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Despite increased attention toward children’s nonfiction and informational texts in recent decades, there is still little research that investigates the ways in which various cultural identities are depicted in nonfiction children’s books. Focusing specifically on the 143 winners and honor recipients of the Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction Literature for Children (1990–2017), this article reports the findings of a critical content analysis of depictions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) identified people in award-winning nonfiction youth literature. The authors look across this set of texts as a literary construction of the world, making explicit where and how LGBTQ people are visible in these award-winning books for young readers. By analyzing specific depictions of queer-identified people, the authors argue the creators of these books rely upon heteronormative constructions, queer erasure, and compulsory heterosexuality to minimize (and even eliminate) queerness.  相似文献   

Over the past fifty years, children’s picture books have made great strides toward literary equity by including more perspectives from and stories about marginalized groups, such as those whose gender identities do not conform to heteronormative standards. While texts featuring gender-variant male characters engage in topics that are far too often shoved into the proverbial closet, what is yet to be determined is the degree to which they adequately reflect the complexity of (gender) identity and to what extent such picture books can counter narratives related to traditional “masculinity.” The purpose of this paper is to critically examine picture book representations of gender variance, as exhibited by male characters, in order to determine the books’ potential for exploring issues of social justice with elementary-age students. This study utilizes a critical multiculturalist lens to challenge the ways in which gender variance is represented in children’s literature and the reasons that young gender-variant male protagonists achieve—or do not achieve—communal acceptance.  相似文献   

Peter Roberts 《Interchange》1999,30(3):347-357
These three books, while differing somewhat in focus, style, and substance, have in common a concern to uphold critical approaches to the theory and practice of education. Addressing issues of pedagogy, research, and professional development, the texts pose a challenge to technocratic, neoliberal, and conservative discourses in the educational sphere. This essay reinforces the importance of critical work in the academy and the teaching profession, but draws attention to the problem of theoretical and personal "infighting" among left scholars. The importance of strategic alliances in the face of a (more) united, and overwhelmingly dominant, right is stressed.  相似文献   

唐朝刘知几所撰《史通》是中国古代一部划时代的史学评论著作,为历代学人所注目。在《四库全书总目》“史部”中,《史通》的史学价值、文献价值和《疑古》、《惑经》的思想倾向等都受到四库馆臣的高度重视。他们借助《史通》中的一些合理史学主张,来对一些史学问题和史书加以评判;引用一些内容记载作为理据,来对一些史书进行考证。这既体现了《史通》和“史部”在中国史学中的重要地位,也表现出四库馆臣具有相当的学术眼光和水准;而对《史通》中“疑惑”思想倾向的批评,又带有封建学人的明显局限。  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which Latino children’s literature portrays cultural models of bilingualism and identity affiliations based on language and cultural practices. We focus attention the messages in seven children’s books about practices of and attitudes toward Spanglish, standard Spanish, and individual and societal bilingualism. In addition, we analyze how characters construct their cross-cultural identit(ies), based their language use and engagement in local and transnational cultural themes. Using assertions based on cultural model analyses, we show how portrayals evident in these books inform and are informed by larger cultural models of being bilingual and belonging to Latino bilingual communities in the U.S.  相似文献   

Critical Race Theory (CRT) has its origins in legal analysis but increasingly has been used by educational researchers to analyse the continued salience of institutional racism in educational settings. After providing a brief overview of the history of CRT and the educational issues addressed by critical race theorists, I review two books that explicitly engage critical race theory (CRT). Delgado and Stefancic's (2001) primer on the CRT literature provides an important backdrop for situating Guinier and Torres' (2002) ambitious argument for building grassroots social movements around the concept of political race.  相似文献   

随书光盘作为一种新型的文献载体形式,已成为图书馆文献资源中不可忽视的重要组成部分,如何对其科学管理,已引起图书馆界的重视。笔者在对内蒙古地区部分高校图书馆随书光盘管理情况调研的基础上,根据内蒙古电子信息职业技术学院图书馆随书光盘管理经验,提出了高职院校图书馆进一步优化随书光盘资源的管理模式。  相似文献   

In honor of the 40th volume of Curriculum Inquiry , I begin by claiming that pursuit of questions about what is worthwhile, why, and for whose benefit is a (perhaps the ) central consideration of curriculum inquiry. Drawing autobiographically from my experience as an educator during the past 40 years, I sketch reflections on curriculum books published during that time span. I situate my comments within both the historical backdrop that preceded the beginning of Curriculum Inquiry and the emergence of new curricular languages or paradigms during the late 1960s and early 1970s. I suggest that two orientations of curriculum books have provided a lively tension in curriculum literature—one expansive and the other synoptic—while cautiously wondering if both may have evolved from different dimensions of John Dewey's work. I speculate about the place of expansion and synopsis in several categories of curriculum literature: historical and philosophical; policy, professional, and popular; aesthetic and artistic; practical and narrative; critical; inner and contextual; and indigenous and global. Finally, I reconsider expansive and synoptic tendencies in light of compendia, heuristics, and venues that portray evolving curriculum understandings without losing the purport of myriad expansions of the literature.  相似文献   

简帛的出土在我国已有上千年的历史,而以往的研究多限于考古、文物、历史学界,随着研究的深入,中国古代文学界对简帛中的文学世界的研究开始予以重视,对重现于世的文学作品进行新的认识。使我们可以了解到当时的生活气氛和环境背景。  相似文献   

由于夏志清先生的海外华人身份,学界在研究他对待现代中国文学采取的独特视点和批评理念之时,更多的是关注其西方意识的渗透和西方理论视角,而忽略了中国传统文化在其生命历程和思想脉络中的潜在投影,这些恰恰是其文学理论建构中不可缺少的部分。故而在解读其著作过程中,要使用一分为二的观点,不能顾此失彼,只有这样才能对此进行公正的评判,也能更好地汲取到夏式独特的批评价值观。  相似文献   

A series of recent speeches, articles, and books have outlined a radical perspective on physical education derived from critical theory, feminism, and postmodernism. This radical discourse has been particularly critical of what it describes as positivistic approaches to research and technocratic views of teaching and curriculum. This article outlines our concerns with this literature, including (a) polemical presentations and vitriolic language, (b) zero-sum arguments that polarize, (c) cartooning, (d) a lack of evidence to defend assertions, and (e) assumptions that it alone occupies high moral ground. We acknowledge that the radical literature has not only brought moral issues to the ongoing forum among physical educators but has also had a direct, positive influence on our work. Areas where we might engage in a collegial discourse include the nature of the subject matter called physical education, the basis underlying a moral perspective on professional work, and the nature of teaching skill development.  相似文献   

In the picture book Shortcut (1995), the mediated telling of the fabula (the story) by David Macaulay results in a nonlinear and nonsequential syuzhet (the plot). Several metafictive devices used in the construction of the syuzhet of Shortcut draw attention to its status as text and fiction. Although researchers and theorists have written about metafiction, there is a lack of research that has explored students' literary understandings of and responses to books with metafictive characteristics. As well as defining metafiction and identifying various metafictive devices described in the literature, this article discusses young children's responses to and understandings of some of the metafictive devices in Shortcut.  相似文献   

湖北地区高等院校较多,有着较浓厚的学术空气.新时期的湖北文学评论界十分重视文学评论的基础理论建设,从美学的和社会历史的诸多视角对有关文学评论的性质和功能、观念和方法、原则和标准、对象和类型等诸多基本理论问题,进行系统深入的理论研究,发表了一些颇有新意的学术论文,出版了不少具有开启意义的学术专著,对湖北文学评论的发展起到了应有的作用.但是,辩证地看,我省此期的文学研究也存在一些无法回避的问题.正视并重视这些问题,将为推进新世纪湖北省文学理论事业的健康发展提供必要的精神动力.  相似文献   

Trevor Owens’ paper provides a critique of the role of gender and authority in selected children’s books that presented biographies of Albert Einstein and Marie Curie. In the context of discussing Trevor’s (2009) article about children’s literature, this forum explores issues related to the (a) representation and construction of gender, science, and childhood in literature for children; (b) the need to consider socio/historical/cultural contexts in analytical and theoretical frameworks; and (c) the importance of fostering critical literacy perspectives in pre- and in-service science teachers and the children whom they teach.  相似文献   

在西欧中世纪修道院,包括古典文献在内的各类书籍的收藏、复制活动引人注目。适应抄写手稿的需要,大多数修道院设立了抄写室,在某种意义上说一个抄写室就是一所书法学校,也是一个出版机构,它们为古典文献的保护和传播作出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   

The 37 Caldecott Medal award‐winning children's books and 129 runner‐up books were subjected to a content analysis in order to evaluate the portrayal of adults in children's literature, both fictional and nonfictional. Of the total 166 books analyzed, 43 were excluded from the data because they contained no adult portrayals. For the 123 books subjected to final content analysis, and the 751 characters contained in these books, the data revealed statistically significant differences on four variables: (1) more male than female adults were represented; (2) more healthy than physically handicapped adults were portrayed; (3) more positive than negative or neutral illustrations of adults occurred; (4) adults were represented more in fictional than in nonfictional children's books. Results were interpreted as demonstrating that children's literature portrays neither adult figures nor adult life in a realistic manner.  相似文献   

One of the first places children encounter science and scientists is children’s literature. Children’s books about science and scientists have, however, received limited scholarly attention. By exploring the history of children’s biographies of Marie Curie and Albert Einstein, the two most written about scientist in children’s literature, this paper taps this unutilized resource to cultivate a unique perspective on the history of gender and authority in science and science education. Through analysis of explicit discussions of womanhood and science and implicit gendering of Curie and Einstein’s school experiences within these books, this study demonstrates that while much has changed in how these stories are framed the gender of the scientist is still central to how they are represented in children’s literature.  相似文献   

In the current study the reading speed of the narration and the difficulty of the text was manipulated and links were explored with children’s attention to the printed text in shared book reading. Thirty-nine children (24 grade 1 and 15 grade 2) were presented easy and difficult books at slow (syllable by syllable) or fast (adult reading speed) pace while their eye movements were monitored. Results revealed an interaction between speed and difficulty. For the easy and difficult books, children spent more time and made more fixations on the printed text when it was presented at slow speed than at fast speed. However, at fast speed, children spend more time and made more fixations on the text of the easy rather than the difficult books, but at slow speed no difference was observed. In addition, at slow speed positive correlations were observed between attention to print and letter knowledge and word reading skills. Results provide important information for the practice of shared book reading suggesting that to increase attention to print, speed should be reduced. Future research should investigate the role of reading speed on reading related outcomes such as discourse comprehension and children’s interest in reading activities.  相似文献   

图画书已经成为儿童文学中不可或缺的重要且基础的一类,是儿童早期阅读中非常重要的资源。师范生在大量阅读图画书的前提下,应该逐步进入图画书的创编。在进行图画书创编时可以从续编或仿编开始,逐渐进入创造性创编。从传统故事、成长经验、阅读体验中提取故事因子,注意文字的简洁、童趣和节奏感,用图画的造型、色彩、布局和图画的细节展现故事,重视讲述故事时的图文结合点,做到真正意义上的创造性创编。  相似文献   

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