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物理受力分析的正确实施方法,“确定受力对象”是受力分析的出发点;找准每一个力是受力分析的关键点;选择适当的受力分析方法;受力分析的思维顺序;正确画出物体受力示意图;受力分析的审查.  相似文献   

受力分析个数的判断对于高中学生是个难点,原因是学生面对复杂的受力情况时无法通盘考虑,分析不够周密。在受力分析中使用表格可以帮助学生建立复杂的受力因素之间的联系,使得物体与物体、力与力之间的关系简单直观。笔者在实际的教学中发现在受力分析中使用表格可以大大提高受力分析的准确性。本文讲述表格的作用以及如何在分析受力个数的过程中使用表格。  相似文献   

本文通过举例阐述了物体受力分析方法、受力分析的步骤和受力分析时应注意的事项。  相似文献   

张寰 《现代企业教育》2014,(20):371-371
探究工程力学中的受力问题是解决力学问题的重要环节,同时也是工科类大学开设的专业课中的重要内容。正确地分析构件的受力对后续具有重大意义,受力分析包括载荷设计和尺寸设计等重要工作,所以,分析工程力学中的受力问题能够为人们许多工作和生活带来便利,另外,分析工程力学中的受力问题还能增强学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。本文主要概述工程力学的相关知识,综述工程力学中的受力分析问题。  相似文献   

受力分析在力学中是一个重点内容,它是力的合成与分解,以及学生将来在高中学习牛顿运动定律和共点力作用下物体的平衡的基础,但是课本中又很少单独涉及,所以许多学生对这一点掌握得不是很好.受力分析顾名思义就是分析物体的受力情况,而往往摆在我们面前的都不只一个物体,所以受力分析的第一步得先确定目标,也就是对谁进行受力分析.下面重点分析两个物体同时受力的情况.  相似文献   

对物体进行受力分析,是解决力学乃至电磁学问题的基础和必要环节。受力分析贯穿于整个高中物理的学习过程中,所以熟练掌握受力分析的方法,并在解决各种问题时正确进行受力分析,就显得尤为必要。  相似文献   

受力分析是解决力学问题的前提和关键,渗透于高中物理各重要章节之中,往往是学生综合能力的体现。在一些平衡和动力学问题中,如果受力分析出现差错,则必将导致解题失败。怎样才能在受力分析中做到准确无误?这除了要明确受力分析的基本要求、了解受力分析的基本顺序、掌握各种力的产生条件和方向特征外,  相似文献   

物体的运动状态。是由它的受力情况决定的.因此,对物体进行正确的受力分析是解决力学问题的关键。而要迅速准确地分析物体的受力情况。就必须掌握受力分析的各种方法.受力分析的方法很多。现总结如下:  相似文献   

受力分析是初中物理力学板块的基础,也是学好力学的必备技能.对物体所处状态的正确认识必须依靠科学的受力分析作理论依据,同时科学的受力分析是以题设中所呈现的物体状态为前提.显然,对物体所处运动状态的定性描述与受力分析技能两者相辅相成,受力分析为定量求解与定性分析提供了具体的解决途径,该过程中始终以牛顿第一定律为方法论指导,为正确认识物理的受力状况提供了具体的理论原则,本文从典型实例出发,阐述了复杂问题中惯性定律对物体受力分析的指导作用,供广大学子参考.  相似文献   

受力分析是整个物理学的基础,它贯穿于力学,热学、电磁学各部分。如同数学运算中的来法口诀。正确对研究对象进行受力分析,相当于成功解决了问题的一半。若受力分析出错,则“满盘皆输”。同学们在学习中,往往对物体受力分析感到困难,经常出错。就此,本文对受力分析做一下说明。  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of a digital video created by a student (age 13) in a classroom setting. Since sign functioning is a key focus in theories of meaning making as it occurs through language and through other modes, my analysis focuses on the relations between signifiers as they are inscribed in her video. This analysis explores new ways to use a theory of signification as a lens for considering, interpreting, and conceptualizing student video creations. My analysis focuses on how the focal student’s video is constituted by signifiers (gestural, actional, object, and spoken) that are arranged into chains of signifiers. These signifiers come into relation, combination, and association with one another across varying degrees of difference and similarity, both delimiting and opening up their possible meaning potentials. This analysis provides a heuristic that offers a signifier-based method of interpreting student-created digital videos, conceptualizing them as composed of signifiers drawn from across modes. This study also offers ways to recognize how creative or novel uses of the medium involve complex semiotic association and dissociation processes occurring in multiple modes.  相似文献   

Arguments concerning the generality and statistical analysis of single-subject data are evaluated. Consideration is also given to the role that philosophy of science can play in evaluating research methodology. From this background, single-subject data emerge as a unique phenomenon with special relevance for psychologists and educators who focus on the individual. Statistical techniques for analyzing an individual's data are found to have numerous limitations. Furthermore, critiques of visual analysis yield analogous arguments against inferential statistics. Philosophy of science has proven a poor touchstone for evaluating scientific methodology. Instead, it is best at placing philosophical foundations under already constructed methods and theories.  相似文献   

考察分维、分形和混沌概念的发展与现状 ,通过对这些概念的分析 ,研究它们所蕴含的物理哲学含义  相似文献   


The ability of cognitive, affective, personality, and demographic variables to predict second-language acquisition among college students was investigated. An all possible subsets regression analysis was used to compare the proportion of variance in foreign-language achievement explained by each variable. The analysis revealed that variables from each of the 4 domains were important predictors of foreign-language achievement. Overall, academic achievement, as measured by GPA average, was the best predictor, explaining 11.5% of the variance in foreign-language achievement. Foreign-language anxiety, the next best predictor, explained 10.5% of the variance. The educational implications of these findings for understanding foreign-language achievement are discussed, along with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This paper conjoins Derrida's analysis of aporia and boderlines with Foucault's genealogical sensibilities to rethink the attribution of recent events in education to globalisation. Three analytical domains are linked to historicise student-teacher interaction: studies of pedagogical techniques, sociological analyses of the state, and philosophical conceptions of Being and desire. This confluence of domains makes apparent multiple efforts to transgress noncrossable borders in educational work, suggesting new conceptualisations of justice and ethical responsibility in the analysis of classroom life.  相似文献   

Drawing upon five recent studies, this essay provides a summary analysis of the assessment of academic quality of doctoral programs in physical education. Specifically, the analysis focuses on 12 rankings of doctoral programs and examines them in terms of three methodological issues: subjective versus objective measures, measures of quantity versus measures of quality, and single versus multiple measures. In conclusion, two composite rankings of the academic quality of doctoral programs are given, and recommendations are made for future quality assessment studies in physical education.  相似文献   

在这篇短文里,我将比较Huw Price([7])和我本人([9])关于否定的对称性处理的两种不同方式,并与Robert Brandom关于承诺、资格和不相容性的分析进行对比.这两种方式都可以归为Brandom所谓的规范语用学,是一种关于意义的语义学反实在论:语汇的含义是由人们的受规则支配(即规范的)的语用实践(语用学)予以明确的.这样的处理不同于直觉主义者的语义学反实在论,因为它提供了一种方式,使得我们可以区分"A"和"A得以保证"的推理意义.尽管"证明"具有某种中心地位,但"实证"并不是意义的首要承载者.而这种区分植根于对人们语用实践的细致分析.一方面,根据Price以及我本人的看法,人们既做断定也做否定:另一方面,Brandom则区分了自上而下的承诺与自下而上的资格,以及据此而定义的不相容性概念.本文考察这些不同进路之间的各种关联,并讨论从这些考察中浮现出的一种关于证明的看法.  相似文献   

In an era of curricular accountability where everything from reading and math scores to body fat are events to be assembled, scrutinized, and standardized, the health‐conscious school plays an ever‐important role in community and the nation (or so we are told). This qualitative study analyzes interviews with school leaders in their role in creating educational policies that encourage students and their families to make health a priority. Theoretically, the work draws on the work of Foucault, specifically his writings on the governance of society and the self. The analysis reveals the ways in which notions of good health and how this should be achieved became, at this school, a basis for social evaluation and control. In performing this analysis I seek to problematize the enactment of school health policy as ideologically neutral, necessarily liberating, and inherently benevolent.  相似文献   

Detecting,understanding, and controlling for cheating on tests   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Recent research and practice in detecting and controlling for cheating on objective tests are reviewed briefly, and results of a small survey of attitudes and practices concerning cheating are summarized. Two computer programs, Cheat-1 and Cheat-2, prepared by the writer to detect cheating by error-similarity analysis procedures, are described. The use of multiple answer-sheet forms and success with this method in controlling for cheating on classroom tests are described. Other matters concerned with cheating, such as cheating by teachers to improve students' scores, are also considered.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence indicates that self-efficacy, task value, anxiety, and the use of language learning strategies are related. However, there is currently an insufficient understanding about their relations in high-stakes testing contexts. The author aimed to investigate how well social factors, test value, anxiety, test performance, and learning strategies predict high school students' self-efficacy in preparing for the English listening test as part of the University Entrance Examination in Taiwan. This research involved a large-scale questionnaire survey and a collection of students' English test scores. The participants were 636 students in Grade 12 of high school in Taiwan. A quantitative analysis of the questionnaire was conducted via hierarchical regression analysis. The results show that students' recent English test performance and test anxiety were two strong predictors of self-efficacy in preparing for the high-stakes test. In addition, resource management and metacognitive listening strategies had better predictive power over prior English level and test value.  相似文献   

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