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In this article I try to bring into relief the background significance of learning in Alasdair MacIntyre's writings. After briefly adverting to his own manner of learning from other thinkers, I begin by outlining what he sees as essential to learning in early childhood (§I). Next, I spell out what I take to be important implications for learning, mainly in the context of schooling, of his conception of ‘practice’ (§II). Turning then to the ‘revolutionary Aristotelianism’ of his later work, I elucidate the kind of transformative learning that he deems necessary because of dominant tendencies in late modern societies (§III) and because of key features of human lives—including fallibility, narrativity and ‘final end’—that he analyses in his most recent book, Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity (§IV). I then consider his conception of how one person's learning can be aided by another, suggesting that this conception would be strengthened by the incorporation of a second-person perspective (§V). I link the absence of such a perspective to what I see as his underestimation of the salience of the teacher–student relationship and his consequently diminished account of teaching—a largely Aristotelian-Thomist account whose strengths in other respects I acknowledge (§VI). I conclude by asking whether this line of criticism, if valid, might not indicate a lack in MacIntyre's conception of personal relationships more generally—despite the great import that he grants to them, for weal or woe, in all human lives (§VII). [The present article is included in wider discussion of issues bearing on learning and teaching in my Persons in Practice: Essays between Education and Philosophy (Wiley, forthcoming)].  相似文献   

唐寅的豫章之行是他人生经历中的一大政治事件,关于此行,学界尚未作深入研究。文章对此作了详细考辨,力图展现唐寅去宁王府的原委、在宁王府的所作所为以及离开宁王府的经过;分析唐寅去宁王府前后的心态,并探讨此行对唐寅所产生的影响。宁王发动叛乱后,唐寅因此行陷入名节之痛,从而彻底放弃了立言之想。  相似文献   

Although recognized for his wisdom on issues of agriculture, ecology, economics, and theology, writer Wendell Berry has been largely ignored for his thinking on education. Yet the same good sense and clear thinking that he applies to other areas of thought can be seen also in his writings on education. This article reviews what scholars have observed about Berry’s ideas on education, and then contextualizes his thinking through a comparison with two giants of educational theory: John Dewey and Paulo Freire. Berry’s local focus and his emphasis on community and the ecosphere create a vision for education that could lead to a healthier, more peaceable world.  相似文献   

In ‘Problematising Critique in Pedagogy’ Jörg Ruhloff develops a concept of critique that is motivated by a deep concern for the state of humanity. This is a thought‐provoking development of critique, but I find myself disagreeing over, or rather simply unconvinced by, his understanding of the human condition, and, connected to this, of criticism. Referring to Nietzsche, I start by illustrating one way in which a concept of critique such as Ruhloff's may in some sense be implied in educational praxis, focusing mainly on his concern that critique is not domesticated by political, economic, or other forces. In the second section I draw on Stanley Cavell to discuss some contentious aspects of Ruhloff's construal of criticism. Here I focus on Ruhloff's claim to universality, as contained in his appeal to what he calls the condition of human rationality and to a procedure of critical‐transcendental‐sceptical deliberation over the presuppositions of different standpoints. Ruhloff's understanding of criticism exemplifies an attitude that presents itself as a hostility to the ordinary. Connected to this, I sketch a conception of scepticism that is different—viz. more dynamic—than his understanding of it as a kind of methodological tool in the service of exposing presuppositions. Scepticism needs to be acknowledged in existential terms, as inherent to the human condition: a condition of life with language. With further reference to Cavell, the importance of expression, of revealing oneself as an exemplar, can then be emphasised. I conclude, in the third section, by indicating in what sense I find that a commitment to substantial judgements is lacking in Ruhloff's conception of critique and criticality.  相似文献   

本文在阐述文化差异、文化沟通、文化融合这三个跨文化管理基本概念内涵的基础上,分析其内在的逻辑关系,并把三者统一于跨文化管理的过程中。  相似文献   

This article analyses the processes of ‘neoliberalisation’ in education as directed by Teach For All. Specifically, we explore the case of Empieza por Educar, the Spanish policy network included in Teach For All. The first section seeks to clarify what we understand by the term neoliberalism, using a theoretical dimension through different perspectives. The second section explores the meaning of the new philanthropy. Methodologically, in the third section, the piece of research is categorised under what is defined as ‘Network Ethnography’, an approach which unifies social network analysis with some traditional ethnographic methods. The fourth section explores the meaning Teach For All and its foundation in Spain (Empieza por Educar) as a philanthropic foundation which is changing the political arena. The fifth section explores how Neoliberalism (with big ‘N’) is constructed by means of a complex interconnection of actors and policies that establish the policy network within the Spanish context. The sixth section analyses how neoliberalism (with small ‘n’) is implemented in the curriculum through three aspects: hegemonic truths; the conduct of the conduct (performativity culture); and the modes of formation of the subject with practices of oneself (entrepreneur of oneself).  相似文献   

本文运用霍妮的精神分析理论对<红与黑>主人公于连基本焦虑的形成及探求荣誉的病态驱力进行剖析,认为于连正是为了克服个体的神经症、实现真正意义上的人的复归而无怨无悔地选择死亡,意在为当今个体人格的成长提供可资借鉴的经验.  相似文献   

随着国家基础教育课程改革向纵深方向发展,基于探究的科学教学已越来越被广大教师认同,并作为一种教学模式被教师所掌握,但在实际的科学教学中还存在着许多偏差。文章基于教师的角度,试图从传统的科学教学、学生学习科学以及探究性教学等方面来论述基于探究的科学教学的一些特点,并指出了教师应该努力的方向。  相似文献   

为准确定位,科学地确定大学使命,文章在分析大学应然使命与实然使命的基础上,阐明了社会视角大学应然使命与学校视角应然使命的对立与统一关系,提出大学应然使命对大学实然使命具有引导作用,而强化特色,用己所长,科学地制定有个性的应然使命,并融入实然管理中则是大学实然使命与应然使命实现与超越的关键。  相似文献   

阐述民办高校品牌建设的必要性,在此基础上,分析了民办高校科研管理的内容及其创新的意义。最后,结合实例就民办高校科研管理的创新提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

Can Dewey's Moral Principles in Education throw light on a contemporary policy issue in education, namely the privatisation of education through the establishment of academy schools in England? The article first considers what the policy entails, in terms of its conception of education as a market commodity. The next section suggests an alternative conception, drawing particularly on Deweyan claims for the fundamentally normative and relational nature of teaching, through his definition of democracy as ‘a form of associated living’ and the school as a place for such association. The third section relates the two conceptions of education and in their light considers tensions and conflicts in the academisation policy concerning inclusion, equity and social cohesion. The article concludes that the establishment of academy schools compromises these values and constitutes a danger to the commons, that is, to socially consensual and equitable ways of being together.  相似文献   

In his 1980 book Against Empiricism: On Education, Epistemology and Value, British philosopher R. F. Holland (1923–2013) exposes the inadequacies of a philosophy of education originating from an empiricist worldview. By following Plato’s view that the issue of what qualifies as knowledge has to be understood with reference to whether it is teachable, Holland’s critique of empiricism highlights the social and communal dimensions of education. The primary objective of this paper is to offer a reassessment of Holland’s thoughts on education and value. To do so, I first discuss Holland’s use of Plato’s ideas in his article ‘Epistemology and Education’ to demonstrate that Holland’s position can offer us a fruitful way to diagnose common, prevalent educational practices. I then turn to look at Holland’s views on value and morality. To illustrate how his thoughts on education can be seen to be relevant to the contemporary world, I explore and criticize some implicit presuppositions on knowledge in the 2011 box-office hit Limitless. The conceptual dimension of Holland’s take on education is then examined alongside with some recent trends in epistemology and philosophy of education.  相似文献   

This article addresses the broad issue of how research information can be integrated into the policy and decision processes of educational systems. Our specific foci here is on one type of educational system -- school districts; on research designed to answer specific questions for that district; and, on one major element of the research process -- dissemination. This paper draws heavily upon our experiences in a large, urban American school district, where we work on the problem of how to improve the system's evaluation research capability. This work began in 1978 and continues today. This article has four major section. Background is provided on the nature of the collaboration with the school district. Then, basic strategies for conducting decision-oriented educational research that have emerged from the work are described briefly. This is followed by a discussion of the broad issue of research use. The final section is a detailed review of what we have learned about the relationship between dissemination and utilization.  相似文献   

以提高财务软件实践教学效果为目标 ,分析了传统模拟教学资料在教学中的局限性 ,提出了将教学资料个性化 ,编撰有问题数据引导软件教学的新思路 ,介绍了有问题数据的编辑思路和技巧 ,诠释了有问题数据辅助会计电算化课堂教学的概念  相似文献   

教学管理是高等学校管理的核心内容,教学秘书则是教学管理队伍最基础也是最重要的组成部分,这决定了教学秘书工作具有诸多的特点和重要的作用。从教学秘书工作特点出发,简要阐述了当前高职教育教学管理中教学秘书工作在教学管理中的作用以及为适应这些特点教学秘书应具备的自身素质。  相似文献   

吕本中是南北宋之交的著名诗人,其诗歌理论成就显著,同时其创作实践也极为丰富,不仅有大量的诗作,同时还有为数不少的词留存下来。本文即对其二十七首词进行总体的论述,旨在总结其词的基本特色和美学意义。  相似文献   

《建国诠真》是徐树铮于1921年撰写的一本政论性著作。文章以《建国诠真》一书的主要内容为载体,分析了徐树铮政治思想的主要内容及基本特征,进而对这位历史人物作出评价。  相似文献   

<三国演义>中魏延所提出兵发子午谷、奇袭长安的建议,被诸葛亮拒绝,多数论者认为这是诸葛亮的一大失误.本文分析了当时的军事形势、地理特征,认为上庸在魏军控制之中,如引兵入子午谷,只能是死路一条,魏延之计勇而无谋,诸葛亮未予采纳,乃正确决策.此事足显诸葛亮之智,而非露其怯.  相似文献   

泰伯是周太王的长子,周文王父亲的长兄,在商周嫡长制的历史条件下,他以弟贤侄圣,远避荆蛮,而将大位让给了三弟,孔子赞其行为至德。历十九世吴国渐强,而季札复以三让而致国乱,历两世而国灭。历史的经验值得重视,文章就泰伯三让与季札三让进行分析考证,在大量阅读史料的基础上,提出新的认识和评价。  相似文献   

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