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考试不仅是社会育人、量人、选人的重要机制,而且是教育机会和资源分配的重要依据。在考试中坚持公平性,是促进教育公平建设的重要组成环节,对促进经济和社会发展、贮备人才、实现人力资源强国具有重要的意义和价值。  相似文献   

The effect of changes in state revenue, property wealth, and enrollment from 1969–1970 to 1976–1977 on the equality of total educational revenue was investigated for nineteen states with available data. An exploratory two-stage methodology allowed a simulation of the effects of holding each of these factors at their 1969–1970 values and comparing the result with 1976–1977 predicted values. It was found that changes in state revenue were most equalizing, while changes in property wealth and enrollment were disequalizing. In addition, it was found that the change in the behavioral relationship between state revenue, property wealth, and enrollment, and local revenues from 1969–1970 to 1976–1977 was equalizing in twelve of the states and was larger than the change in the value of the most important of these factors (state revenue) in seven of the states.  相似文献   

《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》特别指出,要"坚持教育优先发展,促进教育公平",这意味着促进教育公平已经成为教育优先发展的重要价值取向,也意味着党中央把促进教育公平纳入了建设和谐社会的发展大计之中.为此,我们应该对教育公平的意义有足够的认识,在实际工作中针对现实状况,努力探寻促进教育公平的基本策略.  相似文献   

崔盛 《教育导刊》2007,(10):7-11
教育公平至今没有度量的方法.本文借鉴有关教育公平的观点,运用度量公平的方法,尝试提出度量教育公平的指标和方法.  相似文献   

This paper advocates the use ofsocial constructionist perspectives in the development of collaborative educational research studies. The perspectives described were developed during our project work in Canada on “Curriculum and Context in the Use of Computers for Classroom Learning” (Ontario Ministry of Education Grant, 1989–1993). The paper explores the interrelated epistemological and ethical implications of such perspectives. These include the requirement that participants be treated as sense-making agents in the construction of the social reality, and the recognition of inequities in the production and distribution of knowledge. Social scientists must recognize their own roles within the structures of power and prestige which condition educational research, and design research strategies which take them into account. An example of the difficulties encountered in applying an alternative model of research is related, and some lingering ethical dilemmas are raised.  相似文献   

教育目的是教育和教学活动的重要组成,教育目的为受教育者指出明确的发展方向和发展结果,教育过程公平是教育公平的重要组成部分。本文从教育目的的角度来研究教育过程公平,面对学生的差异站在"使人之为人"的高度认识,站在要让人成为当前时代中发展着的个体的高度认识教育过程公平。  相似文献   

论教育政策的程序公平之虚假性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程序公平作为一个集合,集合中的元素有起点公平、过程公平和结果公平以及相关的伦理公平和规则公平。通过程序公平这个集合中的元素之间的学理分析,得出程序公平的虚假性,这里的虚假性是程序公平实现的一种尴尬和一种困境;同时,程序公平是教育政策制定中重要的一种制度安排的追求和结果。正因为程序公平实现的尴尬和困境,因此,进而指出摆脱这种尴尬和困境的路径。  相似文献   

补偿原则是实现教育公正的重要调剂原则.它保护弱势者的利益,使其得所应得;它在教育起点上做到人人平等,在过程中则以能力为衡量标准,实施非能力因素的补偿;而在结果上,又谨慎对待能力因素的补偿.  相似文献   

高校贷款中的公平与和谐发展问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
LIN Li 《高等教育研究》2007,28(12):61-65
从经济学受益公平原则来看,适度、规范的高校贷款有其产生和存在的合理性。然而,高校贷款拉大了我国本已悬殊的地区高等教育发展差异,不利于区域高等教育均衡发展;巩固了公有产权在高等教育体系中的垄断地位,挤占了民办高等教育的发展空间,不利于公办高等教育与民办高等教育的协调发展。当前我们应特别关注高校贷款中的公平与和谐发展问题,它们不仅关系到如何正确看待和评价高校贷款,而且对于科学发展观指导下的高等教育可持续发展以及构建社会主义和谐社会,都有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

As part of a two-year investigation of technological innovation in one secondary school, nine senior students participated in one-hour interviews that explored their perceptions of the proper role of technology in their schooling. Student responses were analyzed and compared to those of their teachers for similarities and differences in perceptions about desirable uses and goals for technology. Like their teachers, a majority preferred to adapt technology to support traditional, teacher-centered instruction. A minority valued technology as a facilitator of student-centered inquiry and appeared to differ from the majority in beliefs about schooling and in dispositional tolerances for uncertainty.This paper is based on work done as part of the author's doctoral dissertation at the University of Georgia. Portions of the paper were presented at the 9th Annual International Qualitative Research in Education Conference, Athens, GA, January, 1996.  相似文献   

The present study examined how access to home and school IT resources impacted student mathematics achievement. Data comprised 144,395 secondary school students from 7,308 schools in 22 developed economies who participated in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012. Results of hierarchical linear modelling showed that after controlling for student and school covariates, student achievement benefited from their access to home IT resources (main effect), and from the access to both home IT resources and highly educated mothers (interactive effect). Furthermore, IT resource shortages in school had a detrimental impact on student achievement (main effect), and the shortage accentuated the negative effects of school shortage in qualified teachers on achievement (interactive effect). Lastly, the results showed that students with less home academic and cultural resources were more impacted by IT resource access when compared to peers from advantaged families.  相似文献   

Previously, psychology has not been recognized as bearing on the educational, managerial and health issues that often characterize developing countries. Recently however, the Departments of Psychology at the University of Newcastle (Australia) and the National University of Malawi have used the Internet to conduct joint research on applied issues such as expatriate-host national pay inequities, ambivalence towards workplace achievement, and psychological influences on charitable behaviour. This tertiary collaboration has produced practical recommendations concerning community development, stress management, and poverty reduction, each of which may in turn inform higher education policy. Since these recommendations apply both in Malawi and in Australia, the Internet is functioning as a two-way bridge between the two universities and their respective countries. In addition to development through university cooperation, such cross-fertilization is also generating theoretical developments within the academic discipline of psychology itself.  相似文献   

The computer and related technologies as tools for teaching, learning, and assessment are the latest wave of innovations in education. These technologies are neither gender neutral nor benign in effect. Available research suggests that widespread use of these technological tools raises significant issues for females and underrepresented populations in mathematics, science, and technology fields. Questionable assumptions frequently guide current implementation efforts with little consideration of the trade-offs inherent in these technologies and their possible cumulative effects.  相似文献   

蓝鼎元是畲族历史上的化名人,是清初一位博学多才的学和颇有远见的良吏,他的崇正学、重实学、倡女学的思想,对当今教育有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

教育公平是教育现代化的一项基本原则,是我们长期奋斗的理想。如何实现教育公平也是我国教育界关注的焦点之一。介于教育体系在教育目的中的重要作用,在分析传统教育体系不利于教育入学机会均等、教育过程公平,教育结果公正因素的基础上,阐述了终身教育体系在保障入学机会,教育过程的技术支撑,教育模式及教育评价体系的多元化等方面对于教育公平实现的积极意义。  相似文献   

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