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庞统 《中学生英语》2002,(16):24-28
第Ⅰ、Ⅱ卷(选择题)听力部分(略)笔试部分A)从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个与划线部分意义最接近的答案。(共5小题,每小题4分,满分20分。26.Jack got a letter from his uncle yesterday. A.posted B.wrote C.received27.The girl found it hard to make friends there. A.happy B.difficult C.easy28.Tom agreed to go with us in the end. A.in a minute B.at last C.at the same time  相似文献   

第一卷听力部分(25分)Ⅰ.根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)1.A.A ll right,I will.B.N ice to m eet you.C.Thanks a lot.2.A.Y es,Id love to.B.Y es,I w ould go.C.N ever m ind.3.A.G ood luck.B.Thats O K.C.Im sorry to hear that.4.A.Congratulations!B.N ice to m eet you!C.G ood-bye!5.A.N ever m ind.B.Sorry to hear that.C.Look out!Ⅱ.根据你所听到的对话内容和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)6.A.9years.B.19years.C.6yea…  相似文献   

第Ⅰ卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力(略)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳答案。21.If balance of nature isdisturbed,bad results will take place.A.the>the B./>/C.the>/D./>the22.Over a third of the population wasbelieved to have no to thehealth care.A.access B.aid C.basis D.belief23.They have been trying to arrive at apractical solution the problem.A.in B.to C.on D.with24.In recent years much more s…  相似文献   

第Ⅰ卷【选择题】Ⅰ.听力测试部分(共两节,满分20分)(略)笔试部分Ⅱ.基础知识(本题共20小题,每小题3分,满分60分)从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。21.M iss G reen goes to the doctor’s M ondaym orning.A.on B.in C.at22.—Excuse m e,where can I take a bus to thesuperm arket?—Sorry,there are buses here.A.som e B.any C.no23.Kate is nice.I like to work with.A.she B.her C.hers24.There is som e water in that bottle,isn’t______?A.there B.it C.that25.Kate,there is a picture of a panda …  相似文献   

第一部分 听力(略) 第二部分:英语知识应用 第一节:单项填空: 从 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。 21.It remains whether she’ll be fit enough to play in the finals. A.to see B.to be seen C.seeing D.to have seen 22.Cindy could be a very attractive girl but she to her clothes. A.pay no attention B.paid no attention C.was paying no attention D.had paid attention 23.Passengers are by law to wear seatbelts in our country. A.identified B.ensured C.required D.indicated 24.The reason why he failed the driving test was he was too careless. A.becaus...  相似文献   

1.单项填空(共25小题,每小题1分;满分25分) A)从A、B、c、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。例:地ve A.渺eB‘s旦、eC,h鲜D .made答案是C。 1 .PrPve A.stP淤B.塑te C.st卿e D.h凶k2.~。us A.1〕ra,eh B.c四dusion C.山,ge~D·to旦邵le3 .b哩the A.h丝}th B.d鲜C.inc坦终三D.目罗。4 .a些ieve A.re别皿笙少B.少emist C.te少niqtle D.sto宜na笙当5 .sllver A.s,lent B.附tty C.ti叮D.哟,et B)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案。例:We_last‘ght,but we went to the concert in81e目…  相似文献   

第一部分:听力 (略) 第二部分:英语知识运用 Ⅰ.单项填空 从 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填 入空白处的最佳选项。 21.The room with windows north wants badly. A .facing;cleaned B.faces;cleaning C.faced;cleaning D .facing;cleaning 22. teacher of m y grandm other’s is com ing tom orrow ,I’m wondering how old wom an she w ould be. A .The;a B.A ;a C.A ;the D .The;the 23.—D id you see the m ovie last night? —N o,I’d love ,but I too busy to go. A .to have;was B.to have;had been C.to go;am…  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)I.情景反应(5分)根据你所听到的句子,从A,B,C,D中选出正确的答语。1.A.Travelling by bus.B.Travelling by bike. C.Travelling on foot.D.Travelling by train.2.A.Nice to be with you.B.Glad to hear that. C.Sorry to hear that.D.Sorry to keep you waiting.3.A.No,I’m not hungry.B.No,thanks. C.No,I want it.D.Yes,here you are.4.A.Have a good rest.B.Have a good journey. C.Have a good dinner.D.Have a good test.  相似文献   

听力部分。(略)笔试部分n.选择填空。(共巧小题,每小题1分,共15分)从A3、C卫四个选项中选出最佳答案。26.Would you Please speak more slowly?I ean hardly_you·A .talk with B.agree with C .follow D.hear 27.一TI…e exam was very B .Good.Thank you C·Enjoy yourself D .Oh,I’rn glad to hear that 34.eomes from eows. A,Wool B.Chieken C .Pork D.Milk 35.Helearned swimming all by_. A .he B him C.his D.himself 36.一Would you like to eome to dinner tonight?一Yes easy,Wasn think t it? eould PaSS…  相似文献   

第一卷(选择题) 第二部分:英语知识运用(共三节) 第一节:语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。1 .Laszlo Bim 15 eonsidered the ball一Point Pen. A .to invent B.inventing C .to be inventing D.to have invented2,When 1 got home,1 found  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)I.情景反应(5分)根据你所听到的句子,从A,B,C中选出适当的答语。(每个句子听两遍)1.A.Tea,please.B.Meat,Please.C.Water,please.2.A.She likes take-away food.B.The food is very nice.C.I’ve no idea.3.A.Thank you for telling me. B.I want to know the way to the station. C.No,it is not your duty.  相似文献   

听力部分(30分)一、听力测试(30分)A)从A、B、C三个选项中,选出与你听到的句子所含有的那个单词或符合对话内容的选项。(5分)B)根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答语。(5分)6.A.Its July20th.B.Its M onday today.C.Its a fine day today.7.A.Im sorry to hear that.B.W hats wrong?C.Im afraid not.8.A.Som e cakes,please.B.N o,thanks.C.H ere you are.9.A.Its so beautiful.B.By plane.C.Ittook m e about3hours.10.A.Its m y pleasure.B.Im glad to hear that.C.G ood idea!C)根据你所听到的对话内容,…  相似文献   

第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用第一节语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. developm ent of nuclear weapons is threat to m ankind. A .The;a;/ B.A ;a;/ C.The;/;the D .A ;/;the 22. is no need for you to do the housework.I want to do it at the weekend. A .It B.There C.That D .This 23.I don’t think I need pocket m oney, but m y m other often gives m e som e . A .in case B.in tim e C.in case of D .at last 24.The com puter system suddenly while he was …  相似文献   

第二部分:英语知识运用第一节:语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—Would you like to come to the dinnerparty here on Saturday?—Thank you.I’d love to,I’ll be outof town at the weekend.A.because B.and C.so D.but2.We’ve just heard a warning on the radiothat a hurricane is to come thisevening.A.likely B.possibleC.probable D.believable3.It was already one in the morning Isaw the dull yellow eye of the creatureopen.A.when B.that C.which D.since4.I think I…  相似文献   

第一卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题后的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。1. How long has the woman kept her bicycle?A. Four years. B. Five years. C. Six years.2.What does the woman want to do?A.She wants to prepare supper. B She wants to stay at home.C. She wants to go out for supper. 3. Where is Mr Baker?A. At his office. B. At the travel company. C. Out to lunch.  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)Ⅰ.句意理解(5分)从 A 、B 、C 中选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相近的一个选项。1.A .Tina started to work in the com pany at22o clock.B.W hen she was 22years old,Tina started to work in the com pany.C.Tina has worked in the com pany for 22years.2.A .A nn went to the concertw ith her father.B.A nn s father didn twanther to go to the concert,butshe wentto it.C.A nn s father has no tickets for the concert.3.A .M y grandm a couldn tfind the library book.B.M y grandm a returned the…  相似文献   

.单项选择。从A、B、C、O四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。1 .Can”u tell me the answer_the question? A .of B.to C.about D./2·He hao two danghters.One 15 a soldier,_15 a worker· A .another B.a other C.the other D.others3._fine day it 15! A .How B.How a C.What D.取厂hata4.1’m hungry.1 want_. A.something eating B.something to eat C .eat something D.to eating something5 .There_a new film this evening. A.15 going to have B.15 going to be C.have D.has6.Why not_and have a look at …  相似文献   

第l卷(选择题共75分)一、听力侧城都分(略) 枯城部分(A.)二、‘砒知识(共20小题,礴分60分) 从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以坟人空白处的最佳答案。(本题共印分,每小题3分)21.YOufo卿t your dietion哪?YOum即have A.me B.my C.而ne22.一15 there a bus to the 200? 一I’m曲aid there’5 bus to the 200. A.no B.明y C.some23.ourte鹅her’5 offiee 15 on A .the three noor B.n加r Thi记 C .the third floor24.They had a elass meeting_Frid叮 硫ernoon. A.at B.in C.on25.Green eajrne to China inZ《X洲)he has lived here ever sinee. A.and B.or C.but26.The horse 15 old and eannot run it did. A .as faster as B.50 fast than C.as f...  相似文献   

第一卷:听力部分1一20题(略)第二卷:笔试部分1.单项填空1 .The weather in summer here 15 in Wuhan. A .this B.that C.it2.Study hard,_you’re sure 即od reoult in the exam!_ A .but B.and C.for3 .1’m going shopping now.I_Iike D.to haveD .orhomeSOOn- A.retu扭 C .eo刃。e baek4.一_do you 一onee a tenll. A .How often C .How soon5 .It’5 ve叮eoldPut— B .will be baek D.90 backhave an evening party? sehool this afternoon. A .fo铭et‘二to takeB:fo吧et…to bring C .left…to takeD‘Ieft…to bring10.…  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)Ⅰ.听辨词语(5分)从A、B、C、D中选出一个与你所听到的句子中所含有的那个单词或短语。1.A.thank B.could C.learn D.shout2.A.last B.beach C.bike D.pay3.A.used to B.spent C.lots of D.cheating4.A.hour B.m anage C.has gone D.on bus5.A.very thirsty B.any factories C.are calling D.w aste waterⅡ.情景反应(5分)根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C、D中选择正确的答语。6.A.Itdoesn tm atter.B.Thank you a lot.C.D on tplay with m y glasses again.D.W here are they?len7.A.Y es,I have.B.N obody h…  相似文献   

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