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The author is the Director of a TEMPUS/TACIS project on university administration linking the National Technical University of Ukraine, on one hand, and the Aachen University of Technology and the Delft University of Technology, on the other. He presents this project as the centre point of a discussion whereby he first traces the origins of the European Union TEMPUS programme and then develops a philosophy of East‐West Co‐operation. For him, it is not acceptable to expect eastern European higher education institutions to simply copy western higher education institutions but to adapt what is useful to them from the western experience to their local realities bearing in mind that higher education in the West too is undergoing transition in a number of ways. In light of this project, the author criticizes certain aspects of TEMPUS practices and suggests improvements so as to make TEMPUS projects more efficient. He also declares that in many circumstances the time limit of three years per project is insufficient.  相似文献   

The author takes note of the relative unpopularity of pedagogical and in‐service training for university teachers, particularly in the German‐speaking university world, and asks himself why this is the case. The reason, he suggests, has to do with the traditional view that what counts in universities is research, teaching being a secondary preoccupation of the teaching staff. Yet, public opinion as well as selected European higher education institutions and administrations have mounted efforts to make pedagogical training a standard part of the required qualifications of university teaching staff members. Following a survey of European efforts, particularly in the United Kingdom and in Germany, to interest university teachers in university‐level pedagogy, the author presents what a polling of teachers and students in Germany consider to be good teaching practices. He urges all teaching staff members to adopt these practices.  相似文献   

A decisive factor for achieving a culture of sustainability is university training for future professionals. The aim of this article is to bring new elements to the process of reorienting university studies towards sustainability. Presented here is the ACES model (Curriculum Greening of Higher Education, acronym in Spanish), which is the result of a project involving a network of 11 European and Latin American universities. The methodology of the project is based on participatory action research. The ACES model is defined by 10 characteristics, detailed in this article, which can orientate a diagnosis of the level of curriculum greening and the design and application of the strategies and actions in order to facilitate incorporating the sustainability dimension in higher education. The potentialities and limitations found are also discussed. The ACES model has started a process for reorienting higher education studies towards sustainability.  相似文献   

The admission of Greece to the European Community at a moment when the European economic context was undergoing profound mutation has required a major effort of adaptation. The development of higher education in Greece has been very rapid and the employment structures have had difficulty in adapting themselves to the new situation. The close links one can notice between training and employment make education all the more vital for turning the European Communities into a united Europe. A number of decisions, among these being decision no. 89/48 adopted by the EEC at the Council meeting of 21 December 1988, are aimed at achieving this goal. A European university system is conceivable only through a harmonious integration of teachers and students into an environment characterized by great fluidity. With a view to meeting European requirements, Greece intends to improve the basic and specialized training of its administration and restructure its ministries. The need for more and better information as well as training with regard to European matters is becoming increasingly obvious. So that this effort will lead to concrete results, the role of specialists on European questions should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

This article deals with the selection of teacher trainers in the FRG. The author describes the recruitment and selection processes and techniques to select heads of ‘general training seminars’ (Seminarleiter,) and of ‘subject orientated seminars’ (Fachseminarleiter). As a result of the deficits of these methods of selection and placement training courses for future head teachers and school inspectors have been introduced by the Ministry of Education of Berlin (West). These courses seem to be quite attractive to young teachers as a method of “indirect counselling and guidance”.  相似文献   

近年来,伴随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立及产业结构调整步伐的进一步加大,失业率持续上升,再就业培训作为解决失业问题的重要手段,受到政府和社会的重视。而美国的再就业培训经过漫长的发展过程,形成了比较完善的体系,本文主要对美国再就业培训的立法情况、管理体系和主要特点进行了介绍和分析,以为国内再就业培训的立法工作和体制建立提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The main objective of the Bologna Process is to create a “European space” for higher education that allows for comparability, compatibility, and coherence between the existing systems of higher education across Europe. This objective is commonly known as the European higher education area (EHEA). The creation of the EHEA is a new and specific challenge for higher education in Europe, one that depends upon improved faculty development and training across Europe. The integration of Spain and other European countries into European higher education more generally entails these challenges. In order for necessary changes in faculty development and training to take place, university managers and policy makers must account for designing training plans, as well the knowledge, attitudes and needs of faculty members. This investigation was undertaken with these themes in mind. Conducted in Madrid, Spain, it included 257 professors from ten different schools of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The aim of the investigation was to understand faculty knowledge and attitudes about changes in higher education in Europe. Moreover, with an eye to helping faculty members cope with the change that is accompanying the creation of EHEA, the investigators sought to understand the importance that faculty members place upon professional development and how current approaches to professional development at the university level could be improved. The results indicate a degree of ignorance regarding changes in European higher education as well as a feeling of resistance on the part of many faculty members. While many faculty members consider knowledge of change processes and adaptability to be important qualities, faculty responses also indicate a clear need for guidance if they are going to integrate new learning models and adequate coping strategies into their work in higher education.  相似文献   

Compared to the number of articles in the American literature, creativity is a relatively neglected topic in psychological/educational research and theory in Western Europe. There are no scientific creativity schools or research centres; progress depends more or less on the personal interest of researchers in creativity, leading to studies and papers which are scarce and dispersed in national (sometimes international) journals. To a high degree this work has been stimulated and influenced by developments in American creativity research in the fifties and sixties. Nevertheless, apart from the American oriented work there is a more or less typical European line of creativity research and theory. This review is based upon more than 200 articles published in the last two decades. Twelve trends will be formulated, emerging especially from recent creativity assessment and testing devices; other topics are creativity in everyday settings, in business and management, and different approaches in fostering and training creativity.  相似文献   

Nanotechnology is having an increasing impact on university curricula in electrical engineering and in physics. Major influencers affecting developments in university programmes related to nanoelectronics are discussed and a model for university programme development is described. The model takes into account that nanotechnology affects not only physics but also electrical engineering and computer engineering because of the advent of new nanoelectronics devices. The model suggests that curriculum development tends to follow one of three major tracks: physics; electrical engineering; computer engineering. Examples of European curricula following this framework are identified and described. These examples may serve as sources of inspiration for future developments and the model presented may provide guidelines for a systematic selection of topics in the university programmes.  相似文献   

The origins of the medieval university appear to be twofold: on the one hand, the training in the liberal arts that took place in various sorts of schools and academies that can be traced back to the classical era in European history as well as to the golden age of Arab‐Islamic civilization, and on the other hand, the need to offer possibilities for practical training for a trade. The first type of training was by its nature reserved to a social elite. The latter, that in the medieval period was associated with trade guilds and apprenticeship systems, was for the working classes. The medieval university arose from the union of these two types of training and education as embodied in an institution that began as guilds of students and teachers and/or as cathedral schools. The result was the university that offered training in certain intellectual professions (theology, medicine, and law) but that required prior mastery of the liberal arts. As the fruit of this intellectual and vocational union, the university continued to absorb and to disseminate the principal intellectual trends of succeeding periods in European history, first Aristotelianism and then later the experimental sciences, finally, in recent years, taking on a major research and development function.  相似文献   

The professional capacity of managers has always been a crucial factor in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of any organization. In the education sector, the education managers working at different administrative levels are responsible for the planning and management of educational institutions toward achieving the goals of the education sector. This article attempts to explore the capacity‐building needs of the heads of Islamabad Model Schools in the context of their job requirements. Data were collected from 50 head teachers of Islamabad Model Schools through questionnaires and focus group discussions. In Islamabad Capital Territory, there is no education management cadre; therefore teachers are appointed as head of schools by virtue of their seniority. These heads usually lack the required management skills to manage an educational institution. Moreover, there are no arrangements for building the capacity of these newly appointed school heads to run these institutions. While managing the educational institutions, head teachers have to perform various important functions for which they need managerial skills. It has been discovered that head teachers needed training in different areas of management, including financial management, office management, personnel management, school improvement, planning, community participation, and computer literacy. The head teachers of Islamabad Model Schools need service management training in various areas of management to enhance the knowledge and skills they need to run educational institutions efficiently and effectively.  相似文献   

吉尔曼与美国研究生教育:约翰·霍普金斯模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉尔曼是一位富于创新精神的高等教育思想家和实践家,他成功创建的美国第一所研究型大学——约翰·霍普金斯大学进行了研究生大规模制度化培养。其成功得益于由研究生院、博士学位、客座讲授制和助学金制度等构成的一整套培养模式。约翰·霍普金斯模式清晰反映了研究生教育与现代研究型大学的关系,再现了美国研究生教育的早期发展雏形和轨迹,被美国其他大学广泛效仿,深刻影响和推动了美国研究生教育的发展。  相似文献   

Ted Wadsworth is a professional counsellor, educator and trainer. He has taught and counselled in schools for many years before taking up his present position in 1976, and has had a long‐standing interest in the personal and social development of adolescents, a sympathy for their teachers and headteachers and a concern for the organizational health of secondary schools. He has concerns also for equity in education and a desire to see much greater participation by minority groups in a more empowering form of education. As a counsellor educator he has had many contacts with schools and headteachers and has worked to integrate counselling and pastoral care within schools as organizations.

This paper describes the first stage of an investigation into the professional development needs of secondary school heads. The time period is November 1986 to November 1987. The aims of the research are to ascertain what professional development needs the heads have and what strategies might be used to meet them. The style of the investigation is ethnographic and action research. The researcher convened and ran seminars/workshops for the heads, their deputies and sometimes other school leaders twice a term for the year, acted as a consultant to two heads and conducted a school development exercise (in the school of one of the heads to whom he was a consultant). Also 12 heads were interviewed in depth about their professional development needs. Finally, a questionnaire was developed from the total findings and sent to all 60 heads in the Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Central Plateau areas. A two‐year programme for school leaders was developed and has already commenced.  相似文献   

The role and influence of department heads on women in academia is understudied and weakly conceptualized. This article expounds on prior work, which identified limitations of department head literature, to put forth three problematic discourses that run through much of the department head research: the discourse of fairness, the discourse of collective good, and the training imperative. The discourse of fairness encourages an unproblematized adoption of fairness as a core criterion, ignoring the ways fairness may be conceptualized to benefit some groups over others. The discourse of collective good encourages department heads to seek out resolutions that maximize the ‘good’ for the department and its constituents but may perpetuate gender biases. The training imperative discourse places a heavy emphasis on training, regardless of whether training is or is not an effective means to address gender inequalities. Implications and directions for future work and practices are discussed in closing.  相似文献   

Education in Europe has been one more aspect of social policy, traditionally held to exist within the sovereignty of member states, which has been encroached upon by supranational institutions. This paper explores the legitimacy of the partial control over education matters that has been gained by the European Union since the 1970s, examining in particular the role of the European Court of Justice and also the European Commission, in reshaping and altering definitions of legal competence in the fields of education and training. Special emphasis is placed on the method by which an original competence in training has been reconstituted to incorporate some aspects of education policy. Implications for democratic legitimacy and accountability at the European level are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,高校应用型创新人才培养已成为社会普遍关注的问题。缺乏企业等不同培养主体的参与是影响高校应用型创新人才培养质量的重要原因之一。在应用型创新人才培养方面,企业拥有高校所缺乏的人才培养优势。提高高校应用型创新人才培养质量,增强高校人才培养的社会适应性,需要充分发挥企业的人才培养功能。  相似文献   

美国高等教育营销行为的形成、发展及其影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高等教育营销行为随着现代高等教育竞争的加剧而越来越受到相关高校和管理部门的重视。旱在上世纪60年代末,美国高等教育就开始策划实施其营销战略。本文试图分析美国高等教育营销行为产生和发展的动因,概括美国高等教育营销行为发展的历程,并进一步阐述美国高等教育营销行为对其管理、招生以及服务和效益所产生的重大影响。  相似文献   


The paper describes an exercise designed to make members of selection panels and candidates more aware of factors at work in the processes of short‐listing and interviewing candidates. As described, the exercise was used to train school governors, headteachers and heads of science departments on the one hand, and student teachers on the other. The exercise takes the form of a simulation of an appointment to a teaching post and concerns both the short‐listing and interview stages. The paper describes an evaluation of the exercise and concludes that it plays a useful part in the training of selection panels and students.  相似文献   


The head of department occupies a key institutional position yet the role is a complex and demanding one which is subject to pressures, conflicts and uncertainties. This paper examines aspects of the role of the head of department through the proceedings of a day conference for heads of department at one university. It highlights issues and concerns, and analyses them in terms of the cultural and organisational characteristics of universities as institutions. Among the key issues identified are: the nature of institutional management structures; relationships with the administrative centre; and the nature and definition of the head of department's role.  相似文献   

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