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There is a long history of effective co-operation and national initiatives in controlling and sharing serial data in Australia. Prior to the 1980's this largely took the form of manually produced national union catalogues such as Scientific Serials in Australian Libraries: Serials in Australian Libraries, Social Sciences and the Humanities; and Newspapers in Australian Libraries. The commencement of the Australian Bibliographic Network (ABN) in 1980 provided the mechanism for both a national shared cataloguing venture and a truly national on-line union catalogue. The National Union Catalogue of Serials produced from ABN was dependent on the addition of holdings by ABN participating libraries. Several factors contributed to the growth of serials data on the national bibliographic database-notably the steady increase in the number of ABN participants undertaking serials cataloguing on ABN, serial conversion work on titles in the National Library card catalogues, and major serial conversion work undertaken by other Australian libraries. Allhough much has been achieved in the 1980's there remains much to be done to enhance the coverage of bibliographic and holdings data for serials on ABN.  相似文献   

To investigate the use by OCLC member institutions of database records for pre-1950 serial publications and to compare the value of those records with the ones in the long standard Union List of Serials and the newly completed National Union Catalog, Pre-1956 Imprints, a residue of 50 titles found in a random sample of 200 serials drawn from OCLC in 1978 were examined in the database again in 1981 and searched in the printed tools. The 2 OCLC records were compared to find bibliographical modifications, last time of use, and additional libraries reported. The 1981 record was compared against records from ULS and NUC Pre-1956 for the number of libraries with ownership reported and the inclusion of selected bibliographical data. OCLC participants had made some use of more than half the records and appeared to be updating the bibliographical content as necessary. Almost all the titles were in one of the printed tools, but a substantial number were not in both. NUC Pre-1956 carried more of the titles than ULS, but ULS appeared to be the most comprehensive of the 3 tools for those serials it listed. OCLC followed ULS as a bibliographical resource while NUC Pre-1956 came second for identifying holding libraries. OCLC was concluded to have strength and potential as a pre-1956 serial information tool by its capacity to correct and add data while ULS and NUC Pre-1956 were concluded to be valuable backup sources for the older serial publications also having an online record available.  相似文献   

The Pennsylvania Union List of Serials (PaULS) is presently in the process of transition from development to maintenance. Since October 1, 1979, its development has been supported by the State Library of Pennsylvania with LSCA funds. The current article describes accomplishments of PaULS from early 1981 through April 1983 including the production of its "core titles" in COM fiche and the conversion of its records by OCLC to the format required for the union listing capability. Current and future problems for PaULS are discussed as are long-term maintenance issues. In addition, PaULS' role as one part of the national serials database is examined.  相似文献   

Providing access to periodicals holdings simply and efficiently has, historically, presented problems at Old Dominion University’s (ODU) Perry Library for a number of reasons. The availability of a large number of online journal titles from aggregators and the need to support remote access to these resources led to the Perry Library’s developing a comprehensive online periodicals database of print and online titles. This online system uses the Perl computer language and the MySQL relational database system.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a serials overlap study among the higher education institution libraries in the greater Glasgow area, which includes four university libraries. Were overlap to be significant, it was anticipated that there would be considerable scope for rationalisation of holdings among the libraries.

Serials holdings, obtained in electronic format from each library, were matched by ISSN or title, and amalgamated into a single database by the processing agency.

Of the 12,903 individual serials titles identified, 78.4% represent unique holdings. Across the twelve libraries, overlap ranged from 0% to 64.8%, with an average of 12.8%. Among the four university libraries, overlap ranged from 7.8% to 50.4%, with an average of 26.1%. This degree of overlap was less than had been anticipated, but was consistent with findings from earlier, monograph studies.  相似文献   

A project to recatalog and reclassify the book collection of the Bowman Gray School of Medicine Library utilizing the Magnetic Tape/Selectric Typwriter system for simultaneous catalog card production and computer stored data acquisition marks the beginning of eventual computerization of all library operations. A keyboard optical display system will be added by late 1970. Major input operations requiring the creation of "hard copy" will continue via the MTST system. Updating, editing and retrieval operations as well as input without hard copy production will be done through the "on-line" keyboard optical display system. Once the library's first data bank, the book catalog, has been established the computer may be consulted directly for library holdings from any optical display terminal throughout the medical center. Three basic information retrieval operations may be carried out through "on-line" optical display terminals. Output options include the reproduction of part or all of a given document, or the generation of statistical data, which are derived from two Acquisition Code lines. The creation of a central bibliographic record of Bowman Gray Faculty publications patterned after the cataloging program is presently under way. The cataloging and computer storage of serial holdings records will begin after completion of the reclassification project. All acquisitions added to the collection since October 1967 are computer-stored and fully retrievable. Reclassification of older titles will be completed in early 1971.  相似文献   

The planning of the Countway Library took place in an atmosphere of community interest and support. Architectural planning was effective and harmonious. The building functions well. The program of the Library is briefly described. Serials records, involving 17,000 titles, have been mechanized. A rare books program has been initiated. Since building occupancy, the Library has substituted copy service for the lending of periodicals. For an experimental period, the copy service was cost free. The Aesculapian Room, for non-medical recreational reading, has had the generous support of the Aesculapian Club. Plans for regional library service in New England are based upon an historic commitment of the Boston Medical Library. A MEDLARS regional search center and a national Vision Information Center have been established in the Countway.  相似文献   

以UNICORN系统中期刊馆藏的揭示工作为主题,通过对MARC21馆藏数据格式的研究,重点探讨了北京大学图书馆遵循MARC21馆藏数据格式对期刊馆藏复杂多变的情况进行处理的办法:为已有现刊收登记录的期刊添加866字段过刊馆藏、为没有现刊收登记录的期刊添加852和866字段过刊馆藏、充分使用852字段的子字段为分藏在不同地点的期刊添加过刊馆藏等。其中也介绍了国内其他图书馆的一些做法。  相似文献   

This assessment of the Siberia content monographs in polar collections of the Rasmuson Library of the University of Alaska at Fairbanks identifies language holdings and collection strengths, evaluates research potential and compares holdings with selected Pacific Rim libraries. Data indicate that Russian language titles outnumber English titles seven to one and other languages for to one. Two LC classes, science and history, comprise 44% of the holdings, while the four largest classes constitute 60% of the collection. The Siberiana collection can support research in selected subjects: history, anthropology/physical geography, Eskimo linguistics, agriculture, permafrost, and geology. The collection is about half the size of those at the University of Hawaii and Hokkaido University. It contains nearly as many Siberiana titles as do the Slavic ccollections of the University of California, Berkeley, and is a third larger than holdings in the collections of the University of Washington, Seattle, and several times larger than those of the universities at Oregon, British Columbia, Melbourne, and Stanford. Currently Rasmuson Library owns 4,333 titles, 2,064 cataloged and 2,269 partially processed.  相似文献   

王亚林 《图书馆建设》2012,(2):47-49,53
电子资源同传统纸质资源相比,具有数量大、更新快、多种载体表现并存等特点,且大部分出版机构能够提供数据源数据。这些特点决定了电子资源应采取与纸质文献不同的编目策略。电子资源编目的主要依据是《英美编目条例》的第9章、美国《国会图书馆条例解释》及全美期刊合作编目计划的规定。对于电子资源的编目,国外有单一记录编目法和分散记录编目法。北京大学图书馆采用后者,同时利用数据源数据批量自动编目。  相似文献   

我国县级公共图书馆现状调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以《中国图书馆年鉴2007》提供的数据为蓝本,从机构数量、从业人员及职称结构、馆藏文献总量、馆舍面积、现代化设备及服务以及2006年各地区县级公共图书馆经费收入、新购图书情况、平均每馆新购图书册数、平均每馆购书费情况及平均购书费占总支出比重,对我国县级公共图书馆的现状进行调查,然后根据发现的问题,提出建设性意见,以期为有关部门的决策提供参考。  相似文献   

The staff of the Quillen-Dishner College of Medicine Library cataloged 702 audiovisual titles between July 1, 1982, and June 30, 1983, using the OCLC database. This paper discusses the library's audiovisual collection and describes the method and scope of a study conducted during this project, the cataloging standards and conventions adopted, the assignment and use of NLM classification, the provision of summaries for programs, and the amount of staff time expended in cataloging typical items. An analysis of the use of OCLC for this project resulted in the following findings: the rate of successful searches for audiovisual copy was 82.4%; the error rate for records used was 41.9%; modifications were required in every record used; the Library of Congress and seven member institutions provided 62.8% of the records used. It was concluded that the effort to establish bibliographic control of audiovisuals is not widespread and that expanded and improved audiovisual cataloging by the Library of Congress and the National Library of Medicine would substantially contribute to that goal.  相似文献   

This case study is a citation analysis of 56 PhD theses submitted in 2005 at Wuhan University (www.whu.edu.cn) in China. The authors analyzed 10,222 citations in theses in Library and Information Science, Biology, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, and Stomatology and reviewed and compared the characteristics of the literature cited in the four disciplines. The results revealed that in Biology and Stomatology mainly English language publications were cited whereas in the field of Library and Information Science, the cited literature came primarily from Chinese sources. In Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, citations were almost evenly split between English and Chinese sources. An appendix with tables of the journal titles cited most frequently may be used to evaluate serial holdings and to serve as a guide for students preparing their theses. In addition, the implications for library collection development policies and other technical services are discussed.  相似文献   

In March 1981 the Consortium for Information Resources (CIR) was chosen by the Massachusetts Health Sciences Library Network to develop and automate a statewide biomedical union list of serials. Employing a commercial processor, ANSI standard Z39.42-1980, and SERLINE, CIR consolidated the journal holdings of six Massachusetts health-related library consortia. SERLINE, with its unique identifier as the single control element, governed the form of entry and bibliographic data for each journal. Additionally, SERLINE enhanced the union list by providing "see references" and general notations to map users to main titles or special information. An original feature of this union list is the "rolled" holdings and location statements intended to encourage even distribution of interlibrary loan transactions. The resulting union list of serials includes the holdings of 116 Massachusetts libraries, 94 of which are hospital libraries. The list includes nearly 3,000 unique titles and 15,000 holdings statements; production costs averaged $1.35 per unique title and 27 per holdings statement.  相似文献   

Serials cancellations are dreaded equally by librarians and faculty. Previously, faculty reviewed title lists, and librarians canceled what they recommended. Today's cancellation process is more complex; there has to be a context and a timetable. Reports must include at least data about historical pricing and titles associated with e-packages that are not cancellable. Although libraries' workflows differ, there are basic steps necessary to carry out a successful cancellation process. This joint presentation demonstrated how integrated planning and the use of serials management tools are used to organize complex information into useable data. It takes early and collaborative planning between Collection Development, teaching faculty, and Serials Technical Services to make a dreaded process less painful and more effective. This tactics session was delivered in parts by Susanne Clement and Gaele Gillespie, Head of Collection Development and Serials Librarian, respectively, at Watson Library, University of Kansas, and by Sarah Tusa, Coordinator of Collection Development and Acquisitions at the Mary and John Gray Library, Lamar University.  相似文献   

This article describes a multi-year project in which a small specialized academic library worked to restore and optimize its print serial holdings for preservation and access. After a review of the literature the article focuses on project work flow, preservation, bibliographic control, and the criteria for decision-making processes among the librarians to determine appropriate titles to keep or discard. Provided are data collected on titles, some statistics, and tentative future plans to augment access and digitize holdings.  相似文献   

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