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研究性学习是一种学生在教师指导下 ,以类似科学研究的方式获取知识和应用知识的新课程模式。本文指出中学历史教学中的研究性学习具有问题性、开放性、综合性及实践性等特点。  相似文献   

本文通过历史与现实需要、史学科学化、高校历史教学三方面的思考,提出在新的时代背景下,要用新的角度去探究历史中的精神思维模式和价值,高校历史教学也应与时俱进地把握历史学本身的特点。  相似文献   

Excellence in teaching has always been a demanding and absorbing concern in institutions of higher learning. Earlier studies, which are numerous, have often dealt with the measurement of teacher qualities but have largely failed to explain the phenomenon of excellence in practice. This study focused on the outstanding professional teachers’ candid revelations of their subjective experiences of becoming and being excellent in their craft. Findings of the study indicated that love is the touchstone of excellence in teaching: that is, loving the students, loving knowledge and loving the teaching process.  相似文献   

Revisiting academics' beliefs about teaching and learning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

历史研究性学习是一种以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为特征的新型教学模式,是教育理论和实践领域的一个崭新研究课题。本文结合自身的教学实践,对历史研究性学习的组织实施、特点和作用进行探讨和研究。  相似文献   

Revisiting emancipatory teacher research: a psychoanalytic perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the issue of how human beings construct themselves as subjects and the parameters within which this is achieved. We question models in which idealism shapes the trajectory of identity formation and consider how identity might be seen alternatively as a somewhat awkward amalgam of identifications with diverse discursive domains. The particular focus is on teachers conducting ‘emancipatory’ practitioner research and on how the researcher understands his/her interface with the situation he/she is researching. We survey a range of theoretical models as offered by some leading writers, with particular reference to Jacques Lacan, and consider each in relation to how the teacher researcher might be understood. We provide as an example an account of one teacher researcher examining issues of ethnicity and gender in her secondary school French classes.  相似文献   

问题教学法,由于其具有激发求知欲、树立正确的历史价值观、培养历史思维能力的三大效能,在高中历史教学中逐渐引起教师们的注意和重视。根据高中生的心理特点和高中历史课程标准的要求,其设计应遵循针对性、适度性、创新性、探究性四大原则。较常见的设计类型有:导入式设问、总结式设问、史料分析式设问、知识拓展式设问、生成式设问。由于高中历史教学中问题的解决是根本,因此,问题设计就显得极其重要而且必要。  相似文献   

Debates in science seem to depend on referential language-games, but in other senses they do not. Language works in more complex ways, even in work that purports to be purely scientific. This article investigates the scope and limitations of language-games in educational history and theory. The study addresses concepts and pictures as examples of how language can work in theoretical, philosophical and historiographical interpretation. Attention is drawn to the legacy of Wittgensteinian insights, which highlights the “pictorial form”; thus the article deals with the problems that occur when our “picturing” of reality is forgotten, which led to the particular turn educational research has taken nowadays. This forgetting distracts the attention from the kind of research that is required to do justice to the educational field. From his stance, it is argued that though some kind of correspondence theory will always be part of the objectivity to which educational research aspires, there is no need to limit such a theory to a naive form of it. Instead, a broadened notion of correspondence theory can be offered where the various levels and language-games that are involved can be taken into account.  相似文献   

How research can better inform policy and how policy can have a better research base are longstanding issues both in educational research and across public policy generally. Drawing on the work of Hannah Arendt, this article argues that progress in increasing the impact of research can be made through a clearer understanding of the nature of politics. Arendt’s identification of ‘persuasion’ as the defining activity of the political sphere is used to argue that the communication of research findings, relevant to education policy, must be similarly aligned if it is to be effective. The article views approaches such as knowledge transfer and knowledge exchange as inadequately constructed and instead promotes the concept of ‘knowledge activism’ as a means by which research evidence can be made operational in political terms. The article acknowledges the risk to academic integrity and objectivity of such overtly political behaviour but argues that remaining outside the political sphere simply guarantees minimal research impact.  相似文献   

一、创造教育与历史教学创造教育就是培养学生的创新素质———创新意识、创新精神与创新能力。创造性人才主要特征有 :对问题的高度敏锐性、思维的灵活性、认识的新颖性、观念的流畅性、性格的坚韧与豁达性等。创造教育的实施不仅有助于学生学会生存、学会学习 ,更有利于学生学会创造。目前 ,我国中学历史教学中仍然普遍存在一些问题———历史课难教 ,学生认为学习历史用处不大 ,厌学、怕学情绪较突出 ,历史课堂死气沉沉 ,等等。历史课遭冷落 ,历史教学危机的原因是多方面的 ,但主要问题还在历史教育本身。如 ,历史教师的素质较低、能力较…  相似文献   

创新教育是21世纪教育改革的必然趋势。培养创造性思维是创新教育在历史教学中的具体体现。将传统疆化呆板的历史教学注入创造性思维是创新的灵魂,必将引发教学目标、教学方法和标准的更新与变革,在教学实践中探索并建构创造教学模式的立体框架。  相似文献   

历史教材中蕴藏着极其丰富的审美教育因素,历史学科同样承担着审美教育的责任。历史教学加强审美教育的途径多种多样。历史教学加强审美教育会有效地培养学生的创新精神。  相似文献   

本文从教学机智的概述,分析教学机智的现状以及教学机智的性质等几个方面去阐述教学机智在实际历史教学中的运用。从而注重历史教学中所需要的教育智慧,对今后历史教学有指导意义和提升的价值。  相似文献   

本论述了乡土历史教学的功能,并对乡土历史教学的方式途径和教学中应注意的问题进行探索。  相似文献   

历史学科教学中采取研究性学习 ,就是让学生提出问题并依据教材查找相应史实材料 ,同时教师为学生提供有关材料 ,然后师生共同分析 ,并依据“中心问题”,分组研讨 ,撰写小论文 ,最后学生进行成果汇报 ,互相交流论文。在研究性学习的过程中 ,学生的主动性得到淋漓尽致地发挥 ,既拓展了视野 ,也加强了学科知识渗透 ;使学生的各种能力都得到锻炼。同时它促进了历史学科教学观念的变革 ,也对教师教学设计、教学能力提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

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