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结合我国高校现行制度和特点,对英国大学博士研究生的培养模式及特点进行初步分析,认为英国大学注重教育的实效性。宽进严出的教育特色使得导师在学生的课程学习、论文撰写和科研能力培养的各个方面都全程介入,指导力度大,但又保证了学生的学术自由。导师直接参与学生科研工作,经常与学生交流,强调课题组师生的协作分工,注重实践与创新能力的培养,相对灵活的博士学位制度下严格把关博士论文质量。以上培养模式及特点为英国大学培养综合素养优良、创新能力突出的科研人才奠定了良好的基础,值得借鉴。  相似文献   

大学生是建设创新型国家的主体力量之一。培养并不断提升大学生科研创新能力是大学教育的重要目标,也是国家关注的重点。本研究通过构建科研创新能力影响因素模型,并采用问卷调查法探究自主性学习、导师指导和学校科研支持对大学生科研创新能力的影响。研究发现:自主性学习、导师指导和学校的科研支持均对大学生科研创新能力具有显著正向影响,但导师指导的路径系数稍低;导师指导与自主性学习、学校科研支持间均存在双向正影响。为此,高校应着力提升大学生自主学习能力、增强导师指导效果并加大科研支持力度,以更好地促进大学生科研创新能力的提升。  相似文献   

随着研究生教育的快速发展,进一步提高博士质量已经成为当前我国高等教育面临的主要任务。为此,全国具有博士学位授予权的高等学校和科研院所都开展了博士质量调查工作。W大学作为教育部直属的全国重点大学,通过这次博士质量调查,发现其博士培养中存在着诸如生源质量不高、导师指导博士生过多、博士生的科研能力不强、导师对博士论文的指导不力等问题。为了提高博士质量,W大学在今后的博士生培养中。必须切实提高生源质量、严格导师负责制、改革人才培养方式、严格博士论文标准。  相似文献   

本文选取了博士生论文的确定途径、博士生的研究与导师研究之间的关系、博士生跟导师探讨博士论文的频率和博士生对导师指导论文的认可程度这四个维度,比较分析了中日两国博士生学习与生活的数据。结果发现,我国博士生在学位论文指导过程中需要进一步提高科研自主性和独立性,加强导师与博士生之间的互动,更好地发挥导师的引导和决策作用,才能提高博士生创新能力,保证博士生培养的质量。  相似文献   

本文选取了博士生论文的确定途径、博士生的研究与导师研究之间的关系、博士生跟导师探讨博士论文的频率和博士生对导师指导论文的认可程度这四个维度,比较分析了中日两国博士生学习与生活的数据.结果发现,我国博士生在学位论文指导过程中需要进一步提高科研自主性和独立性,加强导师与博士生之间的互动,更好地发挥导师的引导和决策作用,才能提高博士生创新能力,保证博士生培养的质量.  相似文献   

郑州大学生物工程系从本学期起,将在本科教学中正式实行“导师制。”据生物工程系党总支书记李宪民介绍,他们实施导师制的宗旨是“强化教学质量,优化模块教学,加强师生沟通,促进个性发展”。导师制自学生入学的第二学年开始实行,分为低年级专业平台课学习阶段和高年级模块化教育和科研训练阶段,两个阶段均历时三个学期。学习阶段,导师负责指导学生完成由低年级向高年级过渡时期学习方法的调整;指导学生参与社会实践、专业实习及大学生“挑战杯”赛等科研创新活动;指导学生选读相关科目,培养学生科研兴趣,了解掌握相关学科前沿。训练阶段,模…  相似文献   

美国一流大学重视对博士生培养的过程管理,在招生选拔、课程设置、导师遴选、科研训练、指导方式等方面制定了严格的标准和完善的制度。借鉴美国经验,我国未来在推进博士生教育改革与发展中,应优化博士生招生制度、推进跨学科课程体系建设、探索团队指导模式、建立以博士生培养质量为核心的导师遴选标准、加强科研训练、构建博士生培养过程考核与评价机制、完善论文评审制度。  相似文献   

提高本科生的科研和创新能力是大学教育的首要目标,本科生参与科研训练对提高学生的创新素质具有重要影响和作用。通过本科生走进科研实验室在导师的指导下参与学生创新创业训练项目研究,激发学生科研创新热情,培养学生创新能力和实践能力。实践证明,以教师科研项目和学生独立科研项目为依托,通过整合科研和实验室资源,采用分层指导、因材施教、有效沟通、多方激励,建立导师指导下的本科生科研训练创新模式,能够有效培养学生的实践能力和创新创业精神。  相似文献   

针对专业学位研究生创新能力不足等问题,提出了协同式研究生创新能力培养模式的教学改革研究思路。协同式培养模式的核心是“四结合、三提升”的教学理念。四结合是指通过项目研究集群与导师指导集群相结合、研究生课程学习与科研项目训练相结合、研究生学位论文与企业研发需求相结合、研究生培养方案拟定与科研管理制度相结合协同培养研究生的创新能力。三提升是指通过“四结合”协同式培养,提升导师指导研究生的能力、提升研究生的课程学习质量、提升研究生的创新实践能力。教学实践表明,协同式研究生创新能力培养模式优化了导师指导模式、建设了研究生优质课程、改善了研究生创新实践环境,但是也存在很多难点问题。  相似文献   

全程本科导师制根据学生的不同学习阶段分别制订导师指导计划,在学业规划、专业辅导、科研探索以及品德培育等方面实现本科生培养各阶段、各环节的导师全程指导,有利于高校完成培养高素质、高创造力的复合型人才的任务。高校应结合三全育人要求,以立德树人为根本任务,拓宽导师选择路径,提高指导针对性,创新指导模式,畅通指导渠道,促进全程本科导师制的顺利推进,实现育人质量的有效提高。  相似文献   

本文分析了当前博士研究生,尤其是硕博连读型博士生中的一些现实问题及科研状况,对硕博连读生在课题和学术研究中的突出问题与挑战进行了总结和思考.通过作者作为一个工科硕博连读生多年的切身体会,探讨了自我培养在完善硕博连读博士生培养中的重要作用,并且结合论文选题、写作、横向课题、科研、学术报告、交流及团队协作等培养环节中的体会和心得进行了总结.  相似文献   

Using survey and interview data on PhD student course experience, career plans and views on university-industry research links, this paper evaluates the success of Australian research-intensive universities in producing PhD graduates for the knowledge economy. Student satisfaction with their course experience is surprisingly low and this appears to be strongly linked with the quality and effectiveness of thesis supervision. Although the PhD degree is meant to provide high level research career training, only slightly more than half the respondents expect to follow research careers. Many PhD students have negative views about academic careers based particularly on their perceptions of the impact of reduced government funding levels on universities and the increased workload pressures on supervisors. On the other hand, a high proportion of students hold positive views about university-industry research links, with students with industry research funding showing higher levels of course satisfaction than other students.  相似文献   

When PhD students complain it is assumed there are problems and that troubles talk is evidence of a ‘sick’ research candidature or culture. This paper argues that such a one-dimensional reading fails to attend closely to the academic identity work that is done when students talk together. Identity work has become a useful way of thinking about the nature of PhD study in the production of thesis texts, the development of PhD students as scholars and in the practices of everyday doctoral life. This paper extends this work by analysing various instances of PhD student ‘troubles talk’ in everyday interactions between peers and in online spaces where PhD students congregate. Attention to troubles talk allows us to explore how doctoral students might do academic identity work in the ‘hinterlands’ where academic subjectivity and other forms of subjectivity (wife, husband, parent, son, daughter etc.) start to blur into each other.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of PhD student satisfaction is likely to become increasingly vital for universities as student satisfaction rankings already ubiquitous at undergraduate and master degree levels extend more broadly to the PhD level. Moreover, as PhD student populations and university competition become increasingly transnational, there is a growing need to understand cross-nationally common determinants of satisfaction. Building on prior research into PhD student satisfaction, and drawing upon relevant conceptual and metrical refinements in the measurement of satisfaction from cognate domains of psychology, we use cross-sectional data (N?=?409) from PhD candidates across the sciences, social sciences and humanities in 63 universities from 20 countries to examine how overall PhD student satisfaction is determined by, respectively and in combination, supervisor, department and peer-group, in terms of both their academic qualities and supportiveness. Taken together, we find that supervisor supportiveness is the greatest predictor of PhD student satisfaction, but that supervisor academic qualities have no significant effect. However, both the academic qualities and supportiveness of departments significantly predict PhD student satisfaction, suggesting university departments and PhD supervisors would ideally work jointly, and perhaps more closely than many currently do, to achieve competitive levels of PhD student satisfaction.  相似文献   

The examination of research theses has only relatively recently attracted research interest that has focused on what examiners do and how consistent they are. The research questions in this study address firstly whether PhD and research masters theses were treated by examiners as qualitatively different on 12 indicators of importance across the areas: contribution of the thesis, the literature review, approach and methodology, analyses and results and presentation. Secondly what was the examiner assessment of quality of a recently examined thesis on the same indicators and, finally, how well the indicators were reflected in a holistic assessment of thesis quality. The work reported here draws on the responses of 353 PhD and 74 research masters thesis examiners. Findings showed the examiners generally rated the relative importance of the indicators very similarly at both degree levels. Further the order of importance across indicators was essentially the same for the two levels of thesis. Anticipated differences did emerge with the examiners giving higher quality gradings for all contribution indicators for PhD as compared with research masters theses. The 12 specific quality indicators, individually and collectively were strongly related to the holistic assessment of thesis quality, particularly at the PhD level.  相似文献   

This paper examines and discusses the views on science and society held among PhD students working in two different industrially and environmentally driven research programmes in the broad area of green chemistry. It is based on thirteen in-depth interviews. The analysis shows three main ways of handling the situation as “post-academic” PhD student: (1) the student sees the PhD work mainly as a job and does not reflect about his/her research or the research funding, (2) the student is satisfied with the post-academic situation, accepts the established innovation policy discourse and is sceptical to traditional academic research, and (3) the student sees collaborative research programmes as a way to get funding, which can be used for secretly done basic research. Most PhD students either emphasise usefulness—in line with the dominating research policy discourse—or they adopt the positivistic view of science as objective and independent of the surrounding society. However, there are only a few signs of “double problematisation”, that is a critical view where both disciplinary-oriented and industry-dependent research are problematised.  相似文献   

There are many challenges that undergraduate students face when studying an honours research degree. Honours programmes though traditionally considered within the business discipline as a loss leader, nevertheless, form a direct entry requirement for PhD programmes. The honours degree can be considered a formative research programme for student development. This paper specifically provides an outline of the honours degree's redevelopment and improved learning outcomes that were achieved and discusses the proposed PhD supervisory framework. The student benefits identified from the honours programme's redevelopment include a more sophisticated understanding of research paradigms; a faster cycle of learning and development, which resulted in lower student stress levels and better grades; and increases in both peer-reviewed co-authored publications and students transitioning to PhD.  相似文献   


This national survey of PhD faculty assessed the research preparation of entering doctoral social work students on a wide range of research knowledge and related skills. The prior literature shows that PhD programs repeat much BSW and MSW research course content. This study shows that the trend continues and has perhaps widened. PhD research faculty report that the typical entering PhD student displayed solid conceptual, ethics, and writing skills but lesser preparation for conducting quantitative and qualitative research, including methods related to understanding evidence-based practice. The research expectations of responding PhD faculty were low, reflecting limited retention and little production of research among typical entering doctoral students. These findings raise the issue of how effectively the social work profession prepares students for research and for future PhD education.  相似文献   

依据层次分析法、模糊评判法,对我国食品学科博士生培养质量结构要素进行问卷调查和统计分析。结果表明:钻研创新能力、严谨求实的学习态度与科学的工作方法,以及勇于承担应负的义务与责任,对于提高博士生培养质量起着非常重要的作用,要给予高度重视。  相似文献   

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