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We measured serum soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (sVEGFR1) and receptor 2 (sVEGFR2) levels in healthy Japanese individuals in order to establish a reference value using a specific ELISA. Significant differences were observed in serum sVEGFR1 and sVEGFR2 levels between children and adults. To demonstrate the usefulness of the reference value for children, we measured serum sVEGFR1 and sVEGFR2 levels in children with diarrhea positive (D+) hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) as a preliminary study. Serum sVEGFR2 levels in children with HUS were markedly higher than those in healthy children from the onset of D + HUS. The reference value for healthy children in the present study will allow normal and pathological conditions to be discriminated from each other in future study  相似文献   

A sample study of biological variation of plasma ferritin in healthy adult males 19–25 years of age (n=6) in the Indian population was determined. Venous blood was collected on 3 non-consecutive days during a 3 week period. Plasma ferritin was measured using enzyme linked immunoassay in an automated immunoassay system. Analytical and Biological variation was calculated. We found a mean biological variation of 21.64%. Thus, our results indicate that biological variation contributed most to the intraindividual variation.  相似文献   

Platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) has role in atherosclerotic plaque development as well as in thrombosis leading to myocardial infarction (MI). Present study was aimed to analyse the association of PECAM-1 Leu125Val gene polymorphism with MI in Indian population. Subjects included healthy individuals as control (N = 116) and MI patients (N = 100) divided into two groups; MI patients at presentation of the acute event (MI-Group-1, N = 46) and patients with recent event of MI stabilized with treatment 4.5 days from their symptoms (MI-Group-2, N = 54). The difference in the distribution of Leu125Val genotype frequencies of controls and patients did not reach statistical significance. However Leu allele frequency (0.57) was more associated with MI patients as compared to control (0.504). sPECAM-1 levels were significantly elevated in patients at acute event of MI (MI-Group-1) by 44.1% (P = 0.009) as compared to controls and by 95.2% (P = 0.001) as compared to stabilized MI patients (MI-Group-2).  相似文献   

In an attempt to search for risk factors which can explain the increasing prevalence of coronary heart disease (CHD) in Indian population, we conducted a case-control study to assess the association of Lipoprotein (a)(Lp(a)) with CHD. One hundred and fifty one consecutive patients with clinical and angiographic evidence of CHD and forty-nine healthy controls were drawn for the study. Triglycerides, very low density cholesterol (VLDL-C), total cholesterol (total-C)/high density cholesterol (HDL-C) ratio, low density cholesterol (LDL-C)/HDL cholesterol ratio and Lp(a) were found to be higher in patients than controls. In female sex and in those with family history of CHD, higher total and LDL cholesterol levels were observed to be associated with higher Lp(a) levels. Lp(a) levels were also found to be higher in triple vessel disease than other vessel disease patients. Significant difference in Lp(a) levels were observed between normal coronaries vs. single and triple vessel disease(P<0.05) and also between single vs. double and triple vessel disease (P<0.01).Lp(a) levels correlated positively with vessel severity(P<0.005). Lp(a) levels >25 mg/dl were associated with coronary heart disease (Odds ratio 1.98 P<0.05 95% CI 0.007–1.18). Our findings suggest a cut-off level of 25mg/dl for determination of risk of CHD. Studies from different areas involving larger sample size are needed to confirm the findings of the present study.  相似文献   

采用Trivelli等报道的Bio-Rex70阳离子交换树脂微柱层析法和Roger等报道的果糖胺法(两法均作了适当修改),分别对73例糖尿病患者及61例正常人进行了HbA_(1c)、HbA_1及糖基化血浆蛋白(Gpp)的测定.结果显示患者与正常人之间HbA_(1c)、HbA_1、Gpp均值有非常显著性差别.患者空腹血糖均值与HbA_(1c)、HbA_1、Gpp均值之间均有极显著的相关性.患者HbA_(1c)与HbA_1之间相关系数有极显著意义.证明HbA_(1c)、HbA_1与Gpp均可作为糖尿病控制较准确的客观指标.作者在提高微柱法分离度的关键问题上作了改进,找出了恰当的洗脱液Ⅰ与Ⅱ的Na~+浓度,分别为0.020mol/L与0.070mol/L.分离HbA_(1a+b)与HbA_(1c)结果尚称满意,柱间CV分别为3.1%与2.2%.在降低洗脱液Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ中剧毒物质氰化钾的浓度问题上也作了研究,找出了较文献报道低2.5倍的氰化钾浓度,即由0.010mol/L降低到0.004mol/L.在果糖胺法中,采用5min与15min两次比色,用10%冰醋酸终止反应,提高了此法的精密度与重复性,批内CV为2.3%,批间CV为2.7%.  相似文献   

Although HbA1C is widely accepted as a useful index of mean blood glucose in type 2 diabetic patients its usefulness as screening test for diabetes has been controversial. The present study was undertaken to determine whether the level of HbA1C predicted diabetes in a prediabetic group of subjects. Plasma lipids, oral glucose tolerance, HbA1C was determined in 90 normal control subjects, 57 offspring of one type 2 diabetes mellitus parent and 11 diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus individuals. The mean age of participants was 44.5 yrs (not significantly different amongst the three groups) and the mean body mass index was 26.8 (not significantly different amongst the three groups). Two hours after a 75 g glucose challenge, the offspring had a significantly higher plasma glucose level (mean = 7.1 mmol/L, p value = 0.002) than the normals. Similarly the HbA1C values were higher in the offspring than in the normals (mean = 5.78%, p value = 0.016). Besides the significantly higher values for oral glucose tolerance test and HbA1C, the diabetics also were significantly higher for triglycerides (mean = 2.25mmol/L), total cholesterol (mean = 6.24mmol/L) and systolic blood pressure (mean = 138.45mm Hg) than the offspring (P value = 0.031, 0.006, 0.010) and the normals (P value = 0.026, 0.018, 0.002) respectively. The mean values of diastolic blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol were not significantly different amongst the three groups.  相似文献   

多变量灰色模型MGM(1,n)在R&D投资预测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对未来R&D经费总量及其与GDP比值进行科学的预测是制定科技发展规划的重要组成部分.提出一种定量分析预测方法——利用多变量灰色MGM(1,n)模型(multi—variable grey model).研究R&D投入与GDP所形成的复杂系统变量之间的相互影响关系,对天津市相关数据资料进行实证分析与中长期预测,为政府相关部门制订科学的科技发展规划提供有益的指导作用.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis is emerging as a major public health problem in developing and developed world. Early and precise diagnosis is of prime importance in successful control of infection. Indirect ELISA with penicillinase as marker was developed using purifiedM. tuberculosis excretory-secretory (EST-DE1) antigen for detecting IgG antibodies in pulmonary tuberculosis. The assay System gave a overall sensitivity of 82% for both smear positive and smear negative pulmonary tuberculosis cases with a specificity of 84%. The positive and negative predictive values were 75% and 88% respectivaly. Further studies with EST-DE1 antigen revealed that, it contains two of the active antigen fractions of Mtb EST antigen i.e. Mtb EST-4 (56–68 KDa) and Mtb EST-6 (37–45 KDa), as demonstrated by inhibition ELISA. Reactivity with monoclonal antibodies HGT 3a showed the presence of 38 KDa molecule in EST-DE1 antigen.  相似文献   

X-ray repair cross-complementing group 1 (XRCC1) plays a key role in the base excision repair pathway, as a scaffold protein that brings together proteins of the DNA repair complex. Several studies have reported contradictory results for XRCC1 exon 6 C>T (rs1799782) gene polymorphism and cancer risk in Indian population has provided inconsistent results. Therefore, we have performed this meta-analysis to evaluate the relationship between XRCC1 exon 6 C>T gene polymorphism and risk of cancer by published studies. We searched PubMed and Google scholar web databases to cover all studies published on association between XRCC1 exon 6 C>T gene polymorphism and cancer risk. The meta-analysis was carried out and pooled odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were used to appraise the strength of association. In order to derive a more precise estimation of the association, A total of 3197 confirmed cancer cases and 3819 controls were included from eligible seventeen case-controls studies. Results from overall pooled analysis demonstrated suggested that that variant allele (T vs. C: OR 1.301, 95% CI 1.003–1.688, p = 0.047) was associated with the risk of overall cancer. Other genetic models; heterozygous (TC vs. CC: OR 1.108, 95% CI 0.827–1.485, p = 0.491), homozygous (TT vs. CC: OR 1.479, 95% CI 0.877–2.493, p = 0.142), dominant (TT+TC vs. CC: OR 1.228, 95% CI 0.899–1.677, p = 0.196) and recessive (TT vs. TC+CC: OR 1.436, 95% CI 0.970–2.125, p = 0.071) did not reveal statistical association. Publication bias observation was also considered and none was detected during the analysis. The present meta-analysis suggested that the variant allele T of XRCC1 exon 6 gene polymorphism was associated with the risk of cancer. It is therefore pertinent to confirm this finding in a large sample size to divulge the mechanism of this polymorphism and cancer risk in Indian population.  相似文献   

李崇明  丁烈云 《资源科学》2009,31(7):1181-1187
小城镇作为社会、经济、资源与环境的复合生态系统,其协调发展是一个多复杂因素组成的动态过程,在这个过程中,各子系统的发展状态及其相互关系是影响到小城镇协调发展的关键问题。在本文分析小城镇协调发展过程基础上,借助GM(1,N)模型和多元统计分析,以各子系统以及整个小城镇的发展是否趋于协调为标准,建立了小城镇协调发展综合评价模型。然后,利用该模型对浙江省东阳市横店镇以及其他几个国家可持续发展实验区(孟庄镇、毛集镇、清溪镇、邱隘镇)在1993年~2001年间的协调发展趋势进行分析,结果表明,这些城镇在1993年~2001年期间的发展协调性虽然具有一定的波动,但整体趋势是不断趋于协调的,这与国家成立可持续发展实验区以后的各小城镇的实际发展状况是相一致的,结果也证明了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

在教学过程当中,教材是最重要因素之一。EFC1是柬埔寨目前正在使用的公办中学英语教材的第一本。本文就该教材讨论了其特点以及存在的问题,并就如何完善EFC提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Genetic variation in the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) has an important effect on the outcome of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) initiated treatment with captopril. This study aims to investigate the impact of genetic polymorphism of AT1R (rs5186 and rs275651) on the ACS outcome in Iraqi patients treated with captopril. A total of 250 Iraqi individuals with ACS were included in this case—control study and they were divided into two study groups; Study group 1 included 125 participants who were prescribed captopril, 25 mg twice daily and study group 2 included 125 participants who received no captopril as part of their ACS treatment (control study). The AT1R gene (rs5186) CC genotype was found to be associated with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) (Odd’s ratio (O.R) = 1.2, P = 0.7), while AC was associated with Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and unstable angina (UA) (O.R = 1.2, P = 0.8). AC genotype is more prone to have Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) after ACS attack (O.R = 1.2, P = 0.6). CC genotype had a risk to get less improvement (O.R = 1.6, P = 0.5), so might require higher doses of captopril during acute coronary insult. The AT1R gene (rs275651) AA genotype was associated with UA (O.R = 1.3, P = 0.9). AA and AT genotypes were more prone to have PCI after ACS attack (O.R = 3.9 P = 0.2, O.R = 3.5, P = 0.3 respectively) and thus requiring higher doses of captopril. We conclude that the AT1R rs5186, rs275651 genetic polymorphisms might partially affect the clinical outcome of ACS patients treated with captopril and might have captopril resistance which requires higher doses.  相似文献   

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