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家庭是儿童获得文化资本的重要场所。家庭文化资源上的差异使得不同家庭的孩子获得的文化资本不同,影响他们对学校生活的适应和学业成就。学校教育在进行文化再生产的同时,也在进行社会再生产并使现有社会结构合法化。改革开放以后,教育制度作为社会分层的机制在日益突显和强化。这是我国学校教育中存在的不可回避的现实。  相似文献   

家庭是儿童获得文化资本的重要场所.家庭文化资源上的差异使得不同家庭的孩子获得的文化资本不同,影响他们对学校生活的适应和学业成就.学校教育在进行文化再生产的同时,也在进行社会再生产并使现有社会结构合法化.改革开放以后,教育制度作为社会分层的机制在日益突显和强化.这是我国学校教育中存在的不可回避的现实.  相似文献   

学校教育是维持形式上教育平等的意识形态,实质上是再生产不平等社会结构的重要途径.课程作为教育的内容,作为合法化的文化,在文化再生产过程中起到举足轻重的作用,在造成社会不平等方面充当重要角色.  相似文献   

义务教育择校:利益相关者视角下的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前择校问题成为义务教育中的一大难题,其核心原因是作为义务教育择校中直接利益相关者,地方政府、学校、教职工和学生及其家长在择校行为中形成了一种互惠的利益关系,并在追求利益过程中运行着择校活动。择校活动损害了义务教育均衡发展的目标,解决义务教育择校活动的策略是,理顺利益相关者之间的关系,归复应有的公平契约地位,建立有效的治理机制。  相似文献   

义务教育择校:利益相关者视角下的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前择校问题成为义务教育中的一大难题,其核心原因是作为义务教育择校中直接利益相关者,地方政府、学校、教职工和学生及其家长在择校行为中形成了一种互惠的利益关系,并在追求利益过程中运行着择校活动。择校活动损害了义务教育均衡发展的目标,解决义务教育择校活动的策略是,理顺利益相关者之间的关系,归复应有的公平契约地位。建立有效的治理机制。  相似文献   

课程作为文化资本反映了谁的文化资本在起作用、文化资本是怎样传递的、以及其合法化的课程权力的行为魔力。课程话语生产场域的权力、利益与不平等的本质赋予了其封闭的特性,并在生产、传递与转换的过程中产生了各种区隔。建立合理的话语生产的利益分摊机制、构建主体互动的平台和赋权增能实践的话语生产场域是规避其区隔的合理策略。  相似文献   

身份现象作为中国社会的一种传统行为和传统文化的积淀现象,今天依然深刻地影响着中国社会成员的行为方式。身份现象能够“再生产”出社会关系、社会互动模式等社会现象,能够带来价值增值,从这种意义上讲,身份是一种资源,是一种社会资本。在现代中国社会中,身份意识、身份情结促生了身份的社会资本属性,并且作为一种潜在的行为规则体系长时间、持续地影响着中国人的日常生活,对身份的研究有利于构建和谐的社会秩序。  相似文献   

择校不仅是一种社会现象,也是一种文化现象。每种社会现象都可追寻到其在历史文化背景中衍生的根源。本文拟对择校需求产生的文化心理追本溯源,重点从中国文化传统中的官本位文化、重道轻器文化、面子文化以及人情文化来解析家长们的择校心理,揭示其背后深刻的文化作用机理。现实中它们不是泾渭分明的,而是通过相互交融、相互渗透共同推进着家长们的择校需求。家长之所以择校,也是因为一定的利益诉求,而每一种文化也都体现着家长对自身利益的追求。  相似文献   

学校教育存在着文化再生产现象,这是形成我国城乡教育差异的文化因素。学校教育通过以下几方面实现文化再生产:学校教育是一种符号暴力;学校通过符号暴力实现文化再生产;从文化再生产到社会再生产;合法化。  相似文献   

义务教育均衡发展的社会资本障碍及其政府治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以追求教育公平为主旨的义务教育均衡发展既是一种政策取向,也是一种教育实践。目前,人们更关注义务教育的非均衡发展状态、成因及其治理问题。不同时期不同的生产方式、政策选择和制度安排是形成义务教育区域之间、城乡之间和校际之间差异的历史原因和现实原因。义务教育非均衡发展的直接后果是导致非规范性择校行为的发生。在择校过程中,家庭和学校社会资本的力量日益突出,其负向功能被诱发,破坏了就近入学政策,加剧了家庭与家庭之间、学校与学校之间社会资本的分化,损害了教育公平价值。由此,我们提出政府对于消除社会资本障碍的方向性建议:通过合理的政策选择和制度安排,在义务教育学校资源配置均衡的基础上,降低家庭社会资本在教育选择中的作用,建设学校社会资本发挥作用的良性竞争环境,从而治理目前部分家庭、学校社会资本参与择校所引发的社会问题。  相似文献   

Situating in the different social, political and cultural contexts of schooling in China, which is more embedded in mixed neoliberal value, authoritarian state control and collective morality, we use a somewhat different theoretical angle to understand the process of ‘learning to labour’ and the reproduction of working class at school and at work. Our study extends the horizon of Willis’ analysis of cultural reproduction at school by seriously analysing students’ work experiences through their internship at the site of production. Taking a sociological rather than cultural analysis approach, we re-conceptualize working-class agency embedded in a double contradiction of schooling as a site of contestation. This double contradiction is generated by conflicting experiences caused by inevitable conflicts among the three spheres of material production, social reproduction and cultural reproduction in educating ideal labour subjects to serve the state, market and family, providing fertile soil for re-negotiating working-class solidarity.  相似文献   

School choice in China is a parent-initiated bottom-up movement characterised by the payment of a substantial ??choice fee?? to the desired school, and parents?? positional competition through the use of cultural, social and economic capital, before and during the school choice process. This study demonstrates that Chinese middle class parents?? cultural capital and their efforts to help their children to accumulate cultural capital through after-school activities greatly increase their positional advantage in the competitive school admission process in China. The Chinese practice of acquiring cultural capital outside the family has to some extent extended the development of Bourdieu??s cultural reproduction theory. The widespread practice of such actions by middle class families clearly illustrates how cultural capital can be used to maintain social stratification by perpetuating educational inequalities that lead to unequal life opportunities for differently schooled people.  相似文献   

文化再生产视角下,我国城乡教育在儿童入学前家庭文化资本、入学后学校教育文化资本等方面存在明显的差异,这些差异通过教育中的文化再生产而引起社会再生产和再分配。教育的这种隐性文化再生产功能强化了我国城乡的二元结构,在创造公平机会的同时又在制造着公平机会内的不公平。因此,如何最大程度地创建公平合理的教育制度,为农村儿童构建趋于平等的教育竞争环境,促进社会公平的实现,是教育必须考虑的问题。  相似文献   

This article explores how a formal state examination system operates as a tool which enables the cultural reproduction of the middle classes in an increasingly market-driven education system in Ireland. It is based on a study of a group of final-year girls approaching the high-stakes terminal Leaving Certificate examination. The success of this reproduction is based on a mutually beneficial partnership between the school and the parents, which ultimately benefits the students. The article examines how the school is successful in this competitive education market place and in upholding the middle-class nature of schooling. The structures of the school also empower parents and students to enhance privilege and academic success. The article concludes by considering the continuing relevance of Bourdieu to social reproduction in education.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature has begun to explore the individual identities, motivations, and school choices of middle-class, typically white, parents who choose to reside in socioeconomically and racially mixed central city neighborhoods. Drawing on qualitative research in three US cities, we argue that a focus on middle-class parents’ collective engagement in schooling is particularly important in under-resourced urban contexts. In these environments, we show, middle-class parents’ use of social networks often extends beyond basic information-sharing about school quality to encompass a range of activities undertaken with other families ‘like them’ who have also chosen to enroll their children in an urban public school. We find that, in some instances, middle-class parents’ collective actions can benefit an entire class or school. Yet in other instances, their activation of social capital can contribute to processes of social reproduction in urban schooling by excluding or marginalizing low-income students and their families.  相似文献   

本文借鉴保罗·威利斯的研究进路,在描述民工子弟校学生同辈群体的静态结构和动态机制的基础上,探究当前农民工子弟群体的文化生产过程.研究发现,虽然没有突破阶级的社会再生产,但农民工子弟在丰富多样的同辈群体活动中,自主、能动地生产出其具有鲜明特征的群体文化.这种文化以“义”的精神为核心,包括平等的义气伦理和不平等的差序体验双重维度,通过意义—规则—行动三个层面的洗礼,这一群体有望实现其相对完整而特有的社会化过程.正是在这种群体文化的影响下,农民工子弟在意识和微观层面主动放弃了学业,而在结构和宏观上造成社会再生产的结果.  相似文献   

关于教育、文化和阶层分化的研究中,最典型的是以布尔迪厄为代表的文化再生产理论,其暗含教育作为一种符号暴力,正在帮助中上阶层实现文化再生产,从而成为社会分化和阶层固化的隐形手段。在布尔迪厄理论思想发展和盛行的过程中,也引起了迪马乔、伯纳德、科尔曼等人的对话和论争,这种论争试图打破文化再生产理论的绝对性色彩,将社会客观事实之外个体的文化流动性、交互性、能动性等纳入考量范围。在文化再生产理论发展的时代对话和理论对垒中,对当代文化再生产可能性的探究将为教育与阶层流动的适切性、本土性和发展性等提供重要依据。  相似文献   

The paper reflects upon the principles and practice of an alternative educational system operating in rural Mexico in the light of Bourdieu’s theory of cultural and social reproduction. Bourdieu’s theory seeks to explain processes of reproduction of power relations within schools and society; whereas alternative educational systems seek to expand educational access in deprived areas in order to counteract processes of social inequality. The paper argues that, although Bourdieu’s theory does not fully explain the gradual inclusion of more people from disadvantaged backgrounds into education through alternative educational systems, processes of social reproduction in deprived communities still occur mainly because of lack of state support after primary school level, and a shortage of better infrastructure and opportunities for this sector of the population. Since the widespread upward educational and class mobility of the rural poor has not yet been achieved, the paper concludes that the processes of cultural and social reproduction continue despite the introduction of alternative educational systems.  相似文献   

Sociology of education in Norway has traditionally been preoccupied with the classic problems related to education and the reproduction of social inequality. As the general social scientific and political focus on inequality decreased, the sociology of education also became less visible. At the same time, the sociology of youth evolved, and brought with it a shift from theories of reproduction towards theories of individualization and cultural detachment. New challenges for sociology of education are also discussed. These are related to the educational system's position as the main socialization arena for young people, as well as new developments within educational policy, and thus within school. What kind of identities are “produced” within the educational system?  相似文献   

This article explores the academic and social experiences of Chicago and black students at UCLA. The analysis proceeds by examining differences in social backgrounds, high school and college experiences, and explores the relationship between these factors and college adjustment and achievement (GPA). Drawing upon recent theory on class reproduction and schooling we show particular concern with the role of social class in explaining differential outcomes. The findings indicate that blacks are more likely than Chicanos to feel alienated and perform poorly, and that social class makes no difference in these outcomes for blacks. However, middle class Chicanos perform better and are better adjusted than working class Chicanos. We discuss our findings in the light of theories of class reproduction, cultural capital, and racial signaling, suggesting that theories of reproduction must acknowledge the role of race in unequal school outcomes.  相似文献   

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