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养而不教,上一次当,学一次乖  相似文献   

A. SundayIt was Sunday. I never get up early _1_Sundays. I sometimes stay 2 until lunch time. Last Sunday I 3 very late. I looked 4 the window. It was dark outside. "What a day!" I thought. "It 5 a-gain." Just then the telephone 6.It wasmy aunt Lucy."I've just arrived 7 train," she said,"I am coming to 8 you." "But I'm still having breadfast."I said.  相似文献   

Somebody Stole Our TentSherlock Holmes and Dr Watson go camping,and put up their tent ( 帐篷) under the stars.In the middle of the night Holmes pushes Watson awake and questions him.HOLMES: Watson, look up at the stars and tell me what you deduce (推断 ) .WATSON: I see millions of stars, and if there are millions  相似文献   

(A)Erik was a fourteen-year-old boy.He thought he was a young manbut his parents didn"t think so.They told him,"When you begin to thinkabout<sub>1<sub>others,you"ll be a young man."One morning,his parents gave Erik<sub>2<sub>money to buy hamburgersat a store.  相似文献   

Contradicting Oneself(自相矛盾) In ancient times,there was a man who sold spears(矛)and shields(盾;防护物).He used to boast,“My spears are the sharpest in the world.They can penetrate(刺穿,穿透)anything.”A moment later he would boast,“My shields are th  相似文献   

A Hello!My name is John.I'm a little boy of thirteen years old.My family live in a flat in a busy street.Outside there are many  相似文献   

(A)一会儿如小溪流水,一会儿似万马奔腾——是哪里传来这天籁之音?原来是帕格尼尼在表演小提琴独奏。在演奏中,突然断了一根琴弦,可帕格尼尼没有终止演奏,不一会儿,又接连断了第二、第三根琴弦,那么,他能用仅  相似文献   

【故事1】 一位美学家一直寻找美的真谛。远渡重洋、历尽千辛万苦的他,终于学来了世界上最先进的解剖技术,带着这一举世无双的解剖技术,他走进了自己的后花园。此时,他的后花园正是一年中最好的时节,  相似文献   

【故事1】一位美学家一直寻找美的真谛。远渡重洋、历尽千辛万苦的他,终于学来了世界上最先进的解剖技术,带着这一举世无双的解剖技术,他走进了自己的后花园。此时,他的后花园正是一年中最好的时节,百花争奇斗艳,一片美丽景象。美学家摘下花园里最美的花朵,将其带到了解剖实验室。"花儿为什么这么美?首先它有水分。"这是美学家想的第一个问题,"可是水美吗?水再普通不过啦!"于是,美学家提炼出花朵中的水。花儿枯萎了,皱巴巴的,没有了生机……"其次,它含有色素。但色素有什么特别的吗?难道是色素让花儿  相似文献   

(A) More than seven hundred years ago,the Prince of Wales had a very big and brave dog called Gelert. One day the Prince wanted to go hunting with his men.He told his dog to stay at home and look after his baby son.The baby was in a wooden cradle(摇篮),which was like a small bed. When the Prince came back from hunting,Gelert ran out to meet his  相似文献   

(A)伟大的自然学家达尔文在研究进化论时,遭到各种势力派的反对,他逆流而上,不畏艰险,经过多年的努力  相似文献   

(A)There was an old pear tree in a man!s garden. In the past, the treefruited every year, so the man would get many pears. But now, the tree  相似文献   

(A)Time Clock in Flowers花开趣谈一朵朵鲜花映入眼帘,美丽、芬芳而多彩。花类不同,其盛开和闭合的时间也不同,这个问题看似简单,却挺难回答。你知道其中的奥妙吗?  相似文献   

(A)生辰趣谈人是有情感的高级动物,人与人之间的性格和爱好虽有共同之处,但也有很多不同。那么,人类所特有的这些性格和爱好是先天俱有的,还是后天获得的?  相似文献   

Mobile Phone or SOS Phone To tell you the truth,I am not interested in owning a mobile phone except for use in an emergency,for ordinary mobile phone service is very expensive.How would I get help if I were in trouble or indanger?A good friend told me about a product she thought would settle my problem.It's SOS phone——a mobile phone service designed for emergency use.Withthetouchofabutton,theSOSphonewillconnectmetoaroadsideemergencyservice,a911serviceoratrainedSOSoperator,24hoursaday…  相似文献   

。阶跃大信号输入时,该零极点偶对对放大器的输出稳定在最终值的0.1%精度内所需的时间影响不大,但对0.01%精度所需稳定时间的影响就严重得多。如果希望放大器在半个时钟周期内稳定在0.01%的精度,就要精心设计辅助放大器的单位增益带宽、偏置电流、相位裕度等。根据文献[3]的研究,辅助放大器的单位增益带宽至少与主放大器的带宽相等,稍大则稳定时间会更短一些;此外,要求它的次主极点尽可能大,即要求其相位裕度在75°以上。全差分结构的放大器都需要共模反馈来稳定共模电平。本设计使用开关电容电路中常用的开关电容共模反馈结构。表1 OTA仿…  相似文献   

(A)Schools in the US and China are different in many ways, especiallywhen it comes to “homework”.American schools are not difficult from kindergarten(幼儿园) to the end of high school. Kids usually start  相似文献   

A Friends play an im portant part in our lives,and although we m ay take the friendship for granted, we often don’t clearly understand how we m ake friends. W hile we get on well w ith a num ber of people, we usually m ake friends with only a few —for exam ple, the av- erage am ong students is about 6 persons. In all the cases of friendly relationships,two peo- ple like one another and enjoy being together, but beyond that,the degree of intim acy(亲 密) between them and the reasons for their…  相似文献   

Liu Yifei,a new TV starA.outofcuriosity aboutthe unknown landB.to m ake largerprofits in theirbusinessC.forgreatfun on theirjourneyD.both A and B4.The Polos were delayed and theirtravelwas blocked during the journey.A.by various naturalcalam ities B.owing to illnessC.localwaras wellas localrobbers D.allofthe above5.No one could recognize them when the Polosarrived hom e because .A.the death had been long since announced ofthe PolosB.they were sloppily dressedC.they returned in silken ro…  相似文献   

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