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美育与脑科学的结合是培养新型人才的需要,它们的结合有三方面作用:一是大脑两侧功能研究与美育特有的“开发右脑”的作用;二是大脑皮质调节包括杏仁核在内的边缘系统机制对美育的启示;三是脑内吗啡肽的研究对美育作用认识的深化。  相似文献   

In recent years the infant's ability to recognize facial expressions of emotion has attracted considerable attention from developmental psychologists. The rationale guiding much of this research has been that this ability plays an important role in later socioemotional development. In the present article, the research relating to this topic is reviewed and synthesized. It is concluded that the recognition of facial expressions develops slowly over the first 2 years of life, and that even at the end of the second year the infant's understanding of facial expressions is still quite rudimentary. Following this review is a discussion of 2 unresolved issues regarding the development of this ability. 1 issue relates to the biological/experimental basis on which the ability to recognize facial expressions develops. Research with primates is brought to bear on this point, and useful analogues with human infants are sought. From this research it is suggested that a component of the ability to recognize facial expressions is unlearned, although experience of some as yet undetermined nature affects this biological readiness. The second issue relates to the possible neurological mechanisms that mediate this ability. Research with primates, normal adults, and brain damaged adults is used to support the speculation that a posterior region of the right hemisphere is responsible for mediating the recognition of facial expressions.  相似文献   

This research investigated the relationship between cognitive mode of functions, school grades, behaviour problems, untidiness and impulsiveness. Right ear dominance was not significant compared to the left ear dominance in music. Music was significant when subjects were left ear (right hemisphere) dominants (REAHD) and right eye (left hemisphere) dominants (LEYHD) had better grades compared to all left eye (right hemisphere) dominants at the 0.016<0.05 level. But also (REAHD)‐(LEYHD) had even better grades when compared to left eye and left ear dominance (right hemisphere) T‐test 0.001, and also with left ear hemisphere and right eye dominance 0.024 < 0.05. Mathematics and language were not statistically significant with SOLAT and conjugated lateral eye‐movement. The OKKIE questionnaire (untidiness, impulsiveness and behaviour problems) on the whole was not statistically significant, but the right hemisphere dominants were the only ones who scored the highest in many questions from the OKKIE questionnaire in behaviour problems and impulsiv‐ity either with SOLAT or lateral eye‐movement test from the 0.0569 to 0.0900 level, and thinking loud was significant to the 0.05 level. When the subjects were regrouped — left with SOLAT and right with conjugated lateral eye‐movement, and right with SOLAT and integrated with conjugated lateral eye‐movement — the mean scores were meaningful in religion and music. In technical/manual work, they had the worst mean scores compared to other combinations.  相似文献   

藏族民族地区的语文教学带有浓厚的民族教育特色,如何做好其中的创新教育工作是当今的一项重要研究课题。本文通过对以甘孜州为例的藏族民族地区的语文教学现状的简要分析,对藏族民族地区如何在语文教学中进行创新教育提出几点相关建议。  相似文献   

The difference between left and right hemisphere activity is proposed as defining two opposite modes for the organization of contextual connections between elements of information. According to the results of psychophysiological investigations, it is suggested that the “freedom” displayed by the isolated left hemisphere in manipulating information is due to the loss of multidimensional connections between objects. The ability to grasp such connections by the right hemisphere determines the richness of its mental activity and permits creativity. The peculiarity of the creative activity of schizophrenics is discussed and is considered to be a consequence of functional insufficiency of right hemisphere activity.  相似文献   

探讨学前教育学的研究对象就是要回答学前教育学研究什么的问题.学前教育学的研究对象界定经历了"规律说--现象说--现象及规律说--综合说"的转变过程.从科学哲学、教育学与学前教育学的关系来看,把学前教育问题定为学前教育学的研究对象是比较适宜的.这一界定有利于指导当前学前教育事业的发展,有利于确立以"问题取向"为主的研究范式,有利于构建具有中国特色和中国风格的学前教育理论体系.  相似文献   

教育公正视野下的成人教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育公正是社会公正的一部分,它给予研究成人教育一个新的视野。研究教育公正视野下的成人教育,阐明教育公正和成人教育之间的关系是基础;从教育对象的特殊性、受教育权利的补偿性、教育目标的全面性来说明教育公正视野下成人教育的合理性;基于前面的论述,最后提出从实现受教育权利、关注个体生命、展示自由个性说明教育公正视野下成人教育的回归。  相似文献   

从教育法学上看,受教育权是学生应享有的景根本的权利,是生存权和发展权的基础.不管从反映本质特点的概念性定义考察,还是从实践层面的操作性定义考察,只有以受教育者潜能开发为本位的素质教育,才能使受教育者充分地享有受教育权.  相似文献   

美国经济学家米尔顿.弗里德曼首次提出了教育券理论。其后詹克斯对教育券理论进行了完善,他主张教育券应帮助低收入家庭学生克服困难、完成学业。而1990年的"密尔沃基家长择校计划"则是美国民众将教育券理论运用到教育实际的率先实践。美国教育券理论研究的成果和实践经验,可为我国义务教育的均衡发展提供借鉴。深入挖掘教育券理论的价值,探讨我国流动儿童进入城市公立学校、享有平等义务教育权的可行性,以及用教育券资助西部地区、贫困农村寄宿制中小学学生生活费的操作策略,对促进我国义务教育的均衡发展具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

对学生外语学习的认识,应当从法律的外语权角度加以重新认识:学生外语学习权是我国每一个学生的基本权利。本文斌从学校教育体系角度入手对外语权制度进行研究,目的在于为国家外语权制度的构建抛砖引玉。从而为熏缚建立适合我国国情的外语权制度奠定基础。  相似文献   

随着中国民主法制建设日趋完善,教育法学的理论和实践的研究成为教育研究的重点,惩戒权是教育法学研究的热点。本文通过分析惩戒在高等学校教育中的价值及高等学校教育中惩戒的现状,探讨高等学校教育中过度惩戒中的救济问题及防止惩戒过度的几点思考,来自学校层面的过度惩戒可以通过申诉、行政诉讼获得权利救济;来自教师个体的过度惩戒可以通过民事诉讼等途径获得权利救济。  相似文献   

Hemispheric specialization and the language abilities of autistic children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between patterns of hemispheric specialization for speech processing and language ability in autistic children. 17 male autistic children, 6-18 years of age, and 17 normal children, matched for chronological age and gender, were tested. Measures of hemispheric asymmetry were differences in the averaged cortical evoked responses taken from right and left hemisphere scalp locations to linguistic and nonlinguistic auditory stimuli. A comprehensive battery of language tests was administered to autistic subjects. Autistic children's direction of hemispheric asymmetry in response to linguistic stimuli differed significantly from that of normal subjects. The majority of autistic subjects showed reversed (right hemisphere dominant), but not necessarily reduced, patterns of hemispheric asymmetry. Autistic children with more advanced language abilities were more likely to exhibit a normal direction of hemispheric asymmetry. The possibility that a shift from right to left hemisphere processing of speech occurs as the autistic child acquires spoken language is discussed.  相似文献   

论加强特殊教育立法的必要性与可行性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文是关于制定特殊教育法的必要性与可行性的初步研究。文章从受教育是残疾人生存与发展的基本权利,法律对于保障残疾人受教育权的特殊作用,残疾人受教育权利实现的现实困境以及我国现行特殊教育法律法规存在的不足等方面论证了制定特殊教育法的必要性;从残疾人权益保障的国际进程,促进教育公平、构建和谐社会的执政理念,经济发展为保障残疾人受教育权奠定的物质基础,人们对残疾人受教育权的认识水平,特殊教育实践以及制定特殊教育法已有的法律资源等方面分析了制定特殊教育法的可行性。提出为更好地保障和促进残疾人的受教育权利,为保证特殊教育的持续发展,将特殊教育立法提上议事日程不仅必要,而且迫切。  相似文献   

教育经营、教育配置、教育贸易、教育市场、教育消费和教育服务是教育经济学的研究前沿,这是基于教育产权的逻辑起点对教育产品进行的思考。教育产品在整个教育结构和教育发展过程中都是处于基础性地位。从逻辑角度看,教育产品在整个教育产权研究对象中是最简单、最普遍、最基本、最常见的东西,是最简单的抽象。  相似文献   

我国高等教育发展已经进入全方位注重教育质量的新阶段。关于高等教育质量的理论研究在学科体系、质量话语权和质量内涵研究深入性上都实现了阶段性的突破。虽然,高等教育质量研究目前的多样化突破有利于理论研究的进一步深入,体现高等教育质量管理实践的需求,但是高等教育质量研究也出现各自为政,学科融合度不高等问题。未来高等教育质量研究将朝着综合化和分散化两个方向发展。  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between cognitive mode and classroom behavior. Seventy-six randomly selected elementary students were administered the Adapted Children's Form of Your Style of Learning and Thinking (SOLAT) to obtain their left, right, and integrated hemisphere cognitive mode scores, and were also rated by their classroom teachers on the Walker Problem Behavior Identification Checklist (WPBIC) and an informal learning/behavior problem checklist. Subjects determined to have a predominant right hemisphere cognitive mode (N = 38) scored significantly higher on the learning/behavior problem checklist and the WPBIC measures of acting-out, withdrawal, distractibility, and total scale score than did subjects with a predominant left hemisphere cognitive mode (N = 25) or a predominant integrated hemisphere cognitive mode (N = 13). Correlations between the cognitive mode scores and the behavior rating measures revealed that the right hemisphere cognitive mode scores correlated positively and significantly with the learning/behavior problem checklist and WPBIC measures of acting-out and distractibility, while integrated hemisphere cognitive mode scores correlated negatively and significantly with the learning/behavior problem checklist and the WPBIC measure of acting-out. Implications of the findings are discussed relative to the left-brained instructional practices of our educational system and the consequent learning/behavior problems experienced by students witha predominant right hemisphere cognitive mode.  相似文献   

数字教育资源的保护版权是教育信息化发展中出现的重要问题。文章总结了数字版权保护的技术现状,认为数字水印必将成为教育资源版权保护的重要工具。文章分析了数字水印版权保护的技术现状和数字教育资源的特点,提出基于数字水印的教育资源的版权保护方案,并将文本数字水印作为重点研究方向。  相似文献   

脑与创新素质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
脑是创新素质的主要承担。脑的发育状况,脑细胞的数量及组织结构、脑的重量等,对人的智力、创造力有一定影响,但不能绝对化。网状结构激活系统对科学创造中的意识唤醒水平,对直觉和顿悟现象的产生具有重要意义。大脑皮层结构,特别是两半球的协同活动,对人的创新素质具有决定性意义。因此,要培养创新素质,就必须重视左右脑的开发,实施全脑教育。  相似文献   

如今受高等教育权属于一项基本人权已为世界上绝大多数国家的宪法及诸多有关人权的国际公约所认可并保障。受高等教育权的宪法权利属性不言而喻。我国高等教育资源的相对不足导致受高等教育权与其说是一种社会权,毋宁将其视为一项平等权。受高等教育权能否获得平等保护对于此权之实然享有至关重要。  相似文献   

大学惩戒权与学生受教育权的冲突与平衡   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
近年来不断涌现的学生诉高校不当处分案,反映了大学惩戒权与学生受教育权的现实冲突正在加深。如何实现二利益的平衡,已成为当前必须解决的一个重要课题。本以两的现实冲突立足,一方面探讨了我国大学惩戒权的内涵和作为大学自治手段存在的合理性;另一方面指出学生受教育权作为一项宪法权利的重要性和不可侵犯性。在此基础上,章针对我国高等教育发展状况和教育法律制度的实际情况,参照台湾及国外立法经验,指出解决问题的关键在于:(1)必须从实体和程序两个方面,加强我国高等教育立法,使大学惩戒权的行使接受法律的限制。(2)设立畅通的行政救济与司法救济渠道,以保障学生受教育权的充分实现。  相似文献   

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