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Poles have traditionally attached great importance to education. Both the beginning of the Communist period in Polish history and the nascent post‐communist period have been characterized by great emphasis on education on the part of the government and by great interest in it on the part of the people. Education, particularly higher education, will play a major role in preparing Poles to face the rigours of the market economy. It is called upon to provide skills in a number of areas not previously covered in a satisfactory way. informatics, electronics, business administration, and banking. A major means of delivery will have to be distance education. Despite the urge of many Poles to get rich very rapidly, education must continue both to stress traditional values and to further European educational integration.  相似文献   

学科评价是高等教育评价的重要内容,是高校学科建设的重要组成部分。在智能化时代,利用人工智能、大数据技术对学科数据进行深度挖掘和科学分析,可以将学科评价从基于小样本或不完整信息的评价转化为基于整体信息的多元化科学化评价。本文通过应用聚类、神经网络分析、关联规则分析等数据挖掘方法对学科数据进行建模分析的思考,对智能化时代高校学科评价进行探索。  相似文献   

"培养什么样的人"和"如何培养人"等问题,是每一所高校尤其是地方新建本科院校必须认真思考的战略问题。钦州学院在升本转型发展过程中,努力打造"海洋性"的办学特色。通过更新观念、科学规划、整合资源、产教融合、建章立制等方式的改革与实践,形成了具有地方特色的涉海学科专业群建设理论,填补了广西海洋学科专业的历史空白,形成了涉海学科专业群构建的保障机制,提高了学科专业建设水平和科研能力,探索出了一条符合地方发展需要和本校实际的应用型人才培养之路。  相似文献   

当代科学技术发展高度综合与交叉的新趋势对知识生产模式提出了新要求,大学传统上建立在知识分类体系基础上的学科制度在新知识生产模式下面临深刻危机,囿于学科壁垒的封闭式知识生产限制了大学的创新活力,知识生产过程中未能实现“学科逻辑”与“问题逻辑”相统一,学科存在的合法性与学科建设的有效性都受到质疑。通过历史与现实两个维度的审视,知识生产过程中对于专业化分工的需要没有发生根本性变化,对学者个体而言“专”是“跨”的前提,因此学科本身不会从大学里消亡。但未来的学科建设应当通过系统性变革,打破既有的学科壁垒,建立贯通知识生产中“营地”与“阵地”的矩阵式运行结构,促进学科的交叉、会聚与融合,使得学科在大学的科学研究、人才培养与社会服务等活动中更好地发挥作用。  相似文献   

远程学习支持新发展与知识工程   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
随着网络等双向通信技术在远程教育中的应用,交互逐渐成为远程学习的重要因素,这种变化使得原来以支持独立学习为主的学习支持难以满足远程学习的需求,实践发展需要一种具有智能性和交互性特征的,支持交互、协作和社区化的学习支持,因此,这就需要借鉴和吸收其他学科的理论和方法。知识工程是源于专家系统而形成的一门研究人类智能及人类知识的机理,以及如何用机器模拟人的智能并促进人类知识发展的学科,该领域的研究为学习支持在交互和智能化方面的研究提供了重要的技术和方法基础。因此,本提出远程学习支持的新特征和关键研究领域,并重点探讨了知识工程有关领域在支持未来远程学习支持相关技术的研究和开发方面的潜力。作希望本能够对远程学习支持的理论和研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   

以算法为核心的程序(即“信息引擎”)是引领物质生存和发展的发动机;而由“物质能”所负载的“信息能”,是信息世界运动变化的真正动力。这样,就像宇宙万物是物质和信息的对立统一,“能量”则是物质能和信息能的对立统一。在物理学中,有质能转换,在信息学中有信息和信息能之间的相互转换。对于人类社会而言,信息就是知识,信息能就是智能,在知识和智能之间存在某种转换关系。如果说物质能是物理学的一个中心概念的话,那么信息能应当是信息科学的中心概念。在一定意义上说,信息科学主要是研究人类智能的本质和知识创新的机理,信息技术主要是开发一种人工智能技术去替代人的某些脑力劳动。  相似文献   

科学哲学的文化转向及其对科学教育的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科学哲学的文化转向使人们对科学的本质的认识由传统向现代转变。科学知识是暂时性、主观性、建构性的,它会不断地被修正和推翻。科学哲学的文化转向推动了科学教育改革。培养学生的科学素养是科学教育目标,科学教育应更加重视知识的产生和形成过程。科学学习过程要以探究为主要形式,同时注重对学生进行科学情感、态度与价值观的培养。科学哲学的文化转向将促进科学与人文的融合。  相似文献   

杨丽 《成才之路》2021,(13):50-51
劳动教育具有立德、增智、强体、育美的综合育人价值,与德育、智育、体育、美育共同构成科学完整的育人体系。教师在农村中学历史教学中,应加强学科教育与劳动教育的融合,响应创新与创业的时代召唤,将社会主义核心价值观渗透于学科教育与劳动教育中,切实提升学生的综合素质,促进学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

为了促进多学科交叉研究和创新实践人才培养,上海海洋大学人工智能鱼教学团队结合一流学科和海洋优势学科资源,以"人工智能鱼"的教学、大赛、科创和科研为抓手,设计多学科有机融合的教学体系,开展鱼类仿真和研制、人工智能和虚拟现实等相关领域的教学和研究,进而推动多学科的交融发展,着力培养海洋特色信息类创新实践人才。经过6年实践,在教改项目、大赛获奖、创新实践和本研一体化培养等方面成果丰硕,探索了一条适合自己的行之有效的创新实践人才培养之路。  相似文献   

人工智能与教育的融合实现了教育的规模化、个性化和智能化,然而它并未突破传统教育知识传授模式的局限,未来的人工智能教育应用应当从"机器教人"向"人机共生"的知识创造性发展。"人机学习共生体"这一后人工智能教育时代的学习形态,是在分析人工智能发展历程和学习者角色演变的基础上,以经验之塔理论和知识创造螺旋理论为基础提出的。后人工智能教育时代人机共生的学习形态,即在学习者的客体观、主体观、主体间、共生观和他者观等基础上,形成的具有连续统样态的人工智能教育模式。人机学习共生体围绕隐性知识和显性知识之间的转化,形成了学习者与智能体的共生关系,通过共同化、表出化、联结化和内在化等知识转化过程,持继促进知识创造。人机共生学习是学习者、智能体和教师所构成的以知识共生为核心的学习过程。未来人机学习共生体的实现,需要解决智能体的主体性技术、学习绩效支持以及学习模式创设等挑战。  相似文献   

In general, mathematical representations such as formulae, numbers, and graphs are the inseparable components in science used to better describe or explain scientific phenomena or knowledge. Regardless of their necessity and benefit, science seems to be difficult for some students, as a result of the mathematical representations and problem solving used in scientific inquiry. In this regard, several studies have attributed students’ decreasing interest in science to the presence of these mathematical representations. In order to better understand student learning difficulties caused by mathematical components, the current study investigates student understanding of a familiar science concept and its mathematical component (pH value and logarithms). Student responses to a questionnaire and a follow-up interview were examined in detail. “Measure” and “concentration” were key criteria for students’ understanding of pH values. In addition, only a few students understood logarithms on a meaningful level. According to students’ understanding of scientific phenomena and mathematical structures, five different student models and the critical features of each type were identified. Further analysis revealed the existence of three domains that characterize these five types: object, operation, and function. By suggesting the importance of understanding scientific phenomena as a “function,” the current study reveals what needs to be taught and emphasized in order to help students obtain a level of scientific meaning that is appropriate for their grade.  相似文献   

This paper synthesizes findings from three studies to answer a general question: What do casual, adult visitors learn about science from their science‐related experiences in free‐choice settings? Specifically we asked whether there are changes in how people think about science in their daily lives, the nature and use of scientific knowledge, and its communication by scientists. The three studies involved samples of visitors to an interactive science centre, visitors to a traditional natural history museum, and attendees at a series of public lectures, each given by an expert scientist in human genetics. Pretest and post‐test data collected by parallel questionnaires indicated that, despite the different nature of their experience in the three different settings, participants became more positive about the value of science and the work done by scientists and their ability to communicate with the public. At all venues, however, participants became less scientific in their thinking about the nature of scientific knowledge, becoming more likely to believe it to be infallible. The consistency of these findings was surprising, and participants’ changed views about the nature of scientific knowledge were unexpected. Possible explanations for theses outcomes were suggested in terms of participants’ reasons for attending the venue, the nature of their engagement, and the non‐controversial ways in which the exhibitions and lectures were structured. The findings suggest that the educational role of free‐choice settings should be considered carefully, particularly with regard to the representation of science.  相似文献   

A sample of 226 Swedish high school teachers from various knowledge domains completed self-report measures of intelligence regarding implicit theories and scientific theories of intelligence. A mixed ANOVA showed that teachers from language, social science and practical disciplines had a significant preference for an incremental theory of intelligence compared to an entity theory of intelligence whilst the teachers in mathematics did not. One of the conclusions was that entity theories of intelligence may be more pronounced among teachers in mathematics. Second there is a significant relation between naïve beliefs in intelligence as fixed and inborn, entity theories, and the scientific g-factor theory. Last, it was the oldest and most experienced and youngest and least experienced teachers who preferred an entity theory of intelligence the most.  相似文献   

非智力因素,是指学生学习积极性方面的因素,例如动机、兴趣、情感、性格、意志、习惯等。在高中数学教学中,在启迪学生的思维,开发学生的智力,培养能力的同时,还必须把非智力因素的培养融于教学之中,把培养学生非智力因素作为学科教学的目标之一。本文主要分析教学差生非智力因素方面的成因及其教学对策。  相似文献   

艾伟与20世纪中国语文教育科学化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艾伟是20世纪中国语教育科学化探索的一位里程碑式的人物。从早年留学美国,在导师指导下开始对汉字、汉语心理进行实验研究,到归国后,运用教育测量和实验等科学方法、手段深入而具体地探讨中小学语教育实际问题,艾伟对语教育科学化问题的关注前后达20余年。他把语教育研究建立在现代心理科学的基础上,不但使研究本身具有独立的意义。而且,还为近代社会转型时期的语教育提供了不少有价值的结论。综观整个20世纪中国语教育科学化的探索,其意义主要表现在:它使语教育逐步摆脱了封建传统的桎梏,从低效混沌的状态步出,从而跨上了现代化的轨道,当然,科学化的探索与语学科的人性也存在着悖离的一面,有其局限性。  相似文献   

Although computerization was included in the midterm development programme of the University of Zagreb for the 1986‐1990 period, the results obtained by the end of this period had not proved completely satisfactory. Consequently, in mid‐1990, the Rector appointed a Working Group for the Advancement of Computerization. It has developed a comprehensive plan for the creation of a sophisticated and comprehensive informatics network including all the various types of components needed to generalize computing and informatics at all levels and for all purposes throughout the University. It is also planning for the integration of this system into the various Yugoslav and international computer networks. So that all students will be computer‐literate, an element of computer science will be integrated into all course programmes.  相似文献   

100多年来,社会工作既形成为一个以助人为本质特征的特定专业,又在专业的基础上不断发展。社会工作所经历的这一发展历程即是其专业化的过程。在这一过程中,传统的助人活动演进为科学的助人活动。而促使助人活动发生结构性变化的则是随社会发展所出现的一系列新的社会因素,即社会对助人活动的社会性需求、社会承担起助人的责任、助人资源的多样化以及科学进入整体化发展阶段。如果说社会工作专业化是历史发展的必然结果的话,那么,随社会发展所出现的一系列新的社会因素,则是引发以及满足社会工作专业化的社会历史条件。  相似文献   

过程目标与内容目标是课程目标的两个方面,因此在教学中应将两者相融合.这既是科学知识及其方法的认识本身是一个过程在科学教育中的反映,也是培养创新人才的时代要求,以及一般问题解决策略研究和教学实践的经验教训对科学教育的启示.融合的策略是:1.制定与内容标准相对应的过程标准;2.构建内容与过程相结合的教科书体系;3.结合实际制定具体的内容与过程目标,并创设学生积极参与学习活动的教学氛围,让学生建构知识的意义;4.建立结果评价与过程评价并重的评价机制.  相似文献   

Systems thinking is regarded as a high‐order thinking skill required in scientific, technological, and everyday domains. However, little is known about systems thinking in the context of science education. In the current research, students' understanding of the rock cycle system after a learning program was characterized, and the effect of a concluding knowledge integration activity on their systems thinking was studied. Answers to an open‐ended test were interpreted using a systems thinking continuum, ranging from a completely static view of the system to an understanding of the system's cyclic nature. A meaningful improvement in students' views of the rock cycle toward the higher side of the systems thinking continuum was found after the knowledge integration activity. Students became more aware of the dynamic and cyclic nature of the rock cycle, and their ability to construct sequences of processes representing material transformation in relatively large chunks significantly improved. Success of the knowledge integration activity stresses the importance of postknowledge acquisition activities, which engage students in a dual process of differentiation of their knowledge and reintegration in a systems context. We suggest including such activities in curricula involving systems‐based contents, particularly in earth science, in which systems thinking can bring about environmental literacy. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 40: 545–565, 2003  相似文献   

历史主义科学哲学的科学整体观和科学发展动态理论对心理学的学科发展和科学研究提供了一定的理论指导.按照以库恩为首的范式理论,当前心理学研究主要以"科学心理学"和"人文心理学"两种范式进行,并且心理学发展存在以下统合趋势:1.人性的整合,科学心理学范式与人文心理学范式统一;2.理论研究和实证研究结合,基础研究与应用研究并行.心理学的发展前景光明.  相似文献   

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