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In my opinion.paintings of the South Yangtze River are to be tenderly portrayed.They seem to be embodied by neither drawing nor painting, but by a kind of way softly playing out on a bamboo flute Nature that it beholds, and a carefree brush merely bespeaks the essence of it.  相似文献   

Young female artist Cao Yilin is particularly skilled in highlighting the spirit through artistic narration. With her poetic creativity, painting ingenious and sensibility, Caodraws the richness and diversity of the universe on canvas.  相似文献   

ARTnews magazine, a prestigious USA-based art periodical with a history of 105 years,announced in 2007 the ARTnews 200, its annual list of the 200 most active players in the art market. However, only a few of Asian names were included in this annual list and there was no single Mainland Chinese name on the ARTnews 200 that year. What did that list on the world's leading art collectors mean to the overheated art market in China and 70 million Chinese who are involved with art collection?  相似文献   

Suzhou Art Museum, first built nearly one century ago, celebrated its 80th anniversarv this autumn. Despite so many ups and downs, this Greek-style structure, with 14 columns in its facade, still stands chicly at the bank of Canglangting (surging wavepavilion) River, housing art exhibitions and receiving numerous visitors every year.  相似文献   

I became acquainted with Chen Shibin through his calligraphic and painting works. Having appreciating almost all his creations from his teen years until now,I have been well informed of his artistic visage which fully demonstrates his scrutiny of life, art, nature and society.[第一段]  相似文献   

On an early summer day of 1995 my wife and I viewed a painting exhibition on eight artists from South China at the Research Institute of Chinese Traditional Painting. After enjoying the nearly 100 painting masterpieces and walking out of the exhibition hall, I noticed a solo exhibition being held in the side hall. The 400-odd ink paintings of portrait and landscape in a freehand brushwork style immediately captured my attention.  相似文献   

People still create history today but are not aware what they really need and in what conditions they can stop being unhappy. In fact, what they are doing seems to make them unhappier and they call this unhappiness progress.  相似文献   

Mural painting enjoys a long history in China and numerous mural masterpieces .have been left over from ancient times.For example, Mogao Grotto Temples in Dunhuang house 492 caves with some 45000 square meters of mural painting. First built in 366 AD, Mogao Grotto Temples are the best-preserved grotto groups with the largest number of mural paintings in the world. In addition, there are more than 25,000 square meters of mural painting preserved in temples and tomb chambers in Shanxi Province. And mural paintings in Yongle Palace in Ruicheng, Shanxi and Fahai Temple in Beijing are considered classical masterpieces of Chinese mural art. The art of porcelain, lacquer, silk, cast copper, painted stone and brick in ancient China all have contributed to the diversity and excellence of mural painting skills. Since the 1970s, this art form has gained growing vitality, with a diversity of genres developed.[第一段]  相似文献   

Painting requires skills. A painting without basic skills in design and layout will not be a good painting. But for a painter,the equally important or the more important is his life experience. Without true feelings, a painting is just a sentimental twaddle. Zhang Lucheng, a professional painter serving in Xinjiang Military Area in northwest China has lived in the vast prairie at the foot of the Tianshan Mountain since he graduated from fine arts academy.  相似文献   

Public art is an important comprising element for the development of urban culture and a direct physical barrier of urban culture. In addition to its unique artistic value, public art has more important cultural value because of its pubic nature. It connects the past and future of the city, add to the city's memory, narrate the city's story, meet urban dwellers' psychologi- cal and behavioral needs, create new cultural traditions, and present the city's kindness and friendship.  相似文献   

9 a.m. on February 4. Ten marionette performers from China Quanzhou Marionette Theatre arrived in New York‘s Kennedy Airport and were warmly welcomed by representatives from the UN Communication, Cooperation and Coordination Committee, Warner Cultural Center and the Association of Fujian Fellowmen in America. Although these performers had paid 70 visits abroad and were used to warm welcome ceremonies, they were still greatly touched by the enthusiasm and sincerity of the friends.  相似文献   

Aporcelain Ming jar covered with,exquisitely painted fish brought a record-high price of HK$44 million at the 2000 Sotheby Hong Kong Auction. Usually, porcelain pieces  相似文献   

Naxi people is an ethnic group dwelling in Lijiang, Yunnan Province. its unique culture and traditions are developed with contribution of sorcery around the Himalayas, Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism, indian Brahmanism and ancient Persian culture. All these cultures and religions interacted with Naxi's indigenous traditions and formed the distinct Dongba Culture. Like many other ancient cultures, Dongba culture is also a religious culture.  相似文献   

Chinese people have apprecriated jade since remote antiquity, Jade represents the lofty spirit of humanity and carries Chinese people‘s expectation for happy life. In ancient times when tools were primitive, carving a beautiful jade required extraordinary talent and perseverance. Chinese emperors and poets wore beautiful jade wares as symbols for gentlemen. After emerald was introduced from Burma to China, its brilliant colors and crystal-clear quality fit for Chinese people‘s taste far beauty and has created a new fashion.  相似文献   

Traditional handicraft art is part of the traditional culture of China and known as living fossils to record lives of ancient Chinese. There are various forms of traditional handicraft art in China, including ceramics, jade carving, ivory carving, cloisonne, lacquer carving, wood carving, gold and silver wares, shadow play, kites, lanterns,  相似文献   

"Shanghai has seen robust growth of cultural industries over the past years. My proposal, if any, is to further enhance cultural self-awareness and create more with Chinese elements," Wanda's President Mr. Wang Jianlin recently said at the ]ecture series on Shanghai's cultural industries taking place at Shanghai Library.  相似文献   

In May 2011, Ren Shuaiying's Retrospective Exhibition was held in the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC) in commemoration of this master artist's 100th  相似文献   

In the Spring Festival 2005 in Macao, an exhibition on Fujian and Jiangsu‘s folk arts of spring festival was held in the art museum next to Golden Lotus Square which was built to celebrate Macao‘s return to the motherland. At the exhibition entrance which was decorated in typical south China‘s green tiles and gray walls, a pair of red spring festival couplet immediately brought visitors into Chinese new year.  相似文献   

From a single centennial shop to over 300 chains studding northern China and radiating nationwide, the past fifteen years witnessed Wuyutai's rapid development and grand achievements, its shared journey with alliance businesses and its efforts to deepen and widen tea market. Whenever and wherever, first-class products and services are essential to success. Looking into the future, Wuyutai will continue to treat customers as God, prioritize quality, and try its best to produce good tea. It will carry on the China's No. I tea brand, draw development blueprints and write more legends of its own.  相似文献   

The 30th session of the standing committee of the ninth National People‘s Congress approved the amended Cultural Relics Protection Law of the People‘s Republic of China. The new 12,000-word law has a total of 80 articles in eight chapters: General Principles, Unmovable Cultural Relics, Archaeological Excavation, Nuseums‘ Cultural Relics,  相似文献   

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