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张琼  李秀琴 《新闻前哨》2013,(12):92-93,104
媒体广告价值,无论对广告主还是对广告媒体本身来说,都是一个非常重要及敏感的问题。本文拟就受众广告价值呈现的相关问题进行一些探讨,针对消费能力、消费结构、消费模式、消费心理等受众消费的问题,总结出受众广告价值评价的依据,对广告主和广告公司在广告活动中的媒体选择,以及媒体本身的建设和长久发展,都有重要的指导意义和参考作用。  相似文献   

陈西 《新闻世界》2009,(2):89-90
互联网网民受众对于强势媒体的一些信息传播表现出强烈逆反心理,其中既有他们作为普通受众的普遍逆反心理,也有作为网络受众较其他受众群体而特有的逆反心理。媒体特别是国家级媒体,在这个问题上,应该适当“放下身段”,与受众平等对话,体现出作为大媒体应有的气魄和姿态。  相似文献   

广告受众理解广告图像,受制于既定的经验范围和认知图式,同时不同的解读观念也影响人们的视觉思维和广告的传播效果。大多数人对广告图像采用的可能是"透明反映"现实的思想,这对于分析新闻图片是适宜的,然而对于广告图像则采用修辞论辩的思路更为恰当。因此广告受众不能满足于广告图像的表面意义,而应该从视觉修辞的角度出发,分析广告图像的形式与内容、能指与所指的关系出发,理解广告图像独特的象征意义。  相似文献   

纪也宜  王美玲 《新闻界》2005,(5):152-152,127
广告要取得好的效果,离不开对广告受众心理的理解和把握.尤其在营销以消费者为中心,传播以受众为导向的今天,企业如果对广告受众的心理一无所知,影响广告受众心理的各种因素一无所知,将无法使其产品发挥应有的市场效应.所以,我们在策划一个广告时,首先要根据受众心理来给广告定位。  相似文献   

唐英 《当代传播》2003,(6):69-70
“沉默的螺旋”理论认为,大众传播具有意识的累积性、普遍性及共鸣性。大多数人都力图避免因单独持有某些态度而造成的孤立。一个人一旦了解哪些观点是占优势的或普遍得到支持,会调整自己的看法与优势意见保持一致,这样便开始了一个螺旋过程,不断把一种意见确立为主要的意见。广告传播的意识形态区隔是“沉默的螺旋”现象在广告传播中的具体体现。  相似文献   

新兴媒介转变了广告传播生态环境中的信息流通模式,与此同时,"瞬连"的网络环境使得主动消费群体日益崛起,网络广告与受众之间的关系顺势而变,重新洗牌。本文通过对新广告形态与新受众形态进行研究,分析互联网大背景下广告与受众的"新关系"及其影响,主要表现为"品牌效应"已转变为"用户品牌",品牌的价值更多的体现为"互动"的价值等,只有洞悉广告与受众这种"新关系"才不会被时代所淘汰。  相似文献   

当生活中无处不渗透着广告,受众便开始渐渐对其熟视无睹,而保持浏览,则成了最普遍的媒介接触习惯。广告的强命中率已然减退,面临着前所未有的挑战。随着泛广告时代的悄然来临,受众的特征更加难以把握,因此,对于广告及其受众的正确引导显得尤为重要。本文通过对理论研究进行系统梳理、比较并列举出实证范例,发现泛广告时代的受众环境与受众变化,重新审视广告与受众的关系,为新时代的广告商及广告受众提出策略性建议。  相似文献   

本文在经过调研活动获得数据的基础上,分析新疆维吾尔族广告受众的现状,并进行经验性总结。  相似文献   

植入式广告在西方已经有几十年的发展历史,得到受众的普遍认同。我国的媒介中使用植入式广告的时间并不长,很多受众持逆反心理。本文在对植入式广告进行简介和分类之后,通过建立植入式广告的心理学模型,进而从社会心理以及个体心理中的认知、态度以及情感等几个方面来对受众的逆反心理进行分析。  相似文献   

当今各种各样的新媒介为受众提供大量信息的同时,也传播了一些不良信息。为了减少不良信息对受众的侵扰,需要培养受众对信息的鉴别能力、免疫能力,增强受众的信息批判意识和批判能力,使受众拒绝传播不良信息。  相似文献   

由于广告业整体环境的快速变化及日渐多元,以及由此引发的主流舆论环境的尴尬,研究教育的滞后与脱节,行业监管的复杂和艰难,传统媒介及广告从体制到思想都遭遇颠覆等困境,导致业界、学界乃至社会公众对广告及广告业的功能和定位,存在错误、片面、主观、扭曲或模糊的认识.文章从消费、行业、区域经济、品牌、创意产业、媒体及社会沟通等多个角度出发,论述了广告的积极作用,并进一步提出我们应该先抓"主流",在正确认识广告的角色和功能的同时,对广告多一些宽容、指导和支持.在对广告的定位做出客观的阐释之后,笔者对广告业的发展进行了前瞻性的探讨.  相似文献   

会诊中国电视--关于中国电视现状及问题的对话   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14  
20 0 3年中国电视经历了若干新的探索 ,业界和学界都以“创新”的追求不断推出许多新概念、新名词、新思路、新办法……在这些近乎“轰炸”般的新说法、新做法背后 ,却实实在在地、不可忽略地遮掩着不少新问题、老问题。之所以想推“新” ,除了时代与传媒发展不可阻挡的大势所趋 ,也的确因为这些诸多“问题”困惑着电视人 ,我们认为 ,只有好好对这些问题作一“会诊” ,才可能找到这些问题的“症结” ,才可能进一步对症下药 ,找到解决的路径。为此 ,本刊副主编胡智锋教授与凤凰卫视中文台副台长刘春先生专就中国电视现状及问题作了一番对话 ,希望能引起大家进一步的讨论和探求  相似文献   

This study analyzes Boston Mayor Thomas Menino’s rhetoric via Twitter following the Boston Marathon Bombing, exploring how a leader engaged in crisis communication using social media. Guided by restorative rhetoric, we examine how Menino included strategic communication (alleviate risk and restore public safety) and humanistic communication (focusing on the more substantive issues of crisis leadership) in his tweets. Our analysis is grounded in the five tenets of restorative rhetoric as a theoretical lens: initial reaction; assessment of the crisis; issues of blame; healing and forgiveness; and corrective action and rebuilding through a rhetorical vision. The findings demonstrate the utility of social media in aiding leaders as they provide critical information and guidance amid high uncertainty while also initiating the healing process, including fostering resilience.  相似文献   

Those who study social networks encounter an all-too-often conundrum in academia: the richness of data sets coupled with methodological complications. This article highlights three of the most salient issues facing social network scholars and potential ways of overcoming them. By discussing the quantitative measurement of the network in question, the specific variables under examination, and the overall goal(s) of the research project, readers will understand both the costs and rewards associated with an area of communication, psychology, and sociology scholarship that has existed and thrived for more than a half century.  相似文献   

In the open marketplace of visuals where the most valued photographs “rise to the top” via tweets, likes, and retweets rather than being dictated by professionals, the study of what makes an image go really social is merited. One occurrence during which professional photojournalism and nonprofessional photography truly coexist, intermingle, and blur is that of a natural disaster. A body of research exists that has examined the visual framing of disasters, but none has addressed how these differently framed photos go social online or by whom. In this study, 1,078 Twitter photos shared by professional media outlets and nonprofessional tweeters were examined to see what portrayals of photos are elevated in the network. Established frames and new frames were examined: depictions of people, emotional hierarchy, novelty, victims, ordinary people, uniforms, emergency professionals, valence, pragmatic, human interest, and political. The results add empirical evidence to the different ways that professional members of media and other visual sharers understand, visually communicate, and react to disaster and add to the visual framing literature an element of really social visual framing.  相似文献   

Much of the research on mood and communication has failed to examine the potential social and interactive attributes of mood suggested by studies involving affective contagion. An experiment involving 63 dyads was conducted manipulating the mood of both individuals involved to investigate these issues. Results suggest that the mood of both individuals can potentially impact an individual within an interaction. The findings are discussed, and future directions are suggested.  相似文献   

以浙江大学本科生和研究生为研究对象,运用问卷调查和访谈方法,考察大学生对电子书的知晓度、使用行为、态度和接受程度。结果显示,大学生在休闲类和学术类电子书认知和使用行为上存在差异。大学生对一般电子书的认知度和使用率较高,对图书馆电子书库(主要为学术类电子书)的认知度和使用率非常低。总体倾向于使用搜索引擎获得电子书,高年级本科生和博士生则主要通过图书馆目录和网站获得电子书。使用目的总体上倾向于休闲娱乐,低年级本科生较多阅读小说,博士生更多使用研究专著。多利用移动终端设备和电脑,直接进行屏幕阅读,但对研究类电子书倾向于打印部分阅读。手持电子书阅读器使用较少,且受到大学生经济状况影响。大学生对纸本书仍存在强烈偏好。高校图书馆需要在宣传推广、激发大学生需求、与教师教学结合等方面改进电子书服务。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(83-84):41-56

The reflections penned in this article began as a single paragraph contributed several years ago to Charles Anderson's “The Exchange,” a column in RQ (now Reference & User Services Quarterly) (Anderson, 1995). I elaborated upon the concept through further reflection and augmented the ideas through a literature review. These ideas are meant to spark interest among library school students, new reference librarians, and veteran reference librarians who perhaps need new reason to show up with a positive attitude at that next reference shift. The thesis is that this moment in time within a given reference interview occurs only once, regardless of how many times a librarian has heard the question. We as librarians must always be alert to respond appropriately to the distinct contributions that the given library user brings to that question. In the process, we are equals in that the librarian knows more of the research technique to uncover the appropriate sources, but the library user knows more of what his specific slant on the topic will be. We would be wise to stay diligent, to listen well, and to take nothing for granted. The reference interview then becomes a lively, energetic, and stimulating discussion meant to lead to library research at its best.  相似文献   

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