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Demand for and productivity analysis of Turkish public theater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We estimate a demand function for live theater provided by the General Directorate of State Theaters in Turkey. We show that demand is more elastic in less developed cities, that attendance is not significantly affected by various qualitative variables, and that the government's practice of offering free passes to government officials is an ineffective way of increasing paid attendance. Comedies and musicals both show significantly higher attendance. Having a Turkish author does not significantly affect attendance. Having a known author significantly increases attendance for more developed cities but not for less developed cities. Being the opening season significantly reduces attendance in less developed cities but has no effect in more developed cities. We also present evidence of inefficiency in state theaters in Turkey through a performance of plays equation in which we evaluate the determinants of the number of performances per play.  相似文献   

Using detailed data for 2001–2009 from the sales system of the Finnish National Opera, we estimate the determinants of demand for opera tickets. We find that operas in their premiere season are more popular than reprises. Demand is lower for classical operas and higher for domestic operas and for performances with a famous opera singer. Press reviews and the overall popularity of the opera piece have the expected effects. There is also evidence of seasonal effects. By excluding temporarily discounted tickets, controlling for performance characteristics and quality and using a method that takes into account capacity constraints, we are able to credibly estimate the price elasticity of demand. The overall elasticity is close to unity: on average, a 1 % increase in prices would result in 1.16 % decrease in demand.  相似文献   

旅游空间结构是重要的旅游地理研究话题,但在省域尺度上的研究探索仍有待丰富。以2014年和2019年海南省18个县市的旅游截面数据为基础,借助引力模型测算18个县市旅游经济联系度,并利用社会网络分析法测算其网络中心度、网络密度等,分析海南省旅游经济联系空间差异。结果表明:海南省18个县市的旅游经济联系度在不断增加,存在较大空间差异和分层;总体来看,海南省大部分县市接近中心度下降,部分县市中间中心度上升;旅游经济联系网络明显由松散转为紧密。由此对海南岛旅游一体化发展提出建议:(1)整合资源配置,优化区域旅游网络结构;(2)完善交通网络,提升交通通达度水平;(3)充分发挥核心区辐射效应,加强区域间协作和带动作用。  相似文献   

Compared to other leisure time activities, the effect of arts attendance on happiness has received less attention and studies of related topics have produced mixed results, identifying either no effect or very small effects. We investigate this issue using a large (N = 7753) sample from the UK. In contrast to earlier studies, quantile regression is used to allow the relationship between arts attendance and other controls and happiness to vary across different levels of happiness. The relationship found in prior studies is confirmed, but the quantile regression results show that the nature of the relationship varies across the distribution of the happiness variable. A significant relationship is found at the lower quartile, and a moderate relationship (significant at the 10% level) is found at the median level.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the determinants of donations to public libraries testing the following hypothesis: Is there a crowd out effect from government funding of public libraries? I look at novel data, the Public Library Survey, and use an unbalanced panel of public libraries across the USA from 2000 to 2013. The results suggest a crowd in effect with an inverted U shape in all levels of government. Local government is associated with 4–6 cents increase in donations, state government with 20–23 cents increase, and federal government with 75 cents to 1 dollar and 33 cents.  相似文献   

This paper examines the characteristics that are important to current commercially viable massive music festivals when making decisions on who to hire while facing horizontal and vertical quality differentiation with heterogeneous preferences among intended consumers. A model of customer demand motivates the empirical analysis using a unique bundling problem in which the consumer faces an unknown element, depending on festival reputation for expected utility. The empirical analysis utilizes characteristics important to the negotiation between the festival and the band as input. Musical acts with an album recognized as being of a high quality are about 33 % more likely to be hired by a festival in the year of release and 50 % more likely the following year. A top touring band is 40 % more likely to be hired in the first year, but 45 % less likely to be hired in the following year, likely due to an increased cost of hiring. Festivals hire quality, unknown bands to take advantage of the lower costs of lesser known acts by leveraging a reputation for evaluating quality before the consumer. Other industries face similar input decisions, giving the results a broader application.  相似文献   

李响 《中国名城》2021,(5):71-79
保护以北京为代表的国家历史文化名城需要与时俱进,如何以法治思维和法治方式对历史文化名城的保护工作固本强基,是当下面临的一项重要使命与重大课题.近年来全国多地的实践结果显示,公益诉讼为将历史文化名城保护纳入法治轨道提供了有效抓手,其不仅有利于激发社会公众的参与热情,而且也有助于发挥司法机关的监督力量.然而,将公益诉讼机制...  相似文献   

Though there is a long tradition of band members quitting the group or taking a hiatus, the rock group as an organization to produce music continues to be both popular and economically viable. The research question addressed in this paper is whether or not it is a good idea to quit or take a hiatus from the group. We begin with a discussion of the framework for understanding why groups are formed and why they may be difficult to keep together. We then discuss differences between groups in the decade of the 1960s versus today. We argue that there is something unique about the output of the group even with the changes in the structure of contracts, compensation, and consumer focus on the artist that explain the resilience of the rock band as an organizational form within which to create music. We compare the charting success of bands that have members leave the group with the charting success of the members who left the group. We identified the groups in five representative years: 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, and 2005. We then analyzed the entire Billboard Hot 100 charting careers of those groups and the artists who quit those groups. Our main finding is that when charting success is divided equally among members, going solo pays off—there is a clear economic rationale because solo acts have greater average charting success than the original bands they started in. The other ensuing side projects: duos, collaborations, and other groups are not as lucrative as the original bands. These findings are valid for members of charting groups from each of the 5 years examined. Despite the difficulties in keeping a rock band together, there are fewer band breakups today and remaining with the group generally results in a longer and more productive charting career. Thus, the rock group remains an important organization for producing contemporary music. However, there remains a compelling incentive to go solo. Superstars may benefit from solo projects, but for the average, non-superstar group member, in many circumstances it is better for the band to stay together if the income is divided equally.  相似文献   

The market for autographs has become more open to international buyers since 1990. Our data set features a large sample of store and auction sales for selected authors every 5 years from 1960 to 2005. The estimation of a hedonic price function shows that page count, type of author, date and type of the document conditionally to author explain more than three quarters of the price differences. The apparent price of autographs increased by 7.7 % per year during the period, while the hedonic price index increased by 7.9 % on average. With a supply function responsive to market valuation, as well French autograph prices seemingly showing trend similar to art market index, the French autograph market has become more integrated in the global art market.  相似文献   

The estimation of the economic effects of cultural events is a topic that has stirred numerous debates in cultural economics. Although economic impact studies and contingent valuation have been the most frequently used methods, both suffer from numerous problems. In this article, we use ex-post econometric verification as a new and promising method in cultural economics in the estimation of the economic effects of cultural events and apply it to the estimation of the effects of the 2012 European Capital of Culture Maribor on tourism and employment. This enables us to compare results from economic impact and ex-post econometric verification studies to find significant differences in particular in terms of new employment. We determine the net effects on new tourism and find that they were mainly present in Maribor, the holder of the project, and not in the other five partner cities. We conclude by reflecting on the state of the art of the studies of economic effects of cultural events in cultural economics and their relevance for the study of cultural tourism.  相似文献   

We present a novel 3D reassembly method for fragmented, thin objects with unknown geometry. Unlike past methods, we do not make any restrictive assumptions about the overall shape of the object, or its painted texture. Our key observation is that regardless of the object's shape, matching fragments will have similar geometry and photometry along and across their adjoining regions. We begin by encoding the scale variability of each fragment's boundary contour in a multichannel, 2D image representation. Using this multichannel boundary contour representation, we identify matching sub-contours via 2D partial image registration. We then align the fragments by minimizing the distance between their adjoining regions while simultaneously ensuring geometric continuity across them. The configuration of the fragments as they are incrementally matched and aligned form a graph structure that we use to improve subsequent matches. By detecting cycles in this graph, we identify subsets of fragments with interdependent alignments. We then minimize the error within the subsets to achieve a globally optimal alignment. We leverage user feedback to cull the otherwise exponential search space; after each new match is found and aligned, it is presented to a user for confirmation or rejection. Using ceramic pottery as the driving example, we demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our method on six real-world datasets.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how video game publishers’ choice of game release date is affected by the expected level of competition within the game’s product niche. We identify game niches by genre, age-appropriateness, console system, a release cohort, and publisher. First, we show that games are more likely to be released so as to avoid weeks when their niche already faces competition. Next, we show that consumer substitution across games is stronger within most of the dimensions describing product niches. Sales volumes decay quickly after the opening weekend, so at any point in time, a niche will typically be served by few current titles. From this, we calculate that delaying game release 1 week yields substantial increase in revenue for a video game facing higher-than-average competition.  相似文献   

韧性城市是应对"黑天鹅式风险"的必然选择,其韧性体现在结构韧性、过程韧性和系统韧性3个层面.城市的新不确定性来源可概括为极端气候、科技革命、冠状病毒和突发袭击4个方面.建设韧性城市需要10个步骤完成:一是转变思想观念;二是创新设计研究机构;三是制定治理方案,列入5年计划;四是编制生命线工程分组团化改造方案;五是在每个社...  相似文献   

Budget constraints at the local government level towards the provision of public goods have fuelled interest in the voluntary contribution and provision point mechanisms. However, due to their public nature, these mechanisms are not without problems. The literature shows the presence of free riding and socially inefficient contribution levels. This paper experimentally tests the effect of cultural and historical information pertaining to heritage houses in Penang, Malaysia, on public contributions for their conservation. This paper considers a standard linear one-shot four-person public good game and the decision of the subjects being to contribute either to a private or to a public account. We devise 4 treatments: a Control treatment, a treatment where subjects are provided with cultural and historical information pertaining to the heritage houses, a treatment that includes a contribution threshold, and finally a treatment that combines the use of cultural and historical information with the contribution threshold. The main finding shows that 60–75 % of the subjects contributed more than what they believed others in the same group would contribute when they were provided with the pertinent cultural and historical information. Most of the subjects contributed less than their belief, while 75–77 % cooperated ‘selfishly’ in treatments without the information. These findings are in agreement with the literature, namely that contributions are higher in treatments with a contribution threshold. Moreover, the combination of a contribution threshold and cultural information could encourage more pro-social behaviours.  相似文献   


Using a six-year case study of Glasgow’s Sustainable City business model, this paper examines interactions between financialised governance of cities and clean energy strategies. Research on the role of cities in developing clean energy has paid limited attention to the interaction with financialised governance of infrastructure, which makes the implementation of plans largely dependent on private investment. A conceptual approach combining economic sociology of actor networks and urban political economy is used to analyse the career of the business model designed to transform old infrastructures into new clean energy assets. The analysis focuses on interactions between city council, public bodies and electricity distribution network business. Climate policies are creating uncertainties for energy businesses over revenues from ageing networks, suggesting scope for alliance with local governments. Making new liquid assets for clean energy from old infrastructure is however shown to be a process marked by instability and reversals. In conclusion, it is argued that concepts from actor-network theory and urban political economy used together reveal the hidden contingencies of financialisation in particular socio-technical interactions, and their materiality in the context of climate change.  相似文献   

老年宜居环境建设是积极应对人口老龄化的重要手段。利用2003-2017年我国9个国家中心城市的面板数据,运用TOPSIS评价模型,对城市老年宜居环境发展状况进行综合评价,其次利用障碍因子模型测算城市老年宜居环境主要障碍因子。结果表明,国家中心城市的老年宜居水平存在较大的差异,北京、上海、广州的整体宜居度最高;环境空气质量、养老床位和医疗床位成为国家中心城市的共同障碍因子。基于此,根据各个城市障碍因子测算结果,提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   


Economic activity and innovation clusters in urban areas. Urban economics points to important knowledge and productivity spillovers in cities, in addition to other factors like thicker markets, lower transportation costs, and consumptive amenities. Yet thus far little work has analyzed how these different factors drive migration decisions of arts-related entrepreneurs, especially when they work in online platforms for fundraising. We use data on the largest US crowdfunding platform to identify relocating creators, allowing us to identify which kinds of regions are attracting and retaining more of this sort of talent. We test for the influence of clustering based on homophily, migration to larger markets, and relocation toward particular geographic amenities. Overall we find the strongest evidence for homophily and some distinct tendencies favoring certain regional amenities. Importantly, we both identify general relocation patterns among crowdfunding creatives and break down the attracting features for different types of creators. An examination of (net) migration by different categories of projects, such as musicians or filmmakers, reveals important heterogeneity in the attractors. For example, musicians are drawn stronger music sectors, while writers seek more isolation from other writers. This helps inform the interregional competition for talent and “creative class,” especially among a group of relatively footloose arts- and culture-intensive entrepreneurs.


Many cities are trying to attract tourists by investing in urban amenities. Cultural heritage is an important example, and substantial investments are needed to keep ancient inner cities and characteristic monumental buildings in good shape. The costs of these policies are usually clear, and the benefits are often much more difficult to assess. This paper attempts to fill part of this gap by studying the destination choices of urban recreation trips that have urban recreation as the main travel motive. We estimate a discrete choice model for destination choice that takes into account the potential importance of unobserved characteristics. The model allows us to compute the marginal willingness-to-travel for destinations offering more cultural heritage, which we measure as the area of the inner city that has a protected status because of the cultural heritage that is present there.  相似文献   

刘容 《中国名城》2020,(4):28-33
文化创意城市发展模式对全球城市应对后工业化困境功效卓著。首先,描绘国外文化创意城市概念从“萌生”到“成熟”的路径衍化。其次,总结了国内外著名文化创意城市,维也纳、哥本哈根、巴黎、伦敦、北京、上海、深圳和杭州的发展经验。再次,从目的、方向、路径等方面通过比较视角梳理国内外文化创意城市建设的差异。最后,总结对我国文化创意城市建设的启示,认为应将文化创意城市发展融入城市总体发展规划,大力促进当前“双创工作”深入开展,并在充分尊重城市历史文化基础上凝聚市民大众共识,形成文化创意城市发展方向,来促进我国文化创意城市的发展。  相似文献   

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