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《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(75-76):45-54

Difficult patrons have been considered primarily from the perspective of the problem behaviours they present in libraries. Many have attempted to define the problem patron and to provide advice and develop guidelines for frontline public service staff. To understand the difficult patron in academic libraries we need to answer three questions-How well do we know our patrons? Do we unwittingly create difficult patrons through our failure to appreciate their needs? Do we regard patrons as difficult because the way they use libraries and conduct their information research does not match our idea of how it should be done? The answers to these questions suggest that we need to reconceptualize both our patrons and the services we provide. Library staff need to see difficult patrons not as problems but as challenges to the service ideas and standards we hold. A paradigm shift is necessary if we are to reconstruct our beliefs about our patrons, their information seeking behaviours, and the services we provide to meet their needs. Some strategies for developing the skills of library staff to work effectively with difficult patrons are presented.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(75-76):105-113

The issue of the difficult library patron has been of growing concern to the library community in the last decade. A number of monographs and journal articles have been published on this topic in recent years. This article surveys the literature concerning the problem library user including the homeless, the de-institutionalized, the mentally ill, and angry/frustrated patrons. It includes literature which discusses techniques for empowering front-line employees in handling various user behaviors and responding to patron problems.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(75-76):217-233

Half the battle of dealing with a difficult patron is changing one's own perspective. This paper uses core Zen Buddhist ideas and viewpoints to discuss ways of dealing with difficult patrons. The basics of Zen Buddhism are explained and Zen concepts such as Openness, Mindfulness, Compassion and Beginner's Mind are applied to problem solving within the context of library public service. The paper also explores the difference between “difficult” and “problem” patrons in order to help readers determine when a Zen perspective is useful.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(75-76):163-172

Emerging technologies continue to offer librarians new opportunities to improve user services. Comment and query links on some library web pages are absorbing a significant share of the customer service workload previously handled by traditional reference desks. Fa miliar types of patron problems of course continue to crop up at the “vir tual reference desk.” New and different aspects of patron problems also appear. Originating with the experiences of a research university li brary's web group in dealing with incoming user messages, this study examines the challenges as well as advantages of dealing with “problem patron” phenomena in a virtual environment.  相似文献   

In 2014, Sam Houston State University Library librarians distributed a survey to students, faculty and staff to better understand how the university community was using library materials for recreational reading. The survey found that patrons had preference for print materials with a growing interest in other formats. A significant number of respondents did not view the library as a source of recreational reading materials; those who did read across a broad swath of genres. Greater understanding of patron recreational reading preferences empower the library to expand the library collection to meet all patron demands.  相似文献   

The biggest challenge facing the library profession in the twenty-first century is staying relevant to its users. It is often stated that the Internet and Google have changed librarianship. This challenge, while significant, does not mean that libraries will go away. It is causing us to re-evaluate what we do, how we do it, and what role libraries have in the academy and in our culture at large. This column addresses some of the ways in which academic libraries can stay relevant throughout the twenty-first century.  相似文献   


Front-line library staff members often encounter “problem patrons” —those patrons who put others in fear for their own physical security, whether or not that fear is ultimately justified. This article identifies the risks and suggests some precautions, including: defusing anger at the service points through improved interpersonal communication techniques and staff training, drafting policies and procedures to help guide staff as they deal with incidents, and improving the security of library buildings. Legal issues surrounding library security also are examined.  相似文献   

Usage statistics are a regular part of assessment but the lack of context leaves librarians pondering the reasons for fluctuations in use. Through development of an online survey, we examined faculty perceptions, knowledge, and use of distance library services to support online courses. Responses provided much needed context and helped to determine priorities and direction for services. While this survey was a useful marketing tool, results emphasized that the greatest need was for ongoing communication with faculty to increase awareness of services provided.  相似文献   


Academic libraries do not often launch public relations campaigns. However, recent changes and enhancements at the Geoffrey R. Weller Library at the University of Northern British Columbia prompted librarians to embark on a public awareness campaign built upon the “@ your library” framework. The campaign featured multiple strategies, including posters, displays, brochures, newspaper ads, and giveaways. The goal of the campaign was to break away from the stereotypical image of the library as a research necessity, and show it instead as the beating heart of the University. The campaign is evaluated and the continued need for marketing and promotion of academic library services is examined.  相似文献   


Special academic libraries are in the unique position to blend the innovative and user focused services of academic libraries with the niche collections of special libraries when serving their Millennial student population. Millennials are a highly researched generation, but special libraries may have not updated their services to reflect the needs and expectations of this rising generation. Maine Maritime Academy's Nutting Memorial Library serves as a case study of methods in which special academic libraries can incorporate Millennials' expectations of library spaces, services, and collections in sustainable ways.  相似文献   


A library and media center orientation program was developed for administrators, faculty and support staff after examining their information seeking behaviors, prior research, and demographics of this group. The goal of the orientation was to promote the library's and media center's services and resources; to encourage this user group to make use of them; and to teach the basic skills needed to address their information needs. This article includes a literature review; explanation of the processes involved in creating a library orientation program for this group; and discussion including ideas and thoughts as to where further research about this user group or library orientation programs might be beneficial.  相似文献   

高校图书馆开展经典阅读指导工作之研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阅读是人类获取知识的基本手段和重要途径,是民族文化、人类精神传承的重要方式之一。针对高校所面临的各种"阅读危机"现象,探索对大学生阅读指导的新模式,以实际、实用的方法来引导大学生养成阅读习惯,从而使学习专业知识与人文知识结合,培养民族道德与提升个人健康素质相结合。  相似文献   

高校图书馆开设就业信息服务的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了高校图书馆开设就业信息服务的必要性,概述了图书馆就业信息服务的现状,提出了高校图书馆开设就业信息服务的内容和方法。参考文献4。  相似文献   

数字图书馆时代高校图书馆人力资源的建设   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文从数字图书馆与传统图书馆区别入手,重点论述数字图书馆对其工作人员的素质要求;通过分析目前高校图书馆人力资源现状,提出强化高校图书馆人力资源建设的几项措施.参考文献4.  相似文献   

文章通过对北京师范大学珠海分校学生数字阅读情况的调查,分析大学生数字阅读的特点,提出高校图书馆应对数字阅读趋势的对策。  相似文献   

《未名学术快报》是北京大学图书馆创办的第一个面向科研的常规性信息产品,是其科研支持服务体系中的重要组成部分,也是高校图书馆创办学术类刊物的积极尝试。《快报》立足科研支持、突出学术性;关注人文社会科学学科发展,多维度展现北大科研成果和学科发展等,都是对高校图书馆创办学术类刊物的重要启示。  相似文献   


The authors present assessment strategies, research results, and decision making in the process of building a website and formalizing management procedures for a library in Kerala, India serving a significant number of deaf students. The strategies include user interviews and developing user experience personas, collecting and incorporating examples from other library sites in building a new website, and communicating new methods of managing and promoting library resources to the university community. The co-presenters encountered difficulties and some resistance regarding their suggestions for changes in the website as well as the public and technical services offered by the library due to differences in infrastructure and expectations in academic culture.  相似文献   

Academic libraries serve many student constituents, but one often overlooked group is students who are parenting children. Students who, by necessity or volition, bring their children with them to the library have specific needs. Serving these students, who often have difficulty succeeding and graduating at college, should be a priority for academic libraries. Offering assistance can help this group focus on their studies, achieve their academic goals, and thus decrease universities' attrition rates. This article begins by drawing on anecdotal evidence, then reviews existing literature on parenting students. Next, it examines and analyzes policies on children in academic libraries at large American universities. Half of all academic libraries don't have clearly accessible policies, and some have policies that discourage bringing supervised children to libraries, while a few have welcoming policies and facilities. This research shows that academic libraries can still make progress to serve a key constituency. Finally, it offers solutions for how academic libraries can serve parenting students, given varying spatial and financial constraints, as well as diffusing potential concerns that might hold academic libraries back from serving this part of the academic community. This analysis could be supplemented by further inquiry and interviews with libraries on how their policies were developed and are being implemented or with parenting students on what they desire and need from the academic library.  相似文献   

Academic libraries have always strived to be purposively involved in the university's mission attainment efforts. Today, the increase of retention levels is paramount, and, in many cases, it is at the center of higher education institution's strategic plans. For Andrews University, for example, the goal is to reach 80% in the next five years. In the United States, student retention efforts become even more critical due, in part, to declining enrollment numbers set off by soaring higher education costs. Academic librarians are aware of the library's role in the university's overall efforts to increase persistence rates and curtail attrition. Through a literature review, this article highlights how academic libraries are participating in this process. This study focuses on how academic libraries can be leaders in their Institutions by adopting a user-centered philosophy and services that will promote life-long learning, enhance students’ academic experience, and promote engagement, leading to retention.  相似文献   

论文从图书馆的本质要求、提高自身学术水平、树立图书馆学术形象和积极参与学术科研等角度就如何看待和促进图书馆的学术回归提出了一些观点、思路和方法,对高校图书馆开展有关工作有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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