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Oxford University Press moved one of its most prestigious journals, Nucleic Acids Research (NAR), to a full open access (OA), author‐pays publishing model in January 2005. A deep log analysis study was carried out in order to determine the impact of this move to OA on the use and users of the journal. Surprisingly the findings showed that although there was a 143% increase in use from early 2003 to January 2005, it was search engines and robots that accounted for a high proportion of the increased use. Robots were responsible for half of sessions in the second quarter of 2005, compared to 1% in the second quarter of 2003.  相似文献   

也谈学术期刊的分级问题   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
崔国平 《编辑学报》2000,12(1):41-42
文章从学术期刊质量的内涵入手 ,分析了学术期刊分级的意义。并从分级依据、不同专业期刊质量并行定级、分级原则包括要素、期刊的优胜劣汰等方面反驳了反对分级论者 ,从而提出了学术期刊分级的一种方法———主成分分析法  相似文献   

Open access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. The lack of clarity of publisher permissions for archiving in OA repositories affects the adoption of the green OA route. This paper explores editorial policies and self‐archiving conditions in 1,615 Spanish scholarly journals. 48% are published by university and research institutions, 25% by associations/societies, and 17% by commercial publishers; social sciences and humanities (SSH) accounted for 67% of the journals (44.5% and 22.5%, respectively) followed by health sciences (20%); 71% offered gratis access immediately after publication, and 11% after an embargo; 31% provided some mention of author rights. Self‐archiving was specifically allowed by 65% of the journals; 52% were classified as ROMEO‐blue, 12% as green and 15% as white, and 21% could not be classified; 21%, mostly in SSH, used some type of Creative Commons license.  相似文献   

The article processing charge (APC) is currently the primary method of funding professionally published open access (OA) peer‐reviewed journals. The pricing principles of 77 OA publishers publishing over 1,000 journals using APCs were studied and classified. The most commonly used pricing method is a single fixed fee, which can either be the same for all of a publisher's journals or individually determined for each journal. Fees are usually only levied for publication of accepted papers, but there are some journals that also charge submission fees. Instead of fixed prices, many publishers charge by the page or have multi‐tiered fees depending on the length of articles. The country of origin of the author can also influence the pricing, in order to facilitate publishing for authors from developing countries.  相似文献   

中文学术期刊文献资源的集成整合与二次编辑   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李滋兰 《编辑学报》2000,12(1):13-15
分析当前影响学术期刊文献资源有效利用的因素及传统的手工二次文献整合编辑存在的问题 ,强调了信息时代对中文学术期刊文献资源进行数字化集成整合与二次编辑的必要性 ,介绍《中国学术期刊 (光盘版 )》文献信息编辑的特点 ,以期引发读者对开发其他文献资源的思考。  相似文献   

胡前进 《编辑学报》2014,26(4):361-363
以作者参与研发的学术性期刊数字出版云平台为案例,介绍数字出版云平台体系的开发经验,并以《指挥控制与仿真》为例,介绍云平台的应用经验及成效。  相似文献   

学术期刊编辑服务科研的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了保证期刊优质稿源的稳定性,学术期刊编辑应从提供论文写作规范和技巧、专业期刊信息、科研前沿信息和文献资源信息等方面充分发挥为科研服务的职能,提高科研人员的科研能力和水平,培育稳定的优秀作者群和潜在的为期刊投稿的学术团队,提高他们写出优秀稿件的能力。  相似文献   

学术期刊服务科研的方法及提升策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩磊 《编辑学报》2015,27(2):167-169
学术期刊可通过选题策划、学术审核、指导论文写作、刊发指南类文章、举办学术会议、举办科研方法及论文写作讲座等为科研工作服务.学术期刊应重视对科研服务能力的建设,通过为学术研究提供更多的支撑,不断提高学术期刊的生存力.  相似文献   

OA知识库和OA期刊各有优劣.OA知识库有经济优势,但存在质量方面的问题;OA期刊有质量保证,但存在经济层面上的问题.我国目前是发展OA知识库和OA期刊的最好时期,可以将两者结合起来发展.  相似文献   

This paper briefly describes the rapidly changing research evaluation and funding landscape in Australian universities, specifically in relation to open access and institutional repositories. Recent announcements indicate that funding and evaluation bodies are becoming increasingly concerned that publicly funded research be made publicly available. The paper then reports a survey of all levels of academic staff plus research students at one Australian university, conducted in May 2006, prior to the introduction of an institutional repository. The survey, in line with previously reported surveys, found that while there was a high level of engagement with scholarly publishing, there was a low level of awareness of, or concern with, either open access (‘green’ or ‘gold’) or the roles repositories can play in increasing accessibility of research. Practically, this indicates that much work needs to be done within this university to increase knowledge of, and change behaviours with regard to, open access and repositories if the university and its academics are to make the most of new funding requirements and research evaluation processes.  相似文献   


Key points

  • Humanities and the social science journals need flexible funding models.
  • Pragmatism and collaboration are key to transforming traditional publishing initiatives.
  • The Uopen Journals model sets a 6‐year development target for developing sustainable journals.
  • Actively involved editors are key to a journal's success.

冉强辉  伍烈尧 《编辑学报》1993,5(4):187-192
通过对我国38所高校自然科学版学报所载论文14717篇参考文献的调查与分析,得出如下结论:科技期刊学术质量评估体系中参考文献评估指标由近期文献引文率、核心期刊与经典专著引文率、外文文献引文率、中文文献引文率、篇均引文、无引文率等项内容所构建。另外,引文著录规范化率是否纳入评估指标体系之中,有待商讨。我们认为,为了全面提高科技期刊的学术质量,引文著录规范化问题理应引起科技期刊编辑的重视。如将此纳入评估体系中,首先必须确定出全国统一的科技期刊参考文献标准著录格式(目前标准不一致)。不然,评估既不合理,也缺乏可比性。  相似文献   

A qualitative study of the impact of electronic journals on the information behavior of academic researchers at Catalan universities shows that academic researchers now read more, and more widely. However, their reading is becoming more superficial; they are compelled to improve their discrimination skills in order to decide what to read in more depth. The electronic accessibility of journals means that researchers now make fewer library visits. Web browsing and table of contents (TOC) e-mail alerts are replacing physical browsing, and searching is a very popular option for keeping up to date with developments. Internet search engines, especially Google and Google Scholar, are becoming important sources of information for researchers. However, they face problems in managing their personal scientific information.  相似文献   

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