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环境规制约束下企业竞争力提升存在诸多的影响因素,这些因素之间的作用关系,可以概括为资源和能源的匹配;内部资源与内外部环境之间的平衡;环境要素获取过程中的协调与统筹。本文以环境规制约束下企业竞争力提升的影响因素分析入手,探讨企业竞争力的提升。  相似文献   

面向创新政策评价的三维分析框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何评价创新政策已经成为决策部门和学术界面临的新问题.本文从政策评价入手,吸收了威廉·N·邓恩主张以价值为核心的政策评价理念,对评价主体、评价客体以及相互间关系进行界定分析后,提出了面向创新政策评价的三维分析框架,并以案例进行分析和佐证,不仅完善了创新政策评价的内涵,而且为评价执行提供了一种新的思路和方法.  相似文献   

首先对环境规制概念的内涵进行了多角度剖析,对环境政策和环境法规从法学角度进行了区分,然后分析了环境规制在产业变迁中的作用,指出环境规制对产业变迁的影响是多方面的,在此基础上进行了环境规制对产业变迁影响的评价.  相似文献   

【目的】开展黑土地保护政策量化评价研究,为未来黑土地保护政策的可持续高效率运行提供科学依据。【方法】基于PMC指数模型,从政策路径、政策工具和政策评价3个方面对中国黑土地保护政策文本进行量化评价。【结果】(1)黑土地保护相关政策数量呈阶段性增长态势,时间上呈现统领文件效力强的特征,空间上呈现毗邻效应、涟漪效应和模仿学习的特征;(2)黑土地保护政策工具在不断完善,任何有关黑土地保护政策工具的使用,都在特定时期发挥着重要作用;(3)选取的5项黑土地保护政策样本设计总体较为合理,但仍有较大的改进空间。其中,内蒙古为完美等级,黑龙江和辽宁为优秀等级,中央和吉林为良好等级。【结论】各地应考虑自身特色和黑土地保护现状,因地、因时制宜制定有力且具有操作性的政策方案,积极营造黑土地保护创新发展的良好环境。  相似文献   

李安 《情报杂志》2021,40(3):146-152,161
[目的/意义]算法在推动智能化革命的同时,带了一系列包括算法黑箱、算法偏见在内的技术风险和社会问题,因此有必要从制度层面探讨算法规制的有效路径。[方法/过程]算法规制的要点是提高算法透明度。在与算法透明现有方法的比较分析中,提出算法影响评价的制度优越性。进而,从制度渊源和理论基础两个方面,对算法影响评价制度进行深刻剖析;并从分类管理、评价范围、程序环节、报告书等方面,对算法影响评价制度的具体构建进行系统讨论。[结果/结论]算法影响评价制度有助于构建一个取向于公开和公正的智能社会。中国应密切跟踪欧美国家(地区)的立法政策动向,采用“两步走”方案推进算法影响评价制度的构建和发展。  相似文献   

政策模拟是信息时代的新兴学科,它一出现就在发达国家受到了高度重视。政策模拟的发展对于国家制定经济政策、判断国家经济状况规避经济危机、保障国家经济安全,对于国家制定国际贸易政策、能源政策、就业政策、住房政策等有重要意义。同时政策模拟已经越过国家层面,应用在城市、区域和企业管理、防灾减灾、R&D投入分析方  相似文献   

规制与产权:关井政策对煤矿安全的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关井政策是1999年以来煤炭行业最为重要的产业政策之一,对于其影响特别是对煤矿安全的影响一直存在争论.本文归纳、分析和检验了煤炭行业关井政策对乡镇煤矿(关闭对象)生产安全影响的规制与产权这两种对立观点.规制观点认为该政策有助于企业提高安全投入从而减少死亡率;产权观点认为该政策造成了企业产权不稳定从而增加了死亡率.本文的理论分析表明两种观点均具有合理性.利用1995 - 2005年以来省际平行数据和双差法的经验检验表明,关井政策显著地减少了乡镇煤矿产量,但却导致其死亡率显著上升.这意味着产权观点更符合事实.  相似文献   

闫晓阳 《大众科技》2007,(11):182-183
对行政垄断进行法律规制是刚刚得以通过的《反垄断法》的一大亮点.《反垄断法》用以对行政垄断进行法律规制的许多条文都具有明显的进步意义,如对行政垄断进行科学的定义和对其具体表现类型进行恰当的扩张.与此同时,《反垄断法》有关行政垄断定位和法律责任的规定却明显存在一些不尽合理之处.  相似文献   

阐述了我国民间金融规制政策演变过程,介绍了温州民间金融发展历程,指出民间金融是我国经济发展的必然产物,有利于促进农村的发展,特别是农村工业的发展,为农民提供了有效的资金支持,解决了融资困境。  相似文献   

论《反垄断法》对行政垄断的法律规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对行政垄断进行法律规制是刚刚得以通过的《反垄断法》的一大亮点。《反垄断法》用以对行政垄断进行法律规制的许多条文都具有明显的进步意义,如对行政垄断进行科学的定义和对其具体表现类型进行恰当的扩张。与此同时,《反垄断法》有关行政垄断定位和法律责任的规定却明显存在一些不尽合理之处。  相似文献   

科技创新政策评价日益成为政府和科技界关注的对象,科技创新政策评价框架体系研究显得尤其重要。本文梳理了科技创新政策评价的理论和实践基础,系统地分析了科技创新政策评价的过程,构建了科技创新政策评价准备、实施、总结三步骤框架流程,并对我国加强科技创新政策评价提出建议。  相似文献   

The evaluation of exploratory search relies on the ongoing paradigm shift from focusing on the search algorithm to focusing on the interactive process. This paper proposes a model-driven formative evaluation approach, in which the goal is not the evaluation of a specific system, per se, but the exploration of new design possibilities. This paper gives an example of this approach where a model of sensemaking was used to inform the evaluation of a basic exploratory search system(s) in the context of a sensemaking task. The model suggested that, rather than just looking at simple search performance measures, we should examine closely the interwoven, interactive processes of both representation construction and information seeking. Participants were asked to make sense of an unfamiliar topic using an augmented query-based search system. The processes of representation construction and information seeking were captured and analyzed using data from experiment notes, interviews, and a system log. The data analysis revealed users’ sources of ideas for structuring representations and a tightly coupled relationship between search and representation construction in their exploratory searches. For example, users strategically used search to find useful structure ideas instead of just accumulating information facts. Implications for improving current search systems and designing new systems are discussed.  相似文献   

在"双碳"目标背景下,构建包含经济与环境两系统的动态随机一般均衡(DSGE)模型,研究碳税政策冲击、清洁型厂商技术冲击与污染型厂商技术冲击对宏观经济与环境质量的动态效应.结果表明:上述3种冲击均能实现社会总产出水平提高与环境质量改善的"双赢";厂商技术冲击对除自身以外的厂商产出存在抑制作用,且污染型厂商技术冲击对污染型厂商产出的促进作用大于清洁型厂商技术冲击对清洁型厂商产出的促进作用;投资对3种冲击的响应程度均大于消费的响应程度,这说明投资是我国经济增长的主要传导途径.  相似文献   

资源再生产业的运行机制与政策体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文基于循环经济发展模式的理论构架,对作为循环经济试点重点领域之一,连接生产和消费的新兴领域——资源再生产业的运行机制和政策体系进行了初步的理论探讨和政策分析。  相似文献   

均衡与演化框架下的技术政策比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邢怀滨  苏竣 《科学学研究》2004,22(5):488-492
在对均衡与演化框架下的技术政策进行综述的基础上,从分析视角、思维导向、政策设计和政府角色等方面对二者进行了比较。作者认为它们反映了两种政策思想,二者的政策设计有时会产生冲突,但更具有很强的一致性和互补性;一种更为完善的政策框架应该是二者基于技术动力学之上的结合。  相似文献   

通过分析低频噪声的来源、特点以及危害,从噪声源角度分类分析电梯、变压器、高楼中的水泵、中央空调(包括冷却塔)对居住环境的影响,并提出相关的污染防治措施,为环保部门环境管理提供依据。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a framework for an ethical impact assessment which can be performed in regard to any policy, service, project or programme involving information technology. The framework is structured on the four principles posited by Beauchamp and Childress together with a separate section on privacy and data protection. The framework identifies key social values and ethical issues, provides some brief explanatory contextual information which is then followed by a set of questions aimed at the technology developer or policy-maker to facilitate consideration of ethical issues, in consultation with stakeholders, which may arise in their undertaking. In addition, the framework includes a set of ethical tools and procedural practices which can be employed as part of the ethical impact assessment. Although the framework has been developed within a European context, it could be applied equally well beyond European borders.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(9):104292
This paper advances a framework for making rudimentary need, impact, and cost–benefit assessments of municipal high-growth high-tech entrepreneurship policy. The framework views ecosystem support organizations like accelerators, incubators, and hubs as components in a city’s venture pipeline. A component’s pipeline size, raise rate, and cost per raise measure its performance. In total, the framework consists of eight objective and reproducible measures based on quantities and qualities of venture capital investment and 16 definitions of related terms-of-the-art. These measures and definitions are illustrated in 26 real-world policy examples, which assess initiatives in Houston and St. Louis over the last 20 years. The examples reveal an enormous variation in welfare effects, and some policies appear welfare destroying. Many non-profit organizations claim success (and win awards and acclaim) using non-standard measures despite performing at less than half benchmark levels. Policy cartels, which control startup policy in many U.S. cities, also engage in non-market actions to protect their rents.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(2):104676
In recent years, a new frame for innovation policy has emerged, namely “transformative innovation policy” (TIP), which aims at addressing transformative change or “Grand Challenges”. Such a shift in policy theory should, ideally, be reflected in policy evaluation, but the literature has so far provided little advice on how to address TIP-related evaluation challenges such as directionality and system-level behavioural additionality. This paper discusses how the evaluation of policy interventions targeting system innovation can be designed to address these challenges. Combining the literature on sustainability transitions with policy evaluation, we propose an integrated evaluation framework composed of three main components: (i) programme theory (programme goals, systems boundaries and desired (or accepted) development paths); (ii) system analysis (transformative outcomes); and (iii) synthesis and overall assessment (including revision of programme theory). By integrating the two sets of literature, we provide a bridge between academic research on transitions and current evaluation practices. We briefly illustrate the applicability of the integrated framework in the BioInnovation Strategic Innovation Programme in Sweden.  相似文献   

We present evidence on productivity improvement experienced by the research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) after its implementation of the Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP). Using a balanced panel of data on R&D inputs and outputs of 59 research institutes in CAS, we analyze the productivity, technological and efficiency changes from 1997 to 2005. We document that the CAS research institutes have a productivity growth of 12.5% from 1998 to 2005, which can be further decomposed into 8.8% attributed to technological progress and 3.3% to efficiency improvement. Results of regional analysis show that institutes in Beijing and Shanghai, performed better than institutes in other regions during the same period.  相似文献   

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