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基于认知心理学理论,结合建构主义的优势,对传统的分子生物学的教学模式进行改革和探索。由于分子生物学课程体系庞大,知识点繁多且抽象,易使学生对其产生厌倦感,影响学习兴趣。我们通过在教学改革实践中依据课程内容特点,随机选择试点班级进行构建主义教学模式探索,教师采用引导学生进入课程主体,培养学生的主动参与自我构建,增强学生的综合素质的教学模式,使得实验班与对照班相比,在分子生物学的期末考试成绩上有显著提高(P<0.05)。因此,科学、合理的分子生物学教学体系,对培养适应现代生命科学技术发展需求、适应市场发展需要的生物技术创新人才具有重要意义,值得应用和大力推广。  相似文献   

Wiki技术为远程在线学习开展实质性协作学习与协作知识共建提供了有力支撑,基于Wiki的CKB质量分析模型,将协作知识构建分为知识共享、知识联结、知识收敛三个阶段。通过案例研究,可以得出结论:基于Wiki的CKB以知识分享为主,知识联结阶段学生倾向于知识同化、;知识收敛阶段学生忽略反思和迁移。协作知识构建水平受CKB构建策略和技术水平的影响。可以从CKB的社会性认知过程、技能和情感三个方面搭建“脚手架”。  相似文献   

We transformed our first-year curriculum in biology with a new course, Biological Inquiry, in which >50% of all incoming, first-year students enroll. The course replaced a traditional, content-driven course that relied on outdated approaches to teaching and learning. We diversified pedagogical practices by adopting guided inquiry in class and in labs, which are devoted to building authentic research skills through open-ended experiments. Students develop core biological knowledge, from the ecosystem to molecular level, and core skills through regular practice in hypothesis testing, reading primary literature, analyzing data, interpreting results, writing in disciplinary style, and working in teams. Assignments and exams require higher-order cognitive processes, and students build new knowledge and skills through investigation of real-world problems (e.g., malaria), which engages students’ interest. Evidence from direct and indirect assessment has guided continuous course revision and has revealed that compared with the course it replaced, Biological Inquiry produces significant learning gains in all targeted areas. It also retains 94% of students (both BA and BS track) compared with 79% in the majors-only course it replaced. The project has had broad impact across the entire college and reflects the input of numerous constituencies and close collaboration among biology professors and students.  相似文献   

职业教育推进工学结合的制度保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王霞 《职业技术教育》2007,28(31):28-31
建立健全我国工学结合的制度保障体系,应修改完善《职业教育法》,明晰工学结合人才培养模式的法律地位;建立健全政策激励机制,提高企业持续参与工学结合人才培养的积极性;建立与教学和就业指导有机联系的工学结合模式运作机制;建立多渠道资金投入体系和职业教育学生资助制度;职业院校必须在合同基础上实施工学结合人才培养模式。  相似文献   

馆藏建设是图书馆的一项核心工作。目前我国高校图书馆在馆藏建设方面仍存在着一些问题,如资金浪费、馆藏文献利用率偏低、馆藏维护意识僵化等。应当从建立保障制度、兼顾教学与科研需求以及关注重点学科建设与发展等几方面入手,解决现存问题,以确保馆藏建设的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

Although molecular-level details are part of the upper-secondary biology curriculum in most countries, many studies report that students fail to connect molecular knowledge to phenomena at the level of cells, organs and organisms. Recent studies suggest that students lack a framework to reason about complex systems to make this connection. In this paper, we present a framework that could help students to reason back and forth between cells and molecules. It represents both the general type of explanation in molecular biology and the research strategies scientists use to find these explanations. We base this framework on recent work in the philosophy of science that characterizes explanations in molecular biology as mechanistic explanations. Mechanistic explanations describe a phenomenon in terms of the entities involved, the activities displayed and the way these entities and activities are organized. We conclude that to describe cellular phenomena scientists use entities and activities at multiple levels between cells and molecules. In molecular biological research, scientists use heuristics based on these intermediate levels to construct mechanistic explanations. They subdivide a cellular activity into hypothetical lower-level activities (top-down approaches) and they predict and test the organization of macromolecules into functional modules that play a role in higher-level activities (bottom-up approaches). We suggest including molecular mechanistic reasoning in biology education and we identify criteria for designing such education. Education using molecular mechanistic reasoning can build on common intuitive reasoning about mechanisms. The heuristics that scientists use can help students to apply this intuitive notion to the levels in between molecules and cells.  相似文献   

数学解题中重视数学模型化方法对培养学生的能力是十分有意义的。不少复杂问题,如果有意识地引导学生从题目的特点出发,恰当地构建数学模型,不仅能在解题时另辟蹊径、避繁就简,而且还能培养学生的数学建模能力。  相似文献   

电大改革只有抓住专业建设和学科建设这根主线,才能够培养专业教师团队,提升教学质量,“办好开放大学”。省电大应瞄准开放大学建设目标,在“十二五”期间建成本科专业的基本发展构架,形成自主开办本科专业的能力,在此基础上经过巩固提高,力争在“十三五”期间建成一些研究生层次的专业。这样,省电大将成为办学层次基本完备、具有开展完整的学历教育能力的真正意义上的大学,获得自我生长的、可持续发展的能力,更好地为全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会提供高质量的教育服务。  相似文献   

Business students taking data mining classes are often introduced to artificial neural networks (ANN) through point and click navigation exercises in application software. Even if correct outcomes are obtained, students frequently do not obtain a thorough understanding of ANN processes. This spreadsheet model was created to illuminate the roles of the following ANN parameters: weights, learning rates, threshold functions, and transformation functions. The spreadsheet ANN model project is given early in the semester, just after ANN is introduced. Students can see effects of ANN parameters as they make changes to spreadsheet model inputs, greatly enhancing discussion of ANN processes. After working with the spreadsheet model, students have expressed an appreciation for decisions based on patterns of historic data, and they like the ability to peek “behind the curtain” at processes of predictive software packages.  相似文献   

We designed an interrupted case study to teach aerobic cellular respiration to major and nonmajor biology students. The case is based loosely on a real-life incident of rotenone poisoning. It places students in the role of a coroner who must determine the cause of death of the victim. The case is presented to the students in four parts. Each part is followed by discussion questions that the students answer in small groups prior to a classwide discussion. Successive parts of the case provide additional clues to the mystery and help the students focus on the physiological processes involved in aerobic respiration. Students learn the information required to solve the mystery by reading the course textbook prior to class, listening to short lectures interspersed throughout the case, and discussing the case in small groups. The case ends with small group discussions in which the students are given the names and specific molecular targets of other poisons of aerobic respiration and asked to determine which process (i.e., glycolysis, citric acid cycle, or the electron transport chain) the toxin disrupts.  相似文献   

第二课堂作为第一课堂教学的有益补充,是提高医学生综合素质与能力的有效途径,也是培养创新型医学人才的有效途径和实践平台。以第二课堂为平台的医学生创新创业教育模式存在着目标定位不清晰、与专业教育分离、理论与实践脱节等问题。通过明晰人才培养目标、营造校园文化、融合专业教育、重视科研创新、搭建实践平台等途径,有助于构建有效的以第二课堂为平台的医学生创新创业教育模式,提升医学生的创新创业能力。  相似文献   

通识拓展课程是通识教育理念的一种实践模式,它是对通识课程的延伸和拓展。梳理第二课堂联课活动和第三课堂课外活动,构建统一化、规范化、科学化的通识拓展课程体系,设置课程标准,明确培养目标、学生核心能力、子课程的设置、教学计划以及教学目的、内容、过程、方法、成果和评价方式等,是通识拓展课程组织实施的关键。通识拓展课程实现了教学工作与学生工作的融合,增强了学生的获得感,打造了校园文化品牌,是高职院校践行立德树人宗旨,实现学生德智体美劳全面发展的有效路径。  相似文献   

辅导员作为大学生健康成长的指导者和引路人,他们的心理健康情况将直接影响思想政治教育工作的效果。情绪是带给人们快乐或者痛苦的重要心理现象,人需要进行情绪管理。辅导员面对复杂性、突发性和边缘化的工作现状,面对超负荷的工作压力与迷茫的职业发展前景,容易产生消极情绪,不利于思想政治教育工作的开展。因此,当前高校应重视辅导员的心理健康情况,关注辅导员的情绪发展特征,完善学校对辅导员的关心支持系统,促进辅导员掌握积极的情绪管理能力。  相似文献   

本文首先论述了大学出版社在我国科教兴国中的重要作用;进而提出加强大学出版社的企业文化建设是提高大学出版社面对我国加入WTO后的竞争力的核心要素;最后,以清华大学出版社的企业文化建设为案例说明了大学出版社如何进行企业文化建设。  相似文献   

教学与科研良性互动 培养创新人才   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培养创新型人才是建设创新型国家、提升高校核心竞争力、提高学生就业创业能力的必然要求。安徽理工大学立足于学校发展实际,多管齐下,积极推动学校人才培养模式改革,取得了良好成效。其措施包括:积极推进教学改革,构建与创新型人才培养相适应的教学体系;提高教师自我创新能力,加强创新型师资队伍建设;教学科研良性互动,为创新人才培养营造学术氛围;构建校园创新文化氛围,强化创新人才培养的内在动力。  相似文献   

While researching student assumptions for the development of the Biology Concept Inventory (BCI; http://bioliteracy.net), we found that a wide class of student difficulties in molecular and evolutionary biology appears to be based on deep-seated, and often unaddressed, misconceptions about random processes. Data were based on more than 500 open-ended (primarily) college student responses, submitted online and analyzed through our Ed's Tools system, together with 28 thematic and think-aloud interviews with students, and the responses of students in introductory and advanced courses to questions on the BCI. Students believe that random processes are inefficient, whereas biological systems are very efficient. They are therefore quick to propose their own rational explanations for various processes, from diffusion to evolution. These rational explanations almost always make recourse to a driver, e.g., natural selection in evolution or concentration gradients in molecular biology, with the process taking place only when the driver is present, and ceasing when the driver is absent. For example, most students believe that diffusion only takes place when there is a concentration gradient, and that the mutational processes that change organisms occur only in response to natural selection pressures. An understanding that random processes take place all the time and can give rise to complex and often counterintuitive behaviors is almost totally absent. Even students who have had advanced or college physics, and can discuss diffusion correctly in that context, cannot make the transfer to biological processes, and passing through multiple conventional biology courses appears to have little effect on their underlying beliefs.  相似文献   

The use of writing groups to support students undertaking post-graduate research within universities has begun to receive attention from academic supervisors and doctoral researchers. Very little has been written by doctoral students themselves on the benefits of working within such writing groups. In this article, the experiences of working within a doctoral writing group at an Australian University are presented, primarily from the perspective of students. The authors identify two main benefits they have experienced through participating in a writing group using a ‘multi-voiced’ approach. First, they discuss the kind of learning that they achieved through working in a writing group. They do this with reference to key principles of peer learning and of peer review. Second, they focus on the ways the group worked as a community of discursive social practice. An overarching message for them in participating in the group and now writing this article is the shift in their thinking and experience of writing from seeing writing as an essentially private and implicit process to writing becoming a matter of public and shared work. These two notions are bound by the concept of identity building, drawing from the literature on communities of practice.  相似文献   

通过认知高校幸福文化的内涵之构成,了解构建其现实途径,必将促进高校在幸福文化的建设中提升办学水平,进而将能使学生学习充满热情,对自我充满信心,对未来充满希望;也能使教师感受到教学的快乐,体悟到教师职业的光荣与神圣。探讨高校幸福文化内涵及其构建符合建设和谐社会的基本宗旨,其理论与实践意义重大。  相似文献   

实践性知识是教师发展的基础。信息技术使教与学的方式更加多样化,也为学生获得各种知识拓宽了渠道,高师应充分利用信息技术在教学中帮助师范生建构实践性知识。基于信息技术建构师范生实践性知识的途径为:以课程网站进行案例教学,以微格模拟训练强化师范生实践能力,以博客群组创建学习共同体,通过"日志"促进师范生实践反思,利用信息技术开展实践性学习,以电子档案袋对师范生进行真实性发展性评价。同时应充分发挥教师的指导作用,正确处理理论性知识和实践性知识的关系,正确对待信息技术在建构学生实践性知识中的作用。  相似文献   

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