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The O subfamily of forkhead box (FoxO) proteins is the downstream effector of the insulin-like growth factor-1/phosphoinositide 3-kinase/protein kinase B (IGF-1/PI3K/PKB) signal pathway. The objective of the present study was to examine the expressions of three members of FoxO proteins, FoxO1, FoxO3a, and FoxO4 in the duodenum of Sprague-Dawley rats at different ages. The result demonstrated that the expression of FoxO4 in rat duodenum showed an age-dependent manner. At Day 21, there were no detectable localization and expression of FoxO4 in the duodenum, while, at Months 2 and 6, localization and expression of FoxO4 were distinct. In addition, FoxO4 staining was primarily concentrated in the cell nuclei of the lamina propria around the intestinal gland of the duodenum in 2-month-old rats, but was not detectable in the same area in 6-month-old rats. Our results showed also that although FoxO3a existed in the cytoplasm of the lamina propria at a low level at the 2- and 6-month marks, it was still not detectable at Day 21. Besides, FoxO1 was not detectable in all parts and stages. Taken together, our findings suggested that the cell-specific and age-dependent expressional patterns of FoxO4 and FoxO3a proteins in the duodenum play some roles in the development and growth performance of the rat duodenum.  相似文献   

项目决策正确,意味着对项目建设做出科学的决断,选出最佳投资行动方案,达到资源的合理配置。这样才能合理地估计和计算工程造价,并且在实施最优投资方案过程中,有效地控制工程造价。项目决策失误,主要体现在不该建设的项目进行投资建设,或者项目建设地点的选择错误,或者投资方案的确定不合理等。诸如此类的决策失误,会直接带来不必要的资金投入和人力、物力及财力的浪费,甚至造成不可弥补的损失。在这种情况下,合理地进行工程造价的计价与控制已经毫无意义了。因此,要达到工程造价的合理性,事先就要保证项目决策的正确性,避免决策失误。  相似文献   

在不同的历史阶段,社会生产力呈现出不同的质态。网络生产力以互联网和信息交换为依托,表现为劳动资料的网络化、劳动的网络化与劳动对象的网络化,呈现出技术传播的全球化、经济的数字化与虚拟化的特点。网络生产力的运动具有全球此、多层次性、多向度、虚拟化的持点。同其他生产力质态一样,网络生产力具有生命周期,而推动网络生产力发展的是新技术、新材料的出现和广泛的运用。网络生产力的质态构成与发展动力说明网络生产力将成为21世纪先进生产力的主体。  相似文献   

五四时期,围绕着如何改造中国,思想界风起云涌,百家争鸣,意识形态领域激烈交锋。传统封建阶级意识形态在时代的冲击下苟延残喘,资产阶级改良思潮的泮林革音在动乱的中国大地上掀起了阵阵波澜,作为资产阶级革命思潮的三民主义意识形态经历了发展与流变,空想社会主义思潮渐成风潮却受其空想的局限终究不过南柯一梦,马克思主义意识形态以其真理性、广泛的代表性、正义性在广泛传播之中日益被大众接受,其与中国实际相结合,逐渐建构成为主流意识形态。  相似文献   

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