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近五年来图书馆学实证研究的回顾与分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
文章运用文献计量方法,通过对近五年发表在12种图书馆学核心期刊上的587篇实证研究文章的分析,介绍图书馆学领域运用实证研究方法的现状,总结图书馆学实证研究的特点,找出现阶段存在于图书馆学实证研究中的不足,以达到推进图书馆学实证研究规范化进程的目的.  相似文献   

实证缺失的中国图书馆学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
图书馆学的实践性决定图书馆学研究的主流范式是实证研究,然而长期以来我国图书馆学研究的主流范式是经验性研究和规范性研究.通过对我国图书馆学学术期刊的分析,得知我国图书馆学研究存在严重的实证研究缺失现象;而且,我国图书馆学研究人员对实证研究存在认识误区,"认为对社会现状的调查就是实证研究"、"只有定量研究才是实证研究".因此,笔者认为只有通过学术分工,由学术科研团队承担实证研究的重任,并在科研评价系统中对原始数据的创新给予重视和肯定等方式,才能促进我国图书馆学实证研究的发展.  相似文献   

芝加哥学派——中国图书馆学实证研究之殇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘璇 《图书情报工作》2009,53(13):46-49
美国图书馆学的芝加哥学派为图书馆学引入正规的社会科学实证研究范式,可以说芝加哥学派的实证研究是图书馆学实证研究的开端[1]。回顾芝加哥学派实证研究的代表人物及其成果,并追溯我国图书馆学界实证研究的历程,指出我国图书馆学实证研究由于历史与社会的原因遗憾地错过芝加哥学派科学的改造,存在着诸多先天不足。最后,呼唤以科学的研究规范为基础,深入开展我国图书馆学实证研究。  相似文献   

对实证研究方法应用于图书馆学研究领域的重要性进行了阐述。通过统计数据分析了近十年国内图书馆学实证研究现状,论述了研究中存在的为方法而方法以及数据获取困难、不够真实准确等问题,提出在图书馆学研究中应注重实证研究成果的应用。  相似文献   

中国图书馆学应进一步弘扬实证研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
我国图书馆学应大力弘扬实证研究。这对我国图书馆学改变主导话语基础、开阔研究视野、转换研究内容、提升研究水平十分有益。实证研究是一种通过对研究对象的观察、实验和调查,获取客观材料,归纳出事物本质属性和发展规律的研究方法。由于非常切合图书馆学实践性的学科特性,实证研究是图书馆学最常用的研究方法,也是图书馆学形成、更新、变革的基础和主要动力。中国图书馆学发展呼唤实证研究。图书馆学实证研究应始终坚持现实主义取向,切忌自上而下的单一研究视角。还要客观认识图书馆的地位和社会责任,避免陷入伪实证研究的泥淖。  相似文献   

在欧美图书馆界尤其是医学图书馆界的引领和国际图书馆学界、专业图书馆协会的推动下,实证图书馆学正成为图书馆学的主流范式。实证研究这一更注重科学性、实践性的方法,由于符合图书馆学实践性的学科特性,日益受到图书馆学领域的重视而成为图书馆学的常用研究方法。中国图书馆学发展倡导实证研究。但实证研究仍有一定的局限性,需结合其它方法进行运用。而正确认识和评价实证研究方法,可以促进图书馆事业健康发展。  相似文献   

图书馆学实证研究导引   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在实证图书馆学(Evidence-based librarianship:EBL) 正成为国际图书馆学的主流范式背景下,阐明图书馆学实证研究的基本思想、研究方法和程序规范,提出中国图书馆学实证研究宣言.  相似文献   

规范研究、经验研究、思辨研究、实证研究、定性研究与定量研究是常用的图书馆学研究范式。梳理这些研究范式的概念与相互之间的联系,有助于规范图书馆学研究方法,扩展图书馆学研究思路。目前我国图书馆学经验研究、规范研究、定性研究偏多,实证研究缺乏,定量研究往往被忽视。为此,图书馆学研究应坚持多种研究范式并存与互补应用,定量研究与定性研究相结合,实证研究与规范研究相结合,弘扬实证研究方法,从而促进图书馆学繁荣发展。  相似文献   

2012年8月24-27日,由南开大学研究生院委托徐建华教授主办的"图书馆学实证研究:规范拓展超越"博士生学术会议在南开大学商学院召开.本次会议是2011年"图书馆学实证研究:规范创新推广"会议的延续和提升,目的是向图书馆界进一步展示和推广实证研究以及跨学科合作的经验与做法.  相似文献   

新世纪图书馆学研究导向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆学反思形态包括图书馆学无理论建设、图书馆学研究学术评论机制。在图书馆学研究过程中,既要加强图书馆学术规范化建设,也要加强图书馆学应用研究。在新的时代条件下,图书馆学研究的战略一点应是图书馆事业的宏观管理、数字图书馆、新型载体等。  相似文献   

期刊引用认同指标在期刊评价中的适用性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
论文以CSSCI图书情报领域的18种期刊为例,以这些期刊在2009年全年登载论文的参考文献为研究对象,从CSSCI数据库中获取数据,统计分析各期刊的引用认同。结果显示:期刊引用认同指标(引文量、篇均引文量、英文引文比、期刊引用广度、自施引率、引用半衰期、期刊集中因子、认同期刊影响力等指标)与CSSCI来源期刊定量与定性评价指标并不明显相关,但这类指标可以反映期刊载文的内容特征与偏好、对国外科学文献和对其他学科文献的利用程度、期刊的办刊定位、学科的发展模式等等,在综合评价期刊方面具有一定意义。  相似文献   

This scoping review investigates rigour from phenomenological and phenomenographic orientations and their appropriate fit into the discourses identified by researchers. The scoping review addresses the following central research question: Do phenomenological and phenomenographic studies in published library science research share the same criteria of rigour? Library and information science (LIS) multi-disciplinary bibliographic databases were searched. Basic keyword searching was conducted in databases and conference proceedings were hand-searched to ensure that no articles were missed because of indexing lags. The review found that there are 18 explicitly stated phenomenological orientations and six phenomenographic orientations across LIS. Specific frameworks were applied to each method while strategies from positivism were used interchangeably. There must be a balance between generalizability, reliability, and validity, rather than an over-reliance on one of these pillars. Furthermore, LIS researchers must familiarize themselves with different phenomenological and phenomenographic orientations to apply their methodologies appropriately.  相似文献   

With staffing and funding shortages and rapidly changing expectations from patrons, what is actually happening at the reference desk in today’s libraries? Understanding the needs today’s reference librarians face can be useful in developing ways to support those needs. Asking them to make some predictions on the future of public library reference work gives Library and Information Science (LIS) students, and libraries preparing for the future, a valuable look at the expertise provided by experience. This understanding will help make some realistic decisions about reference staffing and service needs and provide some guidance for those aspiring to careers in public library reference.  相似文献   


There is limited qualitative research on the information-seeking self-efficacy (SE) of library and information science (LIS) graduate students. This study examines graduating LIS students’ experiences with information seeking, including experiences in the LIS program that led to increased levels of information-seeking SE and specific recollections of moments when SE increased. Many students identified similar factors as key to developing SE, including education-related assignments, library work experience, LIS internships, and specific LIS coursework. Because of the small sample size, further research would help to identify additional factors that promote LIS students’ information-seeking SE.  相似文献   

This article sought to investigate the evolution of library and information science by tracking the author-supplied keywords in the research articles published in the domain between 1971 and 2015. Data was extracted from Thomson Reuters’ citation mainstream indexes and analysed using the VosViewer computer-aided software to obtain author-supplied keyword frequencies in each decade since 1971. We identified the most salient and common research themes in LIS and how the themes have evolved, by delving into the author-supplied keywords to proxy research themes in the field domain. Results indicate that the field of LIS has evolved in terms of its subject focus from information systems design and management in the 1970s to scientific communication, information storage and retrieval, information access, information and knowledge management, and user education in 2015. The application of ICTs in LIS practice and education, too, has emerged as a prominent topic in the field. These issues have the potential of shaping or have shaped the LIS curriculum in some LIS schools in the continent.  相似文献   

围绕LIS教育所处的环境、面临的挑战及应对思路,对2005年以来国际图情教育改革的研究成果进行总结,发现近几年来该领域的研究主题主要集中在以下几个方面:iSchool及其评价、LIS教育模式及其变革、LIS课程体系建设、LIS教学方法的研究及各国LIS教育进展和国际合作的研究。研究者多由LIS领域的教学科研人员组成;观察、问卷调查和网络调查、访谈等实证方法广为应用;新的理论和研究工具被引入该领域的研究,开辟了新的研究思路。2005至2010年间,LIS教育领域的研究成果数量众多,国内外研究人员在很多问题的基本观点上表现出一定的共性。  相似文献   

图书馆学情报学中的电子政务研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王芳  纪雪梅 《图书情报工作》2012,56(13):11-16,23
为探索电子政务研究与图书馆学情报学的关系,调查我国图书馆学情报学专业硕士与博士培养单位电子政务相关研究方向的设置情况,并对我国图书馆学情报学核心期刊中电子政务的相关论文进行文献计量分析。主要分析论文的作者和机构、基金资助、研究热点与主题分布情况,发现电子政务是图书馆学情报学的重要研究领域。目前,作为交叉学科领域的电子政务研究主题正呈现出学科分化的趋势;今后,图书馆学情报学专业的电子政务研究应当更加聚焦于本专业的核心研究课题。  相似文献   

The peritextual literacy framework (PLF) is a tool for accessing, evaluating, and comprehending the content of media using elements that frame the body of a work and mediate its content for the user. Paratextual elements are the focus of research in classification, bibliometrics, reader’s advisory work, and in studies of authorship and publication. However, paratextual theory is just beginning to be acknowledged in LIS. The PLF closes a gap in paratext theory by categorizing the functions of peritext into six types: production, promotional, navigational, intratextual, supplemental, and documentary. The PLF is unique that it provides both a framework for further research on peritext, as well as a pedagogical tool that supports teaching in the areas of information literacy, media literacy and analysis, critical thinking, reading, and media design and production.  相似文献   


This article presents a thorough bibliometric analysis of research published in Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS), an India-based journal, for the period 2011–2017. Specifically, it compares this journal’s trends with those of other library and information science (LIS) journals from the same geographical area (India, and Asia as a whole) and with the 10 highest-rated LIS journals worldwide. The source of the data used was the multidisciplinary database Scopus. To perform this comparison, ALIS’ production was analyzed in order to identify authorship patterns; for example, authors’ countries of residence, co-authorship trends, and collaboration networks. Research topics were identified through keyword analysis, while performance was measured by examining the number of citations articles received. This study provides substantial information. The research lines detected through examining the keywords in ALIS articles were determined to be similar to those for the top LIS journals in both Asia and worldwide. Specifically, ALIS authors are focusing on metrics, bibliometrics, and social networking, which follows global trends. Notably, however, collaboration among Asia-based journals was found to be lower than that in the top-indexed journals in the LIS field, showing lesser internationalization. The results obtained present a roadmap for expanding the research in this field.  相似文献   

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