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This study compared the fears of North American and South American children in Grades 2–5. Fears were assessed with English and Spanish versions of the American Fear Survey Schedule (FSSC-AM; Burnham 2005). Specific fears and several most common fears differed across the two countries. Overall, the South American children and the girls from both countries had significantly higher fear intensity scores than North American children and the boys. Fear intensity scores also differed significantly across racial backgrounds. Implications for counsellors and directions for future research are considered.  相似文献   

Creative tensions? Creativity and basic skills in recent educational policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, in response to sustained criticism about the standards driven curriculum, UK government agencies have been promoting creativity in schools. In this article we explore how creativity is being defined in current national educational policy statements; how these definitions relate to other theoretical work on creativity, and the implications for the curriculum and pedagogies.  相似文献   

Writing for an international readership has its hazards when the subject is the current and expected state of any equipment market, let alone one as volatile as that which is electronic. Then again, model numbers and availability may differ between countries. So what follow are main categories of cassette and cartridge systems as they exist already and are likely to evolve in the near future.  相似文献   

Drawing on data generated by a 3-year study, informed by ethnographic principles, of the interface between Gypsy culture and the educational system in the South West of England, this article focuses specifically on the experiences of young Gypsy males [1]. The manner in which they perform specific forms of masculine identity though business skills and dealing, fighting, and sex talk are considered. Tensions are highlighted regarding the ways in which these performances are valued in different communities of practice, and how this operates to maintain an atmosphere of suspicion regarding the educational system.  相似文献   

This article describes an enrichment program for gifted students which was a joint effort of school personnel and community individuals. Parent involvement was the key to the conception and implementation of the program for first through fourth graders and was the key to its success. Gifted students were given opportunities to learn and practice higher level thinking skills, were able to interact and exchange ideas with one another, and were exposed to challenging and exciting curricula not available in their regular program. Once the program became operational, it was conducted with little or no cost to the school district and administered by the community council.  相似文献   

21世纪前二十年将成为继上世纪六七十年代以来Flexner报告后美国医学教育第二次扩容高峰.本文就此对两次扩容进程中的共同问题进行回顾:费用、国家卫生政策、毕业后医学教育、基于社区的临床医学教育、多学科整合的专业卫生教育和保健服务以及扩容管理等等.此外,2007年出现的新问题有:毕业医学生就业方向多元化,四年制医学教育分校区的建立.  相似文献   

契约学校:美国学校教育改革的新动向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盛冰 《教育科学》2003,19(6):58-61
20世纪80年代以来,美国的学校教育改革经历了传统意义上的改革、校本管理、磁石学校、学券制、特许学校等多种形式,契约学校是当前的制度以及前面所施行策略的“混合物”。合同制使政府与学校的关系变得更为明晰,并试图打破多年来美国公立教育中的民主控制制度;它把学校看作是一个管理的基本单元,一个真正的组织和共同体;它强调学校的绩效贡任,促使学校自主发展,以满足公众的日益多样化需求。总之,合同制被认为是为公立学校提供了一种全新的治理模式。  相似文献   

20世纪9 0年代之后,美国校园欺凌的诉讼日益增多.在校园欺凌事件中,公立学校是否负有责任,在什么条件下负有责任,应该付什么样的责任成为美国各级法院在案件审理过程中亟待解决的问题.本文选取了上诉到美国联邦最高法院和巡回法院的三个判例进行分析:在格布泽案中,联邦最高法院采纳了实际知情和故意漠视的标准以确定学校是否负有责任;戴维斯案延用了实际知情和故意漠视两个要件,推动了美国各级各类学校建立反校园欺凌的政策与程序;科瓦尔斯基案中,网络欺凌成为校园欺凌新形式的代表,该案也提出学校的责任和权力边界的新问题,法院肯定了学校对学生校外不当言行进行干预的正当性与合法性.  相似文献   

This article provides a synthesis of the three articles on boundary shifting brought about by the European Economic Community and the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement. It is pointed out that, due to the rapid and dramatic societal changes around the world, much of the discussion in the issue is and must be speculative. The changes being effected through the Common Market and Free Trade Agreements were anticipated and planned, while more recent changes such as the crumbling of the Berlin Wall and political shifts in Eastern and Central Europe were more abrupt and unplanned.The article discusses perceived commonalities and differences in the changes which are occurring in these Western countries, advantages and disadvantages of the shifting boundaries for individuals and societies, and problems and progress in implementing the proposed changes. The author provides a summary of the implications for counseling and guidance and particularly for educational-vocational guidance and the role of the counselor in the new configurations. Among issues highlighted are effects on educational-occupational mobility, coordinated policies for worker recruitment, need for new data-gathering and delivery systems for educational-occupational information, recognition of professional standards, language problems, and improved counseling and guidance services. Finally, questions and gaps related to the new economic arrangements and to guidance and counseling are noted, including attention to the effects of the changes on 1) the role and status of women, 2) effects on racial and ethnic minorities within each culture, and 3) the pace and scope of change.University of Minnesota  相似文献   

在全球化视野下,我国的高等教育首先要坚持社会主义办学方针,同时也应汲取西方发达国家先进的办学理念、管理体制、大学精神和角色职责等,主动与世界接轨,加快制度创新、体制创新,促进我国高教事业的快速、健康发展.  相似文献   

美国的学校选择运动可追溯至建国前追求自由意志的理论构想,之后相继演变为白人逃避种族融合和课程创新的遁词、种族融合的推手.在学校选择运动来临之际,选择性学校又变成追求"优异"的补习机构,直到特许学校重塑了学校选择的名声.在不同历史时期,"学校选择"一词被不同的团体利用和再创造,学校选择运动未能坚守其初衷,而基本呈现为一场"脱轨"的运动.  相似文献   

论高校图书馆管理上的创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪高校图书馆进入网络化、数字化、知识化、信息化的新阶段,它的大环境、功能、服务对象、服务模式、服务方法和服务手段都发生了巨大的变革,这要求高校图书馆各方面的管理也要跟上图书馆的发展步伐。本文结合笔者所在图书馆的管理实践论述了图书馆在文献资源建设、读者服务工作和人事制度等管理上的创新。  相似文献   

学校管理创新的理念与策略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学校管理创新是为培养创新人才而对学校管理进行创造性的变革。它的产生是学校教育创新的呼唤,也是对社会经济转型要求的回应。其实质是对办学资源的拓宽、提升和优化组合,形成新的管理格局,以提高管理效率,促进和保障创新人才的培养。进行学校管理创新必须实施科学有效的行动策略。  相似文献   

The dominant workplace training model in North America is the behavioural approach which is well matched to the dominant concept of Taylorism in management. Nevertheless, this paradigm has been increasingly challenged by the worker‐centred model which is dissatisfied with the management‐centred tenet within the behavioural approach. Four factors can be attributed to the declining popularity of the behavioural model: social changes, new needs of capitalism, the importance of worker ownership, and attitudinal changes in mangement. Three emerging alternatives to the behavioural model are examined: action regulation theory, critical reflectivity perspective and ‘working‐class adult eduction’ approach. Though under strong challenge, the behavioural model is still influential.  相似文献   

创造性作业指从对待作业的态度、完成作业的过程、作业的最终结果等方面与传统作业观完全不同的作业形式.创造性作业的旨趣在于作业从原来的规训性、控制性、惩罚性、确定性、重复性向探究性、创造性、开放性、享受性等品质的转变过程.实现这种作业形式需要教师对“创造性作业”的设计进行全面指导,需要打破学科界限、对课程进行重新整合,需要整体转变教学方式,需要教学评价重视创造性品质的测评.  相似文献   

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