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福克纳的《喧嚣与骚动》的主题思想是:美国旧南方的蓄奴制最终要走向衰亡,这是不以人的意志为转移的,这一历史进程具有不容逆转的必然性。康普生的家境衰败就是蓄奴制旧南方衰亡的缩影。福克纳小说创作的艺术手法是:多角度、意识流和象征。  相似文献   

照片档案是学校活动的原始记录,可以从一个侧面真实展示学校的特色和特点。传统照片极易发生化学反应,在保存、利用等方面存在着诸多困难,而逐渐成为人们新宠的存储久、成像快、便于传输和查阅的数码照片,在收集、保管和利用等方面的很多问题也成为人们越来越关注的一个课题。就如何加强学校照片、尤其是数码照片档案的管理提出几点思考。  相似文献   

Lifelong learning remains a powerful and valid concept important for the evolution of higher education and the university in the changing context of globalization, 30 years after its first popularization around 1970. Like the related concept of the learning society, it suffers trivializing fashion and reductionism. As we move into a phase of universal tertiary education, it is all the more necessary to understand how to enable universities to become learning organizations playing a distinct role in a fast-changing world. Enterprise is an essential associated characteristic, rather than a betrayal of the essentially academic. Universities need to function as open systems, building partnerships and sharing networks in and beyond their localities, and playing leading roles in the creation of learning regions and in new modes of knowledge protection. A grasp of these issues points the way for universities to survive as valued and unique social institutions adapted to and playing an active part in the making of knowledge societies.  相似文献   

My busy morning     
The new term has begun,and i am a student in grade 3 now .i have to work harder than before so i an getting busier and busier do you want to know how busy i am? let me take my morning for example.  相似文献   

Good morning!     
陈渝 《老年教育》2006,(5):43-43
清晨,走进安徽马鞍山老年大学英语班教室时,同学间一声亲切的“Good morning!”(早上好),立刻将我带进轻松愉快的英语环境,心情格外明朗,精神也振奋起来。  相似文献   

由鲁迅直接开创的20年代乡土小说多方面地展现了广大乡村在社会特型与文化特型时期的全部沧桑、苦难和想象:一方面,它体现为对惨淡的乡村人生模式的全面观照;另一方面,它体现为对美丽的乡村人情图景的漫长告别——两者的互动及其初合,终于启动了乡土中国缓慢、沉重而又执著的现代化征程。  相似文献   

Content analyses of program variables and verbal content features were conducted on Saturday morning children's programming. Three tools were developed for the study which assessed general context features, supportive and defensive language, and other verbal language features. The results describe the verbal climate of Saturday morning programs.  相似文献   

本文根据拉康的有关能指/所指及潜意识的理论,从精神分析的角度对剧本《晚安,苔丝狄蒙娜(早安,朱丽叶)》主人公康斯坦斯的心理进行分析。  相似文献   

在日语学习途径纷繁多样的新时期下,晨读是培养学生良好的专业素养、提高教学质量的重要环节,是日语课堂教学中的一种行之有效的补充方式。笔者认为:晨读是提高学生日语学习能力的有效途径,是日语教学中不可缺少的基本训练,对提升基础日语课程教学效果有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

As technology becomes more accessible and acceptable in the preschool setting, teachers need effective strategies of incorporating it to address challenging behaviors. A nonconcurrent delayed multiple baseline design in combination with an alternating treatment design was utilized to investigate the effects of using iPad tablets to display video self‐modeling and activity photos for three preschoolers during circle time. During baseline, all three children demonstrated low levels of engagement and high levels of off‐task behavior compared to peers. The intervention phase consisted of alternating between showing the child the self‐video and photos prior to circle time. A child preference phase was conducted whereby each child self‐selected the video or photo prior to circle time. For all three children both videos and photos led to increased engagement and decreased off‐task behaviors. During the child preference phase, all three children selected the video most frequently. Social validity data demonstrated teacher and child preference for the video self‐modeling condition.  相似文献   

新课程人教版必修2《遗传与进化》第二单元自我检测的思维拓展中有一道遗传题:“牝鸡司晨”是我国古代人民最早发现的性反转现象。……如果一只母鸡性反转成公鸡,这只公鸡与母鸡交配,后代的性别会是怎样的?学生解题时,疑惑很多,针对教学中的常见疑问,作如下解析:  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育是当代大学生教育的重要组成部分,殊不知,在当今社会,大学生的内在发展和各方面的追求都是高校教育工作者的工作重点。以人为本,这个已经被广泛应用到我们生活和工作各个方面的理论准则同样适用于高校思想政治教育。以人为本的重要性可以说是举足轻重的,它是大学生思想政治教育的基础,也是大学生思想政治教育创新性的理论根源。  相似文献   

在青少年田径训练过程中,由于运动负荷掌控出现问题,造成运动损伤、营养不良、内分泌紊乱等现象,严重影响了高水平体育后备人才的培养.因此,如何用最简便的方法对青少年运动员进行训练监控,成为基层教练员亟待解决的问题.文中对青少年田径运动员进行晨脉、心功能、尿常规、血红蛋白的同步追踪测试,确定了不同晨脉所对应的心功能、尿常规、血红蛋白的参数变化,从理论上进一步确定晨脉监控在运动训练中的作用,为青少年田径训练工作提供科学依据.  相似文献   

高校早操现状调查及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用现场观察法、问卷调查法,文献资料法对甘肃省部分高校早操的现状进行了分析和对策研究,旨在为提高大学生体育素养及高校早操质量、强化学生终身体育意识提供依据。  相似文献   

老照片,是通过影像技术对年代久远的历史进行瞬间的定格。通过对相同题材的不同时期的照片进行对比,可以更加直观的反映出历史发展的变迁。在历史教学中,恰当的运用老照片,为教学之一大利器。本文以一次信息化教学能手大赛为例,分析研讨老照片在历史教学中具有的直观性和客观性。  相似文献   

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