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通过“心与心的交流和方法与方式的优化”两个方面来阐述如何轻松、愉快、有效、合理地提高小学数学学困生的教学质量。  相似文献   

<正>1.Introduction Self-efficacy as a central concept proposed by Bandura Albert in 1977 is an important cognitive mechanism influencing learning and behavior change.He deems that students’ self-efficacy has significant effects on their achievements(Bandura,translation,2003)that is verified by lots of researchers(Schunk,1983).So we try to study how to improve the  相似文献   

学习困难学生是教育对象中的一个特殊群体,具有自己独特的表现形态;其形成原因是多种多样的;因此需要针对不同学生的学习困难形成的原因,采取切实有效的应对策略。这就需要我们营造良好的家庭和学校环境,不断提高他们的学习动机,激发他们的学习兴趣,以促进其学习困难境态的改观。  相似文献   

近年来随着普通高校招生规模的扩张,学业困难学生(简称"学困生")数量渐趋增加,不仅给大学生健康成长与自我发展带来障碍,也给教学与管理工作带来了极大不便和压力,更影响到了高校教育整体教学质量的提升.为全面了解学困生现状,采用访谈与问卷调查相结合的方法,对西北某高校2009~2012级学困生群体进行了调查,在全面考察学困生现状的基础上,重点从学生自身、家庭、社会、学校教学与管理等方面对学困生学业致困因素进行了深入分析,并提出一些有针对性的建议.  相似文献   

Students with learning disabilities (LD) are increasingly expected to master content in the general education curriculum, making the need for effective instructional supports more important than ever before. Science is a part of the curriculum that can be particularly challenging to students with LD because of the diverse demands it places on cognitive performance. In this summary we review a number of strategies that have been validated for learners with LD. The strategies include supports for (a) verbal learning of declarative information, (b) processing information in texts, (c) activities‐based instruction/experiential learning, (d) scientific thinking and reasoning, and (e) differentiated instruction. We also summarize the research regarding the impact of teacher behavior on achievement for students with LD in science education. The strategies reviewed yield tangible and positive effect sizes that suggest that their application to the target domain will substantially improve outcomes for students with LD in science education.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of a computer‐assisted social skills intervention on the social competence and behaviour adjustment of students with special needs. The sample consisted of 114 male students, divided into two groups: 52 students with learning disabilities (LD) (mean age = 12.23; SD = 1.12) and 62 students with behaviour disorders (BD) (mean age = 12.53; SD = 1.34). The students were trained with the “I Found a Solution” computer‐assisted social skill package. The intervention consisted of the computer‐assisted program and teacher‐guided work. Each student was assessed, before and after the training, on: teacher‐rated self‐control and maladjusted behaviours, peer‐rated social acceptance and self‐rated loneliness. Through conceptualisation based on the students’ loneliness and externalising maladjustment, four subgroups were identified: (a) relatively adjusted students; (b) externalising and not‐lonely students; (c) lonely and non‐externalising students; and (d) lonely and externalising students. The analyses included subgroups b, c and d, excluding the relatively adjusted subgroup, adding up to a sample of 83 students (35 students with learning disabilities and 48 students with behaviour disorders). A series of two‐way ANOVAs with repeated measures (grouping by subgrouping, with pre‐/post‐training scores as the repeated measures) revealed that following training, students in both groups felt less lonely and were more accepted by peers. Teachers rated them as demonstrating higher levels of self‐control and decreased externalising and internalising maladjustment. The differential impact of the training between groups (LD/BD) and among subgroups (b/c/d) highlighted the significance of the subtyping approach for understanding the children's social learning profiles and for directing effective social skill programming.  相似文献   

This study describes the results of a program developed to improve the transition outcomes of low-income minority youth with disabilities. The program relies on case management support to facilitate interagency collaboration. The participants included 164 graduates from special education and 26 youth from an equivalent comparison group. Two case managers were responsible for providing support to intervention participants. Results indicate that 82% of the intervention participants enrolled in postsecondary education programs compared to only 50% in the comparison group. In addition, 74% of the intervention youth secured employment compared to 23% in the comparison group. Case managers provided 10 main support functions in three areas: job, college, and family/community. Critical functions included assistance with goal setting, transportation, job/college applications, referrals, emotional support, and family mediation. We discuss the implications of the intervention for transition research and practice with minority youth with disabilities.  相似文献   

Improving the quality of life for people with disabilities through early intervention has been a major focus over the past 20 years. However, much of the direction of intervention has been upon quality of process rather than upon quality of outcome. If early intervention is to have a significant impact upon the lifestyles of people with disabilities, it is important that a longitudinal perspective be adopted and quality of life defined and appropriate measures developed. In this paper a longitudinal perspective on early intervention is discussed along with quality of outcome and programmatic features of quality programs.  相似文献   

Improving the quality of life for people with disabilities through early intervention has been a major focus over the past 20 years. However, much of the direction of intervention has been upon quality of process rather than upon quality of outcome. If early intervention is to have a significant impact upon the lifestyles of people with disabilities, it is important that a longitudinal perspective be adopted and quality of life defined and appropriate measures developed. In this paper a longitudinal perspective on early intervention is discussed along with quality of outcome and programmatic features of quality programs.  相似文献   

残疾人家庭生活质量的研究在国际上非常受重视,已经成为评估残疾人家庭支持成效的重要参考因素。本研究采用中文版《家庭生活质量评估量表》,对北京442个发展性障碍儿童的家庭进行问卷调查,探究了北京发展性障碍儿童家庭生活的客观生活质量状况,分析家庭主观生活质量的现状和家长对家庭生活质量的满意度,以及发展性障碍儿童家庭生活质量结构特征。研究为进一步提升家庭生活质量的实践和研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

对学困生人们一般是以考试成绩或教学大纲为标准来界定的,对学困生的转化也往往围绕这个方面做工作。在表现性学习看来,学困生的学习困难是局部的、暂时的、动态的,每个人都有自己擅长的领域与方式,假如给他们表现的机会与平台,激发他们表现的欲望与潜能,发挥他们自身的优势,促进他们独特、多样、充分地表现,那么,人人都精彩,个个都灿烂。  相似文献   

This article proposes a computer-mediated intersensory learning model as an alternative to traditional instructional approaches for students with learning disabilities (LDs) in the inclusive classroom. Predominant practices of classroom inclusion today reflect the six principles of zero reject, nondiscriminatory evaluation, appropriate education, least restrictive environment, procedural due process, and parental and student participation. These practices guide the amended Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004. For nearly 35 years the act has championed for the rights of children with disabilities. The act mandates that students with LDs are educated in the general education classroom (Hock, Deshler, & Schumaker, 1999).  相似文献   

学习障碍学生社会技能迁移及其干预   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学习障碍学生的社会技能缺失主要表现在社会认知、判断力、情感识别能力、社会成熟、社会交往活动频率、人际排斥及社会技能迁移等方面,这些社会技能缺乏的表现可归为四种基本类型.学习障碍学生的社会技能干预模式主要包括直接教学形式和策略教学模式.教育者可根据社会技能缺失的类型和特点设计社会技能训练过程,并采取不同的干预方法对学习障碍学生进行干预.  相似文献   

学困生课堂活动的参与度低,常常游离于课堂学习活动之外.选择一位学困生作为观察对象,观察其在其他学生参与课堂学习活动时的课堂行为表现,寻求他游离于课堂学习活动之外的原因.通过对观察的分析,我们认为,教师对学困生的忽视可能是造成学生活动参与度低的主要原因.  相似文献   

To explore the university experiences of students with learning disabilities (LD), 63,802 responses to the 2014 Student Experience in the Research University Survey were analyzed. Compared to other students, those with self‐reported LD (5.96 percent) had difficulty with assignments and had more obstacles caused by nonacademic responsibilities and imposed by their skill levels. Students with self‐reported LD sensed more bias toward people with disabilities on campus, and they were less satisfied with their overall experience. Interactions between disability status and age suggested even more challenges for older students who self‐reported LD. Approximately one‐third of students who self‐reported LD received accommodations. The rate of accommodations was higher among individuals who were wealthy, who lived alone, and who were out‐of‐state students. Compared to students who self‐reported LD but reported no accommodations, those with accommodations had more contact with faculty and less difficulty with assignments.  相似文献   

本从五个方面即提高教师的自身素质、培养学生的意志品质、教会学生“学会学习”、培养学生的创造力、创造良好的学习氛围,论述了在当今社会中如何提高学生的综合素质,适应社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

Reading comprehension is a complex skill that places significant demands on students, beginning with elementary school and continuing through the secondary grades. In this article, we provide an overview of possible factors associated with problems in reading comprehension among secondary students with learning disabilities. Discussion underscores the fact that comprehension problems are evidenced by a heterogeneous group of students. We argue that it is important for teachers to align an intervention with a specific area of difficulty (e.g., teaching prefixes and suffixes to increase reading vocabulary). We highlight research‐based interventions advocated by the National Reading Panel and offer ways that teachers can match specific strategies with the individual needs of students with problems in reading comprehension. Finally, we emphasize that whatever strategy is selected, it should be structured, explicit, scaffolded, and intense ( Williams et al., 2005 ).  相似文献   

国外学习困难学生研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自1896年摩根发现词盲现象,从医学角度确定学习困难的概念以来,有关学习困难的研究一直受到教育界、心理界和医学界的广泛关注,并已成为一个重大难题。世界各国的研究者分别从学习技能、社会性、心理特点等方面对学习困难进行了研究。一、学习困难的界定和类型1.学习困难的界定学习困难,也称“学习失能”(Learning Disabilities)或学习不良,这一概念由美国学者柯克(S.kirk)在20世纪60年代首先提出,用来标示那些智力正常而学业成绩长期滞后的学生。从20世纪80年代末以来,人们在界定学习困难时,回避对原因问题的争论,而普遍接受美国学习困难…  相似文献   

社会技能训练在促进学习障碍学生社会技能发展方面具有重要作用。学习障碍学生社会技能训练的内容主要包括基本交往技能、情绪情感表达和控制技能、社会关系技能、课堂交往技能、决策与问题解决技能以及冲突管理技能。学习障碍学生社会技能训练主要通过六步直接教学法、隐性课程法、社会解析法和应用行为分析法进行  相似文献   

学业优秀与学业不良高中生心理素质的比较研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用瑞文测验和中学心素质问卷,对182名学业优秀与182名学业不良高中生进行了心理素质的测量和比较。结果表明:1总体比较,学业优秀与学业不良高中生在心理素质各因素上有显著性差异;2分性别比较,男性组在智力、创造力等15项因素上差异显著;女性组在智力抱负等12项因素上差异显著;3学业优秀与学业不良学生在个别因素上有性别差异。  相似文献   

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