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电子媒体时代,老牌大报的地位及影响力受到挤压、冲击,但它的信度与作用力犹存,传播文化和文化建设与发展都不能轻视、低估了它。大报,是文化符号,它要做好、必须坚持文化品位;大报的科普必须准确、科学。质量,是大报的形象与名片,大报不能忽略细腻、准确的价值,当注意保证、彰显自己的高品质。  相似文献   

老龄人才资源的再开发关系到千千万万老同志的切身利益,是一个解决老龄问题、影响到将来社会的积极对策,符合中国国情,具有中国特色,利国利民,是个人、社会全方位的需求与必然。作为一项长期的浩大工程,它广阔的发展前景,要求我们必须全面搞好老干部工作的服务与管理,使人才资源的再开发沿着正确、健康的道路走向自我完善和发展。  相似文献   

我国正处于全面建设小康社会和推进中国特色社会主义事业的关键时刻,整个社会正在发生巨大而深刻的变化,这给老干部工作带来了许多新情况和新问题,老干部工作难度加大,任务更加繁重,如何做好老干部工作,这对老干部工作者的素质提出了高要求。本文从四个方面对老干部工作者应必备的素质进行了论述。  相似文献   

古今"老干体"表现出歌德化、程式化、空洞化、官气化和应制化的共同特点,但在语言、格律、修养和风格等方面表现出不同的个性。当今"老干体"之盛行与其时代、经济、理论、经历及网络密切相关;其造成虚假繁荣、违背诗歌传统及混淆诗歌发展方向等影响也不可低估;提高文化与艺术之修养,加强舆论之宣传是导引"老干体"回归雅正的重要对策。  相似文献   

In this case study, we assessed academic functioning, service satisfaction, and needs of student veterans at a community college who had accessed the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Student Veteran Health Program (SVHP) (n = 36). The SVHP provides outreach and behavioral health services directly on a large community college campus to overcome common barriers to engagement in mental health care (e.g., distance from a VA medical center). Academic difficulties that were most commonly reported were in the areas of retention of information, meeting deadlines, and cooperation with other students. Overall, the majority of student veterans who received services in the SVHP were satisfied (76.5%). Services targeting attention and concentration and utilization of educational benefits were highlighted as important by student veterans. This case study of VA services delivered within the community college setting provides important insights into how to design VA services to target the needs of student veterans. Specific recommendations for supporting student veterans on a community college campus are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, a significant problem that has manifested in the quest to capitalise on the pedagogical potential of technology in schools is that veteran teachers are unwilling to integrate these resources into their practices. Given that veteran teachers comprise up to 40% of teachers, their lack of use is important. This paper aims to shed light on the issue of detachment by presenting empirically based findings of a five-year, grounded theory examination of the technology practices of a small group of veteran teachers. Data included classroom observations, teacher interviews and document analysis of teacher and school planning documentation, student focus groups, interviews with teaching colleagues and key school technology personnel observation. Analysis included the application of the teachers’ data to a framework of dilemmas teachers encounter when expected to change their practice. In using this process, change fatigue and knowledge insecurity (brought about by cultural and political changes to their contexts) were prominent factors which contributed to the teachers’ lack of technology use. Identifying their challenges opened scrutiny to the myriad of factors they drew on when making decisions about how and whether to use technology in their practice. The longitudinal analysis of the data showed that as these dilemmas alleviated, the teachers became more committed to educational technology. The findings inform how we can move forward from the issue of veteran teachers’ lack of use of technology to how to support this group in the development of their practices. In particular, the need for a re-imagining of professional learning to one which focuses on reshaping cultural and political aspects of technology practices. This includes changes to the management of technology-related policy changes as well as facilitating learning communities that promote a valuing and sharing of relevant knowledge amongst teachers and students.  相似文献   

Since the Post-9/11 GI Bill was enacted in 2009, student veteran populations have nearly doubled while services that support their transition to higher education have dramatically increased. Despite a surge in resources, however, institutions are deficient in training faculty and staff about veterans’ issues, consequently leaving student veterans susceptible to inaccurate perceptions about their service and wellbeing. In an effort to provide an inclusive environment for service members, this article discusses findings from two focus groups and 14 interviews with student veterans. Recommendations for training faculty and staff and enhancing the visibility of veterans’ issues through Veteran Ally training and student veteran discussion panels are discussed.  相似文献   

何叔衡、徐特立、谢觉哉、林伯渠、董必武五人,被尊称为中央苏区“五老”。1934年10月,红军主力部队北上抗日时,徐特立等四老参加了长征,克服种种艰难险阻,顺利到达陕北;何叔衡留在苏区坚持斗争,在突围时负伤后壮烈牺牲。  相似文献   

20世纪20年代,我党老一辈无产阶级革命家实现了从爱国主义者到共产主义者的转变。其道路是:关心国事,研究国情是转变的必要前提;追求真理,追求光明是转变的动力。勤奋学习,刻苦钻研为转变锻造了知识基础;注重修养,锐意进取为转变锻造了思想品质基础。  相似文献   

在传统的政府退伍军人管理模式无力单独应对日益复杂的退伍军人权利保障的背景下,美国联邦政府的立法思维从倚重单一行政管理向行政管理和司法监管并重转变,改变对退伍军人行政权力约束机制过于单一的做法,通过了《退伍军人事务司法审查法》,回应了退伍军人的权利诉求,顺应了美国社会发展对退伍军人保障的需要。该法的通过,将行政集权式的退伍军人行政管理模式,变为分权式的行政管理模式,构建了多元争议解决机制,强化了退伍军人的权利救济制度,进一步完善了退伍军人权利保障机制。  相似文献   


The research and practice surrounding student service members/veterans has evolved over several decades. With a regeneration of veteran students’ enrollment, a need for increased attention to this special student population continues to be an institutional priority, especially for community colleges. The literature suggests that while greater attention has been paid to serving those that have served, there is little to support whether or not such efforts are considered evidenced-based. This discussion asserts that community colleges are ripe with examples of evidenced-based programming for student service members and student veterans.  相似文献   

新形势下,高校录取新生和在校大学生响应国家号召,踊跃参军入伍建功立业。随着两年服役期满,他们将回到高校继续完成学业,但却在学习成绩、人际关系、享受政策优待和职业规划等方面都不同程度地存在问题。因此,加强高校退伍复学学生教育管理,引导他们适应大学生活、顺利完成大学学业、充分激发其发挥正能量作用,成为摆在高校学生管理人员面前的重要课题。  相似文献   

在毛泽东文艺思想的形成和发展过程中,周恩来、刘少奇等老一辈无产阶级革命家都作出了重要贡献.他们提出了一系列正确的文艺方针、政策,发表了许多精辟的艺术见解,进一步充实、丰富和发展了毛泽东文艺思想,是毛泽东文艺思想体系的有机组成部分.  相似文献   

阿加莎·克里斯蒂作品中悬念设置的主要技巧和方法:一是倒置设悬;二是连环设悬;三是隐形人设悬以及运用哑谜、切隔、反常、危局等方法来故布疑阵,营造氛围。由此说明成功设置悬念能给读者提供多层面的审美参与,成功的侦探小说可以承担起文学的多种审美功能。  相似文献   

老年教育是社区教育的重要内容,从老年教育的实践经验中可得到一些对电大开展社区教育的启示:一是以政府为主导,统领基础设施和政策制度建设;二是以兼职为主,加强师资队伍建设;三是以实用为主,加强专业学科建设;四是以教师为骨干,加强教学资源建设;五是以学分银行为依托,搭建区域教育“立交桥”;六是以电大系统为基础,建设终身教育网络体系。  相似文献   

当前老干部思想政治工作存在的问题及对策研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
改革开放以来,由于形势的变化,老干部思想政治工作存在着个别单位领导不够重视,与老干部缺乏沟通;老干部思想政治工作形式单一,缺乏针对性;老干部支部活动不到位;老干部思想政治工作队伍素质不适应新时代需求,缺乏创新精神;老干部自身思想退化,党员作用难以发挥等问题。认真研究和分析这些问题,通过全面落实老干部“两项待遇”,加强思想政治工作的基础;注重组织建设这个老干部思想政治工作的重要环节;提高认识,创新思路,抓住老干部思想政治工作的关键;开展健康有益的文化活动,做好老干部思想政治工作的有效载体;注重解决老干部的实际问题等一系列措施,提高老干部思想政治工作的实效性。  相似文献   

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