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This study explored the effects of teacher commitment on student achievement. Three teacher commitment dimensions of organizational, professional, and student commitment were derived. The three-dimensional teacher commitment measurement model was tested by a confirmatory factor analysis. Then, the relationships among individual and organizational variables, teacher commitment, and student achievement were analyzed by a 2-level hierarchical linear modeling method. As the results, the greater portions of teacher commitment and student achievement variances were within schools. The individual and organizational variables had differential impacts on each teacher commitment dimension. Finally, while teacher commitment effects on student achievement were differentially found depending on teacher commitment dimensions at the individual level, there was no evidence to support significant impacts of teacher commitment on student achievement at the organizational level.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between teachers' perceptions of organizational commitment and school health in Turkish primary schools. The Organizational Commitment Scale and the Organizational Health Inventory were used to gather data from 323 randomly selected teachers employed in 20 primary schools in Ankara. Results indicated that teacher compliance commitment was negatively related to both identification and internalization. Three dimensions of school health, institutional integrity, principal professional leadership, and morale, negatively predicted teacher commitment based on compliance. However, teacher internalization commitment was positively predicted by these 3 health dimensions. Professional leadership was the only school health dimension that was significant in predicting identification commitment. Two other dimensions of school health, academic emphasis and resource support, were not significant predictors of the commitment factors. Results of the study are discussed in relation to developing the organizational health of schools and improving the organizational commitment of teachers.  相似文献   

幼儿教师组织承诺研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
幼儿教师组织承诺的心理结构,有自己的特点。幼儿教师组织承诺可分为五种类型:情感承诺、经济承诺、理想信念承诺、职业承诺和人际承诺,不同组织承诺类型的幼儿教师行为表现各不相同,影响幼儿教师组织承诺的因素有个人因素和组织因素。  相似文献   

This longitudinal mixed methods study investigates the development of teacher candidates’ professional identity throughout a four-year degree program. Data were analyzed using the following dimensions of professional identity: task orientation, self-efficacy, commitment to teaching, and professional orientation. During practicum, teacher candidates were able to realize the ideals articulated in their teaching philosophies, including a strong focus on student engagement. Their self-efficacy grew as they developed a sense of purpose in teaching and committed to future growth in assessment. Professional orientation flourished in supportive school-based seminars. All participants remain committed to teaching in part because they were able to persevere through challenges. Program features supporting professional identity are discussed.  相似文献   

随着教育的变革与发展,教师组织公民行为对学校办学目标的实现起着日益重要的作用。如何更有效地激发教师积极主动的行为,成为当前关注的重点,分布式领导为此提供了新的思路。本研究以大学教师为研究对象开展调研分析并构建模型,探讨了分布式领导对大学教师组织公民行为的影响机制,研究发现组织信任、工作满意度与组织承诺在分布式领导与教师组织公民行为之间起着重要的中介作用。建议发展分布式领导的组织文化,使教师拥有充分的专业自主权和对重要事务的参与权,完善学术评价与激励机制,为教师发展提供平台与机会,同时注重对组织信任和工作满意度尤其是组织承诺水平的提升,从而使教师践行更多的组织公民行为,进而提高学术组织绩效、实现发展目标。  相似文献   

组织凝聚力结构与影响因素:案例研究及理论建构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
凝聚力是组织管理领域的重要概念。西方文献中的凝聚力概念,大多集中在团体层次。而在中国,由于集体主义的文化传统,组织层次的凝聚力具有重要的理论和现实意义。研究发现,组织凝聚力的结构包括员工向心力、领导凝聚力、任务协作、人际和谐、利益共享、价值认同六个维度,它们从个体、团体和组织三个层次上反映了组织凝聚力;组织凝聚力的影响因素包括领导胜任力、凝聚点员工、人际关系、团队导向、物质激励、情感关怀、组织发展与目标、体制变革、社会环境,这些因素分布在个体、团体、组织和社会四个层次上。  相似文献   

职业情绪是高校辅导员职业心态的综合反映。在相对自然的状态下,辅导员的职业情绪表现出多个维度的矛盾性:理想的"大学教师"身份与现实的"行政科员"身份之间的纠结;"高大上"的职业属性与"低微下"的职业地位的冲突;"多面手"的职业需求与"专业化"的职业理想的冲突;"超我"的工作方式与"自我"的生存状态之间的冲突等。高校辅导员这种矛盾性的职业情绪体验主要来自于辅导员矛盾的职业身份,而这种职业身份的矛盾性主要来自于高校辅导员组织归属感的缺失。通过重建辅导员组织,并给予辅导员期望的组织承诺是解决其职业情绪问题的可能出路。  相似文献   

专业承诺的研究是组织承诺与职业承诺在专业领域内的扩展。大学生的专业承诺就是大学生认同所学的专业并愿意付出努力的积极态度和行为。专业承诺由情感承诺、规范承诺、继续承诺和理想承诺构成,可通过《大学生专业承诺量表》测量。我国关于专业承诺的研究,对象主要集中于大学生,尤其是"特殊"专业的大学生。内容主要涉及专业承诺与学习倦怠、职业效能、学习风格、心理健康、成就动机等因素的关系。研究发现,专业承诺受性别等人口学变量、学习态度等个人因素以及专业与高考志愿的匹配性等外部因素影响。随着研究对象的拓展与研究方法的充实,专业承诺的研究内容和结论也将更加丰富。  相似文献   

以专业共同体促进教师专业成长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态变革取向的教师专业发展观超越了只从教师个体层面探讨教师专业发展的单一视角,注重从文化、组织或制度的层面研究教师的专业发展,提出建构教师专业共同体。本文以教师专业共同体理论为基础,分析教师的专业成长对专业共同体的诉求,立足于建立教师专业共同体的四大基石,阐述如何促进和支持教师专业共同体的成长。  相似文献   

To provide more insights into inconsistent findings on the relationship of organizational commitment to effectiveness, this study conducted a questionnaire survey among 188 academics in Beijing. Analysis of survey responses suggested that organizational commitment presented significant relationships to performance and effectiveness. These relationships varied with the nature of commitment dimensions. Besides, performance mediated the relationships of commitment dimensions to effectiveness in teaching and research. These relationships could be partly explained with faculty’s personal goals, available resources, perceptions of reward/effort balance, and the contribution of teaching and research activities to teaching outcome and research output. These findings enrich the literature by identifying performance as an intervening variable in the relationship of organizational commitment to effectiveness. Meanwhile, these findings provide practical implications for the promotion of Chinese academics’ teaching outcome and research output.  相似文献   

本研究采用组织承诺和工作满意度量表对全国6所高职院校864名教职员工进行测量,以了解高职院校教职员工组织承诺与工作满意度现状并探讨两者之间的关系。研究结果表明:高职院校教职员工组织承诺和工作满意度处于中等水平;工作满意度及各个维度与组织承诺及各个维度间存在不同程度的相关关系;管理人员工作满意度与组织承诺水平显著高于专职教师;民办院校教职员工工作满意度与组织承诺水平显著低于公办院校。  相似文献   

对439名企业员工进行问卷调查后发现:不论是国有企业还是民营企业,员工的整体工作满意度与整体组织承诺及其各雏度之间都呈显著的正相关。对于国有企业来说,外部和内部工作满意度对组织承诺均有显著性预测力;对于民营企业来说,只有外部工作满意度对组织承诺有显著的预测力。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether school climate and social–emotional learning impact teacher commitment. The sample included 664 public schoolteachers from British Columbia and Ontario in Canada. Participants completed an online questionnaire about teacher commitment, school climate, and social–emotional learning. Binary logistic regression analyses showed that positive school climates significantly predicted three forms of teacher commitment: greater general professional commitment, future professional commitment, and organizational commitment. Of the school climate variables, student relations and collaboration among staff predicted commitment. In addition, stronger beliefs and integration of social–emotional learning predicted two types of teacher commitment: greater general professional commitment and organizational commitment. Of the social–emotional learning variables, the support and promotion of a social–emotional learning culture across the school and comfort with and regular implementation of social–emotional learning in the classroom predicted greater teacher commitment. Implications for practice and research are discussed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

对转型发展典型高校X学院5名教师的扎根研究发现,教师转型是个体因素与组织因素良性互动的结果:教师出于对学校新办学理念、定位、目标等的认同和信任,形成较高组织承诺;在较高组织承诺推动或(和)组织支持拉动下,这些教师开启转型探索之路;在组织承诺支撑下,转型教师经过探索取得了一定转型效果,获得(更多的)组织支持,进而使转型向...  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the relationship between teacher empowerment and teachers’ organizational commitment, professional commitment (PC) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). It examines which subscales of teacher empowerment can best predict these outcomes. The data were collected through a questionnaire returned by a sample of 983 teachers in Israeli middle and high schools. Pearson correlations and multiple regression analyses indicated that teachers’ perceptions of their level of empowerment are significantly related to their feelings of commitment to the organization and to the profession, and to their OCBs. Among the six subscales of empowerment, professional growth, status and self-efficacy were significant predictors of organizational and PC, while decision-making, self-efficacy, and status were significant predictors of OCB. Practical implications of the study are discussed in relation to teachers, principals and policy-makers.  相似文献   

通过在成都、广州、深圳一些企业的实证研究,探讨组织承诺、工作满意度与关系绩效之间的关系,发现组织承诺三维度、工作满意度五维度与关系绩效两维度之间几乎都具有非常显著的相关关系;但是将工作满意度和组织承诺作为关系绩效的预测变量时,发现二者的因果关系非常不显著,因此推测工作满意度、组织承诺可能是关系绩效的前因中介变量或者调节变量。  相似文献   

为研究校长变革型领导力对教师组织承诺的直接影响,以及教师自我效能感在影响机制中的中介效应,本论文以多省市520名教师为对象,设计了校长变革型领导力、教师自我效能感、教师组织承诺三个量表,运用Amos23.0构建结构方程模型探索变量间作用机制,结合Bootstrap引入教师自我效能感这一中介变量进行验证分析。结果表明:校长变革型领导力、教师自我效能感对教师组织承诺都具有显著的积极影响;变革型领导力对教师自我效能感具有显著的积极影响;教师自我效能感在校长变革型领导力对教师组织承诺的影响关系中起到中介作用,即校长的变革型领导力部分通过教师的自我效能感对教师的组织承诺产生影响。  相似文献   

This study aims to describe organizational culture and commitment and to predict organizational commitment from organizational culture in Turkish primary schools. Organizational Culture Scale (İpek 1999) and Organizational Commitment Scale (Balay 2000) were used in the data gathering process. The data were collected from 415 primary teachers and analyzed to describe their organizational culture and organizational commitment perceptions by computing arithmetic means for each dimension constituting these scales. Moreover, the relationships between organizational culture and commitment perceptions were tried to be investigated through the regression analyses to predict the organizational commitment perceptions of primary teachers from their organizational culture perceptions. The study results revealed that primary school teachers perceived all four organizational culture dimensions at moderate levels, but they particularly perceived organizational commitment at internalization and identification levels. They rarely perceived organizational commitment at compliance level. The results revealed that organizational commitment at compliance level was predicted from power and role cultures, while organizational commitment at identification and internalization levels was predicted from achievement and support cultures.  相似文献   

The extent to which school neighbourhood affects teachers’ work commitment is poorly known. In the current study, we investigated whether school neighbourhood socio-economic characteristics predicted teachers’ organizational and professional commitment. Primary school teachers (n?=?1042) responded to surveys in 2000–2001 (baseline) and 2004 (follow-up). Their responses were linked to records of the school neighbourhood income and unemployment levels obtained from nationwide registers. Teachers working in areas with a high income level and low unemployment rate had longer job tenure and higher probability of organizational (school) commitment at follow-up compared to teachers working in areas with a low income level or high unemployment rate. Less consistent associations were found for professional commitment. These findings suggest that school neighbourhood characteristics may affect teachers’ work commitment, especially their organizational commitment. Further research is needed to determine whether this increases inequalities in children’s learning opportunities.  相似文献   


The concept of organizational health in teacher education programs is conceptualized and investigated. Eleven dimensions of organizational health in academia are identified and described. In addition, the current state of affairs regarding organizational health as recognized by the faculty and administration of 12 colleges/schools of education in the United States is described. Respondents felt most positive about the dimension of loyalty and commitment; the resource utilization dimension received the most negative organizational health rating. Demographic variables of age, gender, type of appointment (administrative or faculty), academic rank, number of years at the present institution, and tenure status were examined to determine whether they influenced perceptions of organizational health in teacher education programs. Type of appointment was the most influential factor on perceptions of organizational health; administrators had significantly higher perceptions than did nonadministrators on 10 of the 11 organizational health dimensions. Age was also found to be a significant factor on more than one‐half of the dimensions, and number of years at the institution influenced perceptions of three of the health dimensions.  相似文献   

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