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ArichfarmerinEnglandoncehadafriendwhogrewverygoodapples.Onedaythisfriendgivethefarmerafineyoungtreeandtoldhimtotakeithomeandplantit.ThefarmerwaspleasedwiththepresentbutwhenhecamehomehedidnotknowWheretoplantthetree.Hethought:"IfIplantitneartheroad,strangerswillstealtheapples.IfIplantitinmyfield,myneighbourswillcomeatnightandrobme.IfIplantitnearmyhouse,mychildrenwilltaketheapples."  相似文献   

1.Awolfhadn蒺teatenanythingforseveraldays,sohefeltveryhungry.Herovedaboutinsearchoffoodtoeat.一条狼有几天没吃东西,它饿极了,便四处走来走去,想找点东西吃。2.Whenhepassedbyadoor,heheardachildwascryinganditsnursechidingit.当它从一家门口路过时,从这家传出小孩的哭声和保姆的呵斥声。3.“Stop,stopcrying,orI蒺llthrowyoutothewolf熏”saidthenurse.Hearingwhatshesaid,thewolffeltverygladinhisheart.Hethoughttheoldwomanwouldbeasgoodasherword?“你再哭,就把你扔出去喂狼!”那家的保姆说。狼听了暗暗高兴,它想这老太太…  相似文献   

Characters:MotherGoat,SevenKids,andBigBadWolf.Scenes:goat'shutandgarden.Narrator:MotherGoathassevenlittlekids.Shelovesthemverymuch.Onedaymorning,MotherGoatisgoingtothewoodstogetfood.Beforesheleaves,shecallsthemalltoher.MotherGoat:Dearchildren,Iamgoingtothewoods.DonotopenthedoorwhileIamaway.IftheBigBadWolfcomesin,hewilleatyouallup.KidNo.1:Howcanweknowhim,mum?MotherGoat:Youcaneasilyknowhimbyhisroughvoice andhisblackfeet.KidNo.1:Weknow,mum.KidNo.2:Werememberyourwords,mum.MotherGoat…  相似文献   

Charles Dickens was born in 1812 at Landport near Portmouth, where hisfarther was a clerk in the navy pay office. In 1822, The femily returned toLondon, their fortunes were severely impaired. Dickens was withdrawn fromschool and in 1823 sent to work in a blacking-warehouse, managed by a rela-  相似文献   

胡敏 《双语学习》2013,(9):32-32
A lion is walking in the forest. He is big and strong. He is looking for his meal because he's very hungry.  相似文献   

This paper presents a phenomenon of“Pseudo-resonance”of beams androds discovered from experiments and computations,and gives the definition of“Pseudo-resonance”.The relationship of distribution between the frequency of pseu-do-resonance and that of anti-resonance is found,and an analytic solution for thetransfer function between any two points on a beam or rod is established.The law ofdistribution of the anti-resonant frequencies,as well as the relation between the fre-quency distribution and the nodes of vibration is also proposed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this column is to keep religious educators abreast of relevant significant research in the general field of psychology. Its implications for methods and materials in religious education are clear. Religious educators may well take advantage of every new finding in scientific research.

Each section describes a group of findings which have been reported in PSYCHOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS together with titles of these works so that those who wish may go to the original source.

This column is written as a service to religious educators by the Union College Character Research Project. All abstracts are used with permission of the periodical, PSYCHOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS. The abstract numbers are Volume 35. Number 4, August 1961.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAnAdeno associatedvirus(AAV)particleiscomposedofthreestructuralproteinsandalin ear ,single strandedDNA (ssDNA)genomeofapproximately 4 .7kb .AAVisadefectivehu manparvovirusthatnormallyreplicatesproduc tivelyonlyinthepresenceofhelperfunctionsprovide…  相似文献   

Some foreigners feel it hard to utter the 四声 of the Chinese words, Soit is with the Chinese pronouncing noun compounds in English. For example,how do you pronounce"a toy factory" ? "a 'toy factory"or "a toy 'factory"?The same thing can mean different things if the stress is placed on differentelements.  相似文献   

一天,在大森林中,一只豹子看见一只狐狸。  相似文献   

1.Two friends were travelling togetherthrough a forest.One of them said,“If wemeet any wild① beasts,I’ll help you and you’llhelp me.”“ That’s fine,” said his friend,andthey walked on.(两个朋友一道旅行,穿过一片森林时,其中一个人说:“要是碰到野兽,我就帮助你,你也要帮助我。”“好的,”他的朋友说。接着,他们继续往前走。)  相似文献   

The aim of the author is to estimate the heuristic value of Meyer's (et al., 1985) social theory on citizenship, education and the nation‐state, in relation to F. Ringer's three dimensions of educational systems (i.e. ‘inclusiveness’, ‘segmentation’, and ‘progressiveness'). Rupp's thesis is that the inclusiveness and expansion of educational systems is related to the processes of the formation of nation‐state and citizenship institutions; their progressiveness and segmentation, however, to other socio‐political developments. It is suggested that national differences correspond to differences in centralized or decentralized polities.  相似文献   

Princess Dahlia looked from her upstairs' chamber into the courtyard.Her maid,Amery,was busy packing their things.They had to leave the castle quickly through the secret passageway known only to Princess Dahlia, her family,and their very close servants. Princess Dahlia watched as enemy soldiers poured through the battered gates toward her home,the keep.Her father's soldiers met the enemy before they got to the keep.  相似文献   

The present study explores students’ abilities in conversions between geometric and algebraic representations, in problem- solving situations involving the concept of “limit” and the interrelation of these abilities with students’ constructed understanding of this concept. An attempt is also made to examine the impact of the “didactic contract” on students’ performance through the processes they employ in tackling specific tasks on the concept of limit. Data were collected from 222 12th-grade high school students in Greece. The results indicated that students who had constructed a conceptual understanding of limit were the ones most probable to accomplish the conversions of limits from the algebraic to the geometric representations and the reverse. The findings revealed the compartmentalized way of students’ thinking in non-routine problems by means of their performance in simpler conversion tasks. Students who did not perform under the conditions of the didactic contract were found to be more consistent in their responses for various conversion tasks and complex problems on limits, compared to students who, as a consequence of the didactic contract, used only algorithmic processes.  相似文献   

现代心理语言学理论视阅读为一个十分复杂的心理语言处理过程。这个过程包含两个不同层次的信息处理模式:基于语言材料,处理句子层并列关系及从属关系信息的自下而上的微观信息处理模式;基于内容背景知识,处理篇章层中心信息的自上而下的宏观信息处理模式。这两个信息处理模式在阅读过程中相互作用,但起决定作用的是后者。图式论认为,词汇知识结构即语言图式主要作用于自下而上的微观信息处理过程,内容知识图式和篇章结构图式主要作用于自上而下的宏观信息处理过程。在阅读过程中,不具备、不能激发及错误使用任何一种图式都会导致阅读理解错误。  相似文献   

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