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近年来,移动学习作为一种新的学习方式,在我国飞速发展.为了对移动学习的研究现状进行分析,本文选取了中国知网上2000-2009年十年间公开发表的关于移动学习的299篇论文,运用内容分析法,从数量分布、研究内容、作者单位、作者所属地区以及论文合著情况等五个方面进行了定量分析,并针对研究过程中发现的问题提出了几点建议,以期为今后移动学习的研究提供一些参考.  相似文献   

目前,对学术不端文献检测系统的研究过于注重局限性的挖掘,这些研究不仅没有提出实际可操作的解决方案,而且启发了学术造假者采取有针对性的反检测手段.较传统的三审制,学术不端文献检测系统具有检测速度快、收录资源广泛、避免编辑与作者间的矛盾、有效遏制一稿多投的学术不端行为等优势,成为继人工慧眼后,又一只识别稿件学术诚信的火眼金睛.学术不端文献检测系统良性发展环境的构建,需要的不仅仅是研制者技术上的改进,更需要使用者、网络运营商、学术出版者的共同支持.  相似文献   

本文通过对中国知网(CNKI系列数据库)1979-2007年间与许渊冲有关的研究论文进行述评,旨在呼吁国内学者运用翻译学理论对中国伟大翻译家许渊冲教授的文学翻译理论与实践(下文简称许氏译论)进行系统性研究,进而客观、公正地了解许渊冲。  相似文献   

Since it was formalized by Kane, the argument-based approach to validation has been promoted as the preferred method for validating interpretations and uses of test scores. Because validation is discussed in terms of arguments, and arguments are both interactive and social, the present review systematically examines the scholarly arguments which appear in 83 papers on argument-based validation methods published in peer-reviewed journals. Findings suggest that scholars generally agree on the nature and importance of argument-based validation but disagree on whether validation should be structured or unstructured, formal or informal. Implications are discussed, including promotion of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, and NCME) as a foundation for consensus in the field.  相似文献   

教师专业发展研究述评   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
从教师专业发展的概念和理论两个方面对教师专业发展的本体论问题进行介绍,从多学科的视角对教师专业发展的研究进行梳理,同时对教师专业发展研究的方法论和方法进行分析,可以呈现出一个比较完整的教师专业发展研究的知识图景,对当前教师专业发展研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

哀德尔(E.J.Eitel)的《客家历史纲要》(An Outline History of the Hakkas)与弼顿查理斯(Ch.Piton.)的《客家起源与历史》(The Origin and History of Hakkas)是晚清时期两篇关于客家历史与源流的文章。哀德尔根据传说与族谱资料认为客家人起源于公元前3世纪华北地区,并作为一个特殊的群体不断的南迁。弼顿查理斯(Ch.PITON)则对前者的观点与材料使用等方面提出质疑,认为客家人与其他中国人没有什么不同,族谱记载的内容非常值得怀疑。后来的客家研究受到哀德尔影响较大,而对于弼顿查理斯的质疑却长期没有得到应有重视。  相似文献   

Editorial: The Roberts Review and the RAE   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The authors of the present methodological review investigated the patterns of statistical usage and reporting practices in 756 articles published in the American Educational Research Journal (AERJ) and in the Journal of Counseling Psychology (JCP) over a 10-year period. First, some findings from other similar reviews are summarized. Second, the authors present a framework for characterizing selected research practices that emphasizes, in part, elements of the recent report of the American Psychological Association (APA) Task Force on Statistical Inference (Wilkinson & APA Task Force on Statistical Inference, 1999). Third, characterizations of 10 years of analytic practices in 2 journals are presented and evaluated within that framework. The article concludes with a discussion of the changes that may be necessary to improve the statistical state of affairs in behavioral research.  相似文献   

McGeoch, B. And Porch, S Looking at Scottish Art Malcolm Dickson (editor) Art with People Hugh Ferguson Glasgow School of Art - The History Alan Crawford Charles Rennie Mackintosh Wendy Kaplan (editor) Charles Rennie Mackintosh Pamela Robertson Charles Rennie Mackintosh: Art is the Flower Janice Helland The Studios of Frances and Margaret Macdonald Architecture on Disc, Glasgow, 1995 Glasgow-on-Disc Prairie Multimedia Inc., Chicago, 1995 Frank Lloyd Wright Companion  相似文献   

Mervyn Romans, Basic Design: The Dynamics of Visual Form Louise Campbell, Carl and Karin Larsson: Creators of the Swedish Style Jewellery and Adornment: Information and Ideas for Teachers Constable: Information and Ideas for Teachers Drawing in Museums: Information and Ideas for Teachers Sculpture at the V&A: A Handbook for Teachers The Renaissance at the V&A: A Handbook for Teachers The 20th Century: A Teacher’s Guide Looking into The Tate: Exciting Ways to Explore the Tate Gallery’s Collection The Pre-Raphaelites and their World Movements in Modern Art Modernism Realism Surrealism Howard Hollands, Minimalism Penny Hay, Art, Craft and Design. A Practical Guide for Teachers Key Stages I & 2 Richard Yeomans, The Mosque and the Modern World: Architects Patrons and Design since the 1950s  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: A Handbook of Arts and Crafts, Willard F. Wankelman Philip Wigg Art and Crafts of South America, Lucy Davies and Mo Fini Mask Arts of Mexico, Ruth D. Lechuga and Chloe Sayer Howard Hodgkin, Andrew Graham-Dixon Reflecting on Art, John A. Fisher The Art of the Maker: Skill and its Meaning in Art, Craft and Design, Peter Dormer  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Ways of Looking 1995, Liz Robertson (Editor) Helping Children To Draw & Paint In Early Childhood: Children and Visual Representation, John Matthews An Enquiry into Young People and Art Galleries, Sara Selwood, Sue Clive & Diana Irving School Art in American Culture 1820–1970, Foster Wygant Art: Context and Criticism, John Kissick Seeing To Learning. A basic course in visual awareness through individual experiment in Art and Design, James Bradley with Harry Cunliffe Oxford Primary Art Picture Resource Book, Norman Binch  相似文献   

Guide to Courses and Careers in Art, Craft & Design, Tony Charlton. Acrylics Masterclass, Sally Bulgin. Art of the Electronic Age, Frank Popper. American Abstract Expressionism, Editor David Thistlewood. Creating Vision - Photography and the National Curriculum, Edited by Sue Isherwood and Nick Stanley. What is Art? Rosemary Davidson. Design Renaissance.  相似文献   

Books reviewed: The Arts Matter, Nida Home Docherty Curriculum, Culture and Art Education – Comparative, Mervyn Romans A Celebration of Bath Academy of Art at Corsham, John Swift Celebrating Pluralism: Art Education and Cultural Diversity, Nick Stanley Australian Artlook, Tom Hardy Art 7–11: Developing Primary Teaching Skills, Rob Barnes 101 Things To Do With Your Computer, Gillian Doherty World Wide Web For Beginners, Jonathan Yeomans  相似文献   

Evaluating and Assessing the Visual Arts in Education: International Perspectives. Editors: Doug Boughton, Elliot W. Eisner, and Johan Ligtvoet TRIX of the Grade. Tutor A + Tutor B Writing an art policy and curriculum plan for a primary school – guidance for co–ordinators. John Bowden Oxford GNVQ Intermediate Art & Design. Norman Binch Media in Art – Classroom materials for moving media in art at key stage 3. Tony Carroll Design History: An Anthology. A Design Issues Reader. Dennis P Doordan Surfaces: Visual Research for artists, architects, and designers. Judy A. Juracek Susie Cooper: An Elegant Affair. Bryn Youds Clay In The Primary School. Peter Clough  相似文献   

Books reviewed: Being Ourselves for You: The Global Display of Cultures, Richard Yeomans Picasso and the War Years 1937– 1945, David Phillips & Richard Yeomans Understanding Animation, Kanella Lisa Vasileiou Women in the Nineteenth Century Art World: Schools of Art and Design for Women in London and Philadelphia, John Swift Hindsight, Chloe Steers The Kind of Schools We Need, Diarmuid McAuliffe Institute of International Visual Arts. Education Packs, ‘Landscape’ and ‘Portraiture’, Arthur Hughes  相似文献   

本刊接南京大学中国社会科学研究评价中心通知,要求刊物中的论文对文中重要资料要指明具体出处并详细到页码,否则期刊将不被选入CSSCI来源期刊。对此,本刊再次参照《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范(修订版)》拟订下述"《比较教育研究》投稿规则":  相似文献   

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