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随着我国新课程改革的推进,高中英语教师在教学过程中需要创新自身的教学方法,这样才可以更好地满足学生学习英语的需求,提升学生学习的兴趣爱好,最终达到英语教学目标。高中英语拓展式教学作为一种新的教学方法,教师在教学过程中可以通过各种渠道拓展学生的英语视野,让学生对英语有着更加深刻的认识,为他们今后的英语学习奠定良好基础,提升英语课堂的教学质量。本文通过对高中英语拓展式教学方法进行探究,从而提升对拓展式教学的认识,促进英语教学的发展。  相似文献   

杜红梅 《考试周刊》2011,(92):15-16
新一轮课程改革非常重视教师的教学反思,反思是教师成长和自我发展的基础。高中英语教师在教学实践中,应从教学理念、教学方法、教学行为及教学目标的达成方面做好教学反思。  相似文献   

教师的自我反思是教师完善教学能力、改善教学效果的有效途径。在高中英语课程的教学中,教师对英语教学的传统理念、传统教学方法、教学效果进行反思,对适应新的高中英语课程标准的要求具有现实意义。  相似文献   

丁怀英 《中国教师》2010,(Z1):401-401
新课改对高中英语教学理念、教学目标、教学方式提出了新的要求,要求高中英语教师转变角色,转变传统的应试教学方法,因此,中学英语教师应与时俱进,适应课改的需求,从以知识为本的教育理念转变为以学生发展为本的新教育理念,构建高中英语课堂教学模式。  相似文献   

现代信息技术的发展,对高中英语教学产生了重大影响。多媒体计算机辅助语言教学(MCALL)已成为中学外语教师改革教学方法、改进教学手段、提高教学质量的首选途径。把多媒体教学引入英语课堂,是英语教学发展的趋势和必然。多媒体与外语课程的有机结合是高中外语教师的研究方向。该文重点探讨了基于多媒体环境下的高中英语教学的理论指导、教学特点和操作方式。  相似文献   

自高中英语新教材普遍使用以来,广大外语教师以教学理论为指导,尝试多种教学方法,力图使学生学得活,学得好,但效果总不尽如人意。人们如何才能有效地学好外语一直是教育界和语言专家们关心和研究的问题。过去人们对外语学习的研究一直集中于教师教学方法的改进方面,对外语学习应该如何学好外语有所忽视。幸运的是国外一些研究已发现了这个问题,从研究外语教法转而研究“个性差异(individual differences)”,  相似文献   

李淑仪  黄智广 《英语广场》2023,(11):132-136
读后续写是一种重要的写作教学方法和外语促学理念,近年来亦成了高考写作的新题型。本文针对高中英语写作教学的现状,论述了读后续写促学的理论依据以及实证研究成果,梳理了读后续写应用于高中英语教学的研究现状,并对未来的相关研究作出展望,以期推动读后续写在高中英语教学研究中的应用与发展。  相似文献   

曾庆锋 《大学教育》2018,(3):111-113
对广东省内8所高等院校英语教师及学生就大学英语翻译教学现状和学习需求的问卷调查显示:翻译教学现状不尽如人意;教师对翻译课程展望明确;学生对翻译技能有强烈的学习需求。调查结果对大学英语翻译教学的启示为:1.更新教学理念,设置翻译课程以开展翻译教学;2.结合专业特色,形成"专业+外语"的翻译人才培养模式;3.改革教学方法,开展以学习者为中心的互动式翻译教学;4.加强教材资源整合与师资培训,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

理工院校外语教师专业发展现状不容乐观,普遍存在着教学理念陈旧、教学背景知识缺乏、教学方法单一、科研能力薄弱等问题.可采取完善培训机制、营造发展氛围、注重科研和强化反思等策略,促进外语教师专业发展.  相似文献   

张春华 《成才之路》2012,(28):78-79
随着社会的快速发展和社会对外语人才的多方位需求,英语课改势在必行,这使得高中英语教学面临着巨大的挑战。因此,高中英语教师必须适应时代的需要,除转变陈旧的教学理念之外,还必须更新教学方法,把课堂变成与学生进行情感交流、开发学生潜能、发展学生个性的舞台。那么,如何积极地去适应课改教学,这是广大英语教师极为关注的问题。就此,我谈谈本人的一些简单做法和体会。一、对新教材的体会新教材的内容、结构、程度与分量、活动与任务的设计,都力求符合学生生理和心理特点,具有  相似文献   

要提高我国农村中小学教师的素质,关键在于提高他们的物质生活待遇,让他们摆脱长期的贫困状态;让他们尽快从繁重的教学事务中解脱出来,有闲暇时间学习充电;改革传统的教育教学评价制度,让教师积极行动起来;改革传统的教师培训制度,让教师主动去进修提高;加大全国城镇教师支援农村中小学教育的力度,建立教师定期流动制度,让教师定期合理流动,以避免职业倦怠,激发他们的工作热情.  相似文献   

In the day-to-day workplace teachers direct their own learning, but little is known about what drives their decisions about what they would like to learn. These decisions are assumed to be influenced by teachers’ current professional concerns. Also, teachers in different professional life phases have different reasons for engaging in professional learning. In this study, we explored the professional concerns underlying teachers’ learning goals in order to understand variation in professional learning over a teacher’s career. In this qualitative study, we administered a semi-structured interview and a card sorting task to 15 secondary school teachers to elicit teachers’ learning goals and current professional concerns. By conceptually combining teachers’ learning goals with professional concerns in concern-goal pairs, we sought to understand the different reasons for teachers’ learning. These concern-goal pairs were characterized in three different types of reasons: continuous, growth and improvement, and work-management. The results showed that early career teachers have mainly growth and improvement concerns, whereas mid- and late-career teachers have both continuous and growth and improvement concerns. Work-management concerns differ for early- and late-career teachers. Results are further discussed in terms of professional life phase models and teachers’ developmental tasks throughout their career.  相似文献   

新升本科院校中文专业学生在文学课程认知上,能意识到它的重要性,但在实际学习生活中明显缺乏自主学习精神。在课程的学习兴趣上,很大程度上取决于教师的指引和教师的综合素质。调查结果表明,当前新升本科院校文学课程在教学内容、教学模式、师资素质、师生关系等方面都需要进一步改革和完善。  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的不断深入发展,教师自我效能感日益成为教育教学工作者研究的重点。"动手—动脑"教学中教师自我效能感的内涵可以概括为教学内容的认知、教学方法的认知和教学能力的认知三个方面。提升该领域教师自我效能感的有效策略包括:一是开展教师职后主题培训,二是提升教师的职业认同感,三是建立开放式的教学评价体系,四是高师教育类课程设置的改革。  相似文献   

本文通过介绍加拿大多元文化背景下的教师职业道德及其带给我们的启示,论述了承担中国汉语推广和中华文化传播任务的对外汉语教师(包括海外汉语教师志愿者)在面对不同国家、具有不同文化背景的外国学生时必须具备的职业道德素养,进一步阐明了只有不断提升自身的职业道德素养,才能在教学实践活动中真正树立起国家和民族的整体形象,扩大中华文化的影响力和传播力。  相似文献   

This paper examines teachers' perceptions of their professionalism under conditions of educational reforms in government primary schools in Karachi, Pakistan. Conceiving teacher professionalism in terms of four dimensions (teacher efficacy, teacher practice, teacher leadership and teacher collaboration) it reports a quantitative survey research study of teachers in these schools, where educational reforms have been initiated. One conclusion from the study is that such teachers do perceive themselves as professionals—a finding that is counter to the often‐held beliefs about these teachers. The paper argues that it is important to regard teachers as professionals, capable of further enhancing their own professionalism, for improvement in the quality of teaching and learning in the government primary schools in Karachi.  相似文献   

Since the turn of the century, teacher evaluation has been introduced around the world with the intent to improve teaching. However, in the literature on teacher evaluation, often findings reveal critical accounts about the effectiveness of feedback in teacher evaluation for teacher and school improvement. This article presents a qualitative study in eight schools where teachers did indicate to find the feedback they discussed with school leaders during teacher evaluation processes useful. In this study, we investigate whether we can identify what teachers actually do with this feedback and which factors contribute to their response. Our findings demonstrate the importance of school organizational characteristics and an integrated leadership approach for the feedback response of teachers. Also, our findings reveal how teacher evaluation is used in these schools to further school improvement.  相似文献   

落实立德树人根本任务是高校教师的重要职责与使命。高校教师对自身身份认知的偏差成为其立德树人的困境根源。破解高校教师立德树人困境,高校教师既要正确认识自身身份公务性与专业性并存的特点,也要正确理解立德树人的内在价值和外在价值。推进高校教师立德树人可以从促进立德树人内在价值与外在价值相融合,构筑提高高校教师立德树人认知的法治基础,构建高校教师立德树人协调机制,推动教师培育体系进一步完善等方面着手。  相似文献   

Gathering student feedback on teaching practice is commonly used in educational settings as an improvement tool and performance measure. Typically this feedback is collected using rating style surveys when a subject concludes; however, whether this practice improves the quality of teaching requires further research. This study was designed using an action research methodology to investigate the impact of student feedback on teacher practices in a secondary setting. Specifically, the efficacy of an ongoing, collaborative feedback model in which teachers collected student feedback regularly, were guided in reflecting on the data, and were supported through professional development to improve their practices was explored. Results supported student feedback as a valuable improvement tool, and powerful stimulus for teacher reflection. Student feedback informed teachers on the effectiveness of their practice and identified areas for future professional learning. Additionally, it opened up a dialogue around teaching and learning in the classroom, and gave the teachers insights into the unique challenges experienced by their students.  相似文献   

目前,我国农村中小学教师在整体水平上较之城市中小学教师尚存在很大的差异,这有违国家关于义务教育均衡发展的目标。为改变城乡师资这种不均衡态势,应进一步实施城乡教师双向交流制度,以城市优势资源带动农村弱势资源,对农村中小学教师要加大培训力度,并及时补充数量,保障物质待遇,全面提高农村中小学师资队伍水平,缩小城乡师资差距。  相似文献   

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