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随着经济改革的深入发展,企业转制工作也逐步展开,随之而来的产权与经营权也发生了重大变化,改制企业的档案工作面临着许多新情况和新问题。笔者对部分产权变动企业进行了调查,下面就改制企业档案工作存在的问题及相应对策提出一点粗浅认识。一、产权变动企业档案工作存在的问题(一)档案工作体制被淡化从总体上看,企业改制客观上促进了档案工作的发展,利用档案解决了转制过程中的一些实际问题,如:资产评估、债务纠纷、入股分红、工资待遇、养老保险等。但有个别企业领导忙于筹集资金,找产品销路,追求利润,关注经济效益,而忽略…  相似文献   

我国的广电系统在体制上正经历着一场巨变,各地纷纷成立广电集团,本人作者认为广电集团化应处理好几个关系一是处理好"垄断"经营与良性市场竞争的关系;二是处理好中央与地方的关系;三是处理好政治任务与产业经营的关系;四是处理好不同类节目形态的关系;五是处理好不同类型媒体、产业的关系.  相似文献   


Preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an effective medicine against HIV transmission. PrEP can be especially beneficial in the men who have sex with men (MSM) communities. However, medical studies have associated MSM’s PrEP use with undesired riskier behaviors (risk compensation), such as reducing condom use and acquiring more sexual partners. Fact sheets are important information sources for MSM to learn about PrEP and can potentially prevent risk compensation. This study compared three accessible fact sheets (the Truvada fact sheet, the CDC fact sheet, the FDA fact sheet) in terms of their effects on MSM’s PrEP use intention and risk compensation intention (n = 600). The results showed that the CDC and the FDA fact sheets significantly encouraged higher PrEP use intention without provoking higher risk compensation intention. To promote PrEP use without raising risk compensation intention, fact sheets might be good information sources for the MSM population.  相似文献   

21世纪我国图书馆事业面临着更大的变革,即办馆理念、管理体制、馆藏资源、服务模式、技术手段等方面的变革。  相似文献   

即时通讯(IM)实时咨询应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述即时通讯(IM)技术的发展状况与IM咨询的优势,论述多种模式IM实时咨询的应用与图书馆开展IM实时咨询的实现流程和应该注意的问题。认为随着网络环境的改善和软件的不断发展进步,利用IM提供实时咨询是国内图书馆可以考虑的实时咨询方式。  相似文献   

In this article we present Supervised Semantic Indexing which defines a class of nonlinear (quadratic) models that are discriminatively trained to directly map from the word content in a query-document or document-document pair to a ranking score. Like Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), our models take account of correlations between words (synonymy, polysemy). However, unlike LSI our models are trained from a supervised signal directly on the ranking task of interest, which we argue is the reason for our superior results. As the query and target texts are modeled separately, our approach is easily generalized to different retrieval tasks, such as cross-language retrieval or online advertising placement. Dealing with models on all pairs of words features is computationally challenging. We propose several improvements to our basic model for addressing this issue, including low rank (but diagonal preserving) representations, correlated feature hashing and sparsification. We provide an empirical study of all these methods on retrieval tasks based on Wikipedia documents as well as an Internet advertisement task. We obtain state-of-the-art performance while providing realistically scalable methods.  相似文献   

曾湘琼 《晋图学刊》2006,(2):20-22,47
新规程颁布已有两年多,文章对比新旧规程在馆长、工作人员、读者、文献资源等四方面的不同之处后,结合一些高校图书馆的做法,探讨了高校图书馆在实践中该如何应对新规程。  相似文献   

黄颖 《编辑学报》2021,33(5):497-501
在中宣部等3部委联合出台《关于推动学术期刊繁荣发展的意见》背景下,对学报主编杨新民教授就"地方高校学报的功能"这一主题进行专访.杨教授指出,地方高校学报是独具中国特色的学术期刊,在创新性人才培育方面的作用不可替代,并以《重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》为例,阐述了地方高校学报对学科建设的支撑,他强调地方高校学报应准确定位、树立自信,紧跟学科前沿,充分发挥对科研人才的发现、培养和训练功能以及支撑学科发展功能.  相似文献   

学校、科学中心、电视媒体、纸质媒体及网络是五种主要的公共科学教育资源。本研究以美国三座大城市的3000名成人为样本,调查了以上资源对公众科学兴趣的价值及认知倾向的作用。通过文献回顾,确定了以成人现在的科学兴趣价值观和认知倾向与其现在和过去使用相关科学资源的关系为研究目标,通过对洛杉矶、凤凰城和费城家庭样本使用CATI随机抽样得到的数据,采用主成分分析法得出最终问卷,并开展了相关人口统计学变量分析。  相似文献   

学校、科学中心、广播媒体、纸质媒体及互联网是五种主要的公共科学教育资源。本研究以美国三座大城市的3000名成人为样本,调查了以上资源对公众科学兴趣的价值及认知倾向的作用。下篇展示了如下调查结果:有五种经历对预测成年后的科学兴趣、价值及认知倾向具有特殊重要性,即青少年早期参观科学中心;青少年早期观看科学类电视节目;成年后参观科学中心;成年后阅读科学类书籍杂志;成年后使用互联网学习科学。本文同时讨论了自我选择、经历的质量以及科学学习生态系统的复杂性和协同性。  相似文献   

一部具有特色的《四库全书》--文澜阁《四库全书》   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文澜阁四库全书是南三阁中硕果仅存的一部。它在太平天国之役中亦惨遭厄运,兵火之余仅存原数四分之一弱,散佚部分主要由丁氏兄弟根据自己所藏八千卷楼善本并广借当时江南诸多藏书楼所藏之本加以补抄,从而形成文澜阁四库全书所独具的特色。与现存其它三阁四库全书相比,文澜本具有如下独特的价值:1.可以据以补足其它三阁四库的删节改易,2.可以据以补足其它三阁所据之原本的残缺。此外,丁氏补抄时的江南诸藏书楼今多不存,藏书亦多有散佚。丁氏抄本更因此具有弥足珍贵的版压价值。  相似文献   

实现生产方式的跨越,不是简单的买卖方式的调整,而是一个复杂的系统工程.要顺利实现这种跨越,就应处理好以下几个关系.  相似文献   

吴家玲 《图书情报工作》1998,42(7):31-32,63
从检索项的选择、布尔逻辑组配和主题词的选取等几个方面,结合检索实例,介绍了计算机检索策略在《中文科技期刊数据库》中的应用  相似文献   

文章在阐述关键事件技术研究法基本思路的基础上,重点分析了关键事件技术研究法在图书馆学情报学研究中的可行性和具体应用,最后提出其应用中存在的优缺点。  相似文献   

Changing emphases in literary research affect collection management in university libraries. All such research continues to depend upon strong holdings in journals, monographs, and general reference. To accommodate recent changes of direction that lead scholars in English increasingly to consult sources outside the field, it is becoming difficult to compartmentalize holdings by discipline. The result is pressure upon libraries to increase and broaden the scope of their holdings, despite escalating costs.  相似文献   

Individuals in relationships accrue dependence power to the extent that they are perceived by a committed partner to be uncommitted to the relationship and have viable relationship alternatives (Cloven &; Roloff, 1993). This investigation examined how relational dependence power influences post‐hoc appraisals and communicative decisions about problematic events for both problematic event offenders and observers. One hundred and six dating couples participated in this investigation. Each person individually completed measures of dependence power. Then, one person in each couple was designated the offender and the other was the observer of one of five hypothetical problematic events; participants rated the severity of the scenario, as welt as completing several measures related to defining the scenario as a problematic event. Respondents also reported the likelihood that they would not communicate about the situation. Analyses indicated that for offenders, appraisals of problematic event severity were negatively associated with partner's commitment and positively associated with perceptions of partner's alternatives; the opposite pattern was indicated for observers. Moreover, when events were appraised as serious, offenders and observers were less likely to avoid communicating about the situation. Little support was found for the association between dependence power and decisions to communicate about problematic events.  相似文献   

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