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Citizenship education in South Korea has entered a new era in terms of the course of study. The seventh course of study in civic education introduces the conception of civic virtue for school education. The identification of the ten civic virtues is a remarkable first attempt in the history of the course of study. This study, which assumes that civic virtue must be a key concept in civic education, welcomes the idea of civic virtue, since it can act as a solvent on the citizen knowledge-oriented approach of citizenship education. Nevertheless, there are some problems with the identification of the civic values and virtues, and this study argues that those civic virtues selected for the school curriculum are mostly not civic, nor clearly vital to a liberal democracy.  相似文献   

The question of the state's role in the control of sponsorship of education is addressed in the light of liberal political principles designed to keep peace and enforce toleration in culturally diverse societies. Some contemporary, self-described liberal philosophers argue for a much more substantial educational role for the state than liberal principles will really allow. Brian Barry's argument for that role assumes that the state can prescribe answers to controversial questions regarding the truth and the good life in which a truly liberal state would take no interest. Stephen Macedo is more accommodating to religious diversity than Barry, but his argument fails because of his rashly optimistic view of the state's effectiveness in promoting civic virtue and the possibility of reconciling that role with fundamental liberal values. Liberal regimes do not depend on civic education, even under conditions of diversity. Their life-blood is toleration and dissent rather than the widespread diffusion of civic virtue.  相似文献   

古典的公民教育是德性教育,公民德性的养成是古典公民教育的终极目的。对于这一特质,可以从两个命题——人是理性的动物与人是政治的动物——去理解。首先,当古典政治哲人从本体论的角度说"人是理性的存在"时,亦是从功能论的角度说"人是德性的存在";德性又不是"天生的",它是"潜在的",所以"德性的教育"就成为可能和必须。其次,当古典政治哲人说"人是政治的动物"时,其意是说好人之德性并不是抽象的、孤立的存在,好人之德性的实现离不开公民城邦的教化。在这个意义上,公民教育就是为了德性的教育。  相似文献   

冒琴 《成才之路》2021,(13):24-25
体育课程不仅要向学生传授体育知识与体育运动技能,增强学生体质,还要注重培养学生高尚的道德品质和人格情操。文章从研究目的、研究方法、结果与分析、结论与建议四方面,对立德树人理念下体育教学中的德育渗透展开研究,以期能够借此促进德育与体育的深度融合,进一步提高体育课程的德育实效性。  相似文献   

公民美德是维系共和政体的一种社会情感。古典形态的公民美德以公共利益的至上性为核心价值取向。文艺复兴与启蒙时代开始了从古典公民美德到现代公民美德的转型。托克维尔奠定了以“正确理解的自利原则”为基础的现代公民美德。公民美德的历史形态及演化过程对当代中国政治教育的启示是:塑造社会主义公德必须采取世俗化的、制度化的、自立自治的政治教育。  相似文献   

理论界一般认为,精神文明建设为经济建设保证正确的发展方向,并为经济发展提供精神动力和主要的智力支持.其实,从政治学的视角看,精神文明建设还有另外一个作用,即精神文明建设是我国政治资源的一个新生点,它既能保护现存的政治资源,又能增生新的政治资源.  相似文献   

On May 31, 1897, William James, one of America's most influential philosophers and psychologists, delivered the first civic oration of his career. The principal orator at the dedication of the Robert Gould Shaw memorial in Boston, James did what commemorative speakers are not supposed to do. He chose to be confrontational and divisive in a situation that called for exactly the opposite. Nevertheless, upon conclusion of his speech the audience erupted in applause, hailing his remarks as both unconventional and fitting. In this essay, I explore how James's speech could be both unconventional and fitting. I argue that his Shaw memorial oration demonstrates a style of commemorative discourse that is conflictual, even disruptive, yet capable of serving the ends of the epideictic tradition. As I show, James used his intellectual ethos as the nation's leading psychologist to construct a kind of communal therapy session, at the heart of which was the notion of “lonely courage.” With this strangely individualistic civic virtue, James turned his audience from spectators gazing upon the Shaw memorial to active participants in the memorial's meaning. Ultimately, his individualistic notion of civic virtue stands as an alternative to other forms of civic virtue and to the patterns of epideictic discourse that authorize them.  相似文献   

Historically there has been a relative dearth of social science research into civic education—even in political science, a discipline that had civic education as one of its founding objectives. This is partly due to the mistaken impression that civics instruction has no effect on civic and political participation, a conclusion that was once conventional wisdom but has since been refuted. More and more evidence has accumulated that well-designed civic education—both formal and informal—has meaningful, long-lasting effects on the civic engagement of young people. Existing research finds four aspects of schooling that affect civic learning and engagement: classroom instruction, extracurricular activities, service learning, and a school’s ethos. Furthermore, state-level civics exams can positively affect knowledge about politics and government. The unifying theme that arises from this burgeoning literature is that effective civic education can compensate for a dearth of civic resources in the home and community. However, the renaissance of research into civic education is only just beginning, as more needs to be done. The existing data are too limited, and randomized studies are rare. Truly advancing our understanding of civic education will require a large-scale, multi-method, interdisciplinary effort.  相似文献   

This essay by Suzanne Rosenblith and Benjamin Bindewald is motivated by the question of how do those who value civic liberalism give the religiously orthodox a reason to engage in pluralist democratic deliberations in a manner that does not allow intolerance to undermine the foundations of liberal democracy. Introducing the idea of tolerance as mutuality — that is, a will to relationship — the authors argue, strikes a balance between those theories that are too demanding of the religiously orthodox and those that are not exacting enough. Applying the principle of tolerance as mutuality to the special space of public schools allows for a new way to conceptualize civic education in pluralist democracies.  相似文献   

中职生公民权责教育初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
完整的公民教育应包含公民品德教育与公民权责教育两个方面。然而,我国的公民教育长期以来只重视公民品德教育,忽视了公民权责教育,这种现象在中等职业学校中同样存在。文章阐释了公民权责教育的要义,分析了我国中职生公民教育中存在的问题,进而提出了在中等职业学校开展公民权责教育的途径和方法。  相似文献   

和谐社会有赖逗德的支撑,公民道德是构建和谐社会的基石。和谐社会的道德内涵包括人自身各方面、人与社会、人与自然之间的和谐。培育公民道德行为是社会团结和谐的重要纽带,也是构建和谐社会的重要路径。  相似文献   

古典的公民教育是培养公民美德的教育,它包括个体自我完善的德性与个体参与公共政治生活的德性,这是培养好人与培养合格公民相结合的教育,也是沉思的生活与行动的生活相结合的教育。这一公民教育思想对于现代教育具有极大的启发意义,尤其对现代大学教育有着特殊的意义,值得深思。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This article explores the civic republican conception of citizenship underlying the Labour government's programme of civil renewal and the introduction of education for democratic citizenship. It considers the importance of the cultivation of civic virtue through political participation for such developments and it reviews the research into how service learning linked to character education can lead to the civic virtue of duty or social responsibility.  相似文献   

This study explored gender differences in moral motivations and civic engagement among adolescents to add to existing explanations for the gender gap in political engagement in the US. We examined moral motivations for civic engagement in a sample of 1578 high school seniors, using a mixed-methods analysis of survey and interview data. Multiple regression confirmed that girls were more civically involved and expressed greater future civic intention. However, analysis of motivations suggested that differences in moral motivations might impact ongoing political development, as girls were more likely to take political action out of desire to help, while boys were more often motivated to act on values. Case studies of two interviewees—one male and one female—were analyzed to examine how civic commitment emerges in the interaction of desire to help, to act on civic values and another moral motivation that emerged in the qualitative analysis—to empower others.  相似文献   

论公民社会与国家治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公民社会是国家与市场经济领域之间的第三域,随着市场经济成为我国的主导经济形式。以及国家的民主化改革,我国应当培育公民社会。促进公民性的发展。国家的治理需要一个讲道德、愿守法的公民社会。依法治国要依靠有良好公民性的公民社会,才能节约治理的成本。以德治国仅以国家权利自上而下地推行难以奏效。通过培育社区公民和社团成员的道德和价值观。由国家予以分层整合。则是实施以德治国方略的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

尼科洛·马基雅维利是共和主义从古典到现代发展的关键人物。他提出的一系列重要的共和主义观点和思想,例如宪政的价值和可行性,自由对于共和国的重要性,执政者对国家权力的运用、公民品德的培养等等,都成为美国立国的思想基础。美国共和宪政的灵魂是自由精神,其伟大之处在于他不仅保护私人利益和个人自由,同时也在一定程度上试图促进积极的、具有公共精神的公民权和领导权,以便在政治自由和个人自由之间保持相对平衡;美国共和政体的构成要素是人性与美德,通过制度偏好,即三权分立和联邦制来控制公民美德的衰败,在激发公民美德生长的同时,从而更好地维持共和政体的稳定;美国联邦党人的共和思想有限地保留了古典共和概念中的积极公民和民主,但用代议民主取代直接民主,并将共和有效地纳入宪政框架。  相似文献   

德性发展的动力机制及自我管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
促使个体形成良好的德性品质,应从个体德性发展的动力和行为加以探索。德性行为发生的动力机制,心理学界盛行四种理论:先天本能论、社会学习论、交互作用论和社会动力论。德性行为启动过程为:在启用机制条件下进行德性收益分析,经过激励机制的调控,迅速判断后发出德性行为。这是一般情景的德性行为启用过程,在复杂的德性情景中,促使个体做出有效德性行为的是自律德性,即德性自我管理,它的形成途径是:对德性规范的认同,用责任为德性立法,在意志指导下行动,习得自我约束力。  相似文献   

This chapter describes the study as it was conducted in three public high schools in Sydney: a governmental comprehensive high school, a non-government or private high school, and a government “selective school”. The results suggest that civic education revolved around an identifiable, yet not clearly articulated, set of civic values. For teachers, civic education's main goal was to prepare students for harmonious integration into Australia's highly multicultural society, to maintain and reinforce social cohesion, and, consequently, to foster acceptance of diversity. For students, civic education was an enigma. Although they participated in civic education experiences they could rarely identify them as such. Furthermore, few students could identify subject matter of civic education through what was taught in school subjects.  相似文献   

The proper role and influence of religion in the public sphere continues to be contested and has important implications for civic education in a liberal democracy. Paul Weithman and Michael Perry argue that religion makes valuable contributions to civic participation and that religiously grounded beliefs should be fully welcome in political decision-making. In response, this paper strives for a middle ground of preparing citizens to engage thoughtfully with a wide range of moral perspectives, religious and otherwise, while promoting a civic virtue that still honours a commitment to public reason.  相似文献   

政治国家权威以公民的政治认同为基据.秉持稳固的民族国家观念和深厚的政治信仰是培育公民美德的关键要素。《利维坦法哲学》对合法性权威、文化认同和政治美德等核心问题进行了深刻梳理。全球化时代的文化矛盾与政治冲突,使得民族国家观念仍然是培养公民政治美德、文化认同和政治义务观念的支点。  相似文献   

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