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沉积在液体基底表面的金属原子会凝聚形成具有特殊结构的分形凝聚体.针对这一实验结果,建立了薄膜生长的计算机模拟模型,模拟了此类凝聚体的生长机理.  相似文献   

根据基模高斯光场,运用Monte Carlo随机模拟方法,实现了基模高斯光场的模拟,直观地说明了基模高斯光束的横模.  相似文献   

计算机模拟晶粒生长所用的模型及模拟方法大体可分3种:蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)方法或改进的蒙特卡罗方法(简称MC法)、使用连续扩散界面场模型以及将细胞状的晶粒结构看作Laguere棋盘形布局来处理的Laguerre模型.特别是应用于模拟焊接热影响区(HAZ)晶粒长大的二维和三维过程取得了较好结果,但在生长模型的边界处理等方面有待继续完善,特别是晶粒生长与晶化温度、时间、气氛等参数密切相关,这种复杂工艺条件下的晶粒生长过程的模拟,是当前该领域正待解决的难题.  相似文献   

红巨星是Ba星的前身星,研究红巨星的轨道根数的分布规律对研究双星系统的演化有非常重要的作用。目前,在国内外涉及该领域的文章都没有给出红巨星轨道根数的分布规律,用Monte-Carlo方法模拟出普通红巨星的轨道根数的分布规律有重要的意义,与观测进行比较,结果符合得良好。  相似文献   

基于圆弧滑动模型确定的安全系数,将基坑隆起破坏的不利事件划分为5种情况,利用Monte Carlo模拟确定不利事件发生概率,提出了考虑基坑隆起破坏引起的不利事件发生概率及经济损失的风险评估模型。将所提方法应用于福州地铁2号线某基坑工程中,结果表明,当围护结构插入比小于1.2时,加固对基坑隆起破坏损失期望减小效果显著;当围护结构插入比大于1.2时,加固对基坑隆起破坏损失期望减小效果一般;当插入比小于0.8时,基坑隆起破坏的损失期望等级属于“严重”;当插入比介于0.8~1.2时,基坑隆起破坏的损失期望等级属于“需要考虑”;当插入比大于1.2时,基坑隆起破坏的损失期望等级属于“可忽略”。  相似文献   

讨论了带电粒子在外电场以及无外电场作用下的漂移运动的物理模型,并且讨论了电流导致导体升温情况下带电粒子的运动,使用Monte Carlo方法对其进行了动画模拟,形象地表现出带电粒子在各种情况下的运动状态.  相似文献   

用计算机实现计算方法的解题过程于兰芳“计算方法”给出了基础数学不易实现的一些解题方法。如:插值法、数值积分、解常微分方程初值问题的数值解法等。用这些方法解题时运算都较大,但每种方法都可以用计算机来实现。关键是如何在计算机中实现呢?这里通过举例来说明上...  相似文献   

用Monte Carlo方法模拟了理想气体系统通过一小孔的扩散。模拟直观展现了气体分子通过小孔的扩散过程。模拟结果表明,一旦经过扩散达到平衡,系统将不会再回到最初的分布,这说明扩散过程是一个不可逆过程;在扩散过程中,系统的混乱程度不断增大。气体扩散快慢与初始分子数以及小孔的尺寸有关。初始分子数越多小尺寸越大,扩散过程进行的就越快。模拟结果与菲克定律一致。  相似文献   

2013年,我国各类海洋灾害造成的直接经济损失在近5年中位列第一,选取海洋灾害中损失最为严重的风暴潮为研究对象,以我国2000年至2013年风暴潮损失数据作为样本,采用"SPSS19.0"软件对我国历年风暴潮造成的损失进行数理统计,在此基础上使用"easyfit 5.5 Professional"软件对其损失进行分布函数拟合,进而运用相关软件进行Monte Carlo模拟10 000组风暴潮损失的伪随机数,最后利用产生的数据采用VaR方法计算不同置信度下的损失规模,为今后我国海洋巨灾保险成本核算和巨灾费率厘定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

文章利用,Monte-Carlo方法来计算一种特殊的概率,这种概率不能或极难用定积分的方法计算得到,但与一般的Monte-Carlo方法不同的是由于问题的特殊性,要求给随机变量赋予一个服从正态分布且要介于某个区间的随机数。文章设计的算法不仅对这种概率有效,而且还可以推广,用以计算两个或两个以上的与此有关的概率。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to understand and characterize the adsorption of small alkanes, namely methane, ethane and propane, in zeolite TON through detailed Monte Carlo simulations. The isotherms of pure components were calculated and showed good agreement with experimental data. The adsorption positions, adsorption energy of pure components and isotherms of mixtures were also simulated and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors sought to identify through Monte Carlo simulations those conditions for which analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) does not maintain adequate Type I error rates and power. The conditions that were manipulated included assumptions of normality and variance homogeneity, sample size, number of treatment groups, and strength of the covariate-dependent variable relationship. Alternative tests studied were Quade's procedure, Puri and Sen's solution, Burnett and Barr's rank difference scores, Conover and Iman's rank transformation test, Hettmansperger's procedure, and the Puri-Sen-Harwell-Serlin test. For balanced designs, the ANCOVA F test was robust and was often the most powerful test through all sample-size designs and distributional configurations. With unbalanced designs, with variance heterogeneity, and when the largest treatment-group variance was matched with the largest group sample size, the nonparametric alternatives generally outperformed the ANCOVA test. When sample size and variance ratio were inversely coupled, all tests became very liberal; no test maintained adequate control over Type I error.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to parallelize 3D lattice Monte Carlo algorithms used in the numerical simulation of polymer on ZiQiang 2000-a cluster of symmetric multiprocessors(SMPs).The combined load for cell and energy calculations over the time step is balanced together to form a single spatial decomposition.Basic aspects and strategies of running Monte Carlo calculations on parallel computers are studied.Different steps involved in porting the software on a parallel architecture based on ZiQiang 2000 running under Linux and MPI are described briefly.It is found that parallelization becomes more advantageous when either the lattice is very large or the model contains many cells and chains.  相似文献   

研究了一类带Gilpin-Ayala增长率的时滞计算机网络病毒传播模型。通过分析模型特征方程及考虑时滞对系统动力学行为的影响,得到模型的平衡点稳定及 Hopf 分岔产生的条件。数值模拟验证出所得理论分析结果的正确性。  相似文献   

This study investigates how educational games impact on students' academic performance and multimedia flow experiences in a computer science course. A curriculum consists of five basic learning units, that is, the stack, queue, sort, tree traversal, and binary search tree, was conducted for 110 university students during one semester. Two groups of students participated in learning activities: the experimental group was instructed using the gaming method; and the control group was instructed using the non-gaming method. During the study, tests, a survey, and interviews were conducted with students. The evaluation results for academic performance and multimedia flow experiences show that compared to the non-gaming method, incorporating the gaming method into the learning process can enhance students' academic performance and multimedia flow experiences. The results also indicated that there is a non-significant and positive relationship between students' academic performance and multimedia flow experiences.  相似文献   

1 Introduction It is i mportant to study polymerization mechanisminpolymerization engineering. Obtaining kinetic data isthe key step for establishing polymerization mechanismand understanding elementary reactions . The kineticdata contains two groups of data ,i.e.,the rate andreaction order .The rate ,especially the rate constant ,is i mportant and to be esti mated assuming that the or-der of the reactionis known.Furthermore ,esti mationof rate constants for polymerization is an active anddif…  相似文献   

利用PC和DEC工作站实现了计算机并行计算,结合生物信息学中的分子动力学模拟,对并行效率和计算结果进行了大量实验分析,同时用并行的分子动力学模拟软件对GB1蛋白质高温变性进行了简单分析。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The conformational property of polymerchains subject to a geometrical constraint is one of themost interesting topics in polymer science (Milner,1991; Malfreyt and Tildesley, 2000; Vacatello,2001). The geometrical constraint can be a solidsurface, a liquid/liquid interface, a vacuum/liquidinterface, etc. So the topic has many applications intechnology such as adsorption onto interface, sta-bilization of colloids and partition equilibrium ingel permeation chromatography…  相似文献   

Investigation of the conformational properties of a SAW polymer chain near an impenetrable, non-interacting flat surface showed that the chain at first contracted and orientated itself to slightly parallel when it pulled close to the surface and at last elongated and reoriented itself to slightly perpendicular to the surface at very small distance from the surface. Simulation showed that most of the disappeared configurations were of large size at moderate distance from the surface while they were of small size at very small distance from the surface; and that the mean-square end-to-end distance was much more prone to be influenced by the surface than the mean-square radius of gyration . The orientational correlation between the direction of the longest principal axis of the moment of inertia and end-to-end vector was also discussed.  相似文献   

红巨星是 Ba星的前身星 ,研究红巨星的轨道根数的分布规律对研究双星系统的演化有非常重要的作用。目前 ,在国内外涉及该领域的文章都没有给出红巨星轨道根数的分布规律 ,用 Monte- Carlo方法模拟出普通红巨星的轨道根数的分布规律有重要的意义 ,与观测进行比较 ,结果符合得很好。  相似文献   

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