研究,以促进儿童文学翻译实践的发展。  相似文献   

接受美学视域下的儿童文学翻译   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从接受美学的角度探讨儿童文学翻译,指出儿童文学翻译应以儿童本位为原则。在翻译策略的选择上,应准确把握儿童读者的期待视野和接受能力,优先考虑译文的可理解性和可接受性。  相似文献   

英文化妆品广告原文通常具有内容美、形式美的美学特征.其译文也应该具备这些美学特征.本文从翻译美学角度对英文化妆品广告翻译的美学特征进行了归纳总结.  相似文献   

法国儿童文学作品翻译在中国儿童文学发展史上有着举足轻重的地位。儿童文学以儿童为本位,译者应该用有别于成人心理的童心去理解和体会原作,并用一种通俗接近口语化的表达方式描述儿童的世界。翻译时注意把原著中儿童的天真视角、儿童的简单句式、儿童的活泼语态,惟妙惟肖地传达出来,装帧印刷方面也颇下功夫,还儿童一个新奇绚丽的文学乐园。  相似文献   

儿童文学作品是文学的重要组成部分,中国儿童文学翻译在理论和实践两方面的发展不平衡.本文结合接受美学与儿童文学的特点,探讨儿童文学翻译的基本原则和方法.  相似文献   

Movie is a popular art which occupies an important position in people’s leisure time. Movie title, as the most direct and accessible tool for audience to know about the movie, is very significant to at...  相似文献   

张琼 《海外英语》2014,(17):169-171,175
Movie is a popular art which occupies an important position in people’s leisure time. Movie title,as the most direct and accessible tool for audience to know about the movie,is very significant to attract audience into the cinema. Therefore,the translation of movie title cannot be ignored. However,due to the cultural differences in Chinese and English culture,the problem of movie title translation is obvious which needs to be paid attention to the translation and people working in movie industry.Traditional translation theory puts more emphasis on the important and authoritative status of original text and author. But this notion cannot satisfy the needs of movie title translation to the largest extent. Movie is not only a cultural and linguistic product,it also is a special commercial product. The ultimate objective of movie is to allure the audience into the cinema to watch and appreciate it in addition to provide the cultural information. Reception aesthetics,as a theory of literary criticism,gives priority to readers’ role in literary understanding and interpretation. According to reception aesthetics,the horizon of expectation should be taken into consideration when the translation work begins to be done. Horizon of expectation is composed of the readers’ or audiences’ previous cultural norms,assumptions,and criteria in the source language and culture at a given time. Movie title,as a special text,is also understood and influenced by the audience’s horizon of expectation. Chinese audience,before they decide to watch a movie,are naturally harbor their horizon of expectation about the movie. They will form their judgment and assumptions about the genre,plot,story,background about the movie from the movie title. These kind of horizon of expectation will consequently influence their ultimate decision to watch the movie or not. Hence,in doing the movie title translation,the translator is supposed to keep the audience’s horizon of expectation in mind and try his utmost to achieve the fusion of expectation. In this way,the comparatively satisfactory version is likely to come into being and finally will live up to the audience’s expectations. As a result,from the perspective of reception aesthetics,the author proposes three feasible translation methods of movie title: literal translation,free translation and adaptation.  相似文献   

实用英语翻译活动是由原文、译者、译文和读者组成的翻译-作品-接受的一系列过程,其起点和指向都是读者的接受,其目的的实现主要依赖读者对译文的反应和理解。读者中心论和期待视野是接受美学理论的核心概念,影响着读者对文本的诠释。  相似文献   

儿童文学翻译的读者对象是儿童,其外在的语言形式的表达应采用归化策略,使其符合目标语规范以便于理解;而在处理内在的文化意象所蕴含的意义时,应采用异化为主的策略体现不同文化特色,向儿童读者传播异域文化,考虑到儿童读者的接受能力,有时需要添加注释性文字。  相似文献   

当今,越来越多的广告创意者将目光投向广告语言艺术的美学价值,开始重视语言的音、形、义之间的和谐美,从而使语言学成为连结广告学与美学的一条重要纽带。从翻译的角度出发,广告语篇的形式美主要表现在语言形式上的音韵美、结构美和词汇美;内涵美则主要表现为意境美、文化美和创意美。  相似文献   

邓玉华 《海外英语》2012,(19):127-130
The limit of translatability is closely related to translation aesthetics since faithful reproduction of the source text’s aes thetic elements in target text is by no means an easy task or even a laborious but fruitless task.Some aesthetic elements of the source text can not be represented in target language due to linguistic and cultural divergences or translator’s incompetence.In that case,there is limit of translatability from the perspective of translation aesthetics.  相似文献   

企业对外宣传文案的翻译在国际贸易活动中起着越来越重要的作用.文章以功能翻译理论的文本类型和翻译策略为理论依据,指出在进行对外宣传文案的翻译时,应充分考虑其文本的"感染"功能,突出译文的宣传效果,并从宣传效果中的了解层次、认同层次和诱动层次这三个方面阐述了对外宣传文案的翻译原则和具体翻译策略.  相似文献   

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