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易明 《教师博览》2008,(12):8-9
教师专业化是现代教育发展的要求和必然趋势,是现代教育与传统教育的重要区别。教师专业化发展已成为国际教师教育改革的趋势,受到许多国家的重视,也是我国教师教育改革的一个重要取向。  相似文献   

国外教师教育改革动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为 ,当代国外教师教育改革的动力主要来自三个方面 ,首先 ,教师教育改革是国家教育改革的重要组成部分 ;其次教师教育的质量是教育改革成败的关键 ;三是教师教育的理论与实践的脱离  相似文献   

国外教师教育改革动力分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
本认为,当代国外教师教育改革的动力主要来自三个方面,首先,教师教育改革是国家教育改革的重要组成部分;其次教师教育的质量是教育改革成败的关键;三是教师教育的理论与实践的脱离。  相似文献   

优化整合教师教育资源 突出地方院校办学特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师教育的根本任务是为我国教育事业培养和培训教师。《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》明确提出,努力“造就一支师德高尚,业务精湛,结构合理,充满活力的高素质专业化”教师队伍的总体目标,体现了今后教师教育改革发展的目标,是师范院校和综合性院校举办教师教育和深化教师教育改革的行动指南。  相似文献   

教师素质的好坏直接影响教育质量的高低,教师教育担负着提高教师素质的重任,可见教师教育改革是教育改革的关键。在20世纪80年代以来的西方新一轮教育改革中,许多国家都将教师培养和培训的改革作为重点。美国的专业发展学校和英国的校本教师培训就是这种改革的产物,它们所反映的面向中小学实际需要的教师教育观,在一定程度上代表了未来教师教育的发展方向。因此,考察英美教师教育改革的经验,能为我国当前的教师教育改革提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

在"互联网+"国家战略部署下,"互联网+教育"迅速发展,促进技术大融合,构建教育新生态,对教师提出新的需求和挑战.教师是教育发展的第一资源,教师教育是教育事业的工作母机.如何提升新时代广大教师的教育教学水平、 专业化素养和创新能力培养,就成为新时代教师教育改革的关键所在.文章以"互联网+教育"对教育改革的影响以及国家系...  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,国际教师教育的改革依然与基础教育的改革与发展紧密相连。由于基础教育改革更加关注为全体儿童和青少年提供高质量的教育,以适应个体发展和国家经济社会发展的需要,因此,教师教育改革为适应和配合基础教育改革再次主动迎接了新的挑战。教师教育改革是与基础教  相似文献   

美国教师教育改革中的实践性导向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪80年代以来,美国从国家战略发展的高度出发,高度关注学校的教育质量,深入进行教育改革。把提高教师的教育质量作为教育改革的关键。近十余年来,美国在教师教育改革中重视教师专业化和基本素养中的教学实践能力的培养。在教育政策、课程设置、在职培训、学制计划等方面,教学实践能力受到了高度的重视,显示出教师教育改革中的实践性导向,这成为美国教师教育改革中的一个重要特点。  相似文献   

教育的关键在于教师,教师教育的质量直接关系到教育改革的成败,关系到一个国家教育事业的成败,乃至一个国家的前途和命运。本文通过分析比较美国、日本和英国等发达国家的教师教育改革经验,提出未来教师教育工作的重点。  相似文献   

<国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要>明确提出,要"加强教师教育,深化教师教育改革,创新培养模式,增强实习实践环节,强化师德修养和教学能力训练,提高教师培养质量."<上海市中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要>也明确提出,"为了每一个学生的终身发展""为学生成长发展培养高素质的引路人".这是国家和上海市对教师教育的时代要求,也给上海师范大学的教师教育提供了难得的历史机遇和发展空间.  相似文献   

俄罗斯教育信息化现状及面向21世纪的教育改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章针对前苏联解体后近十年中,俄罗斯政府通过制订政策、法规等宏观层面对发展教育现代化的影响,并通过对俄罗斯国内26所学校500名教师对教育技术与教育信息化的理解及在教学中运用情况的调查分析,展示了俄罗斯目前教育信息化的现状。  相似文献   

The present article focuses on the counter stories of two Chilean social studies high school teachers. Counter stories describe how teachers use their professional experience to confront those mega narratives composed of dominant educational policies that impinge upon their pedagogical practices. The mega narrative described in this study as a citizenship education mega policy narrative is composed by citizenship educational guidelines that have become influenced by other market-driven educational policies, and is not only present in Chile but has also been influenced by policies coming from countries such as England and the US. Therefore, the discussions that emerge from these counter stories on the nature of this mega narrative and the ways through which teachers can confront it through their teaching, and the implications that all this has for the field of citizenship education, do not only fill a gap in Chilean research but also contribute to discussions on counter and mega narratives in the field of citizenship education within a wider international scope.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of reform policies on the work of Chinese teachers. It explores the policy context in which a fragile teaching profession attempts to develop and discusses the dynamics of interacting societal forces that have created the dilemmas for the teachers. The authors argue that while the continual implementation of reform policies has fostered a new outlook in Chinese schools, calls for profound change in schooling have caused much anxiety among teachers. The teachers' anxiety stems from the incongruence between their professional outlook, which is intimately linked to student academic achievement, and the dictates of state reform measures, which seek to broaden the conception of education to include other areas of human development. Throughout the years of reform, teachers have had to stretch their professional capacity in order to satisfy competing demands engendered by reform measures and educational reality. It is in the tensions caused by the implementation of reform policies that the humanism of teacher professionalism is magnified. In this paper, the authors discuss the educational and social issues that surround the teachers' preference for conventional practices.  相似文献   

Given the prevailing spirit of teacher frustration regarding current educational policy, the authors perused frequently visited teacher blogs and discussion boards in the summer of 2009 to determine whether teachers are effectively using them to express professionally informed political dissent regarding educational policy. While many teachers are frustrated with educational policies, they are not particularly adept at voicing their dissent against such policies. Many downplay their professional knowledge, avoid overtly political postings, and feel isolated from others who share their views.  相似文献   

教育科研成果的转化能提高教育教学质量以及教师的教育科研能力和素质,为此,高校必须建立完善的教育教学科研成果转化的鼓励政策和相应的教育科研成果评价措施,形成一种全新的教育教学科研新体制,促进教育教学工作健康持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between teacher evaluation policies in Chile and Uruguay, teacher professional development, and teacher performance effectiveness. The analysis tries to understand the extent to which the existing processes for teacher evaluation stimulate an improvement in the quality of teaching. The comparison of two national cases with similar educational results but radically different educational policies allows the authors to take a close look within the ‘black box’ of educational policy-making. The paper is based on in-depth analysis of the PISA survey to heads of schools and in-depth interviews with teachers, heads, and key informants. The paper finds that policies aiming to strengthen teacher development and teacher performance through teacher evaluation cannot be understood in dichotomist ways; lack of attention to teachers’ perspectives and unintended effects of policy implementation can lead to marginal effects. Uruguay, where teacher evaluation policies have weak practical effects, has managed to obtain similar educational results to Chile. However, the experience of Chile shows that teacher evaluation can have an effect on teacher professional development and, in the long run, this may have an effect on the quality of teaching and student results.  相似文献   

在21世纪第一个十年中,美国和英国各自推出系列基础教育政策,其政策目标体现出共同的价值取向——教育公平,其实践策略主要表现在改善学校制度、提高学业成绩、应用教育技术、提升教师素质、帮助家长选择、关注少数学生、加强教育资助等方面,从而凸显社会时代发展、公平理念变化以及教育重心转移等因素对促进基础教育公平的政策目标和策略的影响。  相似文献   

教育公平已成为我国社会热点问题,教育公平问题产生于教育政策,要解决教育公平问题,应从教育政策入手。公平问题属伦理学范畴,对教育政策进行分析、研究理应运用伦理学的理论与方法。由于应用伦理学的迅猛发展,采用应用伦理学的研究方法对教育政策进行伦理分析研究是现实的需要;另外,教育政策本身蕴涵着伦理性(最重要的是公平性),教育政策研究也应该注重其伦理性的重要一面。只有这样,才能从理论上解决教育公平问题。  相似文献   


This article offers a critical review of the impact of policy-induced changes on school teachers in the Chinese Mainland where educational reform has been an ongoing project for four decades. It addresses three aspects of the current state of teaching and the teaching profession: the contextual factors that have influenced their development; the state policies that effected the teachers; and the lessons that can be drawn from the reform experiences of the teachers. By examining the changes that have occurred in curriculum and teaching, teacher preparation and training, and teacher professionalism and leadership, this paper argues for a more inclusive approach to policy formulation and implementation that can accommodate the needs of frontline teachers serving in the diverse educational settings of Chinese schooling.  相似文献   

女性的教育参与,体现出教育公平与社会公平的社会价值,体现出为女童发展树立榜样的教育价值,体现出女性潜能全面开发的发展价值。调查发现,乡村女教师人数在教师总数中所占比例呈上升趋势,但县镇学校女教师所占比例大,乡村屯学校女教师所占比例小:乡村女教师担任学校领导职务的人数少,即使有,也多担任学校中层干部或副职;女教师主观能动性发挥不充分,教育参与意识弱,参与能力有待提高。为提高乡村女教师的教育参与度,应当从法律、政策、社会文化以及教育资源分配等方面采取积极措施。  相似文献   

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