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Seashells com e in m any differentshapes,sizes,and colors.Som e shells grow as big as four feetlong.Som e shells are sm aller than half an inchlong.Som e shells have two sides that open likewings.Other shells are shaped like a curlingtube.Shells com e in allcolors:white,black,brown,yellow,green,red,orange,and pink.They are likea rainbow in the ocean.M any seashells are nam ed for other things weknow.The spider shell is one exam ple.The spidershell has long points that look like spider legs.…  相似文献   

The leopard is a member of the cat family. It belongs to the category1 of the big cats. Two other big cats are the tiger and the lion.  相似文献   

The Cat's Family     
My family is not very large.There are only three cats.I'm a white cat.People call me Snow-white.My husband is a black cat.People call him Captain Black Cat(黑猫警长).We have a beautiful  相似文献   

W hatis this?It’sm y lovely cat.Itsnam e is Lala.Lalais a beautiful w hitecat.Ithastw o big black eyes,a sm allnoseand a sm allm outh.Itcan run fast.Butitcan’tjum p high.Itlikes fish and m ice.Itdoesn’tlike m ilk and m eat.It’s m y goodfriend.Ilikeitv…  相似文献   

I think you can remember these ten words now.They all have the letter"a"with the sound/(?)/.Let’S read this tongue twister(绕口令)about the sound/(?)e/.A fat rat is wearing a cap.A black cat is wearing a hat.The fat rat is carrying a bag.The black cat is sitting on a mat.The rat and the cat are looking at a map.They are helping a sad bat find his dad.  相似文献   

Reading Salon     
A Everyone knows Egypt is famous for its pyramids.But do you know that Cairo is a cat city ? One summer I visited Cairo.It was really hot.I saw cats almost everywhere.Pyramids have cats.Offices and hospitals have cats.Cats are also in the hotels and restaurants.Cats appear in the cinema too.To my surprise,even an airplane has one.There are some singing cats in concert halls.They are famous throughout the city.Once an actor was holding his pet,a dying cat,in his arms on the stage.Another cat walked around the dying cat.The cat listened to the music and looked at the dying cat,crying sadly.At first people laughed at him.A few minutes later people began to cry.  相似文献   

Once a m an had a dream.H e dream ed of a land of peace and har-m ony.H e dream ed of a place where people were not judged by their skincolor.H e dream ed of a country w here children of different races couldplay together.H e dream ed of a nation w here all people w ere equal.Som epeople didn tlike his dream.They said itwould never happen.Som e peo-ple applauded his dream.They w anted to m ake it happen.This noble vi-sion has com e true for som e.For others,its stilljusta fantasy.从前有一个…  相似文献   

No one really knows who bred the first cats, much later called Siamese,or where they were bred, but there are many stones that suggest that the Siamese originated in southeast Asia.When they first became the Palace and Temple cats of Siam,which is present-day Thailand,they were described as pure black cats with yellow eyes.Over centuries, locked up inside of a palace in Bangkok,they were bred by unknown people into a cat closely resembling the present-day  相似文献   

Stock Markets     
There are stock m arkets in large cities in m any countries. Stockm arkets in Paris, London, Tokyo, Shanghai and N ew Y ork are am ongthe largest and m ost well-known. The stock m arket, also called stockexchange, is a place w here people can buy or sell shares of a factory orcom pany. A nd each share m eans certain ow nership of a factory orcom pany.D ifferent people go to stock m arkets.Som e are rich,who w ant to getm ore m oney than they have.O thers are notvery rich,who buy stocks to …  相似文献   

Everyone in town knew Clara Pickle.She was asdear and sw eet as anyone could be.In fact,it wasClara Pickle's good nature that gother in trouble.O ne day a grey cat w andered into Clara’skitchen.Clara,who lived alone,took the cat in.Shewas glad for the com pany.The nextm orning she letthecat out for a breath of fresh air.W hen the cat cam eback that afternoon,he was no longer alone.H e hadbrought his entire fam ily and m ost ofhis friends.Therewere thirty-four cats in all。Clare,sweet sou…  相似文献   

A m onkey is a kind of m am m als(哺乳动物).M onkeys like to range(漫游) through the forests. They are clever and can help each other.Som e m onkeys are too old to walk out for food.The young m onkeys alw ays help them and givethem som e food to eat. If an old m onkey dies ofillness,the young ones will place(放置)the deadbody in the ground and pray(祈祷)for him ,justas a hum an often does. W hen the thorns (刺 )prick (扎痛) a m onkey s finger, the other willpick(取去)the thorns from its finge…  相似文献   

Rosa Parks never planned to becom e fam ous.Shegrew up on a sm all farm in the South.H er fam ily w aspoor.R osa w ent to a school for black children.A t thetim e blacks and w hites could not go to the sam eschools.T hat w as the law in the South.R osa later took a job.She rode the bus to w orkeach day.B lack people had to sit in the back of thebus.Som etim es m any white riders got on.Then blackriders had to give up their seats to them .It w as a law inher city.O ne evening in 1955, R os…  相似文献   

Tom is a little boy,and he is only seven years old.H e often goes tothe park and the fruit shop him self. Som etim es his m other takes him tothe m useum .O ne day he goes to a cinem a. It is the first tim e for him to do that.H e buys a ticket and then g…  相似文献   

Greetings —— 寒 暄y m other used to be a professor ofEnglish and taughtm e English w hen Iw as a kid.She told m e that English鄄speaking people,including,I think,the B ritish and Am ericans,are generally courteous and they tend to greet one another a lo  相似文献   

Som e people believe that schools w ill no longer be necessary in thenear future.They say thatbecause of the Internet and other new technolo-gy,there is no longer any need for school buildings,classes or teachers.Perhaps this willbe true one day,but ifthe world has no schools,I can tim agine how our society w ill be.In fact,w e should learn how to use newtechnology to m ake schools better.W e should invent a new kind of schoolthat is linked(链 接)to libraries,m useum s,science centres,labs an…  相似文献   

With the development of high technology, we are living a modern life, which is featured with a high tempo and a high pressure as well.People have different choices of getting in touch and com m unicating with each other.C hatting on line and sending e-m ails are becom ing m ore and m ore popular. ButI prefer to w rite letters to m y friends and relatives. Letters help m e a lot when I have a difficult tim e in m y life. Lastyear , I attended a key school , which was far away from m y hom eto…  相似文献   

M y C hinese nam e is Li Zuo,w orks in a bank,and m y m other and m y English nam e is Frank.w orks in C ER IS.M y father is an I m a boy.I m ten years old.I officer,and m y m other is an T his Is M e’’live in X uan W u D istrict.T here engineer.Ihave a…  相似文献   

he w eather is som ething no one can — control.It affects everyone rich or poor — young or old in every p art of theTw orld. M aybe that is w hy there are so m anyexpressions ab out the w eather熏especially熏aboutrain. Som etim es w hen you need rain熏 you donot get any.O ther tim es熏you get rain w hen youdo not w ant it. Take a b aseball gam e for ex鄄am p le鸦a sud den rainstorm can stop an exciting ,gam e sending the players and the 20熏00p ersons w atchin…  相似文献   

chool arden f ng sh “M other”is the m ost brilliant w ord in the sun.But I think this also goes for the other w ord——“Father”. B oth our fathers and our m others love for us are the sam e and it can only be described with one w ord—— G R E A T. W e are used to our parents love so thatw e always consider it a m at- ter ofcourse.H owever,as Im advancing in age,I get to understand what the m aternal or paternal love is.In m y view ,Parents love for their chil- dren is like the sun th…  相似文献   

M r Zhang is our English teacher.H e is am iddle-aged m an w ith thick glasses.H e is talland handsom e.There is always a sm ile on hisface.M r Zhang is good at teaching and he al-ways tries his best to m ake his lessons livelyand interesting.W e can easily understand andrem em ber his lessons. H e uses different w aysto im prove our abilities in listening, speaking,reading and w riting. H e often tells us som efunny stories. Som etim es he even draws funnypictures on the blackboard and sin…  相似文献   

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