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The Pennsylvania Union List of Serials (PaULS) is presently in the process of transition from development to maintenance. Since October 1, 1979, its development has been supported by the State Library of Pennsylvania with LSCA funds. The current article describes accomplishments of PaULS from early 1981 through April 1983 including the production of its "core titles" in COM fiche and the conversion of its records by OCLC to the format required for the union listing capability. Current and future problems for PaULS are discussed as are long-term maintenance issues. In addition, PaULS' role as one part of the national serials database is examined.  相似文献   

欧盟及欧洲诸国公共图书馆服务立法筒述(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共图书馆是各国政府出资设立的向本国公众提供知识和信息以及终身教育的重要公益性文化机构。欧洲各国尤其是西欧发达国家的公共图书馆事业历来比较发达,其原因主要与这些国家比较完备的相关立法有关。本文简要介绍了欧盟和丹麦、德国、俄罗斯、法国、芬兰、瑞士、匈牙利和意大利等国的公共图书馆发展现状及有关立法,并对立法中涉及公共图书馆服务的法律规定作了初步梳理,希冀对有关公共图书馆立法的研究提供一些文献上的帮助。  相似文献   

The current interest and activity in the production of serials union lists has not by-passed small nonacademic libraries, although they often do not have access to the latest automated means of production. The Illinois Valley Library System found itself in this position and, consequently, needed to make some difficult bibliographic decisions as well as find an efficient means of production. The Heart of Illinois Library Consortium Union List of Serials which resulted is arranged by latest title and was produced on an IBM Office System 6 word processor.  相似文献   

This paper elucidates the formation stages of the scientific-technical policy of the European Union, which is carried out according to medium-term framework programs and its major characteristics. It considers the history of creating and implementing the Framework Programs of the EU as the largest competitive scientific-technological programs in the world aimed at strengthening the European scientific-technical basis and supporting the competitive capacity of European industry in the world market. The dynamics of the development of scientific and technical cooperation between Russia and the European Union are analyzed.  相似文献   

This article tells the story of the University of Colorado Law Library's successful effort to develop its first digital archive. The sudden death of the law school's dean was the catalyst for this project, with a goal to unveil the archive at a memorial symposium scheduled nine months in the future. The University of Colorado Law Library staff had never tackled a project of this type or scale before. This article discusses the technological, cataloging, and management issues that were encountered during the project. It also provides advice and tips on how librarians in their own institutions can accomplish such a project.  相似文献   

杨俊杰 《兰台世界》2016,(21):17-19
"城市记忆工程"作为档案部门传承城市文脉的品牌性活动,近几年来却每况愈下,笔者从城市记忆内涵出发,通过引进虚拟档案馆的概念,构建立体网状式虚拟档案馆体系,为挖掘城市特色文化提供平台,形成以档案部门为核心的城市文化链,从而激活"城市记忆工程"。  相似文献   

档案与文化浅识(一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要充分发挥档案的作用,积极主动地开发档案信息资源,为社会各方面提供高质优效的报务,就必须在思想上明确一个问题,即,档案到底是什么,它与化有什么关系,它在化的建设和发展中能扮演什么角色以及怎样来扮演好这个角色,基于此,笔谈一些粗浅的看法,以就教于方家。  相似文献   

档案与文化浅识(二)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
5.档案的文化功能 既然档案不仅具有自己的本质属性,而且具有一般知识和一般信息的属性,那么,档案不仅具有其自身固有的功能,而且具有一般知识和一般信息的功能.这些功能主要是文化功能.概括起来主要有以下几种: 5.1存史功能.档案作为一种历史记录,如果档案保存完整的话,从宏观上说,它所记录的内容纵贯一个国家产生、发展的各个历史阶段,横括人类社会各个领域.  相似文献   

欧盟数字化长期保存研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从各项目资助经费、项目类型、参与机构、协调机构、目标受众和涉及的学科领域、研究趋势和启示借鉴7个方面调研欧盟委员会在第六和第七框架中资助的数字化长期保存项目的总体概况,分析发现,欧盟资助的数字化长期保存项目数量和经费明显增多,参与国家和机构更为广泛,保存的资源更为复杂,技术方法更为成熟,很多项目呈继承式发展,而且数字化长期保存意识已逐步渗入到更多的学科领域中。  相似文献   

The opening column offers an overview of the roles and interrelationships among authors, publishers, intermediaries, libraries, and consortia in the production, selling, and procurement of serial publications and generally traces the evolution of the commerce over the last several decades.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

2.5法国2.5.1公共图书馆事业概况法国的图书馆事业具有悠久历史,与图书馆馆藏建设密切相关的出版物缴存制度即首创于该国。1537年法国国王弗朗索瓦一世颁布了《蒙彼利埃敕令》  相似文献   

计算机技术和互联网的发展产生了大规模的数字化对象,如何长期保存这些大规模异质数字化资源,受到了欧盟国家的广泛关注。欧盟委员会每年投入大量经费资助国家级大型存储机构进行数字化长期保存研究。本文以欧盟委员会在第六和第七框架中资助的22项数字化长期保存项目为代表,从资源、研究重心、智能工具和方法等八个方面进行分析,揭示目前欧盟数字化长期保存研究的总体态势:资源类型增多且结构日趋复杂,研究重心从基础概念转向对智能工具方法以及语义技术的研究,从OAIS参考模型转向对工作流以及资源生命周期管理模型和框架的研究,测试平台涉及学科领域更为广泛,而且很多机构加大了对资源的审计研究。参考文献13。  相似文献   

刘立 《北京档案》1999,(8):20-21
20世纪50年代以来的50年,是世界经济高速发展的50年。为了适应经济的发展,各国的政府机构不断扩大,文件剧增;而先进的科学技术的采用又造成了文件的种类不断增生,由此导致了档案的构成及载体的变化,并进一步对传统的档案学理论产生了冲击。一、档案自身的发...  相似文献   

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