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1.Class Two will go for a picnic.They made_______6o’clock to meet at the foot ofMt.Tai.(2007山东淄博市)A.it B.thatC.them D./2.Look out!The traffic is_______fast_______we can’t cross the street now.(2007湖北潜江市)A.too;to B.enough;toC.so;that D.such;that3.—Don’t_______too late,or you will feeltired in class.—I won’t,Mum.(2007湖北随州)A.stand up B.stay upC.wake up D.get up4.By the end of last year,we_______thework.(2007新疆乌兰察布市)A.has finished B.had finishedC.have finished D…  相似文献   

先做以下2003年全国中考英语试题。1.I know nothing about it _____ my friend told me yesterday.(甘肃省)A.because B.since C.until D.so 2.Lucy knew about it _____ her sister told her.(河南省)A.because B.until C.if D.since 3.The man on the motorbike _____ see the bag of rice _____ he hit it.(福建省厦门市)A.doesn’t, before B.doesn’t, until C.didn’t, until D.didn’t, after 4.—We’d better not talk about it _____ Mary leav…  相似文献   

1 .The moonlight 15 eoming_the Window and the room seems quiet and beautiful.(2007四川省成都市) A .aeross B.through C.over 2.1 IikeP!aces_it’5 not eoid in winter.(2007甘肃省兰州市) A .thOSe B.whiCh C.where D.this 3 .My father_on business for two weeks.He  相似文献   

蔡蕾 《新高考》2007,(10):48-50
高三语数外先请大家思考下面几道高考题目:1.We all know that,,the situation willget worse.(2007全国)A.not if dealt carefully withB.if not carefully dealt withC.if dealt not carefully withD.not if carefully dealt with2.The glass doors have taken the place of thewooden ones at the entrance,in the naturallight in the day.(2007天津)A.to let B.lettingC.let D.having let3.that she didn t do a good job,I don tthink I amabler than her.(2007陕西)A.To have said B.Having saidC.To say D.Saying4.As the …  相似文献   

<正> 1.(2007年全国卷)—The last one_______pays the meal.—Agreed!A.arrived B.arrives C.to arrive D.arriving Key:C解析中心词为 the last,the only,the next 或是受到 the last,the only,the next 修饰时,要用不定式作定语。2.(2007年全国卷)—It’s a long time since I saw my sister.  相似文献   

用所给词的适当形式填空1.Look!How______Kitty is laughing!(happy)2.It’s only ten______walk from the stationto the hotel.(minute)3.I don’t think this is my frisby,though itlooks like______.(I)4.Mrs Green is learning Chinese as her  相似文献   

Unif7令一What does your fdend look like?一She 15 medium build,and she has long hair. 1 .Han Mei 15 her mother. she—reading,too.(ilJ东省) A .likes:likes B.like:like C .like:likes D.likes:like 2.一Please tell me what U Ming looks like.一_.(山东烟台市) A.He 15 sad B.He’5 all right C .He’5 tall D.He’8 high令一She never stoPs talking. 3 .At last the ehild stopPed_and listened to the musie·(重庆市) A .toe叮B.erying C .ery D.eried 4.We have worked肠r three hours.Now let’5 stop—a r…  相似文献   

请同学们先看两道中考题:1.-Lily is coming by plane tomorrow.-Let’s go to airport to meet her.(四川眉山)A.a;a B./;a C.the;the D./;the2.Lin Lin often practices English chatting with her American friend.(山东德州)A.in B.by C.for D.with分析:上面的两道中考题均是考查同学们对介词by的掌握情况,答案为:1.D项;2.B项。英语中,by的用法比较复杂,它既可用作介词,又可用作副词。为帮助同学们能准确运用,  相似文献   

娜阵匆,娜.哪声甲()1.一Do 1 have to eome baek tomorrow?一es,vou—.(2007武汉) A .ean B.may C.must D.should·()2一When does yourmothergo shopping?一Usually_Sunday momings.(20()7武汉) A.on B.in C.at D.for ()3 .1_the CDst。you if 1 have time tomormw,(2007北京) A.袱11 return B.returned C .have retumed D.retum ()4一Will you get there by_train?一No,I’11 take—taxi.(2007天津) A.1; a B.a:the C.人/D.the;a ()5一Who 15 singing in the Classroom?一—must be Susan·(2007天津)‘A.She B.ItC厂rh…  相似文献   

一、有明显的表示过去的谓语或状语,说明动作发生在过去例1.All morning as she waited the medical reportfrom the doctor,her nervousness_____.(NMET2003)A.has grown B.is growingC.grew D.had grownas引导的时间状语从句指过去,故选C。例2.—We could have walked to the station;itwas so near.—Yes,a taxi_____at all necessary.(NMET1992)A.wasn’t B.hadn’t beenC.wouldn’t be D.won’t be第一个人说“我们本来可以步行到车站”用了表示过去的虚拟语气,说明实际情况是“We didn’twalk to the station”;第二个人既然…  相似文献   

1.—There goes the bell.—It’s time for class.Let’s stop_______.(2007福建宁德市)A.talk B.to talk C.talking D.not talk2.China is very_______the Great Walland pandas.(2007新疆乌兰察布市)A.ready to B.famous asC.famous for D.ready for3.He is_______to lift t  相似文献   

Key 听力材料及答案I.1.——Is it going to rain? ——I don’t think so.(B)2.I like meat very much.(D)3.There is a boat in the river.(B)4 Uncle Tom is eighty years old.(C)5.This is her coat.Mine is over there.(A)Ⅱ.1.W:Jim,could you help me,please? M:Certainly.Lucy.What’s wrong? W:My bike is borken.(B) 2.w:Mike!Is your kite broken? M:Yes,it is. W:Let me have a look. M:Here you are. W:Oh.Don’t worry.I can mend it.(C) 3.W:Are Mr Green's trousers black or blue? M:They're brown.(B) 4.M:What team are you in,Li Ling?Are you in Team l? W:No.I’m in Team 2.  相似文献   

1 .If it sunny tomorrow,1 fish- ing in south Lake.(2006长春) A .15:90 B.will be:90 C .15;will 90 D.will be;will 90 2一Her radio 15 too loud,isn’t it?一Yes.Let me tell her to_.(2005福州) A.加m it uP B.加m uP it C .turn it down D.加m down it 3.一1 like to eat fish and ehiPs in the oPen air. What about you?一M觅19Q.(选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的一项)(2006黄冈) A .50 do 1 B.50 aml C .Either 15 OK D.You deeide 4 .How many_are there in the interna- tional village?(2006广东) A.Chinese …  相似文献   

1.玩the United States,you’re not suPPosed _with your hands.(2006广西榴十I市) A.to eat B.eating C.eats D.ate 2.这种产品的价格取决于它的质量而不是它的大小。(2006成都市) The Priee of this kind of Produet_ its quality its size. 3一Did you have breakfast this morning?一No. 1 got uP late and weni to school breakfast.(2006福州市) A .for B.in C.withollt D.after 4.一Wllat are you going to give your mother for her blrthday?一I’m not sure.Butl’11 buy her_. (2006哈尔滨市) A .something sPeeial …  相似文献   

1.-Sandy is upset now.Why don't we_______?-That's a good idea.(2007山西临汾市)A.cheer her up B.wake her up C.pick her up2.根据中文提示,用词组的适当形式填空,每空一词。The physics problem is so difficult that I can't_______it_______(算出).(2007福建福州市)  相似文献   

馨一馨一窗ha 馨馨黔钾 听力部分(共三大题,计20分) 9.A 1.句子理解(sentenee。)(共5小题,计5分) 请听句子,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个与 你所听到的句子意思一致或相近的选项。每个句子只读一 遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1 .A.1 didn’t miss the train. B.1 was 50 late that Imissed the train. C .J eaught the train in time. D.1 waslate bur Ieaught the train an卿ay. 2 .A.Heknows her address and Iknowit,too. B.1 know her address,but he doesn’t. C .1 don’tknow her address andhedo郎n’t either. D Eitherheorlknowheraddress.10. 3 .A.Kate andRetty were neek and neek. B.Kateran fasterrhan Betty.. e .Berty eouzan’t ...  相似文献   

一、选择坟空 A)单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1._tenible weather it istod叮l A.How B.How a C.Whal D.W卜ata 2一仆e rnom on the right 15_,isn’t it? 一YeS,it’s_. A .Luey;her B.Luey;hers C.IJuey’s;her D.肠cy’s;hers 3一Thank you for the delieious dinner. A .Don’t say that B.It’5 nothing C.Never mind D.I’m glad you enjoyed it 4一Whieh 15_,Sydney,New York or TOmntog 一New York,1 think. A.a larser B.the larger C.a la任笋st D.t…  相似文献   

1 .My father_on business for two Weeks·He’11 return in 3 days.(2006河北课改区) A .left B.has left C .has gone D.has been away 2 .How many_work in your faetory? (2005湖北省) A .Gennan B.Russian C .JaPanese D.Australian 3一How beautiful she sings!一Yes,she has a ve卿sweet_.(2005河南省) A .voice B.sound C.noise D.mouth 4.一Have you heard today’5 weather fore- east?一Yes.Better weather 15 .We ean expect“n outing·(2006江苏启东) A .in the way B.by the way C .on the way D.in this way…  相似文献   

Listening part (30%)1. Choose the sentence closest in meaning to the oneyou hear in each group(5%)( ) 1. A. She had to do her homework an hour ago. B. She finished her homework an hour and a half ago. C. She hasn't finished her homework yet. D. She will finish her homework in an hour.( ) 2. A. They built the factory here in 1994. B. The factory wasn't here last year. C. The factory isn't here now. D. We didn't build any factories here 2 year  相似文献   

1.—Could you tell me whom the radio______by?—Sorry,I have no idea(.2007福州市)A.invents B.inventedC.is invented D.was invented2.—How many students are there in your school?—______the students in our school______over twothousand.(2006青海省)A.The number of;is B.The number of;areC.A number of;is3.选择与划线部分意义相近的短语:In the end,he decided to send the sick child to hospital.(2007成都市)A.At once B.At last C.At first4.The kids didn’t start to fly kites on the playground______th…  相似文献   

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