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制药工程是奠定在药学、化学、生物技术和工程学基础上的交叉学科,以培养在医药企事业单位等部门从事药品生产、管理、科研开发、工程设计以及技术服务等领域人才为目标的工程技术学科。本文以我校分析测试中心综合创新性实验课程的开设为例,对高校制药工程专业开设综合创新性实验的必要性、实验平台的建设、实验内容设置以及教学实践效果进行了探讨,以达到优化实验教学过程、提高教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

培养和提升学生的创新实践能力是高校的主要教学目的之一,开设创新性实验课程则是培养这种能力的主要途径。本文以在高校开设的创新性实验课程"冰冻切片技术在病理组织学诊断中的应用"的切身体会,探讨了创新性实验课程的选课对象、项目管理、实验内容及时间安排等几方面存在的问题及解决办法,强调学生在创新性实验课程中的主导地位、如何激发学生对实验的兴趣及提升学生的科研创新能力。  相似文献   

创新实验平台为学生创新能力的培养提供了优良、先进的实践环境,有助于提高实验教学的质量和实施因材施教.介绍了虚拟设计与制造创新性实验平台的建设目标,阐述了平台的结构组成.通过创新性实验平台开设了多层次的创新性实验项目,达到多层次和贯通化培养学生创新能力的目的.  相似文献   

刘紫英 《考试周刊》2011,(45):194-195
化学生物学正在成为21世纪一个重要的新兴交叉学科,它是化学与生物学和医学等学科领域相互交叉、相互渗透的产物。国内外相续开设了化学与生物学专业,以培养复合型创新性人才为目标。本文在简要介绍化学生物学专业特点及人才培养目标下,以地方本科院校宜春学院为例,阐述了化学生物学人才的培养方法。  相似文献   

实施科教融合、建立"科研—教学连接体",是将科学研究支撑高水平教学培养创新性工程人才的有效途径之一。中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院近几年通过强化课堂"探究式"教学、开设教授指导下的创新性系列实验课、实施"卓越工程师"培养模式和建立科教融合的激励机制等途径,较好地建立了"科研—教学连接体",有效地实施了科教融合,取得了较好效果。  相似文献   

创建专业化学实验新体系培养本科高素质创新人才   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文介绍了创建专业化学实验新体系的教学改革和实践,讨论了如何开展综合化学实验与创新化学实验的教学模式和内容,特别强调在学科交叉领域开设综合性实验,在前没科研领域开设创新性实验,并提出对创新性实验实施人才培养激励机制。  相似文献   

通过教学改革,把为高年级学生开设的"ERP沙盘实训"课程,改成为大学新生开设,目的是培养学生的非智力因素,如激发学习动力、形成感恩意识、培养顽强意志,从而使他们能更加主动、更加充实地度过大学时光。  相似文献   

结合信息与计算科学教育实践现状,分析兴趣分类小班制授课对于创新性专业领域人才培养过程中的作用,发现了现今信息与计算科学专业课必修课设置不能满足信息类数学人才对于计算机类专业知识的需求等矛盾点,据此提出根据学生的兴趣爱好,由教师引领具体的方向开设兴趣分类小班制授课,进行兴趣创新教育体制改革,能够起到的有效培养专业性创新性人才,加强数学类创新型人才实践经验的效果。  相似文献   

体育专业的运动人体科学实验教学对培养体育学院学生的动手能力、分析解决问题能力、正确的思维方法、严谨的科研作风等有着举足轻重的作用.通过采用文献资料法、专家访谈法等研究方法解析《普通高等学校本科教学工作水平评估方案》中关于"三性"实验的精神,对体育专业传统的实验教学模式中存在的弊端进行分析,研究结果表明:体育专业实验教学应整合为一个整体的运动人体科学实验教学体系,有机的整合实验内容,多开设综合性、设计性、研究创新性实验,灵活安排实验课时,改革实验考核方式,来促进当代运动人体科学实验教学的进一步发展.  相似文献   

开设"体育选项教学课"的意义就在于培养学生的体育兴趣、爱好和特长,扩展学生的体育学习领域,形成良好的体育锻炼意识。开设"体育选项教学课",学生所选择的运动项目是自主确定的,往往也是学生最喜爱或需要进一步学习和掌握的。学生一旦有了这种选择,就会对其所参与的体育活动产生极其浓厚的兴趣,表现出极大的热情,付出巨大的努力。  相似文献   

A course entitled ‘Science and Engineering Education: Interdisciplinary Aspects’ was designed to expose undergraduate students of science and engineering education to the attributes of interdisciplinary education which integrates science and engineering. The core of the course is an interdisciplinary lesson, which each student is supposed to teach his/her peers. Sixteen students at advanced stages of their studies attended the course. The research presented here used qualitative instruments to characterise students’ attitudes towards interdisciplinary learning and teaching of science and engineering. According to the findings, despite the significant challenge which characterises interdisciplinary teaching, a notable improvement was evident throughout the course in the percentage of students who expressed willingness to teach interdisciplinary classes in future.  相似文献   

Problem-solving has been one of the major strands in science education research. But much of the problem-solving research has been conducted on discipline-based contexts; little research has been done on how students, especially individuals, solve interdisciplinary problems. To understand how individuals reason about interdisciplinary problems, we conducted an interview study with 16 graduate students coming from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds. During the interviews, we asked participants to solve two interdisciplinary science problems on the topic of osmosis. We investigated participants’ problem reasoning processes and probed in their attitudes toward general interdisciplinary approach and specific interdisciplinary problems. Through a careful inductive content analysis of their responses, we studied how disciplinary, cognitive, and affective factors influenced their interdisciplinary problems-solving. We found that participants’ prior discipline-based science learning experiences had both positive and negative influences on their interdisciplinary problem-solving. These influences were embodied in their conceptualization of the interdisciplinary problems, the strategies they used to integrate different disciplinary knowledge, and the attitudes they had toward interdisciplinary approach in general and specific interdisciplinary problems. This study sheds light on interdisciplinary science education by revealing the complex relationship between disciplinary learning and interdisciplinary problem-solving.  相似文献   

Science educators often miss an opportunity to encourage the cognitive leaps associated with the formation of networks of meaning when they deliver scientific concepts as solitary sets of received wisdom. Interdisciplinary science education provides a rich setting for encouraging this formation of meaning within the minds of the students. A wonderful example of this rich interdisciplinary setting can be found when environmental science is informed by the study of economics within the classroom. The usefulness of particular concepts in economic science for environmental science is illustrative of what science students can gain from learning science in an interdisciplinary setting.  相似文献   

Global carbon cycling describes the movement of carbon through atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere, and hydrosphere; it lies at the heart of climate change and sustainability. To understand the global carbon cycle, students will require interdisciplinary knowledge. While standards documents in science education have long promoted interdisciplinary understanding, our current science education system is still oriented toward single‐discipline‐based learning. Furthermore, there is limited work on interdisciplinary assessment. This article presents the validated Interdisciplinary Science Assessment of Carbon Cycling (ISACC), and reports empirical results of a study of high school and undergraduate students, including an analysis of the relationship between interdisciplinary items and disciplinary items. Many‐faceted Rasch analysis produced detailed information about the relative difficulty of items and estimates of ability levels of students. One‐way ANCOVA was used to analyze differences among three grade levels: high school, college Freshman–Sophomore, college Junior–Senior, with number of science courses as a covariate. Findings indicated significantly higher levels of interdisciplinary understanding among the Freshman–Sophomore group compared to high school students. There was no statistically significant difference between Freshman–Sophomore group and Junior–Senior group. Items assessing interdisciplinary understanding were more difficult than items assessing disciplinary understanding of global carbon cycling; however, interdisciplinary and disciplinary understanding were strongly correlated. This study highlights the importance of interdisciplinary understanding in learning carbon cycling and discusses its potential impacts on science curriculum and teaching practices.  相似文献   

Science history shows us that interdisciplinarity is a spontaneous process that is intrinsic to, and engendered by, research activity. It is an activity that is done rather than an object to be designed and constructed. We examine three vignettes from the history of science that display the interdisciplinary process at work and consider the implications for education. We consider recent examples of interdisciplinary science education, including where interdisciplinarity involves students in authentic scientific research. We conclude that the reconciliation of research and education is a meaningful role for interdisciplinary practice in science education.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify how and why doctoral students do interdisciplinary research. A mixed-methods approach utilising bibliometric analysis of the publications of 195 students identified those who had published interdisciplinary research. This objective measurement of the interdisciplinarity, applying the Rao-Stirling index to Web of Science and Scopus citations, allowed for a comparison of students’ interdisciplinary research outcomes from three different computer science programmes: a traditional programme, a multidisciplinary doctoral school and an interdisciplinary doctoral college. Applying a sociocultural approach, interviews with the 15 most interdisciplinary students were analysed to understand how dispositions and experiences of students and factors of the different programmes affect the circumstances and processes of becoming an interdisciplinary early career scientist. The data indicate that student motivations, previous skills and knowledge interacted with policies and programme structures including type of funding and supervisor expectations to play a crucial role in interdisciplinarity at the doctoral level. These factors can give rise to interdisciplinary research even in programmes without interdisciplinary focus and compromise the interdisciplinary goals of interdisciplinary programmes.  相似文献   

学科与竞赛相结合是创新融合新阶段人才培养的重要方式。创客大赛属于"跨学科实践型"竞赛。文章在跨学科视域下探讨学生创客大赛的现状,分析创客大赛存在的问题:跨学科创新主题偏重理科知识,人文方面有待加强;团队跨学科合作偏重形式,异质性内容耦合不足;学生跨学科创新意识强烈,跨学科创新能力薄弱;跨学科竞赛区域发展不平衡,跨学科课程体系建设亟待加强。针对以上问题,文章从学生、学校、社会三个层面提出改进策略:学生综合运用跨学科知识,从"跨学科阅读-跨学科思维-跨学科实践"三个维度形成解决复杂问题的方案;学校充分引导师生参与跨学科创客大赛;社会营造创客大赛的跨学科文化氛围。  相似文献   

STEAM教育强调技术教育手段应用,提倡跨学科拓展教学范围,有利于培养具有综合素质的复合型人才。运用STEAM理念重构科学课堂,能打破学科壁垒,让学生将不同学科的知识联系起来,做到融会贯通,更好地实现提高学生科学素养这一根本目标。文章结合教学实践,对运用STEAM理念重构科学课堂进行探究。  相似文献   

科学创新人才培养的内核在于引导大学生对科学精神、科学文化、科学本质进行深度体悟,形成合理的科学观。科学创新人才培养与科学观的养成具有内在的统一性。传统科学观简化了对科学的认识,抑制了大学生的科学思维和科学想象。对于我国科学教育而言,设置独立的科学史课程、创建跨学科的人才培养平台、改革学业考试制度、加大科研创新考核比例是更新大学生科学观的着力点。  相似文献   

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